The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 14, 1901, Image 3

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    kttuio viudK ana ouii oaie.
Phenomenal Prices on Suits, Cloaks and Far. This is our
bu?y time in the store, and also the average shopper has but very little time to
waste over the price of a garment. We will iftoet von more than half way so
that you will not nave to hesitate as to the price. "
Jackets at $10.00 will sell for $ 0.95 Jackets at SlG.oO will sell for 112 00
" " 12.50 9.00 " " n.OO 12 05
" " 15.00 " " V 11.00 20.00 " " ... 13.95
Suits selling at $10, $12.50 and $15 will sell for $9.50
Suits selling at $16.50, $17, $18 and $20 will sell for $13.00.
jjj j Pin jjj Hnnouncemeni
fur Jackets, Caes9 Collarettes, Scarfs and Boas in beaver,
stono martin, mink, fox, bear, skunk, seal, martin coney, lynx, nutrja and
Scarfs and Boas.
Retailing at $4 25 will be fold for.
' " 2 75 will be sold for.
" " 5.00 will be sold for.
" " 0.00 will be sold for.
" " 0 50 will be sold for.
" 7.00 will be sold for.
" " 7.50 will be sold fur.
" " 9.00 will be sold for.
" " 10.00 will be sold for.
" " 11.00 will be sold for.
" " 18.00 will be sold for
All Good.
Marked in
Plain Figure.
. 1.00
. 3 90
. 485
. 4K5
. 5 25
; 6.90
. 7.25
. 7 85
Selling at f.50 will be sold for.
" 7.50 will be sold for.
" 8.75 will be sold for.
" 9 00 will be sold for.
" 11 00 will be sold for..
M 12 50 will be sold for..
" " 18.00 will be sold for.
. 5 25
. 6 75
. 7.00
. 7.85
. 8.95
. 960
Fur Capes at 30.00 red need to $21.50
Electric Seal Jackets at $30.00 and $40.00, re
duced to $22.50 and $29 00
Blakeley's Drug Store, 75 2d St.. TMB DALLES I
Olir UeW Our Chrie'maa lines
sr. finer than r.
Medallions (TBr lhrNl f ,llWf M 01)iny
are all 1901 subj eots rr-
Tha prices are 25 to 30 pfr cent
No carry-overs. ,0 UliD lvlUt,d.
MAIL HR1iKKt m-olve our I QfT DUflHCC 1 K Parkaf .(ellrnrwt Sree.
iwrtonal ticniixn DUITI rnUUCd I proteaOj. la ihr dlj
will soon be here. Why not rombine
usefulness with your Christmas gener
osity? There is nothing more nreful cr
acceptable as a present than footwear.
For Meow
We have slippers of brown kid, wine
calf, kid romeos. opera slippers, dress
shoes in patent leather, pumps, ami
well we ceo't teW to. all. Come, see !
for Women
suppers and sandals in satin, kid
and patent leather from one to eight
straps high. Dress boots and street
boots, and come, see.
For boys, misses and children
slippers, siiies and legging, and once
again we say come, see.
The Danes Daily Ghwmiele.
DEC. 14. 1901
Served I
At Andrew Keller's.
and the head of one of the families was
in town yesterday, while the head of the
other and a daughter was in town today.
In both cases the visitors here were in
overcome. Since that time there has
been no relapse. Not long ago a Chica
go physician declared that be had cured
fifty cases by the same means, but inas-
and out of the Btores and on the public much as no details were supplied that
All Waaeo County warrants registered
prior to January 4, 189, will be paid
on presentation at mjr oflftoe. Interest
ceases after November 10, 1901.
Oountr Treasurer.
Djn't forget Professor Sandvig's dance
tonight at the Baldwin.
Our collese football players are ex
pected home in the near-future and will
look after the preparations for the big
game of the holidays. All have made
Rplendid reputations as players this
Notices have been posted calling meet
ings of the eitizens of Juniper Fiat at
Fairview school house on Dec. 23 J, and
at Wapinitia on December 24th at 1 p.
m. to consider a proposition to build a
flour mill near Maupin's Ferry.
JeffDrippa had a letter from Sheriff.
Fraaier, of Portland, this morning an
nouncing that he would be here on the
morniug of the 19th (next Thursday) to
receive horses lor.the British cavalry,
instead of on the 20th, as previously an
nounced in this paper.
A writer in the Skamania County
Pioneer says that not two minutes after
the trap was sprung that ueherad the
murderer Green into eternity the doge
of Stevenson by one caneent commenced
a mournful howl. The writer asks:
"What invisible power informed these
faithful friends of mankind of the pas
sage of a human soul?"
P. L. Kfetaer arrived here this morn
ing on-a short visit with his family.
Mr. Kretser has been boring for oil in
Umatilla county, about ten miles from
Pendietoo. At a depth of 500 feet he
ays the prospects are as good as they
are any whore. When through with bis
work up there be will come back to The
Dalles and eontinoe his search for coal.
The football game between Heppner
and The Dulles is "o." in earnest, the
arrangements having been made yesler
day afternoon. The contest will occur
hi the afternoon of December 29, 1901,
on the grounds of this place, and will be
for the champlouship of Eastern Osetoo.
This will be the beet game of football
vsr played in The Dalles. The Hepp
ner team is strong, gritty and well
coaobed, and la able to cope witb the
beat of tbem. The Dalles will put up
its bait local men, and Ibay expect to be
o good trim for lbs game.
That, are two oaees of diphtheria in
(fro familial oat Id IU. Fail field dlatriot
streets for several hours. If these people
do not know enough to stay at home
until their sick ones get better and their
houses and persons are thoroughly fumi
gated, there ought to be some way of
keeping them' outside the city limits.
The big department store of Pease &
Maya is beautifully decorated through
out witb miniature Chiistmas trees,
potted palms and festoons of evergreens.
The grocery department deserves special
mention, where besides the really
eharming decorations there is displayed
over a ton of candy of every conceivable
kind, from the molasses agglomeration,
so dear to lacteal childhood, t-j the
"conversation" lozenges through which
the spooney adolescent first breaks the
ews of love's delerium to bis best girl.
sweeping announcement is not so con
vincing as the Atlanta story, altbo igb it
is probably not without foundation.
In the weet show window of the cloth
ing department of A. M. Williams & Co.,
there is now on exhibition what is
claimed to be the finest saddle tbat ever
was turned out of a Dalles shop.
Whether this claim is well-founded or
not tha writer cannot tell, but
can see that the saddle in question is a
magnificent work of art. Every avail
able incb of space on the leather is !
tamped witb beautiful pictures of wild
and domestic animals and landscape
scenery. Back of the cantel is a silver
plate with the name of the owner inlaid
in gold letters. It has sixty-two solid
silver conchas besides a number of elab-
The Catholic fair wiH hardly haveTnTj orate silver plates that are Intended tor
than mere ornaments, jne sauoie was poni
by Vic Marden of tbe East hnd and is
bing more exquisitely beautiful
be Elk's pillow now on exhibition in
one of tbe Blakeley drug store windows.
Tbe pillow is made of purple and white
satin bordered with beautifully ruffled
lace, the name of which is not known to
this masculine deponent. On the white
satin lop is a splendid oil painting of an
elk's head by Miss Maggie Flynn. It
has not yet been determined how the
pillow will be disposed of but this mqeb
Is known that the manner of its dispo
sition will be left to a committee of the
local elks.
After the death of Jerry Lynch, the
man who was killed in a rock slide on
the new railroad track near Crates' Point
a abort time ago, the county court ap
pointed W. H. Butts administrator of
tbe dead man's e-tate, which consisted
chiefly in over 11500 of deposit receipts
in Oregon and Washington banks. Now
comes a Portland lawyer and a man
claiming to be a brother of the dead ma.
from Central ia, Washington, who noti
fies Mr. Butts tbat Judge Cleeland, of
Portland, has appointed tbe brother ad
ministrator. The notice is not official
and until it is Dad will treat It with eon
tempt. The man died in Wasco county
and just bow a Multnomah coooty
judge could appoint as administrator a
man living in another state is one of
those things that Dad will have to have
explained to him before he will give up
a charge tbat he has given bonds faith
fully to execute.
The beneficial effect of tbe X-ray
treatment upon cancer has been reported
several times within tbe last few weeks,
says the New York Tribune. The most
recent instance Is tbat of an Atlanta
man, E. A- Heard. The eaee was de
scribed a few evenings ego to tbe local
'society of medicine by Ui. M. B. rjotcn-
ins. Fpitbeliome, or sain cancer,
yeloped on tha patients lower Up eight
years age, lowly spread, and finally at
tacked tbe jawbone. Bontjeu rays were
triad several times last spring, and with
in a month tbe trouble was apparently
made on one of the trees of which be is
(be inventor. It is for R. S. Settlemire,
of Burns, Harney county, an employe of
the Pacific Livestock Co., which owns
some 300,000 bead of cattle and is tbe
largest stock company on the Pacific
coast. Tbe saddle was of coarse made
to order and will cost its owner tbe snug
sum of $300.
Candidate Por Oovrraor.
It is reported tbat Marion county is to
be "put up" for Hon. C. W. Fulton for
senator. Tbe Looney boys of Jefferson
are understood to be strong friends of
Fulton and are anxious for the Clatsop
man to have the Marion county legisla
tive delegation. It is said that State
Senator Looney will come before the
convention for renomination. Senator
Simon also has friends who will endeav
or to capture the legislative ticket for
him, and there is an able lieutenant in
charge of "Little Joe's" forces in this
county, who is by no meaos asleep.
Governor Qeer's enemies say they will
havo his "scalp" Ibis lime sure. But
then again, the governor's friends say
that it is not to be, so there you are.
, The Eastern Oregon candidates for
governor evidently are lying low, as
lately there is not much evidence that
tbey are making a vigorous fight. The
man who seems to be Governor Gear's
most formidable opponent for tbe nomi
nation is no lees a personage than Hon.
Henry' E. Ankeny, tbe well-to-do mine
owner of southern Oregon will want
something and State Treasurer Moorr,
who bails from the southeastern part of
tbe state will not be in tbe way. We
predict that tbe fight will be between
Geer and Ankeny for the gubernatorial
nomination Salem Independent.
Girl wanted (or cooking and bouse
work. Good wages to a competent
Apply M tula flee. dlS St
Addison Kidd, the negro wbo waa ar
retted by Deputy Sheriff's Wood and
Alisky this aide of the Sum mitt imme
diately after the train wreck of last Fri
day, this morning at about 11 :30 o'clock,
confessed to Detective Joe Reiley tbat
be was tbe man wbo put tbe nuts on
tbe track and tbat tbe other men now
under arrest for the crime of wrecking
the train, are innocent. When asked
wby he put tbe nuts on the track, he re
plied tbat be didn't know why, only
that he had been drinking a little and
found tbe nnts on tbe road bed,
Immediately following tbe negro's
confession tbe detective took him to tbe
office of District Attorney Menefee where
he repeated the confession. He waa
then taken to the county j til and tbe
district attorney promptly filed a com
plaint charging bim witb murder in tbe
first degree. Tbe other men under ar
rest for tbe same crime will be held as
W. J. Lauder, of Bakeoven, is io town.
Frank A. Cram and P. T Shelly are
registered at the Umatilla House from
Hood River.
F. J. Ward, of Kingslry, ami G. A.
Ward, of Wapinitia, are registered at
the Umatilla House.
For iutants and Cui'dren.
Til m You Hivi Always Bougbl
Bears the
ttynmre of
TtiiIKw and Pnlp'c flrieinal lir-Tioht NaatpraT
For Wood and Llght.r Fuel.
Clarke A Fslfc's levorue estreats are
tbe best. tor tbem.
Harold Hansen announces tbat be has
started s shoe shop In tbe East End,
nest to tbe Sklbue Hotel. All kinds of
repsir work done in first class shape at
reasonable or ice. dl!4 I mo
jcalp treatments free. A chance to
save your hair. Prof. Bortell at the res-
1 idence of Thorns. Kelly. Hours 9 a. m.
to 5 p. m. dl3-tf
Cooanut wafers and five o'clock tea at
Pease A Maya,' greeery department. St
AMNH (LLk-tf
H V. at mm She wST
The introduction of Clr' OHeinel Air-Tlahv Heater has revolution
ised the heaiine atove trale In all sections of the UuiU l Mates, lis won-- Ik
derfnl economy in the use of reel, ami many other eiceil. nt qualities,
strong ly recommend it to all in nee I of a heating stove.
What Cole'e Heater Wilt Do.
ThW stove will beet a room from aaro to
ftldegrret in five minutes.
It will heat your house evtnly day and
It holds fire 96 hurs without attention.
You hulld only one fire rach winter.
It horns chips, bark, leaves, paper and
com rolte, and gives excellent results witb
tlilt fuel, which is ordinarily waited.
The stove is light ant) asily moved and
?et up.
The combustion is perfect and ashes are
removed only once in four weeks.
None of the beet Is wasted and the stove
will save one-half of your fuel bill.
It Is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and d arable.
Every one of Cole'e Original Air-Tight Heaters is gnaranteed to stav
air-tight as long as used. Where wooo is used for fuel every family should
have one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
MT "SsBnnnnL.eannn?MBnnnOfl
and save fuel. THE WILSON hae an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out We also carry a line of TEII.BY
...MATS cfi CROWE...
FirBt-Claas Regular Meals.
Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served
at all hours and in all styles.
Agenoy ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates ft
and Confections. Always fresh. ft
making preparations
for the
ever inaugurated
in the history
of The Dalles.
gale will commenoo taturdftij, Bt I4e
The Hub Clothing Co.
W. MAKKILMK. Usnejsr.