The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 18, 1901, Image 2

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    Lace Curtains
Irish point curtains in a choice and varied
assortment Duchess, Novelty and Point de Paris
effect, Arabian and Renaissance, at $3.50, $4.50,
$6.00, 16.50, $7.60, $9.00, $10.00 and $11.00.
The pleasure-of Christmas shopping depends wholly on the store itself. At PEASE & MAYS'
you will find the greatest and best assorted stock of Holiday Merchandise in the city. To prove
this is to visit our different departments. These are a few of the reasons why you can derive
pleasure from your shopping here. The economy of our policy is more pronounced during the
Christmas trade than at any other time.
The celebrated
black only, at. . .
La Vftda in
...4. 94.50
PortierS and Couch Covers
Persian and oriental designs, fringed on
ends; splendid holiday values at $2.50, $3.50,
$4.60 and $6.00.
in all grades of domestic and
foreign Fancy Hose in all the
latest colorings at 23e. JOc. 73c. $1, 12.5
Acceptable Gilts
Straight-front domestic Corsets;
special 1.J
Don't Overlook
the Old Mian
Your brother or dear friend. J lis last
year's' overcoat may be a little shabby,
and these Bharp mornings demand a
irood one. Our stock was never so full
of good ones. Look at the cut see the
style of it; the way it hangs ; the cut of
it; the length; the fullness at the hot -torn,
and the vertical pockets. These
overcoats are made from fine Oxford
Frieze, light, dark and medium shades.
Don't hesitate at price, for we have
t item at
$6.50 to $25.
Smoking Jackets.
If lie smokes, buy him one; if he don't,
get him one anyway, because they are
anti-lodge stay-at-home kind. It's hard
to get anything for a man, but you try
him on this; you can buy him one at
or we will
to reach. .
eoiaMT imi
haht. 4
There are are a thousand and one things
that we can interest you with if you will
give us a call.
Bath Robes
There are not many men who know the comfort of a Bath Robe. The experi
ence of last year taught us the importance of Men's Bath Robes as Holiday Gifts;
that's why we have provided so lavishlv ahead of the rush days.
Holiday prices $3, $3.50, $4, $4.25and 5 all sizes.
V 0
i Men
We have the hand
some ones, bright and
new for Christmas.
The prettiest de
signs that the art of
man can produce.
Every shape, too,
that fashion allows.
There is scarcely a man, young or old, who will
not receive a tie from his wife, sister or best girl. We
believe that if every lady who buys a tie would look
here first we would sell everv Christmas tie sold in
The Dalles. At 25c, 35c, 60c, 75c, $1 and $1.25.
are one of the things largely bought for Christmas
gifts. We are showing one of the handsomest lines
made in America.
Web Suspenders at 50c, 75c and $1.
-ilk, Suspenders, with gold-plated mountings, at
75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75.
Gentlemen w ho want something dif
ferent from what are seen every day on
the street, will find them here.
Our Holiday styles are just the thing ;
neat and dressy. $1.60, $1.75, $2, $2.25.
There are a thousand and one things
we can interest you with if you will give
us a call.
Greater, far greater than ever before, is our holiday stock of
Handkerchiefs. Belfast with its famous Irish handker
chiefs, St. Gall with its exquisite Swiss embroidered, have contribu
ted to our mammoth stock. We are offering you values that are
positively the lowest priced goods ever offered yon.
Handkerchiefs for Women.
Hemstitched, plain hem, in 1 and inch hem, at 5c, 6Jc 10c,
17c, 20c and 25c.
Hemstitched and embroidered edges, 12c, 15c, 17c, 20c, 25c, 35c,
40c, 50c and 75c.
Fine linen hand embroidered at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. $2.00, $2.50,
$3.00 and $3.60.
Initial handkerchiefs, pure linen, 3 in box
Initial handkerchiefs for children, 3 in box, for
Women's Dressing Jackets
in Heavy Wool Eiderdown.
What could be more appropriate than a nice house jacket ? They
come in four shades, nicely trimmed. We have them at 66c, 75c,
95c, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.60, $3.00 and $3.50.
Neckwear for Women.
Stock collars in all shades of satin, handsomely trimmed in lace,
at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50.
Ruffs, in chiffon and liberty silk, in black and white and all
black, at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50.
Kid Gloves.
High grade Gloves, made by P. Centemeri and Dent, Allcroft & Co.,
are always acceptable presents by anyone. Full line of shades and
at two prices $1.00 and $1.50
Social oikn.
Flannel Waist Patterns
Pretty and dainty shirt waist patterns, made of plain allwool flannel
with embroidered trimming, 3-yard patterns ; suitable for holiday
gifts. Choice of any in the house $2.10
Dress Goods and Silks
Can we fit you out with a handsome pattern for your wife, sister or
mother ' Let us help you out. We can sell you nice patterns for a
full suit at $3.50, $4.60 and $6.00. Some nice patterns in black silks.
Christmas SR(ers.
Hera is where Santa Clans always buys
his slippers. Ladies' slippers in satin,
kid and patent leather, from 1 strap to
8 straps ; for home comfort, for recep
tions, for balls, for parties, they are an
important part of every lady's toilet.
Felt slippers at 86c, $1, $1.60, $1.76
Kid slippers at. $1.25, $1.60, $1.76, St.00, $8.50
Children's &liers
in red and brown felt, at
65c, 75c, 65c and $1.15.
Men's Sliders
in calf, kid and velvet embroidered, at
65c, 75c, $1, $1.50,
$1.75 and $2.00.
&HPP A I Ladies' high cut Storm Boots, heavy sole, 9 i
extension edge ; regular $4.00 boot, for pJ.
Ladies' Storm Rubbers to fit Nos. 2 Uj, 3 and 4 shoes for 15c.
Patent Leather
Lace Shoe
Regular $5.00 Shoe,
for $4.00.
Money Sent Here Brings a Merry Christina.
Ladies9 Cloaks, Suits. Purs and Skirts.)
We are still showing a few good numbers in wraps in 27, 86 and 32-inch lengths. Either garment would make a
handsome present, or perhaps some furs would suit you better. We will make the price easy for you.
Holiday Prices will be 10 (wr cent off on EVEBY Garment Offered.
For holiday gifts nothing is more acceptable and
useful than a Rug. We have a fine lot of them in
Mocruette, Smyrina
And Brussels,
at $1.26, $1.75, $8.00, $4.50 aud $0.60.
Every item in oar list is a value unexcelled;
every article offered is a worthy article.
t 25c, 50c and 15 Cent.
noHdau Umbrella Sale
Women's umbrellas in all silk, handsomely
mounted, in silver and natural sticks, at
$2.75, $8.00, $8.50, $8.75, $4,
$5,00 and $6.00.
Our Orocery Department Spectacular with Holiday Offerings.
Christmas cheer. What is it without the
good things to eat? For palatable, whole
some table cheer come to this great depart
ment simply spectacular with the enor
mous stocks temptingly displayed for Ninas
shoppers. The prices not only appeal to
the trade they force the business, for they
are wonders.
Plum Pudding.
Unions 20c per doz
Oranges, 1Mb ... 36c "
Oranges, 175a SOc "
Bananas 25c and 80c "
Pineapples 40c each
California 1 lb bricks 8 lbs for 26c
California White, bulk 8 lbs for 26c
California Black s, lbs for 26c
Mince Meat.
Libby's, Is per ickage
Walnuts UXcperlb
Almonds 16c par lb
Brasil 17c per lb
Pecans 17c par lb
Filaerte Its per lb
Raw Peanuts 8tfc per lb
Roasted Peanuts 10c per lb
Boston Baked Beans Wc
Chrlatma Candle and Favor.
A great tock- beautiful stoek-e tempting stock- delicious stock. Such is the stock
show' in the Confectionery Lepartment at present. And it may be remarked that a box of
Candy makes a most pleasing Christmas gift. Profit by our prices.
Plain mixed a
Broken mixed j
Dosion mixea u
nuwvu win UUC
Lemon Drops
Chocolate Brown
Aaiorted Stick id.
Peanut Stick ifa
Hoarhound llWc
Persian 8Kcperlb
Cherry Creek, 1 lb fi
Par quart 10c
deny asans ,
Gordon & Dilworth, 1 lb
m "Sib
16c Matchless Chocolate Wo
an niiUkMuuu. w
TlonsMka Kusmats 10c