The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 13, 1901, Image 4

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    See our latest
Novelties in
Calendars and
Fancy Goods.
President E. E. Lytle, of the Coluni
bin ml hern, we in town today.
A. fiarsfield and wife, of Centerviile, j
spent last night in tlie city ttie auests of
She Columbia House.
The ffhMt Trade.
There is not a case of nervous weaknssi in the world
today (no matter what the can or of how long standing)
that the nee of LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS according to
directions, which are simple ana very easy to follow, will
tail to perm inentlv num. Whv do you remain weak when
LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS will iiiike yon etfflg?
Pric $1 00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by
mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles.
White Colter Line.
They orercome Weak
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase viff
or and banish "pain
of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to girls at
womanhood, aiding development, of organs and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure. $1 .OO PER ItOX BY MAIL. Sold
by druggist. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio
For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, Tne Dalles, Or.
The Portland Commercial Review of
tl 21st says- The mirket during the
pat week baa biHit quite active and has
'oi lowed the advance of Eastern and
f.ireign market9. Prices have materially
advanced, and the club wheat sold as
hirfh aeG'J1 cents per bushel here, f. c.
t', Prices would luive advanced higher
if freights would not have absorbed a
part of the recent advance in Eastern
and foreign markets. Farmers on the
advance price do not seem to respond as
freely a' we thought they would, i They
have maintained all seasn that if they
could obtain 50 cents at home they
would let go their holding?; the same
old story has been repeated. When
tliey could secure the price they wanted
and they 5"e that the market is a little
active they raised their pretentions and
are not the libera! sellers that they
-claimed thev would be when the mar
kets reached their figures. It has been
estimated that fully two third? of the
crop of 1901 has been disposed of and ex
porters have all their houses filled to
overflowing with wheat which they have
recently bought.
Women anil Jewel.
. Jewels, candy, fl wers, man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Some Have Run Away with Mtn j Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
Far Beneath Them.
Notable lnatanrm of the "aaeeptl-
blllty of Royalty- to the Darta of
Cupid Traaredlea That Hr
Artrtl4fl Letter.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postuffice at The Dalles un
called for December 1U, 1901. Persons
calling for the same will give date on
which they were advertised:
Adams, Rosia
Burt, L II
Unlock, Maud
Jlroddie, A
Baker, Lore
Baker, zra
Bowen, George
Gaulder, Gerald
Crawford, Miss
Crofren, T N
Clark, Agnes
Carlston. Ellen
Campbell, Phoebe
Derrick, Win G
Dann, Edward W
Fiver. J T
iibson, John
Hammer), Amy
tfalden, James
Jorgensen, Charley
.Johnson, John
a. m
Jackson, H B
Knabe, Chris
Keeler, Lewis W
Koonce, Mr
Kaugar, Olli
Harrington, Tim
Lock, FS
Lowery, J Martin
Lownig, Steven L
Murphy, W'm
Murrav, Thead
Murray. C M
Moore, Jack
Manden, J I
Pearson, Earnest J
Stephens, P B
S.ivaae, G L
Sunborg, Emil
Thompson, W C
Tindell, Sam
Wilkinson, Charlie,3
Rasauer, Henry
Pattkksos, P. M.
Max Vogt deserves the thanks of the
patrons of The Dalies pott office tor
patting two pairs of new swinging
doors on the front entrance to tbe
postoffice. The principal fault with
the old ones was nobody but an
able-bodied person in robust health
VXHl'.d open theui.
New Mine Shop.
Harold Hansan announces that be has
etaned a shoe shop in the East End,
tiexr to the Skibbe Hotel. All kinds of
repair work done in 6rstclacs shape at
reasonable price. dl2 lmo
Won't Let Them softer.
Often children are tortured with itch
ing and burning eczema and other skin
diseaees but Bucklen's Arnica Salve
iieal the raw sores, expels inflammation,
leaves the skin without a scar. Clean,
fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on
earth as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed.
Only 25c at G. C. Blakeley 's drugstore. 4
When your hair appears dry and to
nave lost its vitality it wants something 1
to give it life and vigor. We have what I planned
the hair needs when it gets in that con
dition. We have m the Crown of
Science Hair jMtSTb Grower and
Cocoanut CreainH Ur Tonic. They
Mill cure dand VuuV rtlff and ail
wcalp disease. For sale at Frazer's bar
ber shop. Price 60c and 75c a bottle.
Even royalties are not immune from
the darts of (.'upid, and, although un
der the laws of all European nations
princesses are forbidden to wed hus
bands of inferior rank to their own.
many have surrendered to u handsome
face or a dashing manner even though
their possessors were men of plebeian
birth, says a London exchange.
Princess Isabella, grandaunt of the
present king of .Spain, eloped wi:h the
Polish Count Ourowslci. One d'ark
night th..' count repaired with a car
riage to Enghien, near Paris, where
his inamorata lived. Leaving her
house by means of a rope ladder, she
soon joined him, and the couple es
caped safely to this country, where
they were married. Alas, the glamour
soon faded, for after awhile the pair
quarreled and a separation ultimately
Even more romantic was the elope
ment of her sister
ine. A certain Bettor Henede. a poet of
promise and a journalist attached to a
Havana paper, asked a ri-h plantv-r for
his daughter's hand, with the result
that he was ignomtniously shown the
door. FntloUS at this treatment, the
young poet swore that he would show
the world his worth by marrying a
Quitting Cuba, he journeyed to Mad
rid, where, after years of want and
suffering, he gained a reputation as
a poet. At last his genius attracted
the notice of Princess Josephine, to
whom he had dedicated several of his
effus: in. The royal lady made his
acquaintance and became enamored
with the poet. Her love was returned,
the pair eloped to Paris. On hearing
the news the princess' family were
aghast and strove by every means to
have the marriage annulled. Their ef
forts were, however, futile, and, com
mon sense at length prevailing, the
poet and his royal bride were for
given and taken info favor.
Some six years s::;ee Princess Eliza
beth, a granddaughter of the emperor
of Austria, fixed her affections upon
Baron Otto fon Seefried, a young in
fantry lieutenant. Her relatives' ef
forts to prevent the mesalliance were
of no avail, for oae morning the lovers
escaped to (ien"a, where they were
married. Another Austrian royalty,
Princess Elvira, likewise contracted a
runaway marriage by eloping with a
Bavarian count, while the mother of
the present queen of Italy eloped with
an artillery officer, who, on the union
turning out unhappy, committed sui
cide. Some two years since a desperate
duel was fought between Lieut, (ieza
I)e Matachieh and Prince Philip of
Saxe-Coburg, in which the latter was
wounded. 1 nia encounter was the out
come of tli" action mken by the prince's
wife, Brificess Louise, eldesl daughter
of the king of the Kelgians, who, driven
to desperation by her husband's cruel
ty, had. after vainly appealing to her
father for protection, thrown herself
upon the honor of the Hungarian offi
cer of hussars, with whom she tied to
An elopement that failed was that
by ' Grand Duchess Olga.
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels, health, is often
ruined in the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase them. If
a woman will risk her health to gets
coveted gem, then let her fortify herself
aaainst tbe insiduous consequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affection by
the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in its early stages and heal the
affected lungs and bronchial lubes and
drive the diead disease from the system.
It is not a cure-all, but it is aertaiu
cure for cotnihe, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at Blakeley' drug
store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1
THe Dafies-Portlanff Home
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Portland, The Dalles and
Way Points.
Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. on Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday.
Arrives The Dalle, same day, 5 p. m.
Leaves Tlie Dalles at 7 a. m. on Bun
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. m.
Meals the Very Best.
aVotrTui Route has tbe
Scenic Attraction on Earth.
Portland-Astoria Route
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Street.
51 Local,
868 Long Distance.
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.,
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent for Russell & t'o.'s Engines, Threshers and Baw Mills.
Cor, ta & LunUu Sts, THE DALLES OR
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073.
Daily Round Trip except Sunday.
Leave Portland 7 a, u,
Leave Astoria 7 r. m.
Landing and office Foot of Alder
Street; both phones, Main 351, Port
land, Oregon.
An Kvangrllal'M Story,
"I "ift'-ted for vears, with bronchial or
lung trouble and tried various remedies
but ditl not obtain permanent relief
until I commenced using Minute
Cough Cure," writes Rev. James Kitk
man, evangelist of Belle River, III. "1
have ii" hesiiation in recommending it
to all enff-rers from maladies of this
kind." One Minute Cougli Cure affords
immediate relief for coughs, colds and
all kinds of ihroat and Inng troubles.
Princess Joseph; j For croup it is tin quailed. Abeolntely
eafe. ery pleasant to take, never fails
and is ready a favorite with the children
They like it. Clarke & Falk'e P. O.
Sarril iJu Life.
"I wish to say that I owe my life to
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure," write H. C.
Chresteneon of Hayfieid, Minn. "For
three year I was troubled with dyspepsia
so that I con'd hoid nothing on my
etombci. . Mauy times I would be un
able to retain a morsel of food. Finally
I was confined to my bed. Doctor eaid
I could not live. I read one of your
advertisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
and thought it fit my case and com
menced its use. I began to improve
from the first bottle. Now I am cured
and recommend it to all." Digest your
food. Cures all stomach troubles. Clarke
& Falk'e P. O. Pbarmacy.
E. W. Crichton, Agent Portland,
Prather and Barnes, Agts., Hood River,
Wolford & Wyers, Agts.. White Salmon,
I, C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver,
A. J. Taylor, Agent Aetoria.
R. B. Gilbrcth, Agt., Lyle, Wash.
J. M. FILLOON, Agent, The Dalles.
Dalles, joiiiag & Astoria
Of the product of this well-known brewery tbe United Btatee Health
Report for Jane 28. 1900, says: "A more an peiior brew never entered
the labratory of the United State Health reports. It la absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is com posed of
the beat of malt and choicest of hops. It tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. It use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physician with
the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found.".
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies jand Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer -Grocer.
He Kept Ilia Leg.
Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of
j Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with
a rusty wire. Inflammation and blood
poison iug set in. For two years he suf
fered intensely. Then the best doctor
urged amputation, "but," he writes, "I
need one bottle of Electric Bitter and
1 1-2 boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve
and n y leg was eound and well a ever."
For Eruption, Eczema, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Sores and all blood disorder
Electric Bitters ha no rival on eaitb.
Try them. G. C. Blakeley will guarantee
satisfaction or refund money. Only 50
cent. 4
For infants and Cruidreu.
fk Kind Yoti Have Always
Sears the
Signature ol
An elegant line of Xmas cigars at
Jran?t, the only exclusive cigar store in
Che city. dlO-lw
Cocoanut wafer and five o'clock to at
I' ease A Maya' grocery department. 3t
Kennedy' oysterettes, 6 cents, at
MM & Maya grrcery department. 3t
aaugnter ot .Mcnoia.s i. or, ami
Lieut. At the last mo
ment the lover's courage failed and he
mad.- a full confession. The princess
was promptly married to Prince
Charles of Wurtt-niburp, while the
treacherous officer received such rapid
promotion as to attain the highest
rank in the army before he was 50.
Count Louis llaithyany, who was
shot in the market place of Btida
IVsth by the imperial troops for his
cmiiplicity in the rising of 1848, might
have escaped his tragic fate had h
contented to desert his wife and fam
ily and elope with Archduchess Maria,
who was madly in hive with him.
A grey horse branded JP u-onnccted
on the hip and shoulder came to on
place about six months ago. Owner esn
have tbe asms by proving property and
laying for this notice and other cost.
E. P. Koo.vrz,
nO lm Five Mil
Plajvd Out.
Dull Headache, Pain in various parte
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Keverishnese,
Pimple or Sores are all positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No matter bow it
became so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker'a Blood
Elexir has never failed to en re Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poison or any other blood
disease. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, tbe drug
gist. Cltauxe of Headquarter.
The headquarter of The Dalle and
Sbaniko stage line ia now at tbe Colum
bia Hotel. Stage leave there for Sban
iko every morning, except Sunday, at 6
o'clock. Passenger rate to Sbaniko $2.
20n-tf J. M. Toomby, Agent.
5 Howard.
at 7 A. M.
...Portland Boat...
at 7:00 A. M.
W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent,
Tbe Dalle, Oregon.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Cra&dall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shrouds
Just What
Vou cuant.
Lost, a lady's gold watch, with the
initials, C. W. H. carved on tbe case.
The above reward will be paid for its re
turn to this office. dll-4t
Vood Vkaaffad to I'oUun.
Putrefying, food in the intestines pro
duce effects like those of arsenic, but
Dr. King's New Life Pill expel tbe
poison from clogged bowels, gently,
easily but utely, curing Constipation,
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all
Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only
26c at G. C. Blakeley' drug store. 4
New ideas in Wall Pager hare. Rush
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced n single stock. Real imita
tion creton effect at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prioss.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small pries, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of bouse paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
irrigation, Bridge, Bailroadand Water Supply
cltr Mine and Expert Laud Burvejlng, Map
ml Address, f. O. Box Sis, TOE DA LLPS. 08
C. J.
I J J J U' 0 l (i fiiK J 'U J-
Wines, Upirs Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Uondon Pboaa US
Long DUt. 1091.
Nest door to First National Bank.
jkttlafitflstl afflllir fgiiatastlltlllatuftiiifj f li if f I i
Will WffilH : li Co,
Headquarters for Seed Grail), of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi u kin
Headquarters for Boiled Grain, &a kind
Headquarters for Bratw Start. S?J
all kinds
Headquarters fer "Byers" Bapf Pendle-
tOH FlOUr ThiB Hour manufactured expsssely tor faauUy
utk ia J aM ..Hafanllnn
We soli our anode lower than an hnnaa in th t..H. Z7X n think aa
sail end get oars and a. sonelnaad. "w
High, Prioan for Wkm, BrlY Mid Qfr.
A ' 1 ' IHH I I 11 passxxssjasxssssssss
dverta in the Ghroatale