The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 18, 1901, Image 3

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    The Dalles Stiff
DEC. 18, inn
All Waeeo County warraata regietered
prior to .Tannery , 1809, will bo paid
an urenentatlon at my oBBoe. Intercut
ceaie. alter November 1, J 80 1 .
County Treasurer.
Coal stoves. A new line just received
at Maier & Benton's. It
The Fortnightly will meet tomorrow
afternoon with Mm. W. H. Moody.
Lost Small ring with goloVnngget set.
Finder will please leave same at The
Chronicle office.
There is nothing that makes a better
Xmae preeTtt than a Garland stove.
Maier & Benton, sole agents. It
A marriage license was issued thiE
afternoon to Alexander Mclennan and
Jessie McKay, both of Antelope.
Get our prices on Christmas candies,
nuts, figs, dates, etc., before buying
elsewhere. Maier & Benton. It
At the Catholic fair last night R.
Skibbe drew the lucky ticket for the
beautiful cigar ribbon pillow.
For the benefit of Christmas shippers,
the Pacific Express Company's office
will be open every evening till 8 o'clock
from now until Christmas.
The Salem Sentinel is after the state
land board for making a loan of $2400
on "48.28 acres of flat, unimproved farm
land in the vicinity of the state fair
grounds, northeast of Salem." The
Sentinel says the land was assessed for
1900 taxes at 887.
A visit to my salesroom will convince
you that my large stock of shells, corals,
and shell jewelry ia second to none in
heanty and quality. My prices are rea
sonable and my expenses small. Frye,
the shell dealer and wire expert, next
door to Racket store. dlO-lt
Uneeda milk bi;on' oysteretts, zu za
maps, graham wafers, ginger wafers,
athena wafers. These wafers are put up
in packages coating from 5c to 35c, and
are manufactured by the National Bis
cuit Co., and are considered the nicest
goods of the kind on the market. Maier
& Benton. It
The accident at Salem resulting in the
death of an engineer and fireman has
been traced to a 10-year-old boy, the aon
of a Salem lawyer. The real blame
though lies with the person who left the
switch unlocked. The boy didn't know
any better. The men who failed to lock
the switch did.
Detective Joe Reiley has interviewed
the Times-Mountaineer man and told
him that he didn't threaten the negro,
Kidd, and used no gun had none, in
fact, with him at the time, as he had
given his pistol to the day clerk at the
Umatilla House at 8 o'clock that morn
ing and didn't call for it again until that
The Astoria postmaster last Monday
found letter in bis office addressed to
"Sauta Glaus, Greenland." The post
master opened the letter and found that
it was from the little aon of a prominent
citizen of the town who asked the good
saint to send bim an air gun. The let
ter was tent to the boy's lather, who
will doubtless aee that the wish of the
boy is gratified.
The health officer reported this morn
ing that there are now four houses
quarantined for diphtheria. The quar
antine waa raised yesterday from the
residences of T. T. Nichols and Peter
Fegan. Unfortunately there are two
new oases in a family named Mover, who
live up near the old fair ground. But
for this only three houses would now Jw
unaer quarantine.
If you don't think the people read
The Chronicle ask John Fleming, with
Maier & Benton. He put an ad. in yes
terday's paper, announcing that be had
a lot of flue Leghorn chickens that he
wanted to dispose of cheap. In less
than two hours after the ad. was in
type the chickens were told at Mr.
Homing's own price, and he could have
sold them many times since.
The vote at the Catholic fair for the
chafing dish, to be give to the most
popular lady, stood at noon today as
follows : Frudeuee Patterson, 10 ; Elsie
Carey, 8; Melvia Dawson, 12; Mamie
Helen Flynn, 16; Edith Fisher, 6; Mrs.
Joe Bonn, 6. The veto for the silver
mounted gavel, to be given to the meat'
Popular fraternal order, stood as follows :
fcglm,40;ReMeB, 18; Artisans, 10;
Maoeebses,K;Uuu 10; Foresters, 88.
Hers g bard oaeoa the otjarstie;
Joeeah Ooe a wcdta mea, two yean eo
At Andrew Keller's.
warded tbs bsaVfBl M-M- Q&lfi"aM9'lm- dlK-lmo
nab Parker, a celebrated Indian cblef
sad statesman ol Indian Territory. The
otter day the eqoaw wire found Cox
smoking cigarettes. She immedi .telv
doffed for American olothe. put on a
lot of red, white and green blankets,
stropped her papoose on her back and
returned to civilization.
Al Bettingen, Charley Frank, Andy
Keller and Ricky Haesalo were seen to
day wending their way from the railroad
depot to their respective homes each
oenaing under the weight of a big
gunny sack full of jack rabbits. They
had been up in the neighborhood of
Castle Rock since Sunday and are re
ported to have slaughtered between 76
and 100 head. Just what they did with
all the rabbits is not known by this de
ponent. He only knows that his visions
of hare soup have vanished into thin
Seth Morgan requests The Chronicle
to announce that there will be a meet
ing at the Star lodging house at 2
o'clock next Saturday afternoon, for the
purpose of organizing a socialist club.
The Chronicle gladly publishes the an
nouncement. This latest outgrowth of
the Bixteen-to-one-or-bust lunacy is to
be encouraged as it affords a channel for
the harmless discharge of anti-republi
can effervescence. The more socialists
the fewer democrats, and the fewer dem
ocrats the better for the country all
The troubles of Paul Mohr'e transpor
tation line from Spokane to Portland
have assumed a new phase. Contrac
tors Winters and Chapman have been
awarded a judgment for $30,000 against
tbe Central Navigation & Construction
Company, which built the road around
the falls at The Dalles. Tbe intervening
suits of A. A. Hutchinson for $300,000,
and Joseph Auerbach for $57,000. as
holders of bonds issued by Mohr'e com
pany, have been dismissed. It is prob
able, however, that the sale of the road
to satisfy Winters and Chapman's
judgment will be postponed for the
pending appeal.
The argument in the case of Brown
and Maddox vs. the Oregon King Min
ing Company was completed yesterday
afternoon, says today's Oregonian.
Judge Bellinger charged the jury, and
they retired about 4 p. m. to deliberate
upon their verdict. A little before 7 p.
m. they came into court and returned a
verdict in favor of the plaintiffs. It will
be remembered tliat the case waa tried
at the spring term of the United States
court, and a verdict was rendered in
favor of plain tins, but this was set aside
by Judge Bellinger, on error in law.
The mine ia situated at Ash wood, seven
teen miles south of Antelope, in Crook
county. . The value of the mine cannot
be definitely known, but it is stated that
an offer of $300,000 lies been made for it
and the prospective value is very much
greater. A large amount of rich rock
has been taken out by the company,
which it is understood will still belong
to them.
The remains of the late Mrs. M. J.
Atwell, of Cascade Locks, were brought
to town on the noon train today, and
were laid to rest in the Odd Fellows
cemetery this afternoon, the funeral
being held at the undertaking rooms of
Crandall &-Bnrgett. The services were
conducted by Rev. Mx. Walker, pastor
of the M. at the locks of which
Mrs. Atwell had been a member for the
past six years. The deeeased was a
native of the state of Pennsylvania,
where she waa born November 7, 1820.
Her maiden name was Harvey and she
was married in 1840 to C. E. Williams.a
resident of Illinois. From that state
he and her husband started to cross the
plains in 1862 but Iter husbond died on
the way. Arriving that year at the
looks she was married in 1858 to Mr.
Atwell and the following year the couple
took up what is known as the Atwell
Donation Land claim. On this claim
Mrs. Atwell lived until the final sum
monasame. Mrs. Atwell was a most
worthy christian woman, greatly be
loved and respected by all who knew
Catholic Kair 1'rogram
Following is the program to be given
at the Catholic fair this (Wednesday)
evening i
Duet "Rough Rider
Mr. rlli auu auas uenevKie riw
Vocal duet Miss Irene and James rlycu
Vocal aolo "The Holy City ' . Mre. ft. J. Slnuott
There will bee special meeting of Co
lumbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. . on
Thursday. Dec. Jfltfa, at 12:30 p. m., for
tbe purpose of attending the funeral of
oar late brother, R. L. Mcintosh, wbicb
will take place from tbe Calvary Baptist
church at 1:80 p. m. All members and
visiting brothers are requested to be
present. By order of tbe N. Q. O. 0.
Dosne, secretary. 2
New ih Shop.
Harold Hansen announces that be has
started a shoe shop ia tbe East End,
nextftothsBslsee Hotel. All kinds of
repair work done la first elate shape at
ITtaa Catholic Fair.
The Catholic fair opened last night at
the Vogt opera house with a smaller at
tendance than the elaborate prepara
tions of tbe lady managers deserted.
First night, however, was net expected
to draw a great crowd. That will un
doubtedly come later on. The hall waa
handsomely decorated and the numer
ous booths, which were filled with sueh
articles of nee and ornament as were
fitted to open the puree of tbe most
miserly, were canopied with Japanese
umbrellas and brilliantly lighted with
Chinese lanterns. A small army of ir
resistible young ladies and most per
suasive matrons did the soliciting act to
perfection and few there were of the
tether eex who didn't leave the hall with
their pockets stuffed with as many toys
Mad Yankee notions as old Santa Clans
himself will have on his Christmas
The Chronicle representative was
particulary interested in noting ths
numerous and valuable presents that
had been contributed to tne fair by the
business men and private citizens of The
Dalles. Among tbe list is a magnificent
silver-mounted gavel whieh will be dis
posed of to the most popular fraternal
order; a beautiful chafing dish, which
will be gives to tbe most popular young
lady ; a Garland cook Move the gift of
Maier & Beaten: a cent's bicycle, by
Mays A Crowe ; patchwork qnilt, Mrs,
P. Gorman ; three patchwork oolite, Mrs.
Doberty ; a boggy robe, R. L. Kock ;
pair of white wool blankets, A. M. Wil
liams & Co ; tailor-made suit of clothes,
made to fit, the gift ot Pease A Mays ;
jockey saddle, G. J. Farley ; White sew
ing machine, Mrs. D. Handley ; rocking
chair, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Flynn ; couch,
Mrs. Chapman ; chafing dish and French
coffee pot, Mrs. Handley ; set of carvers,
Sexton A Walther ; a 32-caliber Reming
ton rifle, Mays A Crowe ; oil painting,
Miss Lillie Seufart; really magnificent
lot of needlework, Mrs. Hallie; a pair of
portiers and a foot stool, gift of Mrs.
Chapman ; center table, Great Northern
Furniture Co. ; rocking chair, Prinz A
Nitchke: dram pattern, A. M. Williams
A Co. ; $10 silk stirt, Pease & Mays ;S0
pound scoured wool mattress, J M Rue
sell ; ladies gold watcb, Father Brans
geeet; rag earpet, Mrs. E. F. Sharp; an
Elk's pillow, Mrs. Hark nese ; cigar rib
bon pillow, Miss Katie Kelly; drawn
work pillow, Mrs. Toomey; fancy de
signed pillow, sisters of St.Mary's Acad
emy; valuable horse, H. E. Smith, of
Sherman county.
The above is only a partial list, hur
r iedly taken, of a most elaborate collec
tion of things naefnl and ornamental.
Boroala Shoe Sample.
A representative of the Knigbt Shoe
Co., of Portland, will be at tbe Umatilla
House annex, Wednesday and Thursday
(today and tomorrow) only with s com
plete line of Sorosis and Walk-over sam
ples end will bs prepared to take orders
for these justly celebrated lines. There
is no more sensible or suitable holiday
present than a pair of tbe Sorosis, tbe
most stylish and comfortable as wall as
tbe moat durable ahoe ever seen in The
Dalles. All are cordially invited to in
spect tbe samples. Open until 10 p. m.
both evenings.
Respectfully, f
Knight Shoe Co.,
digit per C. C. Coulter.
We will pay $25 reward for tbe arreet
and conviction of any person trespassing
upon the football park, molesting or de
stroying tbe fence. Smell boys who
have been digging noies unaer tne teoee
are liable to arreet sad are included in
the above.
Belukn H. Grant,
L. A. Porter,
E. Kurtz,
d4-lm Otis Patterson.
SatlaSad People.
are the best sdvertieers for Foley's
Honey sad Tar and all wbo use it agree
that It is a splendid remedy for eougbs,
or tore lungs. Clarke A Falk.
Foley's Kidney Curt
f a) a m m m mm e al A
You will not have boils if von
Clarke Folk's ears care lot boils.
Gilford's Fotoe Never Fade.
Subscribe for The Chromic l.
Will ooii be here, and a nearly ev
ery one is looking for present of some
kind for father or mother, brother or
sister or friend, I wish to say that we
have n great many article that will
make a nice uresent for anyone, and a
to prise we can suit the amalleet puree
Calf early and make your select ion.
to Save Maaey
Blakeley's Drug Store, S
Our new
are all 1901 subjects
No carry-overs.
MAIL ORHIKS rtvolvr our
personal attention.
Trilby and Cole s Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
Tbe introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tight Hester has revolution
ised the heating stove trade in all sections of the United Slates. Its won
derful economy in tbe nee of fnei, end many other excellent qualities,
strongly recommend it to all in nee J of a heating stove.
4 What Cota'a Heater Will Do.
This stove will heet a room from aero to
90 degrees In five minutes.
Every one of Cole's
air-tight as long as need,
have one or more of these
4 Sold
Sold by MAIER
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out We also carry a line of TRILBY
First-Class Regular Meals.
Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served
at all hours and in all styles.
Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates
ana coniecuons.
One Minute read this ad,
One Minute to look at our window,
X Two Minutes
We are Headquarters for
The Hub Clothing Co.,
78 2d St.. THE DALLES
Our Christmas lines
are finer then ever.
Over three times as many
as last year.
The prices are 25 to 90 per cent
lower than Portland.
K very Packet delivered Free,
promptly, in the city.
It will heet your house evenly day and
It holds fire 36 hours without attention.
You build only one fire each winter.
It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and
corncobs, and gives excellent remits with
this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted.
The stove is light and easily moved and
set up.
The oombustion Is perfect end asbee ere
removed only once in four weeks.
None of the heat Is wasted and the stove
., sill save one-half ot your fuel bill.
P It is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Original Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to stav
Where wood is used for fuel every family should
& BENTON, The Dalles.
Always iresn.
To Plemae) Your Little) Ones
Memewe You e e? e
ae Hr full line of new toys, tames awl
dolle are nner and at a lees price than
ever. Oar afcre is headquarters for
Santa Clans, and we take pleasure In
showing everything in detail.
tm i mm
The largest and Burnt
complete line of . . .
ever show ii in the ity
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Cos
Paint and OH Store).
To any part of the city. Will
make all trains. Light
baggage free of charge
to all passengers.
Day and Night Service.
Day Phone Grant's, Local 211, Lone
Distance 1311; Night Phones Net
son's, Locsl 334, Lung Dlst. 1151.
Porter t Anderson Proprietors.
Trausaot a General Basking Business.
Letters of Credit Issued available In
the Eastern 8 tales.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
8t. Louis, Mea Preaeiaeo, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash., and various points
In Oregon and Washington.
Collections mode at ell points oa fee
orable terms.
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Has just received 1000 samples
of the lateet patterns in Gent's
Clothing Goods; He gnaran
teee prices and e good lit or no
pay. s :
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Undertaker mi Embalmer
Cor. Third and Waehlngton Ste.
All orders attended to promptly. Loog
dlttenee phone 483. Local. 102.
QH. TAl'l k MEM..
uffii v, Mm. Morgan') Art Mtudlu 'OflU-u hour.
I to ftp. m. It-la
L. Lane,
Boisesttf I
Wftgem and Carriage work,
riah toother Wagon.
r Meedaeeraere.
Tne headquarters el The Pallet and
Seaelko tinge Mae lease at the Uetaee
Ma Hotel. Mtage leave taere ter laaa
lao every aaoralaf , eaeept starter, ft ft
o'eioek. Paesearr rate teftaeaiae ,
J. If Toaajtw,