The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 12, 1901, Image 3

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    Ladies9 Cloak and Suit Sale.
Phenomenal Prices on Suits, Cloaks and Furs. This is our
busy time in the store, and also the average shopper lias but very little lime to
waste; over the price of a. .garment. We will meet von more than half way so
that you will not have to hesitate as to the price.
Jackets at $10.00 will sell for $ G.95 Jackets at $10.50 will sell for $12.00
" 12.50 " " 9.00 " " 17.00 4 12.05
" 15.00 " " 11.00 " 20.00 " " 13.95
Suits selling at $10, $12.50 and $15 will sell for $9.50
k Suits selling at $10.50, $17, $18 and $20 will sell for $13.00.
I Watcl (or Oiu Uks flioyncewi
SS i
fur Jackets, Coes, Collarettes, Scarfs and Boas in beaver,
J stono martin, mink, fox,, bear, skunk, seal, martin coney, lynx, nutria and
X moufflon.
Scarfs and
Retailing at $4 25 will be sold for $3.00
" " 2 75 will be sold for 1.90
" " 5.00 will be sold for 8 90
' " 6.00 will he sold for 4 8r
" " 0 50 will be sold for 4 Go
" 7.00 will be sold for 5 25
" M 7.50 will be sold for 5.40
" " 9.00 will be sold for 6.90
" 10.00 will be told for 7.25 Capea at $30.00 reduced to $21.50
" " 11.00 will be sold for 7.85 Electric Seal Jackets at $30.00 and $40.00, re
' 18.00 will be sold for 13.00 daced to $22.50 and $29 00
Selling at $6.50 will be sold for , $4.65
" 7.50 will be sold for 5.25
" " 8.75 will be sold for 6 75
" " 9.00 will be sold for 7.00
" ' 11 00 will be sold for 7.85
" " 12 60 will be sold for 8.95
" " 13.00 will be sold for 9 50
will sion be here. Why not combine
nsefuluess with your Christmas gener
osity? There is nothing more useful or
acceptable as a present than footwear.
for Men
We have slippers of brown k!d, wine
calf, kid rotneos, opera slippers, dress
shoes in patent leather, pumps, and
well we can't tell yon all. Come, see !
For Women
Slippers and sandals in satin, kid
and patent leather from one to eight
straps high. Dress boots an 1 street
boots, and come, see.
For boys, misses and children
slippers, shoes and lee-gins, and once
again we saycome, fee.
Blakeley s Drug Store,
Our new Owl Oristatet ffasa
are finer than r.
Medallions 0f9t tht lhntt M mtttny
are all 1901 suhjeots N
The prlres are .5 to 30 per rent
No carry-overs. o9 ,h rMl(lI,d.
MAIt. uKOCKS nwlvc our DflTU DURHCQ I Kwr i'tck.ct- 4tllv- rff(
personal uttrntlon. BUI II rnUriEv t ywrnpfiy. in thortty.
All Goods
Mar&ed in
Plain Figures
The Dalles Daily jjjjjgjW
THURSDAY - - DEC. 12, 1001
j Oysters
At Andrew Keller's.
All IVtMo County wwrinti rettetd
prior to January 4, 1899, will be paid
on presentation at my office. Interest
ceaees after November 19, 1901 .
County Treasurer.
Uneedu biscuits, 6 cents, at Pease &
Mays' grocer; department. 3t
Cocoanut wafers and five o'clock tea at
Pease & Mays' grocery department. St
Kennedy's oyeterettes, 5 cents, at
Pease 4 Mays' grocery department. 3t
Dollar sale at Miss Hayen'e Friday
and Saturday, including street and
trimmed hats.
Athena, Ttrmona, champagne, minuet
and sugar wafers, at Pease & Mays gro
cery department.
For Rent A furnished cottage of four
rooms on West 81st b end Lincoln streets.
Apply on the premises. dl2-lw
All Foresters ate requested to be pres
ent at their hall Fiiday evening, Dec.
I3tb, promptly at 8 o'clock. There will
bi work in the mountain degree. By
cider of the Chief Ranger.
The following officers were elected by machines for
the United Artisans last evening, to
serve for the ensuing six months : G.
K. Saundere, M A ; F Angle, supt. ; A J
Mills. Insp; J F Haworth, Sec ; George
Hubert. Treas : Mrs. Lottie Watte, Sr.
Ooo ; Mm. S Bolton, M C ; Robert Ocneg
Jr. Con.
Messrs. Seeley and Crichton
art umeg i
i, of the
.11 .( K
would benefit her, and all was done that
loving bands could do, but 'twas of no
avail. She was born at M osier, Jan. 21,
1894. The funeral will be at Mosier at
1 :30 p. m, on Friday, Dec 13th .
James Mcintosh and E. C. Potts, who
were brought here from Portland a lew
days ago on the supposition that they
were the men who gagged and robbed
A. C. Laweon of this city, on the night
of the 4th instant, were discharged from
custody this morning and immediately
took the boat for Portland. Tne men
were able to prove beyond a donbt that
tbey were not in The Dalles on the
night in question and could not, there
fore, have committed the robbery. .
A meeting was held in tbe council
chamber last night for the purpose of or-
e-tnisimr a Humane Society in this city.
What the meeting lacked in attendance
was made up in enthusiasm. It was
agreed that some organized effort ehonjd
be made to prevent or punish cases of
cruel and inbnmau treatment of persons
or of the dumb animals that cannot
plead their own cause. Mayor Farley
occupied tbe chair but as no one present
seemed to know how to go about the
matter of organization, Dr. Siddall was
unanimously appointed a committee of
one to obtain the necessary information
and to report to a meeting to be held,
later subject to bis call.
Tbe Racket Store is headquarters for
Santa Claus. Our holiday goods have
all arrived, with the exception of a few
thing!, and are going like "hot cakes."
To those who have not been in we would
say, don't make your Xmaa purchases
until you visit the great bargain store.
Our prices are the lowest. Hewing
little girls, $1 each; doll
(carriages wuh parasols, ou cents; an
other style, 35 ceute. China and glast-
Iware in endless variety and as usual
toery cheap, and a thousand and one
things too numerous to mention, all at
iRcket prices. daalt
Tne U. S. civil service commission will
hniH BT.minationa at several places In
removed a dozen pairs of burrs from the
months of horses owned by rich people,
fashionable people, select people, lead
ing citizens and patrons of tbe Madison
Square Garden bene show. Tbe burr is
an instrument of torture designed to
hurt a bora so that be trill champ,
prance and behave in a "mettlesome"
way. A burr is a circular leather pad
about 2)4 inches in diameter, tbe inside
of which is etodded with smell bunches
of stiff bristles, about three-eights of an
inan long or, in some instances, with
nails or screws. The burrs are placed
just within tbe cheeck pieces of the bit
with tbe spiked side ntxt to tbe horses
cheek, or the skin about tbe corner of
the horses month. When the horse
moves his head to either side or either
rein is drawn noon, the bristles or
spikes or screws prick him. Washing
ton Star.
Wholesome but Unpleasant Troth.
White Collar Line, B. Campbell, of the MOO eute. during March and April to
O. R. & N. Co., and the directors of tbe t8Ciire young men and women for tbe
D. P, & A. N. Co. went into consultation government service. 9,888 persons se
in this city this afternoon op the qoes- Lured positions laBt year through these
. . v- ...I V .. o l. M.. Ifl fUlft annnilit.
tion of tbe pending rate war, reeui axaminauooe. r-'; -rr
had been reaobed at the hour of going to JmenU will be made this year. All ap-
..-.-. I a art. If HHQ IOr lUUev UU-
pUIUblUVUt. W -w- .
Mrs. M. H. Roberts, of Dry Hollow,
writes to ber family from Spokane.where
she baa been visiting with ber sop, Dan
iel H. Roberta foi about two weeks, that
she found Mm almost bedfast and seri
ously ill of what the physicians pro-
uoance to bo consumption. He baa
taken the Van Ruck treatment from Dr.
James Sutherland but without any
permanent beneficial result.
Little Mildred, tbe 8-year-old daugb
tor of Mr. and Mrs. E. U. Phillips, died
at tbe home of her aunt, Mr. F. ?..
Taylor, of this ty, Dec. lit of miliaay
tuberculosis. 8be a Mtt bete
from bar bona In Portland about throe
weeks ago with the hope that the change
aUtona onlv a common school education
is required. Salaries at appointment
vary from 000 tvi $1200 a year with lib
eral promotions afterward. Politics is
not considered. This affords a good op
portunity for people between 16 and 45
years of age. Tboae desiring plaeet of
this kind cm get full information about
tbem, free, by writing to tbe Colombian
r..u.reaooadenee Colleje. Washington,
D. C and asking for fta ai-ll ear-lee
catalogue, number three.
Soma parsons ere leas reapecta-le than
tbey think and leas go than they ioo.
TLU trtla aaaertloo bee Men proved in
n- Ynrk when aeenU oi toe society
for tbe Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer of yes
terday hits off Portland in tbe following
fashion which, unfortunately, has too
much truth in it to be pleasant:
"Portland has jnrt been slinging itself
in an effort to raise a suitable fund for
tbe exposition, with tbe reenlt that
thousands of dollars have been sub
scribed, and more is a coming. Every
body is glad of it. Hustle is what tbe
town needs above all other tbings. In
view of tbe signs of awakening, the Oie
gonlan felicitates itself in theee words:
"Tbe Lewis and Clark subscriptions
will kill off two ancient bugbears.
Nobody is talking now about superior
enterprise at Seattle. Nobody is in
donbt about Portland's being on the
"Well and good. Let Portland emu
late Seattle's enterprise. Let tbe town,
with Albina, East Portland, Bcapoose,
Oregon City and numerous other sub
urbs, climb up on the map, take a firm
ciocb and remain in plain sight of tbe
assembled multitude. But let Portland
give bed to this account of J. S. Lytle,
a Kansas pioneer, ho died tbe other
day at Hiawatha:
"While in Santa Ana, Cal., be slept
fwiiu May 28th to Aug 20tb. He was
brought home early in September, and
bas been sleeping continuously siuce the
second day of that month. He died a
few moments after awakening. During
his long sleep he was fed by means of a
robber tube.
"The comparison is too close for com
fort, yet there is hope for Portland, be
couse the town isn't quite dead yet.
Tbe only difference in tbe two eases is
.k.i Portland during her long sleep was
..t nourished by means oi uuu.
tobe." . ,
They Discussed .Rate-Cutting.
A well-attended meeting of tbe busi
ness men of the citv convened in the
club rooms last night to consider what
action, if any, should be taken in relation
to the rate war just inaugurated by the
White Collar Line. M. T. Nolsn called
tbe meeting to order and occupied the
chair till the entrance of President
Whealdon, when tbe latter took Mr.
Nolan's place. Mr. Peters stated the
object of tbe meeting and suggested
that tbe beet way to stop the war was
for tbe business men of tbe town to re
fuse tbe opposition line any business. He
insisted that there was not room for two
Tbe diseussion lasted for aboot an
boor and a half and at times waxed
warm. A motion prevailed tnat tne
chair appoint three business men to
cinvass the boainess bouses of tbe city
and obtain pledges of the merchants
that tbey will not support the White
Collar line. The chair appointed Messrs.
Peters, Cross and Mclnerny.
Tbe sense of tbe meeting was finally
obtained by the presentations of the fol
lowing motion: "Resolved that any
transportation company tbat Is re
sponsible for ratting rates below what is
fair and reasonable is unworthy of the
patronage of the merchants of Tbe
Dalles." On a rising vote In tbe affirma
tive every man in the room rose to bis
ieet save tbe local agent of tbe White
Collar line and a merchant who never
patronised tbe home company. The
meeting then adporned.
Mr. god Mr.Jonn B. Hvly and
daugb Ur, of Boyd, spent Irt.fHgMlD
tbeeity tbe guests of tbe Umatilla
During, tbe bliard of '00 I started
one day from tbe central office of tbe
bureau of charities to distribute money
to some cases reported for "instant re
lief." In an attic I found a poor widow,
a seamstress, with one child, a boy ol
six. The room was cold and bare ;tbere
was no fire, the windows were loose aod
the snow lay upon the floor. The boy
bad been kept in bed for two days to
keep warm. I asked tbe usual questions
and gave the woman two dollars. All
this before I discovered the boy. Sud
denly his bead popped from beneath the
bedclothes and at tbe eight of the two
bills dis eyes became moons. "Gee-e-e,
Mister! All that for us? Then we can
give some to Ted Burn's mother down
stairs to buy coal. Can't we, Mom?"
Tbe Rev. David The Ldie'
Home Journal for Decern ber.
Sir's Maccabees, business of
importance is before our regular review
this (Thurtdaj ) evening. Election of
officers and other bosfaM. Every Sir
Kt. is requeated to be present. By ordtr
of Sir Kt. com mender.
Mew ahee ahoy.
A. O. Connelly, at onetime county
MMriatoZtontof sebooie of tbla eeaatjr
m "?2SZ T0, lutbaerf.
v letting fr toads.
Subscribe for Tu Caaoiucus.
Hatold Haaeaa announces that ha hat
aUrtad a aha ebop la the Seat Mm,
t to tbe Bftiebe Hotel. AUklodeof
repair work dona la -ret elan aba peat
reasonable price. dlS Imo
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
("..I..' Orivinft1 Air-Tii-ln rexo'ullon-
Sned the heating tov trade in all sections of the' united !'e. Its won
derful economy in the ute of fuel, and many other etretUnt qualities,
strongly recommend it to all In neel of a heating store.
What Cote'a Hwater Will Do.
This stove will heat a room from xero to
SO degree In five minute.
It will heat your houee evenly day and
It hold fire 'MS hours without attention.
You build only one tire each winter.
It burnt chips, bark, leave, paper and
corn cob, and gives excellent reralta with
this fuel, which la ordinarily wasted.
The stove la light and eaai'.y movl and
set up.
The combustion is peifect and ashes are
removed only once in four weeks.
None of the heat Is wasted and tbe stove
will save one-half of yonr fuel bill.
It la clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Every one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters is gnarenteed to atav
air-tight as long as used. Where woodte used for fuel every family should
have one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
and savo fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not bum
out. Wo also carry a line of TRILBY
...BOAT'S fi CROWE...
First-Class Regular Meals,
Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served
at all honrs and in all styles.
Agenoy ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates
and Confections. Always fresh. I
making preparations
for the
ever inaugurated
in the history
of The Dalles.
Sale will commence taturdatjt -tec. 14-
Tbe Hub Clothing Co.,
. ."
(MAYS A CWOtttt HflLUlNU.)
W. MARKILLIE, Maaafer,