The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 13, 1901, Image 3

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    tauiw vriuctK ana ouii oaie.
ibenomcnal Prices on 5irtt, Cloaks and Furs. This is our
bmy time in the store, and also the average shopper lias but very little time to
waste over the price of a garment. We will meet von more than half way so
that you will not have to hesitato as to the price.
Jackets at $10.00 will sell for $ G.95 Jackets at $10.50 will sell for
n-ou y.uij " 17 oo "
15.00 M " " 11.00 " " 20.00 M
. 13.95
0 Suits gelling at $10, $12.50 and $15 will sell for $9.50
Suits selling at $16.50, $17, $18 and $20 will sell for $13.00.
i laid i Din Xmas flnnouncemem
& : "
fur Jackets, Caes, Collarettes, Scarfs and Boas in beaver,
stone martin, mink, fox, bear, skunk, seal, martin coney, lynx, nutria and
Scarf and Boas. Collarettes.
Retailing at $4 25 will he told for $3.00 Selling at $0.50 will be sold for $4.65
' 2 75 will be sold for 1.90 " " 7.50 will be sold for 5.25
" " 5.00 will be sold for '.; 00 ',' " 8.75 will be sold for 6.75
" 0.00 will be sold for . 4 85 " " 9.00 will be sold for 7.00
" 0 50 will be sold for 4 05 " 11.00 will be sold for 7.85
" " 7.00 will be sold for 5.25 " " 12 50 will be sold for 8.95
" 7.50 will be sold for 5.40 " " 13.00 will be sold for 9.50
" 9.00 will be sold for 6.90
" " 10.00 will be sold for 7.25 Fr Capes at $30.00 reduced to $21.50
" " 11.00 will be sold for 7 85 Electric Seal Jackets at $30.00 and $40.00, re-
" 18.00 will be sold for 13.00 duced to $22.50 and $29 00
will soon be here. Why not combine
usefulness with yonr Chriotma gener
osity? There is nothing more nreful or
acceptable as a present than footwear.
For Men
We have 'Uppers of brown k'.d, wine
calf, kid romeos, opera slippers, dress
shoes in patent leather, pumps, and
well we can't tell you all. Come, see !
For Women
Slippers and sandals in satin, kid
and patent leather from one to eight
strap high. Dress boots an J street
boots, and come, see.
For boys, misses and children
slippers, shoes and leggina, and once
again we say come, see.
All Goods
Marked in
Plain Figures
The Dalles Daily ChHffiiete.
DEC. 13, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All Whoo County warrant registered
prior to January , 1890, will be paid
on presentation at nay olllee. Interest
ceeses after November IB, 1901.
County Treasurer.
Don't forget Professor Sandvig's dance
tomorrow night.
A. M. Williams & Co. are oelliug their
75 -cent kid-body dolls at 60 cents this
The prices on ladies' and children's
knit goods are surprisingly low at the
New York Cash Store. dlStf
Girl wanted for cooking and boose
work. Good wages to a competent
person. Apply at tbia office. dl3 2t
Children's knit leggios, mittens and
toques a full line at lowest prices at
tbe New York Cash Store. dlStf
Scalp treatments free. A chance to
save your hair. Prof. Bortell at tbe res
idence of Thomas Kelly. Hours 9 a. m.
to 5 p. m. i dl3-tf
Have you seen those knit goods at the
New York Cash Store? Jascinstof.
ice-wools, circular shawla, mittens and
skirts. t dlStf
The Hood Kiver Glacier is informed
that H. J. Byrkett, of Trout Lake, has
sold bin ranch and cattle to Tim fcvane,
of this city. The consideration is $8,500.
Th Chboniolr is indebted to Mr.
Sullivan, tha gentlemanly representative
of Russell & Oo., of Portland, for two
handsome maps of Oregon and Wash
ington. A masque ball will be given by C. F.
Williams at tbe JHj Hollow ball on tbe
night of the 80th inst. Elegant prizes
will be given for the usual beat features
of a luatuuerade.
Tbe Dalles is now having a rpell of its
own clear, bracing delightlal winter
weather, and a grateful ohange it is from
the raw, foggy, Wabfoot pestilence of
the past two weeks.
Tbe regular meeting of the W. B.C.
ocoqre tomorrow (Saturday) evening and
as It is tbe night for tbe annual election
of officers a fall attendance it requested.
Ry order of tha president.
Mrs. J. W. Moe, of Tao-Mlle, who
underwent s vary etiUcal surgical opera
tional Tfja Dallas hospital a few weeks
ago, has to (sr recovered as to be able to
laava for boat iftlg ftp.!...
Sboold Boprawstaliv Moody be re
nominated uest spring Waaeo county
will In that case have two candidates for
congress; Rev, Frank R. Bpanlding, of
Hood River, being the nominee of the
J. J. Weeterland. who sustained a
double fracture in one of bis legs about a
month ago at warren's cannery below
tbe locks, was discharged from Tbe
Dalles hospital yesterday morning and
left on tbe boat for home.
At tbe Catholic fair, which opens
nest Tneeday, yon will find dressed dolls,
all siaee; toilet articles, fancy needle
work and many things suitable for
Xmas gifts. Call and see tbem and
help along a good cause.
John Rotb, of Kingsley, is feeding
84 head of bogs for market on a lot near
the head of the brewery grade. Tbey
are ready for market any time he gets
his urice. whatever that is. He has al
ready refused an offer of $5.00 a bundrejh
Miss Salina Pbirman, one of the
teacher's of The Dalled public schools,
baa been 111 for nearly a week with
typboid fever. y The attending physician
says tbe disease is in a mild form and
that no serious results are anticipated.
Are yon ready for cold weather? If
not you should provide yourself with
some of those knit goods from tbe New
York Cash Store. A large assortment
of these goods for women and children
may be seen at the New York Cash
Store. dlStf
All members of both high shool and
club teams are requested to meet at
B. H. Grant's cigar stoie at 12:30 p. m.,
Sunday, Dec. tfith, is football uuiform
for the purpose oi having a photograph
taken of tbe squad.
Tfcie is overeat weather and buying
time, too. A. M. Williams & Co. will
positively save you from $155 to $5.65
on an overcoat or euu oi domes, u
bought during their present special sale.
All suits and overcoats for man or boy
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith have rented
tbe Obarr Hotel to Mrs Anna Bean
who has taken possession. Mr. and
Mrs. Smith have retired to an elegant
new home they recently built not far
from tbe northeast corner of the old fair
Health Officer Van Anda reports a
naw case of diphtheria this morning in
house from which the quarantine was
aised on the 25tb of November. There
re now seven houses quarantined and
m two or three of these the quaran
tine will be raised by tbe first of tbe
Fred Krusow, of Grace VgUsf , brought
tn town todav four head oi bones to be
shipped on tomorrow' boas to Portland.
tor whiob Sheriff neater ar snst city
paid Mr. Krusow $686, and one of the
borate was only a saddle pony. One
span broogbt $880 and a third horse
$140. Four or fivo yaajs ago the whole
benob wwslds't kwveajrssght $m
Hcppncr's football team has been on
tba "fence" for two days coooarning the
holiday game. It is thought, however,
that the game will come off as first ar
ranged. If not it is expected that some
other good team of the Northwest will
meet our boy on tbe home gridiron
some time daring tbe holiday week.
William Cole, Frank Coyne, James
Page, Fred Grant and Harris Williams,
the men suspected of wracking the O. R.
A N. train at Oeltw last weak, bave been
held for action of tha grand jury, by
ordar of Prosecuting Attorney Menefee,
without a preliminary bearing. Three
of tbem were taken to Portland this
morning by Detectives Nevins and
A handsome ebony gavel has been se
oared by the Ladies of the Catholic
cburcb to be given to the most popular
fraternal order at their fair next week.
Tbe contest will be decided by vote, and
as it is a beautiful article, mounted with
silver, and in every way suitable for the
presiding officer in a lodge, a spirited
contest is expected among tbe different
organizations. Before it is turned oyer
to tbe winning order tbe ladles will bave
thtf gavel handsomely inscribed with tbe
names of the donors and of tbe winning
Christmas is coming, and the Salva
tion army people are working and plan
ning to make it a season of good cheer
for tbe needy ones of our town, and
should have the support of the more
fortonate, bv donating clothing, shoes,
toys or shop-worn clothing, also clothing
that can be made over. Everything can
be put to good use. Either send your
donation to the Salvation Army hall or
notify Capt. Connor and some one will
come and get what you have to give.
Canvassers will be going round for aid
also looking for those who are in need.
It is pleasing to learn from a Wash
ington dispatch that General Gillespie,
chief of engineers, is in favor of a canal
and locks to overcome tbe obstructions
at Tbe Dalles cud Celilo, whenever
congress authorizes aii y improvement to
be made. Like most of the engineers
who bave investigated tbe subjfct, he
believes tbat tbe most satisfactory ar.
rangement will bra canal rather than a
boat railway or any other scheme. Ow
ing to tbe position which General Gil
lespie occupies, he would not be qaoted
oo tbe projects contemplated, but it is
knowu that he and nearly all tbe other
engineers believe in a canal.
The conference of tbe representatives
! of tba three competing lines of transpor
j tatlon to this city, which met bar yea-
terday to 'try and raaeb an agreement
that will prevent a rata war ended, last
I nigbt, after two sessions had beau bald
yesterday, without any aconite recur.
Tba proceedings of tbe meeting bar not
bean given to the public but It I said
tbat Mr. Campbell of tb O. R. N. Co.
oeaoptad Abe efasv and acted a a sort of
umpire between tea two steamboat
lis, and tbat b srosoaasad tba terms
offered by the Regulator lis to It rival
to bo fair and r scans Me. Tb repre
sentatives of the White Collar line doi't
seem to bave agreed with Mr. Campbell,
for tbey refused the terms to the extent
at least, of asking for an adjournment
til! next Tuesday, when they promise to
deliver their ultimatum. Should tbe
White Collar Una refuse the terms of
fered tbem it is more than probable it
is in fact practically certain tbat the
O. R. A N. Co. will take a hand in tbe
fight and will stay in it to a finish.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fish met with a
genuine surprise last night when tha
member of tbe "Twentieth Century
Whict Club" broke into their new home
on Fourth street and took possession of
the building and its contents. Making
themselves thoroughly at borne tbe
intruderc and their "guests" spent a
delightful time in games and music and
the discussion of a dainty, impromptu
repast. Tbe visitors were: Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Logan,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hostetler, Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Seiifert, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
French, Mr. cod Mis. J. T. Peters, Mr.
and Mr. N. J. Sinnott, Mr. E. O. Mc
Coy, Misses Annie and Laura Thompson
and Minnie Lay.
A short time ago tbe editor of this
paper, being accidentally down town at
an hour when all good boys like himself
should be in bed, found a bicycle of the
male persuasion lying on one of tha pub
lic street in a position tbat looked as if
its rider had fallen off the machine and
for some cause wasn't able to get on
again. Tbe bicycle was brought to this
office and advertised until we got tired
seeing the paragraph In print. Once
more attention is called to the matter in
order that we may warn the citizens of
The Dalles tbat if the owner of tbe
blanket y bicycle doesn't call at this of
fice, prove property and pay for this
notice, there is an editor guiog to learn
to ride on the machine if be has to com
mit suicide on somebody to do it.
Aristo is the name of tbe most power
ful end effective hair and scalp prepara
tion on tbe American market today.
Thousands use the name aristo on other
kiods of goods but there is only one kind
of Aristo Hsir Food and to convince
those that have thrown away good
money on so called hair tonics and bave
received no benefit therefrom, Profrceor
Bortell, representing the Aristo Heir
Food Co., will give free rcslp treatment
and teach you how to preserve yoor hair
free of charge and convince tbe most
sceptical that Aristo Hair Food is the
only true hsir and scalp .preparation.
Thomas Kelly residence, hours 0 a. m.
to 6 p. m. For cale exclusively by tba
Postofltea Poarmary, Clarke A Falk,
proprietor. dlStf
Uooada Maealt, 6 cents, at Psaa A
May' grocery department. 8t
Athene, ramose, bmgn. asiaott
wafers, at Peace A Maya' gr"
Blakeley's Drug Store,
Our BOW Onr ChrU'mas linr
are flnei than i vrr.
Medallions Um tbtM ,lin miny
are all 1901 subjeots
The prices are 25 to !W per cf nt
No carry-overs. lomtt xhMa PorU,no,
MAIL. OKDRKit rwelvr our DATUDUflllCC I Fvert INm kK Irllve: -vt rf,
petwmsl mention QUI It rnUlICO lT"''- fl). !'.!' H
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters I
For Wood and Lighter Fuel. L
The introduction of Ootw'i Origin! Air-Tlshv Heater has revouion- W
tied the heating stow trade in alt sections of th United States. Its won- k
.lA.ful tnmv tn tin. fiiAt .nil man. nlKa, .i.u!i. nl j w. 1 i 1 1 iM t
lllll 111. Ill llV 111. ' . . I . H'111 .....V. . - I . . ...... ...'..f
strongly recommend it to all in neei of a heating stove.
What Cola'a Heater Will Do.
This stove will heat a room from i?ro to
Nl degrees In five inimitee.
It will beat your house evenly day and
It holds fire 36 boars wit hvnt Attention.
You build only one fire rcch winter.
It burns chips, bark, leave, paper and
corn robs, and gives excellent remits a lib
this fuel, which Is wasted.
The stove la llaht and easily moved and
set up.
Tbe combustion Is pei feci and ashes are
removed only once In four weeks.
Nona of tbe heat le wasted aad the stove
a ill save one-half of yonr foal bill.
It is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Every one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Hesters is guaranteed to stay
air-tight as long as used. Where wood Is used for fuel every family should
have one or mure of these stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out. We also carry a line of TRILBY
First-Class Regular Meals.
Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served
at all hours and in all styles.
Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates
and confections. Always xresn.
making preparations
for the
ever inaugurated
in the history
of The Dalles,
For Kast-A fsrstasad eottaa of tost
app'y os tss pre!. 41 lw
The Hub Clothing Co