$ Dulles Ci muck VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER )3. 1901 NO. 255 The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in aw for over 30 yean, has borne the riffutnm of ana has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experimants that trifle with and endanger the health of Intents and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Fare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its aire is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMT OnTMM COHMNt, TT MUMMY CTOCET. new VMM MTV. CANNOT RECOVER DAVIS' STEALINGS Judge Boise Decides Case Against the State Sustains Motion of Pen' noyer, McBride and Metscuan to Strike Out Portions of Complaint Referring to Davis. Salem, Dec. 12. Judge Boise, of De partment No. 2, eironit court, rendered an important decision yesterday after noon in the case of the Bute of Oregon against Sylvester Pennoyer, George W. McBride and Phil Metechan, in which it is sought to bold tbeiu responsible for the funds embezsled by George W. Davie as clerk of the state land board, which was comprised of those gentlemen at the time of snch embtsslement. Judge Boise sustained the motion of defendants to strike ir ra the complaint all allegations asserting that Davis was the agent of the board and that they were direct) y responsible to the state for hie acts and malfeasancs. This decision virtually destroys the case against the board and leaves no hope t i being able to collect a dollar of the Davis defalcation. Judge Boise delivered the opinion orally, and said : "In tbis case it is claimed that Davis was the dark and also the agent of the state land board, and that they received the money for the school funds through him ss snch agent, in trust for the stale. The only question to be considered is that of the agency thus alleged. "The constitution of ibe state makes the governor, secretary of ttate and state treasurer the board of commissioners for the sale of school lands and tba invest "lent of its funds, and provides that they hall administer this -trust as provided v lawa aoUsd by tba legislature. "The qqesgiooisnotnraaentedio these pleadings whether the laws passed by the legislature are in eccordaooe with the coustitution, bat they will be pre sumed to be so the matter not being involved In tba pleadings. "Toe lvgifVtre has passed laws at various times defining the duties and functions of the officers of the state the governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, ate., and all sooh officers most ' under dlssjaiiae of tea law saalaelag any particular subject. The legislature may regulate the manner of conducting the trust imposed by the constitntion. It may and it did set the price at which lands ehould be sold; prescribe the manner and conditions of sale; the handling of the funds, etc. The legis lature also provided for the appointment of the clerk of the board and definded his duties, as to the collection and their payment, which the law says most be made to the state treasurer by him direct. The money does not go to the board, but direct from the clerk to the treasurer of state. "I think, then, that he is the agent of the state and not of the board, and its members are not responsible for his failure to pay over the moneys. "The motion to strikeout is sustained." Trying; to Convert Bar Captum Constantinople, Dec. 12. The latest information regarding Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American missionary, and Mme, Tsilka, her compauion, indicates that their condition has been so far ameliorated that tbey are able to obtain rude comforts. It is even eaid that the brigands bave a doctor ready at hand in case his servieee afeuald be uaoded. It appears that tto bsanda we now com plaining that Hiss Stone is attempting to convert them to Go.ristiajBJty. White recognizing tbaillogaUty of tbaabduction of Miss Stonf and Mm. Tsilka, the brigands nogAagd that thair agtion was in the intaaeat aj a sacrss) cause, and therefore justifiable. Tne brigands apparently are prepared to bold out all winter. They refuse to abate their demands one dollar, and have not vouchsafed a rejy to Mr. Dickinson's ultimatum to the effect thai they mut accept bis last offor or nothing. It is understood that recommendations have bean forwarded to Washington proposing that ao ultimatum be sent to Bulgaria. , SrrMKS to California. Gkavt's Pass, Dec, 12. George Ver non, a traveling violiois', who stole a horse and aaddle in this city a few days ago and passed several fraudulent checks, has been cubt and lodged in jail in Siskiyou county. California, ebargad not only with lbs off msee named, but also with being implicated in the train bald up at Walkers, near Eugene. Vernon is wanted in Bujrne for passing fraudulent obec s. In Grant' Pass V aroon hired a horea and saddle to go to Wedging. I giving the oweer of tba betas a jresar of aw a ikai attorney to conaw svsuv uwimu tP sIVbS' ' ' i sflsam 5bjjM Onr advertisements are accepted literally, because thev are written literally. They're the photographer's sensitive plate picturing what is before them as it is. Compare our claims and offering- and you'll find they tal!y exactly. What need have we for exaggeration'.' ALL tSuitSnnd Overcoats witK no exceptions At REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS! If you haven't fitted youreelf ont yet now is the right time to buy. There's nothing to be gained by waiting for each succeeding day will see less and leas clothing to choose from. Puch prices quoted in December are appreciated by clothing buyers, as the attendance at this sale testifies. Our entire stock of Men's Suits is divided into five lots. Each lot is piled separately, and each seierate lot sells at a uniform price. For instance : $ 8.45 $10.65 $13.85 $16.85 $21.85 is the price of the first lot in which von will rind all our $10, $12 and $12.50 suits. is the price of the second lot including all our $18.90, $13.75, $14 and $15 suits. , i w is the next. In this lot are all our $15.50, $10.50, $17.50, $18 and $18.75 suits. is the price put on the fourth lot in which aro the nob biest, best made $19, $20, $21, $22.50 and $24 fuits you ever saw. at this price we are selling any $25, $37.50 ami $30 suit in stock. ALL OVERCOATS ARE REDUCED TO THE SAME PRICES AS SUITS. A RemarKsble Condition of Affairs, When You Consider the Time of the Year. All Lines of Boys', Youths and CKildren's Suits and Overcoats Reduced, Special In Doll Dept. 9 dozen 16-inch kid body dolls, worth 76c each, at 50 c each These are the celebrated J. D. Xestner Dolls of world-wide reputation "3s bhW Rugs Just received an invoice of good heavy reversible Rugs in beautiful design and colorings. Size 31x62 inches, $3. Handker chiefs for the HolisJers Handkerchief of many kinds some especially suitable for gifts. Our line of fine linen Handkerchiefs with nar row hemstitched edges and Iwautifully emb. bor ders would please the most exacting. $3.60, $2, $1.60, $1 and on down the list to the 3o kinds. Bee our pure linen hem stitched handkerchiefs men's and ladies' at for a cfuaster. A. M. WILLIAMS L CO. would arrive in a few days. Tne money failed to turn up. An inquiry sent to W at kins elided t be fact that the man bad left for Happy Camp, Cal. The borrowed horse and saddle were found tbe roadside near Watkins. Word was sent to the sheriff of Siskiyou coontv, who captured the man and promptly laoded him in jail. Vernon is a bad character, or at least his record in this vicinity would prove each, and it is the belief of the officers who bave blni in custody thai be was implicated in tbe Eugene train robbery. Gift I To Be In Bond. Washington, Dec. 12. It transpires that tbe rift of 110.000.000 which Andrew Carnegie tendered to President Roosevelt for the founding of e great institution for hiirher education was not an offer of $10,. 000,000 in cash, but tbe per value of that amount in bonds of tbe United Mates Steel Corporation. Tbe offer of tbeae bonds is embarrassing to tbe administra tion, owing to tbe complications wbicb might arise if the government accepted them, aod tbe president, it isoederstood, is now in correspondence with Mr. Car negie about tba matter. It if understood to be bis desire that the bonds be con verted into cash. If ibis is done tba only obstacle in tba path ol tbe acceptance of tbe generous gift of Mr. Carnegie will be moved. Pending tbe result of tbis oorrespoodeoee Mr. Carnegie's offer is being wllbbeld from panares. AUNH lAaULi IB TaletiaWMHMJU A Hint.... buy ber a nice cosy pair of bouse shoes. Nothing really more appreciated. af, gflfeb. Ladies' felt, far trimmed Juliets, in red, viae, black and brown 1.50 Misses', red and brown . . .$1.35 Children's eizss at l.OO 1 M Williams S Co. MS BsafB Use's Hum it , Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Palo Core, a Scotch remedy, and tbe pain la gone. Sold by Clarke k folk. Sati.a.4 ?!. are tbe bast advertisers far Foley's Haui mmA Tar anal all who use it acre that HUasaaeodM resneor w or sot longs, uerae an. trtrPftfo Sexton & Walther Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THK DALLES, OREGON. A full line of MMfXiE A BEACH aw hvi'khiun nicr.ii HAflubs, aoo if Cook and Meeting stoves. FARMING I MPLKUKNI-N. sewnis for liooster Drills, J. I. Case Steel Far as Hairo. ami Plows. Murine- Tessb Harrows, Hissell Chilled Plows, MllebeJI Wag. oas and Harks, Hrnnry Buaies. ...Star Windmills... With Ball and Killer bearings, aod fully warranted. Write us lor prices and eaialogurs. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt atteatloe. Prices always right. The only Exclusive Hardware Store in tba city. EH Lyon's French Periodical Orot Strictly vegetab .v harmless, eare to Greatest known female remedy- turn ggaiyaM en. C. ttsejay. Tk Dalian, Or.