BeDjflB TUESDAY DEC 17. 1901 TREASURER'S NOTICE. Ail Wasco Conoty warrants rea;ltired prior to JMMffr 4, ISM, will be paid vo presentation at my ofllea, Intercut cae after November 19. 1901. JOHN F. HAMPSfUKK, County Treamrer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Menefee & Parkins have a most com plete line of toys for little folks. Worsted gloves are the latest sensible fad for street wear. A. M. Williams & Co. have them. A marriage license was issued tbi morning to Oscar Hill, of Sherman county, and Marie Aldrich, of Michigan. All )ariis', misses' and children's jackets and long coats are going at re duced prices at A. M. Williams & Go's. A marriage license was issued yester day afternoon to Joseph 8chmidt and Myrtle L. Barnes, both oi Cascade Locks. It's easy to select Christmas presents if you look over those Indian and foreign nurios, sea shells and novelties, at Wild' er's. dl-7-lw Cigars for Christmas in handsome boxes or 12, 13, 25, 50 and 100; every popular brand, cheap, at Grant's the only exclusive cigar store in the city. dcen-lwk Ladies, A. M. Williams & Co. still have one or two of those styliph Oxford gray raglans in stock, which are now marked $1 0.50, instead of $20. Similar reductions on all other styles. For sale Eleven laying Buff and Brown Leghorn hens, and one Buff Leg horn rooster. For sale cheap, because can't keep them any longer. Apply to J. N. Fleming, with Maier & Benton. dl7 4t All members of Columbia lodge No. 5, I. O. O. F., are requested to be present at the regular meeting, on Wednesday evening, to make arrangements for the funeral of oar late brother, R. L. Mcin tosh. O. D. Doane, secretary. Tbe funeral of tbe late Robert Mcin tosh will take place from tbe Calvary Baptist church next Thursday at 1 :30 p. m. It is hoped by tbat time tbe de ceased brother, Walter, who has been notified, will have time to get here irom San Francisco. Tbe largest and beat collection of Ore gon and Indian views in tbe city at Wilier's 'photo studio. Souvenir size, 10 cents ; medium, 15 cents ; large ones, 25 cents. Reiuember these views' are finished on aristo and bromide carbons and guaranteed for all time. dl7-lw Mrs. Faulkner has gone to Portland for a few weeks where she will devote ber time to tbe study of head, facial and body massage under Mrs. Prof, Bortell. A lady understanding this line of work has long been wanted in The Dalles, and there is no doubt but tbat Mrs. Faulk ner will meet with success. There will be a special meeting of Co lumbia Lodge, Mo, 5, I. O. O. F. on Thursday, Dec. 19th, at 12:30 p. m., for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, B. L. Mcintosh, wbicb will take place from the Calvary Baptist church at 1 : 30 p. m. All members and visiting brothers are requested to be preaent. By order of the N. Q. O. D. Doane, secretary. 2t The Wblte Collar line was to bare given its ultimatum to the D. P. & A. N. people today in tbe matter of tbe pend ing rate war but failed, giving as a reason that President Seeley of tbe former line was unable to come to Tbe Dalles today, but expected to be here next Tbnreday. The officers of tbe D. P. & A. N. Co., are not feeling particularly sanguine over tbe result. They expect a war tbat will be a fight to a finish for at least on of the ooebatants. The latest achievement in Frenob surgery la an artificial larynx. Tbe pa tient using it was presented before the ecademy of medicine. He wae able to eat and speak. The apparatus consists of a vulcanite reproduction of a larynx adapted above the trachea. A rubber diaphragm replaces the glottis. It vi brates, but gives only one note. The patient's speech Is, therefore, monotone. A metallic grating prevents tbe ingress of solid food. Liquid falls into a funnel and is conducted to tbe esophagus. An interior orifice facilitates respiration. It Is said tbat thirty-seven persons are putting in claims for tbat $1,000 reward for tbe arrest and conviction of tbe man who to responsible for tbe late train wmc near Oehlo. This may be extravagant, bat it Is a sober fact tkat h l ik bJmw Miaar to wheen Mm negro Bret confessed tbat be did to dead, pas mode n tarsal pall- and cefkapfjli-4 'Oysters E j At Andrew Keller's. Mha taartff for a share of the reward on the round tbat the negro fltt confessed to him. Asa matter of fact The Chronicm has mighty little faith in that negroes story and seriously doubts if anyone will ever handle a cent of reward for his conviction. Mrs. M.J. Atwell died at the Cascade Locks on tbe land where she had lived for nearly half a century, and which she and her husband took up under the old donation land claim law in the early fifties. No particulars ot her death have reacnea nere Dot it is presumed it came about through old age as she is believed to have been over 80 rears old. C. N. Burget took a casket to tbe locks this afternoon in which to bring the remains here tonight for burial tomorrow. Mrs. Atwell was twice married. She leaves five sons, two by her first husband and three by ber second. Two of tbe latter, John and Wilbur, make their home at tbe Cascade Locks. Three applications were made today to Judge Blakeley, by as many lawyers, for the appointment of an administrator of tbe estate of John Sipma, who died intestate recently at Hood River. Judge Martin I.. Pipes, of Portland, appeared for Frank Chandler ot Portland ; A. A. Jayne for J. T. Neileigh, of Hood River, and B. S. Huntington for Leslie Butler, of the same place. Subsequently Mr. Jayne amended bis application by re questing that both Mr. Neileigfa and Mr. Bntler be appointed. The judge took the matter under advisement and has not yet announced his decision. Sipma is said to have ieft about $70,000 worth of property, $12,000 woitb of which is in the Hood river valley. The Oregonian says speculation is rife in Portland as to who will receive the $1,000 reward offered by tbe O. R. & N. Co., ior tbe arrest and conviction of the person or persons who wrecked the train uear Celilo December Gtb. The specula tion is, of course, somewhat previous. Addison Kidd, the self-confessed wreck er, has not been convicted yet and may never be ; but should it be proved that he did the mischief there is one man, whose name has never yet been men tioned by the papers, who will cut an Important figure when the question as to who is responsible for Kidd's arrest comes to be determined. Tbat man is Agent James Ireland. It was he that first conceived the idea ot the'uegro's arrest, and it was he that diplomatically invited the negro into his caboose when coming this way from the scene of tbe wreck, and it was Jie tbat telegraphed from the wreck for officers to be at the depot when he would return to town as be Intended not to come back here without him. With these facts undisput ed who is responsible for the negro's ar rest? Grover Wickham, tbe 12-year-old son of R. F, Wtckbam, of Dutch fiat, was brought to The Dalles hospital last nigbt, suffering from concussion of the brain, supposed to have been incurred by bis being thrown from a horse tbat he was riding bareback. The boy is still unconscious so tbat how- the acci dent happened nan only be guessed at. He wae at home alone for a few days While bis father was doing carpenter work on J. T. Peters' new store building. The supposition is tbat tbe boy mounted one of his latner's corses to visit a neighbor's bouse, and while on the way wae thrown violently to the ground. He wae found shortly after tbe accident with the animal standing close by. He had fallen on hie head and a pool of blood lay beside bint tbat bad exuded from bis ears and montb. Vest Fox found tbe lad in thir condition and took him to Otto Green's where the blood was washed from his face so that be could be recognised. He was then wrapped up and brought to tbe 'hospital, arrivine- here about 10 o'clock. This afternoon tbe boy was still unconscious and inquiry at tbe hospital elicited tbe information tbat practically no hope U entertained of bis recovery. Catholic Fair Program. Following is tbe program to be given at tbe Catholic fair, wbicb opens tbi evening at tbe Vogt opera house : Coronet Solo Jam P. Benton Character Song Haael Waud Piano Selection Mary Goelner Maw Shoe aha. Harold Hansen announce that he ha started a shoe abop In tbe East End, next to tbe Sklbbe Hotel. All kind of repair work done In firat class shape at reasonable price. dIMmo CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. 11 KM Ym Nan Always BagM Bears the Try Van Nordnn's far a perfect fit in mmmmm old OT OUtC. Mar Sicbtd Of iLr abrhlnd. m. wx Urinuru a rwws - A tMtles itaf Comaaa. Mq L.X. Hill, superintendent of tbe Columbia Mining and Milling Co., re cently incorporated at The Dal a capital stock of IWOO.OUO,! city last week, says the Grant County News. - i Mr. Hill has been at The Dalle sine he left here over a year ago, for the par pose of organising this company to develop the Last Chance mine, situated about six mile east of Canyon City and one mile from the famous Prairie Dig gings mine. Mr. Hill succeeded not only in organ i ring the company bn also in selling sufficient stock to pi the company in a position to do e tensive development work The company is composed of promi nent business men and capitalists of Tbe Dalies, its president being ex Senator Dufur; vice-president, T. A. Hudson ; secretary, T. Brownhil! ; su perintendent, L. L. Hill; treasurer, District Attorney Menefee. . It is the intention of Superintendent Hill to pnsh development work as rapid ly as possible this winter, in fact work has already been commenced. A small force of men will be employed during the winter and this force will be aug mented in tbe early spring. A shaft will be sunk to a distance of 200 feet and a new tunnel driven for the purpose of cross cutting tbe Main ledge. A 250-foot tunnel has already been opened up on the property and the ore givee flattering away. It is the intention of the new company to place a stamp mill on tbe property sometime next season. "" The above mine is in the immediate neighborhood of the famous Great Vnrthern mmp nnt nf whioh Tke Ynkar dug $40,000 worth of the yellow matajjnl a few days' time.CTmly last week this same Yuker and a man named Dart struck a decomposed seam of quartz in another adjoining mine tbat, on further development, is expected to disclose a mine possibly as rich as the Great Northern. Obituary. On Dec. 10, 11)01, in this city, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. George Kraase, Mr. Qtto Frederick Murhard passed away from this life to tbe life be yond the grave. Mr. Murhard was born in Frankford, Germany, Oct. 8, 1822. He came to America when but s lad of 16 years. He baa visited all tbe principal seaports of Forth and South America, and tbe West Indies while In the V. S. navy. Settling in South Carolina be there married Miss Caroline Bougbman in the year 1842. In 1858 they emigrated to Washington oounty, Oregon. Four children, Gus tavus and George Henry Murhardt.Mra. George S. Kranas, Mra. Butterfield also one brother, Gostavus Murhart, are left to mourn the loss of father and brother. His wife died Nov. 17, 1864 and since tbat time he has been a widower. In 1865 be went to the state of Washington and settled on a claim where Snohomish now stands. The past 11 years be has resided with his daughter, Mrs. George S. Krause. The iuneral services were held at. the residence Friday, Dec. IS, 1901, at 1 :30 p. m., Rev. Clifton, of the Calvary Baptist cbutcb, officiating. The pallbearer were Messrs A.Walter C. Bbnts, H. Klindt, J. Harper, T. Johns, R. F. Gibbons. Many friends followed tbe remains to tbe Masonic cemetery where he was laid to rest be side bis sister, bis memory cherished bo all who knew hinf. W ISOHAL MENTION. A.J. Brigbam is registered et tbe Umatilla Honse from Dufur. Will Oroftoo, of Center ville, spent last night is tbe eity on his way borne from Portland. J.J. Woolery and daughter left tbi afternoon for California to spend a cou ple of months. A. D. Griffin, manager of tbe New Age, s weekly newspaper of Portland, was in town last nigbt tbe guest of tbe Umatilla bouse. Mr. and Mrs. John Wrigbt. of Sher man county, ere here on a visit to their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John v. u Jeary. If you wish to retain s natural color to your hair, stop iu falling out, eradi cate dandruff and make it soft, fine and wavey, then nee Aristo Hair Food. For sale by Clarke & Falk, poatoffice phar macy. dl6tf Dyspepsia sen be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold io handsome tin boxes at 85 cts. Blakeley tbe druggist. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker mi Embalm Cor. Third and WnehinTton Sts. All order aWsseded to promptly. Loaf distaneepnonjetl. LoenLIg. y Blakeley's Drug Store, I . OUT new 0,u Christmas line lf are finer than tver. Medallions Over three time as many are all 1901 subjects v The prices are 25 to 30 per cent No carry-overs. lh,n PortUmt MAIL ORUSKS nwlvo our I BflTII rlllfiatrf Kvrry I'arkacv delivei! r. personal attention. I DUIII rflUnW I nromftly In tf" rtj - -..L-Li . .l suiauiL.mui.a....a Trilby and Cole s Original Air-Tight Heavers For Wood and Lighter Fual. The introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heater has revolution ized the heating stove trade in all section of the United States. Its woa der.'al economy in the use of fuel, and many other excellent qualities, strongly recommend it to a'l in nee J of a heating stove. Every one of Cole's Original air-tight as long as used. Where have one or more of these stoves. Sold by MAIER BUY A WILSON AIR-TIGHT HEATER and save fuel. THE WILSON has an OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn out. We also carry a lino of TRILBY AIR-TIGHTS. .MATS an JONES' CAFE. First-Class, Regular Meals. ...SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER... j Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served j at all hours and in all styles. L Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates ft and Confections. Always fresh. I One Minute read this ad, One Minute to look at our window, Two Minutes WELL SPENT. We are Headquarters for Santa The Hub Clothing Co., (MAYS) CIOWK BUILDING.) W. MAKKUXIK, MsMfSf. THE OLD RELIABLE 178 2d St., THE DALLES What Cote a Heater Will Do. This stove will beat a room from aero to SO degrees in five minutes. It will heat your houee evenly day and night. It holds Are 36 hours without attention. Yon build only one fire each winter. It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and corn cons, and gives excellent results with this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted. The stove is light snd easily moved and set up. The combustion is perfect and ashes are removed only once in four weeks. None of the beat is wasted and the stove a ill save one-half of your fuel bill. It Is clean, economical, convenient, safe and durable. Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to stav wood is used for fuel every family should & BENTON, The Dalles. CROWE... Claus. A Hint.... huy her a nice rosy pair or house show. Nothing really more appreciated. ladies' fei:, fur trimmed Juliets, in red, .vine, black and brown 91.50 Misses', reI ami brown . 1.25 Children's sires at l.OO A. M. Williams 4 Co. J To Pltmss) Your Llttla Onsi Pleasats You e a 4 a WE CAN DO IT as our fuH line of new toys, irames and lolls ara finer and at a lean price than ever. Oar trt is headquarters for anta Claus, ami we take pleasure in showiug everything in detail. nun 1 parhiiis JUST ARRIVED t The UrirvM and m--t complete line of . . . PKlf MUM wer shown iu the city are now on display at H. Glenn & Go's Paint and Oil Store. For dale. The plant of the Hood River Manufacturing Co. will be sold ehea for cash. The plant consists of a full line of wood-working machin ery, sticker, planer and a com plete sash and door outfit. Must he sold at onoo. Address, If a C. COt Hoosfl RlTSr. Or. CITY HACK To any part of the city. Will make all train. Light baggage fnw of chargx to all passenger. Day and Night Service. Day 1'bona Grant's, Local 311, Long Distance 1311 ; Nigbt 1'honss Nsb- ion's, Led 334, Ijng Dist. 1 101. Porter I Anderson Proprietors. FRENCH & OCX. BANKERS. Transact a Qon ral Basking Business. letters of Credit issued available la tbe Kastarn Stales. Sight Kxobang and relerapbic Transfers sold 00 New York, Chicago, Hi I.iiU Han PraurlaiM. Portland Ore- gon, Seattle Wash., and various points In Oregon and Washington. Collections luaue at ail poiuis on iav orsbls Urms. John Pashek, The Tailor, Has last rsesif ed 1000 saw piss 0! tea latest patterns in (ism's Otoarag Goods. Ha auaraa lata prteas aad s goad fit or aa par. John Pashek, Tbt Tail .' "CkMgggSB