)vovAth. VOL. XIII THE DALLES. OREGON, MONDAY. DECEMBER KJ. 1901. NO. 257 The JttnA Tow Have Always Bought, and which has been in for over 80 yews, has borne the sUrnatare of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experimants that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Para gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Cone. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have All ays Bou$t In Use For Over 30 Year, WAS STRICKEN WITH LOCKJAW Mrs. Harry Hibbard Yawned and Was Unable to Close Her Mouth Re covered After a Time. Walla Walla, Dec. 15. Witb her mouth open and her jws locked Mrs. Harry Hibbard created a sensation last night at the dance given by the Bom of Veterani in their ball fronting on Alder street. The unfortunate woman threw her head back and opened her jaws to vawn. When she finished she found the could not close her teeth together and although her husband name to her as sistance and forced her mouth shut, as soon as the pressure was relented the jaw would 6? open with a snap liken closing jack knife. Realising that the woman was stricken with lockjaw, the flwr manager hurried her into a cab and she was at once driven to her borne. Dr. Rossell was summoned and at an early hour this morning the strain bad released and Mrs. Hibbard was resting easily. Lockitw is a peculiar disease which is supposed to attack one only after a cut or bruise. M. Hibbnrd del ma not to have Injured hersfltf in auy way and can give no reason for the sudden attac which robbed her of the power of releas ing her lower jaw from tne vice like clutch which held it rigid. It is seldom that one stricken with lockjaw recovers, but Dr. Russell was early on the scene and was therefore able to afford almost instant relief. The sensation broke up the dance. Had Train Wreek. Hklna, Mont., Dec. 16. A spiels! to the Independent from Kalispell says a wreck occurred on the Great Northern railroad near Essex, in the Rocky mountain, at 8 o'clock this morning. The engine, mall car and emoker re mained on the track, but all tne others were duraiUd. Some cars were over turned and all were more or lean wrecked Tl.e atttlriant was due to lie rails spreading. yesterday, Lord Kitchener says: "Brace Hamilton, after a long night march, surprised Piet Vi'joen's laager at dawn, December 13th. it Wetkraens, twenty-five miles torthwest of Ermelo, kilted 16 Boers and captured 76 armed prisoners. Many others were wounded and were left at farm?. He also re captured one of Bensoi.'d funs, the other having been destroyed. Two field cornets were among the prisoners. The jecaptured gun is in good order, end was used against the retreating enemy." Right Hon. St. John Brodrlck, secre tary of atate for war, wired the govern ment's congratulations on General Bruce Hamilton's brilliant achievement. Zero Temperature end Big BHaaarda. Washington, Dec. 14, 1 :30 r- m. The cold wave predicted by the weather bureau for the middle Mississippi and Missouri valleys and the upper lake region has spread to the eastward and southeastward as far as Chicago and St. Louis. At both places temperatures fell 54 degrees during the last twenty-four hours, reaching elx below zaro at Chicago aud aero at St. Louis. The front of the onld wave todav extends from Northern Illinois eouthwestwards to Arkansas. Iu all of this region temperature has fallen from 40 to 50 decrees in the last twenty four hours. The cold wave promises to be seveie daring at least two days. It will extend east ward and south weat ward, reaching the Atlantic coast districts by Sunday. Uo Kept at LC Twelve vears aao J. W. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched bis le with s a. i a a rusty wire. Inflammation ana oiooa poisoning set in. For two years he suf fered intensely. Then tne oesi nocture urged amputation, "but," be writes, "I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and t 1.2 boxes of Buokleu's Arnica Salve and nSy Ins srasnonnd and well as ever." For Eruptions, Ecsama, Tetter, Salt Rheum. Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitters has oo rival on eattn. Try them. (i. C. Blakeley w guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Ouly 50 cents. - 4 ttaward. watch, with the on toe c Suit and Overcoat Sale Waxes warmer from da)' to day. The past week shows a wonderful sales increase in this department, and wo have ample encouragement to realize our ex pectations that of doing the largest December cloth- ing business in me History oi wis store. Just thirteen more days of this phenomenal price cutting. You have until January 1st in which to buy anv Suit or Oveicoat worth $10 and over at a greatly reduced price. Will you bo one of the many to profit by this offer? ft all rests with you. Here's our prop osition: All Suits and Overcoats worth $10, $12, $12.50, reduced to uniform price of $8.45 All Suits and Overcoats worth $1 3.50, $1 3.75, $14 and $15, reduced to the uniform price of $10.65 All Suits and Overcoats worth $15.50. $10.50, $17.50, $18, $18.50 and $18.75, reduced to the uniform price of $13.85 All Suits and Overcoats worth $19, $20, $21, $22.50 and $24, reduced to the uniform price of $16.85 All Suits and Overcoats worth $25, $27.50, $30, reduced to uniform price of 81.86 The profit is all on your side hence wo are obliged to charge extra for pressing suits and making alter ations. Usually free. ALL BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUITS REDUCED. A. M. WILLIAMS t CO. amMssssssss aiMe ' . . -ljli a - . COURT'S DECISION IN SCHLEY'S CASE Benbam and Ramsay Blame Hero of Santiago on Eleven Points; Dewey Exonerates Him. A Hint.... buy her a nice cosy pair of bouse shoes. narprtaad the . r . .! .. London, Dee. H. Reporting u mat i -. - v -.k Nxw York, Dec. 14. Captain Parker, iilmlp.1 ftahlav'a counael. was told early this morning of the purport of tbe two Schley reports, ne earn : "Admiral Dewey, better then any one else in the would, was qoslifledto judge In this aae. tie is tbe one man living, besides Admiral 8cbley, who conducted a campaign and fought a battle with modern ships, under modern conditiooa. He probably found there eras a difference between theory and practice, ana juagea Schley in tbe light of his own experience. The two other memoers oi me cwwn hi-minded men of tbe highest character, aud men who would not mit- jadge knowingly or wtiitngiy. ovy never bad the experience tbe admiral bad, and probably did not see things in tbe same light ne he did. We shall leave tbe matter to the Judgment of tbe people of the country, confident that in tbe jost popular ufind, tbe findings of Admiral Dewey will be sustained." Captain Parker teeued almost as much pleased that Admiral Dewey had sus tained Bear-Admiral Scbley as if tbe m,.,t had been unanimous in the verdict that he (Dewey) rendered. Nothing really more appreciated. Ladies' fel;, fur trinimei Juliets, io ted, aims, black end broau 1.3 Misses', red and brown . . . 1.35 Children's sises at l.OO 1 M. Williams & Co. 11 l k rj T" I Sexton & Wakher Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THE DALLES, OREGON. A full line of BRIDOE BEACH SUPERIOR ITEBL RANGES, ens) Cook and Heat leg Stove. T i p..,.. Hon-. f.'h narrows, Blseell CWIIed Flows, ltcbe wnf Loat. a lady' gold fl. W. H. carted Tbe above reward will be paid for its re turn to tbif ogee. . dlMt eatl.ttad feepta. ,re tbe beat ndvertieera for Foley'e " . a .ii hn naa it aarae ftatltUniplendld remedy for coughs, i't Hub 1C Jo, f . ik. , Dart freely witb juov w "w f ' Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch romc4fo aud tbe pain is gone. Sold by Clarke Palk. Are you ready for cold weather? If not you should provide yourself with some of those knit goods from the New York Cab Store. A large assort uient of these goods for women and children be seen at the Iew Vork Cash Store. dlSt' OUrke A ?!? iavoring eniraett are BaflpSBBBBBSfa J J hpi.SBUPH JSJS J NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Laua Offce at Vaiit-rtuvar, Wafh. Novca.brrl.15SI. Kirtice 1 herebr jlven that the lollowlna BasttKr IS. hl ..o.lre .l her 1 Jo nuksflaal wool I u wiort ol bar clalia, aud fiat laM?ilI be made before the BagUler T..V Bi Mlver l Cbi- l' ud Otlc .1 n S-e5! :W..Ulnt.;T ou USP. Uecemb- 17. lWl.rU: aqual-Ho (an fadlaa ") of Oluabu P. O., Wkr.lngU.u. mother and atead awlleatloi. Kn.lfMi for and Lot if of Btlon W, 1 p. J J . ' iLvt, abe namaa tb foUowuif iMa t prove her o"tluuou. residence uoou aud oultlvatiou Urfri-Water. Bill f"" Harm. Pi.. Son ons and Hart's, llnti.e.v Busies. ...Star Windmills... Will. Blland Kllr bearings, sod fully warranted. Write, na lor prices and eitteloguef. All ord-re en'roatad t-i as HI iiav prompt attention. Prieea alwava 'gM. Tljeole Efiuslve Hardarara Hiore lii the city. lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly veL'ttahle, perfectly harmless, eure to nccompiiah DESIRED RESULTS. OreaUat known female remedy. am Mif connterfah. au-i iu..n...i. Tb. S' aujpa biaa a oalf la Fur sale by Oeo. Blakeley. Tbe Dalles, Or. HT T SOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Lamj orru at Hie 1ul, Or., .o.eiuberll, 1S0I. otU-a la hereby alveii that tbe lollpwlug nasjaU aaStoT fcV ffed uotlc . hU Inlen- clatM, and tuat ald rof will 6 " fonTtbe refiner and re.lver at Iba Uallas, Oraaoo, Tueday, lember ill, ISU1. vlf . Walter avtt, Tk Wallaa, r., H. X. Xn. 50, tot the ljl M4 "f "tM e f. aae KX'4 E)j WHJUHUl W". .at. i ni.1.. - - tit naova tta iaa tea toiiowiiia i -Tr bUcooUliuou. raaideuoe upon, aim -ajaArai . ., i mi JAY V. U tA, RecUtar. WEAK NERVES. Thi-re Is not a ease of nervons weaknre In the wprid . . i . i... u . I. ..a, litni. Ullil that tne uee oi uswua aaw ...... .t; dlreetlons, wblefa nw aim pie anH very easy in faHow. will (ail to permanently eure. Whv do yon remain weak a hen LINCOLN HEX UAL flUA will make yon strong T Prigs, 1 00 per box-buv of y?nr drugfist or aeni w mail on reetlpt of prlee, In plain wrapper. LIVOOLf P10FIIETA1T 00., It. Wayne, lad. If. aV Uiunell, Agent, The Dalian. Subscribe tor The Chronicle.