The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 17, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 258
it Dalles
Issue is Now Before Congress in the
Form of a Joint Resolution of
Thanks to Schley.
Washington, Deo. 16. At the opening
of today's session of the senate Mr.
Jones (Ark.) Introduced a joint resolution
as follows : v
"That the thanks of congress and the
American people are hereby tendered to
Rear-Admiral Wiufleid S. Schley and
officers and men nnder his command for
highly distinguished conduct in conflict
with the enemy, as displayed by them
in the destruction of the Spanish fleet
off the harbor of Santiago, Cuba, July 3,
"That the president of the United
States be requested to cause this resolu
tion to be communicated to Rear
Admtral Schley and through him to the
officers and men under bis command."
Without comment the resolution was
referred to the committee on naval affaire.
Washington, Dec. 16. At the con
ference between Admiral Schley and his
counsel today it was decided to ask
Secretary Long to withhold his approval
of the findings of the court of inquiry
until such a time as the admiral, through
his counsel, can tile an objection thereto.
The request was delivered to Secietary
Long, uud while he has not yet answered
the communication It is understood the
request will be granted.
Euormous Lomu From High Water.
PirrsnuEG, Dec. 16 The crest of the
flood and the lowest point touched this
winter by the mercury were both
registered at 8 a. m., when the Smith
field street bridge marks showed 25 feet
8 inches of water in the Monongabela
river and the government thermometer
indicated 5 deg. above zero. The rivers
are now falling and the temperature is
steadily rising. Only the sudden drop
in the temperature averted one of the
greatest floodB in tbe history of Pittsburg.
As it was the lowest parts of the Point
district and Duqnesneway and lowlands
along the Monongabela river, south side,
were submerged. In Alleghany the
river front was entirely nnder water.
The cellars in many houses were flooded
and people weie compelled to move.
For the rivermen and dwellers along
the river banks of Pittsburg and Alle
gheny it was the most fearful night
experienced in many years. Similar
conditions have been practically un
known to this generation. Hundreds of
men toiled all night with the gigantic
coal tows np to the landings on both
sides of all three rivers, in tbe face of a
bitterlv cold wind. Drenched at times
with the splashed foam, their clothes
frosa on them immediately and tbe
suffering was great.
Almost Hutrvad to Death.
Sbattlb, Dec. 18. With no food save
a morsel of dry floor, Martin O'Connor,
formerlv of Seattle, and two companions,
wandered three days through tbe Upper
Tanana valley. Advices were received
in this eity today giving tbe story of
this journey, caused by tbe burning or
the party ,s cabin on the Cheona river, at
tbe headwaters of tbe Tanana.
The thraa man had been prospecting
The burnina of the cabin, which occurred
about two months ago. left nothing save
a little flour In a lard pall. They started
across tbe Tanana divide for Eagle City
to aet heln. Fur three days they jour
neved. eeelna nothinc to raise their hones
and getting no food of any kind save
what they bad with them. Then they
came on a cabin. It was deserted and
empty. Three days later, after tbe same
toil and hardship that tbe three former
days had seen, tbay found ar otber caoin.
It also was emntv. O'Connor's com
Dininn. L. .tn.n to die. O'Oonner.
however, looked about tbe premises and
found a cache. The food from it saved
their lives. They then kept on, after a
rest, until thav found another stream,
on which was a prospector, who directed
them to Eagle. Tbay are now at Dawson
'or the winter.
Rayner and Mr. A. A. Teagoe, counsel
for Admiral Schley before the court of
inquiry, held a consultation with tbeir
client today for the purpose of outlining
their future course of action. Admiral
Dewey, president of the court, today
was asked for the statement as to the
extent to which be supported tbe find
inns of the maj irity of the court.
''1 have not a word to say," he replied,
"not a word." '
Since the court of inquiry rendered its
verdict, Rear-Admiral Schley has re
ceived a large number of letters anon
telegrams, all containing expressions of
confidence and esteem, and offers of
assistance. To answer tbeee personally
would be a work of such magnitude that
tbe admiral has addressed the following
letter to the Associated Press, which he
asks to be published :
"Washington, D. C, Dec. 16 To the
Associated Press: I beg to express,
through the medium of tbe Associated
Press, my gratitude and heartfelt thanks
for the kind words and evidences of
interest in my welfare which I have
received from all parte of the United
States. The magnitude of the corre
spondence renders it impossible for me
personally to acknowledge tbe same, and
I therefore take this means of express
ing my appreciation to one and all. Very
troly yours,
"Rear-Admiral, U. S. N."
Snglaud Fears Ireland May Rebel.
Duhux, Dec. 16. Large numbers of
Constabulary have been drafted to im
portant points in Mayo and Roscommon
and a proclamation placing both coun
tries under the crimes aot is expected to
be issued immediately. This influx of
extra police is unprecedented since tbe
days of Captain Boycott. Nationalist
members of parliament and United Irish
League apaaers have been most active in
Mayo and Roscommon, recently preach
ing forcible resistance to tbe authorities.
Dublin's reception of Messrs. Bed
mond. McHngh and O'Donnell on their
return from tbe United States will take
the form of a torchlight procession and
addressee by speakers who have been
moat active in Mayo and Roscommon.
Thousands Sent Into Exile.
Every year a large number of poor
sufferers whose lunge are sore and racked
with coughs are urged to go to another
climate. But this is costly and not al
ways sure. Don't be an exile whan Dr.
King's Mew Discovery for Consumption
will cure you at home. It's tbe most
infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds,
and all Throat and Lung diseases on
earth. Tbe first dose brings relief.
Astounding cores result from persistent
use. Trail bottles free at IS. (J. Blakeley s
drug store. Prioe 50c and $1.00. Every
HnHln onarantead. 4
Health and Beauty
Aaoor complexion is usually tbe re
sult of a torpid liver or Irregular action
of tbe bowels. Unless nature's refuse is
carried off it will surely cause impure
blood. Pimples, boils and other eruptions
follow. This is nature's method of
throwing off the poisons which ibe bowels
failed to remove. DeWitt's Little JSariy
Risers are world famous for remedying
this condition. They stimulate the liver
and promote regular and healthy action
of the bowels but never cause griping,
cramps or distress. Safe pills. Clarke
A Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
To Whom It May Oaaoara.
At a meeting of The Dalles City
council bald on Monday nigbt Doc. ,
1901, it was moved and carried unani
mously : "That the city marshal be or
ciarad to collect a monthly rental on and
after January 1, 1902, from all parties in
Dalles City who shall than own bouses
or otber obstructions that bave not bean
removed from tbe public streets of tbe
city -
Of Heaaflt to
D. 8. Mitchell, Folford, Md. : "During
a long illness I was troubled with bed
sores, was advised to try DeWitt's Wltcb
Uaxl Salve aad did so with wonderful
results. I was perfectly eared. It is
the beat salve on the market." Bora
cure for piles, sores, boras. Beware of
counterfeit-. Clarke A Falk's P. O.
Don't Kail) It la.
m -at the affected part freely with
MysterioQS Paia Cora, n
and the pain is goea. Sold by Clarke
Folk. .
Olarke A Falk's flavoring are
&e Suit and Overcoat Sale
Waxes wanner from day to day. The past week
shows a wonderful sales increase in this department,
and we have ample encouragement to realize our ex
pectations that of doing the largest December cloth
ing business in the history of this store.
Just thirteen more days of this phenomenal price
cutting. You have until January 1st in which to buy
anv Suit or Overcoat worth $10 and over at a greatly
reduced price. Will you bo one of the many to profit
by this offer? It all rests with you. Here's our prop
osition :
All Suits and Overcoats worth $10, $12, $12.60,
reduced to uniform price of $8.45
All Suits and Overcoats worth $13.50, $13.75, $14
and $15, reduced to the uniform price of $110.65
All Suits and Overcoats worth $15.50, $10.50,
$17.50, $18.50 and $18.75, reduced to
the uniform price of $13.85
All Suits and Overeoats worth $10, $20, $21,
$22.50 and $24, reduced to the uniform
price of $16.85
All Suits and Overcoats worth $25, $27.50, $30,
reduced to uniform price of 21.86
The profit is all on your side hence we are obliged
to charge extra for pressing suits and making alter
ations. Vsuallv free.
MJMMMMM.,MM,,M,,,MBaMMaMaSManWaMSaMSBBlSn . . - . .. iii- i..- naaV a Ma. i anil liiiMiaiii. .was
I hare re-opened this well-kncwn Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Fionw Grocer.
i.--i i.
Of tbe product of this well-knoan brewery tbe JW
n.nnrta in. lima 28 1900 ears : A more supeiior brew never entoroa
fSltSUS f SeftT It is abeolotel, Mdevold
ofthe slightest trace of edolteretloo, bat on the other band is exposed of
beet of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of tto blsjta
"7 il .. h. aataat henefit aad satisfaction by old and
mBU " " "IT.: lit ' . r " -i: ar.had bv tbe obvslcleoa with
i young . us mm .v.v.-., - M
young. www--i -he bwva'e could not
tne cersaiuiT met a wiwi, i'" . -
possibly be found."
Eaet Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
Merchants... f
A fall Une of BRIDGE A BEaOH
P Cook and Heating ntovee.
AUractl.a Woman.
All women sensibly desire to be at
tractive. Beauty is tbe stamp of baellb
because it is tbe outward manifestation
of inner purity. A healthy woman Is
always attractive, b'lgbt and happy.
Whan every orop os wiw "
Sure a beauteous floeb Is on tbe cheek,
lot when the blood is impure, moaoas
ness, bad temper and a aallow complex
ion tells the tale of sickness all to ptafa
lv And women today know there is no
beauty wiTtootl health. WlneofCardai
crowns women with beauty and attrac
tiveness by making strong and healthy
tboss organs which make bar a woman.
Try Wine of Oardol, and in a month
your friends will hardly know you.
Are yoo ready lor old weather? If
net yoo should provide yoorself with
aoiaa of those knit goods from the New
York Gash Store. A large assortment
of those goods for women and children
nay bo seen at tba New York Oasb
L. Lane,
Waon and Oarrlagj Work.
Fit Broths Wagon.
TlW an1 Jeflfcro. Pfcwlft
FARMING IMPLEMEN rS.-Ageote for Jf'mKuSSSl Was?
Harrows and Plows. Spring Tootb Harrows, Bissall Chilled Flows, Mltcnaii wag-
ons ana Hacks, ticuuvy nut-am.
...Star Windmills...
With Ball snd Uglier bearings, sod fully warranted.
Write us for prices aod catalogues.
All orders entrusted to us will bsve prompt attention.
Prices always right.
Tbe only Exclusive Hardware Store In tba city.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will recahre prompt attention.
Cmmtmo ffcaaa SSa.
Loner Mat. lOOI.
r to First Matioaal Bank.