The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 16, 1901, Image 3

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I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Oakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer.
All kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
funeral Supplies
Vn wmkn Hue Co.,
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi 11 kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, n kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ntTL!L
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOH FlOllT Tb'8 'our 18 manufactured expressly for famllj
vv use : every neck is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We aell oar goods lowor then any house iu the trade, and if yon don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First
I Uoodon Phono 33
Long mat. 'tool.
F. S. GUfiflUxG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent for BumwU & Co.'s Engiua, Threshers and Saw Mills.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073.
Cor, SecoQi
sT. 3D.
1 Purest Liquors
( Delivered to any
dh Phones : M. LoeaL
Of the product of Ibis well-koonn brewery the United 8tates Health
Reports for Joue 28. 1900, says: "A more su pel tor brswuever entered
the lebratory of the United States Health reports. It is sbsolotelj devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other band is composed of
the beet of malt and choicest of bops. Its tonic qualUtos are of the high
est god 1 t con be used with the greatest benefit and sal steal on by o6 and
roong. Iu use can conscientiously be prescribed by the Physician. 1 with
the cersaiutv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
Vast Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Advertiie in
& Burget
Burial Stooods
Ete. -
National Bank.
& Wilis Sts, THE DALLES OR
for Family Use
part of the City.
j-yg Street
the Ctoronicle
Take them
today and
youll be well
Cold Cure
Tablet NeBB
(cold in head)
rMircNtltyJSc 9
eaS for Tn StmsU aaS medical fJ
ImmI Sslssrla ISeetSSS jfe
Sold by Claike A) Falk. The Dalles, Or.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what yon cat.
Itartificlailyd!wte the food and aids
Nature In strengthening end recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It lathe latest disoovexeddiges t
ant and tonic No other preparation
can approach it In efficiency. It in
stantly relieves end permanently cores
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick Headache, Oastralgia,Crampsand
all other results ox imperrect digestion.
PrleeBOe andSL Larm site contains tK times
small slse. Book all about dyspepsia malssdfroe
Prepared ey E- c. OsWITT a CO.. Chicago
Sold at Clarke A Falk's Phsrmacy.
trace aramta
Anyone sending a sketch and description mi"
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether a
invention ia DMbnDrr nat en table, ?omaunla
1 inns strlaar onraant lal. Handbook on HateuH
t free. Oldest ajMBor for soeartng patents,
nteutt taken throuab Munn Jk Co. reostv
Hal notics. without obrao. Id tho
Scieitflfic JUserican.
A handtwiiel illnsf rnted wnek tr. I Largest dr-
Kltr ; mill iiiuuiuw, vt, eviu v au nvwauTwieMr.
. am am me U a
. l. a 1 Oa rl kvall nawaaflAaUaa
10 aeiortadMir. New TOrK
1 H If St.. Wsshinrwn D.T
are the most fatal of all dig-
or money ttiundtd Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best lor
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
fe. and SLQO.
Notice is berebv Riven lo all persons
concerned that the partnership hereto
fore existing between Jfi. f . Ash and it.
Black, under the arm name ot ttiaca
Asb. at Cascade Locks. Oregon, is ibis
day dissolved by mutual consent, the
said R. Black retiring from said partner
ship, and the said E. P. Asb will con
tinue the business heretofore aarriea on
by the said firm and will pay all partner
ship debts.
Dated this loth aay 01 novemoer, iwn.
d19 R. Black and E. P. Ami.
Came to my place at f! air6ld school
hnui Nnu. Slat last, a black sad.
die horse, about 17 or 18 years old;
. n wsnan,'
branded J. K. n. (or j. c. r.i on wit
shoulder; weight about 1000 pounds.
Owner can bare tbe animal by proving
property and paying all charges.
(j . a. n.wiiM,
dll-lmw The Dalles, Or.
A am hnrao hMiuUd JP i connected)
on tbe hip and shoulder came to my
place about six months ago. vwoer can
have tbe same by proving property and
paring for this notice and other costs.
w E. P. Koontz,
p9 lm Five Mile.
Clubbing Kataa Ssiraoreinarjr.
Until further notice subscribers to the
Webkxv Chkosici.k can have the
Youth's Companion and Thi; Chrosiclx
one year for 'i 50. which is just 75 cents
more than tbe orice of the Youth's Com
panion alone. Or they can bave Thi
Chxoniclx and the Weekly Oregoolan
for IS, which is just 50 cents more than
tbe price of tbe Oregopian alone. Or
they can bsve Ta Ohxoxicj.b and the
New York Tribune for $1 60, which to
tbe price of Tax Chboxiol alone. All
eabeeripHoae oodar these offers most be
paid la advance. nl6-wky
branch Oak
Dar to try!
What though a thousand critics wait
To cavil at the thing you. do?
Have courage gas upon the great
Name written htsjh
And know that thry had orlttm. too.
Whose glory men acknowUdge now
Had Colon harbored In hi breast
Dread of the critic's acorn his prow
Had ncVr been pointed to the weC
Dare to try!
Not one line or word ,
Of Hamlet would enrich our tongue.
And no man ever would have heard
The bitter cry
Prom Ijears poor, bleeding bosom wrung
Had he that toucheHut to adorn
Sat down In dread of critics wh
Forever wait to laugh to scorn 1
The (Mags that other people do.
S. K. Klser, In Chicago Record-Herald.
SaSuasi a jit' a s a si si a su a su
epipwwwwww w w ww w w w w w
TPHE sign In the window, "Furnl
1 tore Neatly Repaired," wn all
that distinguished Max Hombach's
home aad place of business from the
other narrow-fronted tenement
houses in the row.
While Mr. Hombavh's ahop on the
ground floor was full of odds and
ends suggesting his occupation,
books, newspapers and certain of the
mngnzines indicated that the man
of the glue-pot and hammer was a
man of aonie mentnl culture.
Evidently the magnetic influence of
Mr. ftombach was considerable; mnny
were I he friends and admirers that
called to see him iu order to henr his
"views". on the Questions f tbe day.
In summer time the talk whs car
ried on at the front door steps; but
during the cold weather the little
meetings took plnce in the work
room, where Mr. Hombaeh's ringing
voic not 1111 frequently kept The ten
ants of the house, as well as those in
the houses adjoining, awake until
Of course Mr. Hombaeh was a nui
sance, but his neighbors bore with
him on account of the little boy
whom he had adopted. "Max must
have a good heart,'" they reasoned,
"to take in a strange child and be so
kind o him."
Little Randolph Hombaeh was the
waif of n steamboat disaster of some
ten years ago. Max, then about :(
years of age. had been one of the
passengers, lit the panic a baby was
handed to him to save. The mother
never reached shore. Failing to And
any relatives for the child, the man,
who had no relatives of his own, con
cluded -to ki-ep It.
At present Mr. Hombaeh was at
work mending a broken table. The
fierce frown on his forehead indicat
ed that he was also occupied with
some mental problem. When, pres
ently, he heard the sound of light
footsteps in the hall, the frown dis
appeared. The boy was coming home from
school. He Stopped a few moments
to talk to a woman in the entry;
then he came into the workroom with
his customary: "Hello, father," add
ing: "Miss Klizabeth Bradley wants
the loan of your chisel. May I take
it up U. her now?"
.Mr. Hombaeh started as if he had
been struck, his countenance chang
ing with the quickness of lightning.
Although generous to a fault, he had
drawn the line of generosity and
neighborliness at his tool box, the
contents of which were almost saered
in his eyes.
"Lend my chisel to a woman! A
woman! As if a woman could touch
a tool without spoiling it! My
gracious, Randolph, do you think 1
am mad?"
"Haven't you an old chisel some
where, father?" asked the boy. "I
don't like to tell Miss Klizabeth that
you wou't lend her a 4ool because
she's a woman. She can't help that."
Mr. Hombaeh threw back hi bushy
1iead, while a smile thai he tried to
hide shot out of his eyes. Nervous
and tempest nous in manner himself,
of all things he admired calmness In
others, Randolph's tjulet dignity quite
delighted him.
"The boy is a diplomat." he thought
to himself. "J'hat a cool head! Ah,
some day he will sit with the grea
mm of the world. Well, I guess you
may take that chisel to Miss Brad
ley," he Bald, presently, and began to
Miss Elizabeth Ilradle.y, who was a
dressmaker in a small way, lived in
the back wing of the second floor of
the house. She might have ben 30
or 35. She did not look old, but was
still not what would be called
young lady." Randolph felt that he
would not have liked her so well If
that title had titled her exactly.
"Thank yon." she said, admitting
tbe little llisiuarck inio her apart
ment. Sh oa. trying with SOBXf ill
assorted t'.-ols to make a eg bines' asjl
of u grocery box. The boy looked on
the work with interest, and the two
began chatting.
Perhaps few things in Miss Urad
ley's monotonous life gave her so
much pleasure as listening to Ran
dolph's talk about the discussions
that were carried oa algbtly down
stairs. Me was stiM so assail aad
childish-looking that the fluent
phrase he repeated so glibly savored
to her of "cuteneas." She liked to
"draw him out" as she said, and fre
quently asked what "pa" thought
about this or that.
"Well. I guess your pa's got lots of
nice sensible ideas." she remarked as
a rejoinder to Randolph's elucidation
ot what his father believed in regard
to "territorial expansion."
Miss Elisabeth herself did not
know what the term meant, but she
had some excellent ideas about mak
ing gingerbread. She had a fragrant
loaf of It on hand, and she stopped
working to cut a large slice, which
ahe brought to Randolph on one ol
her prettiest china plates.
The thought returned to the boy
mind that Miss Klinbeth was very
much nicer than any younger lady.
One could be quite comfortable be
side her; she had no "airs;" she
wasn't "giddy;" she didn't tease and
make fun of hoys as young girls did.
1 If fate had provided him with a moth
er instead of a father, he felt he
would have liked a mother like Miss
Elisabeth ltradley.
Here, however, the object of his
thoughts interrupted.
"I doubt I'll have to trouble you
again. Randolph," she said. "Please
take the chisel back to your pa with
my compliments, and bring me up a
little saw. Mine-is so big and clumsy
that I can't manage it."
"Certainly. Miss KUpbeth, I'll ask
him," responded Randolph, with some
misgivings as to what would be the
outcome of this second appeal for the
loan of a tool, a
It did not promise well for the suo
ccss of his errand that, going down
stairs, he heard his father nrguing
vehemently with a man in the work
shop. He waited outside until the
man had gone. Hut. Mr. Hombaeh,
pursuing u habit he sometimes in
dulged in, continued to demolish the
argument of his vanished opponent.
"You arc wrong," he vociferated;
"the present need of the country"
"Father," Interrupted a elenr. be
seeching voice, "Miss Elizabeth Hrad-ley-"
Rut Mr. Hombaeh was too deeply
stirred to heed or even to notice the
boy. "Your argument is based on an
exploded theory! You don't know "
Itnndolph was obliged to wait until
the argument was concluded. Then
he said, speaking very earnestly, iu
his clear, boyish tones:
"Miss Elizabeth thanks you for the
chisel, father. Here it is. See, it
isn't spoiled. She's a very nice, care
ful lady, Miss Elizabeth is. She needs
a little sow very badly; hers is an
old, rusty one, ami it won't work."
"What! What's that!" exclaimed
Mr. Hombaeh, raising his black brows
with a fresh start of horror. "Does
the woman want a saw now? I was
a fool a fool! 1 might have known
I was only making trouble for my
self; Hsh!" His disgust turned to
severe irony. "Maybe the woman
would like the tool box!"
"Miss Klizabeth is going to give me
a slip off her pink geranium," said
Randolph. ,
Mr. Horbbach grunted unwillingly,
and the frown deepened between bis
'"Will you not lend the saw, fa
ther?" pleaded the boy.
"Xo,"..said Mr. Hainbach.
The tool box stood on the work
bench in sight of both. On top was
just such a saw as Miss Bradley
wanted. Randolph looked at the nar
row, gleaming blade anxiously, then
at its father. "How is Miss Kliza
beth to finish her Work?" lie asked.
Mr. Hombaeh shook his bushy hair
impatiently. "I cannot tend tools!
No, no! The wointin has no sense!
My tool are my friends! Who ever
heard of lending a friend?"
Randolph's countenance fell; but In
a moment he brightened with a new
"O, fsther." he gasped out with
breathless eagerness to test the
availability of his iden. "couldn't you
take the saw upstairs yourself and
do the work for Ma Kllnbelh -for
the sake of the saw, you know?"-
Mr. Hoiiibnch's brows went up
again, and Ik- ran his fingers through
bis thick, upstanding hair as if ihe
ides Wsh difficult of comprehension.
"Sure enough. Randolph." he said in
sn altered tone, his eosnbatlva spirit
all gone. "How absurd of me not lo
have thought of that it first. es,
yes, of course, that is Ihe only sensi
ble thing to do, and It will take only
a few moments."
To BiOisi If he continued as he went
up.taiis with l"s fOOl I"'- "That lit
tle Randolph of mine It no eastSVm
boy. Whoever he i, there is ths
blood of u stan ma" i" Sto rin
He'll miiUe his mart hj the world."
Mis' Kllrabeth Bradley did noi ask
for the loan of soy more tools. As
the Yeek passed Randolph noticed
that Itis fsther 1" upstairs ' chsjl
with her now and then, to Ihe great
disappointment of the men who
.ailed ever, evening to dUciias poll-
tics, and to the relief of tbe neigh
bors who mint) d to sleep.
"I gueas there's something la the
win. I," gossiped Mrs. Marary of the
. m . ... L .A1MLI..
sceoitll lloor rroiil iu uriiwi
of the hall room.
"O. it's all settled; she's makin' the
weddin' dress," came the reply 1 "and
I'm right glad, it's so suitable all
, 'round, it ain't right for a man and
a boy to be eatin' at a raat'rant gay
Advertise in The Chronicle
la and day out. The only wonder
they rPrlm t make a match of It
ago."-- Ronton (ilobe.
Raw I sStr tke e.
They were lodging In a Hlghlamt
cottage, and their cupboard waa veatt
stocked with good aftvr-dlawar
One day Ihe sherry bottle waa
found uncorked, and on the follow
ing day it had again been "lapped."
They determined to set a Irap.
Brown had some hair wash of a
yellowish color, aed with this taw
Sherry was soon diluted. Notwith
standing this, Ihe "wine" grew leas
day by day, and at last Ihe bottle
was empty. Then the lodgers enne
kled. and prepared to Interview the
"I am sorry to complain," said
Brown to her, "but surely the empty
state or the imttle requires soma ex-
"Weel. sir," said the good wife.
"It's easy enough explained. The
gentleman who was here before ye
ay liked a glass o sherry In hto
soup, and so Fve Just been gtste'
you a glass In yours." London An
swers. nrala Vaext neaseaee.
Another ridiculous food fad has
oranded by ths most competent aathae
ittes. They here dispelled ths silly na
tion that oaa kind of food Is nssdsd lav
brain, snothar for muscles, and still an
other tor bones, k correct diet will ant
only nourish a particular part of Ihe
body, hot it will sustain every other
Krt. Ysl, however good your food assy
1 its nutriment is de troysd by Indi
gestion or dyspsysla. Yoa most pre
pare for tbelr appears nes or pre vast
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green's August Flower, the favorite
medicine of ths healthy millions. A km
doses aids digestion, stimulates ths liver
to healthy action, purifies tha blood, and
makes you fsel buoyant and vigorous.
You csn get Dr. O. 0. Giaen's rellabm
remedies at Blskeley's drug store, flat
Green's Special Almanac. !
An Bvaaxellst's Story .
"1 suffered for rears with bronchial or
lung trouble and tried various rassedtso
but did uot obtain permansnt relief
until I eommsnesd using One Mlaoto
Cough Core," writes Rev. James Kirk
msn, evangelist ot Bells Rivsr, Bl. "I
bsve no hssltstloa to recommending It
to all sufferers from maladies ol Into
kind." Ona Minute Cough Oars sffords
immediate rails! tor coughs, colds aad
all kinds of throat and lung trooolot.
For croup It Is unequalled. Absolutely
ssfa. Very plsassnt to take, never folio'
and Is really a fsvorlta with tha children.
They Ilka It. Clarka A Fslk's P. O.
' oavea Mis Life.
"I wish to ssy that I own my lite to
Kodol Dyspspsls Curs," wrltsa H. C.
Cbrrstsnson ot Hetflsld, Minn. "Fcr
three ysars I wss troubled a lib dyspepsia
so tbst I could bold nothing on mf
stomach. Many times I would be no
sbls to rstaio a morsel ot food. Finally
I was confined to my bad. Doctors said
I could not live. I road one ot your
advsrtlssments on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
end thought It lit my case and com
menced its use. 1 began to Improve
from the first bottle. Now I em eoted
and recommend it to sH." Digests yoar
food. Cores all stomach troubles. Olarko
A Falk's P. O. Phsrmscy.
rtag est ,e)ai.
Dull Headache. Paine la various aorta
of the body, Slaking at the pit of tho
stomach, Loss of appetite, reran
Pi mures or bores are all positive
ass of imtrare blood. No master
became so It must be purified lo
to obtain ood health. Acker's
Elsxir has nevet failed 10 core SrrofeJoM
or Syphilitic poieoos or any other Mood
Ai.imm li la t.UI a, nasWal
remedy and we sell every bottle 000
positive guarantee, oiesotey, sao arsxj
Cksage ef MeeOeasrters,
The headquarters of Tho Dallas and
Mbaniko stage lino Is no at the Colom
bia Hotsl. Stage leave there for bhaav.
iko tvsry morning, except Monday, at
o'o'cek. Passenger rale loSbanlfcolS.
-tf J. M. TooMar, Agent.
Pn'I Let VOeas aasTer.
Olten children are torts red with itoh
tag aad burning ecseme and other sola
dieeasee but Bueklsn's Arabia halve
heals tbe raw sores, expel lallem mallow,
leaves tbe skin wltboot a seer. Glean,
fragrant, cheap, them's no salve est
earth as good. Try It. Core guaranteed.
Only 26c at 0. 0. Blsksley's drug store. 4
Vel Ufceeae ratsea.
Putrefying food lo tho Intestines pro
duces streets like those ol erseole. hot
Dr. King's New Life Pills expel too
unisons from ctoaosd bowsls, geetly.
easily hot sursty, curing Coastlpatioo,
Biliousness, fliek Headache, Fevero, all
Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only
26c st O. C. BUkslsjr's drugstore. 4
If yon vent to retain yooi hair yon
bare to keep your scalp clean. Hons)
will make yonr hair harsh, dry oa
Sabscribs for Tax OaaoaiCMh
arispy. New we have two of tho fff
beet profswalione fee eissoolsg g
aalo Kax aad Pias Tar Shamsee. Ik
will lease roar hair osrl aM jstotof