The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 14, 1901, Image 1

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dalles Imp
The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been
in nse for over SO veam. Haa hnma (,.. j
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no nnA t dnonlvA mn In tlilo.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-as-good " are bat
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Gastorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoaa and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The EM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Leading Citizen and Pioneer Passes
Away Had Been Sick Many
foundation. After explaining rations
given the prisoner, be said :
"If any one deeires to fend them
things, aucb as tobacco, books and
luxuries, all right, but tliey do not lack
tbe necessaries of life. Books would be
a good thing to send them."
Portland, Dec. 14. David P. Thomp
son, a pioneer of Oregon and one of tbe
state's leadiun citizens, died in bis
apartments at tbe Hobart-Curtis at
12 :25 o'clock this nomine;. He was 87
years of age. Tbe cause of death was
pernicious anaemia, due to organic
tto'uach trouble. Mr. Thompson had
been in falling health fur several months,
and during the past four weeks had
been confined to bis room. Three weeks
ago bis condition became alarming, aud
since that time bis life lias been slowly
ebbing away. At intervale be relapsed
into a comatose condition, but would
rally again and become completely
Yesterday morning Mr. Thompson
was conscious. He answered tbe. icq uiriea
of his nurse and tbo family physician,
and spoke pleasantly to the members of
bis family. Ltter in tbe day he began
to sink and relapsed into an unconscious
condition from which he did not revover.
About midnight his breathing became
difficult, and half an hour later the end
came. He suffered bo pain. Around
bis deathbed were assembled the mem
bers of his family, his physician, Dr. A.
J. Oiesy, and a nurse. Mrs. Thompson
and the other members of tbe family
bore up well under tho ordeal. While
Mr. Thompson's death was not unex
pected, tbe suddenness of tbe news
comes as a shock to bis wide cirele of
f'iende and .acquaintances in Portland
and the Xortbweet. No foneral ar
rangements nave yet been made.
How Prisoner rare in Africa.
Nkw York, Dec. 13. Lieutenant
Colonel Quay ! Jones, a bo until ordered
to Kngland to receive a colonel's com
mission was in charge of tbe Boer prison
ers at Bermuda, baa arrived here on tbe
teamer Pretoria from Bermuda, on bis
way to England. He dt dared emphat
ically that the stories that tbe Boer
Prisoners were not treated kindly, that
bay were in need of clothing, and that
(bey were not properly fed were without
Traffic Delayed and Stock in Great Dis
tress in Inter-Mountain States.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Dec. 13. Tbe blis
sard raging throughout Southern
Wyoming in traffic. Great distress is
reported by sheep men of the Red Desert
section and Southern Uintah county.
On the desert the losses will be large,
unless a break occurs witbin a few hcurs.
Rock H-prinob, Wyo., Dec. 18. A re
port from the Red Deeert sheep range
says that Charles Barnes, a border, was
frczm to death in the blizztrd that has
raged for the past day or two. Barnes
was from Garden City, Kan. . Tbe blia
sard bas scattered the 'herds in small
bunches all over the country, end it is
ieared the loss will be great. A Mexican
herder, whose name bas not been learned,
is reported to have been froz m also.
Omaha, Neb., Dae. 13. Reports from
Western Nebraska and the Black Hills
tell of a severe snowstorm, from four to
six inches having fallen since early last
night. Trains arrived here today from
thirty minutes to two hours late. The
temperature has fallen eight degrees
since 7 a. m., and is now at the aero
If you want to retain your hair yon
have to keep yoor scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the very
best preparations for olansiug tbe
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your bair soft and gloesv.
Priee, 25 end 60 cents a bottle, at Eraser's
barber shop. Toe Dallas. If
Are you ready for cold weather? If
not you should provide yourself with
some of those knit ods fiom the New
York Cash Store. A large assortment
of these goods lor woaen and oblldreo
may be seen at tbe New York Cash
Store. W
Onr advertisements nre accepted literally, baoanse they are written
literally. They're the photos rapher's sensitive pinto picturing what is
before them as it is.
Compare our claims and offerings and you'll find thev tally exactly.
What need have we for exaggeration ?
vSuits Overcoats
with no exceptions
If you haven't fitted yourself out yet now is the right time to buy.
There's nothing to be gained by waiting for each succeeding day will see
less and loss clothing to choose from. Such prices quoted in December
are appreciated by clothing buyers, as the attendance at this sale testifies.
Our entire stock of Men's Suits if divided into five lots. Each lot is
piled separately, and each separate lot sells at a uniform price. For
ins tanco :
$ 8.45
is the price of the first lot in which von will find nil
our $10, $12 and $12.50 suits.
is the price of the second lot including all our $1:1.60,
$13.75, $14 and $15 suits.
is the next. In this lot are all our $15.50, $10.50, $17.50,
$18 and $18.75 suits.
is the price put on the fourth lot in wiicli aro the nol -West,
best made $19, $20, $21, $22.50 and $24 suits you
ever saw.
at this price we aro selling any $25, $27.50 anl $30 suit
in stock.
I bm ' 'nil
A Remarkable Condition df Affavira. When You Consider the Time of the Year.
i c
All Lines of Boys', Youths and Children's Suits and Overcoats Reduced.
Special I
in 0O11
dozen 15-inch
kid body dolls,
worth 75c each,
50 c
These are the
J. D. Keetner
Dolls of
Just received an
invoice of good heavy
reversible Rugs in
beautiful design and
Site 31xi)2 inches,
chiefs for the
Handkerchiefs of many
kinds some especially
suitable for gifts.
( ur line of fine linen
Handkerchiefs with nar
row hemstitched edges
and IittaiiUfully emb. bur
dors would please the
moat exacting. $3.50, $2,
$1.50, $i and on down .
the list to the 3c kinds.
Bee our pure linen hem
stitched handkerchiefs
men's and ladies' at
3 for a quarter.
No Wast of Money.
Washington. Dec. 18. Tbe bouse
committee on interstate and foreign com
merce, at its first meeting today, voted to
favorably report tbe Hepburn bill provid
ing for the construction of the Nicaragua
canal. Representative Fletcher, of
Minnesota, was tbe only member voting
against reporting tbe bill. Before the
vote was taken several amendments were
proposed. One by Adameon, of Georgia,
was agreed to, providing that the
expenditure of $10,000,000, as provided
by the bill shall be made on warrants
signed by tbe president of tbe United
States. Other amendments, fixing a
minimum and maximum depth for the
canal were voted down, tbe desire being
to retain tbe original form of tbe Hep
burn bill as near aa possible.
Ctiairman Hepburn was directed to
urge tbe measure to consideration and a
vote in tbe house at tbe earliest
practicable time.
Hang-ad la Hla Call., Or., Dac. 13. Frauk Brebm, a
convict of the Oregon Penitentiary, com
mitted suicide last night by hanging
himself to a water pipe near tbe ceiling
of his cell. The rope used was taken
from his bunk. Brebm was convicted
of burglary and assaulting an officer in
1808, and was sentenced to seveu years
Imprisonment. He assaulted Sheriff
Koie-bt whiU confined in tbe county jtii.
Tbe coroner will bold no Inquest.
"' 1 r- '
Kennedy's oysterettea, 6 cents, at
Pease Mays grocery department. 3t
Subscribe for Tu Omomioi a.
A Hint....
buy her a
nice easy pair
of bouse shoes.
Nothing really
more appreciated.
Ladies' Mi, for trimmed Juliets,
io red, wine, black and
u.owo SI.50
Misses', red end brown. .1.25
Children's sizes at l.OO
A. M. Williams ft Co.
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A fnll line of BRIDGE A BEACH
Cook aud Heating fcJtovs.
Doe's Ma It le.
Just wet the affected part freely with
m . am a l a L. J
Mysterious raw Ure, a eowcu raawur,
aud tbe pals is gone. Bold by Clarke A
bttoM ooU.
are the best advertisers for Foley's
Gifford'i Fotot New Fad
FAKMINU IMPLEMENTS. - Weius for Hoosler Drills, J. I. Case Steel Farm
Hsfa ami IHnwe. Spri IWI. Harrows, Bisseli Chilled Plows, Mitchell Wag
on. ami Hatha, 1 1 nine Bii.slrs.
...Star Windmills...
With Ball and Killer bearings, and fully warranted.
Write us for prices aud catalogue.
All orders entrusted to os will have prompt attention.
Prices always right.
Tbe only Exclusive Hardware Store in tbo elly.
ubrs French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetate, perfectly fcarmleea, sure to accomplish
DfW&O MBMilX. Urtgteat know female remedy.
For solo by Geo. P, Blake ley, The Dallas, Or,