Dulles VOL. XIII THE DALLES. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1901. NO. 254 i t " V The Kind Tow Have Always Bought, and which has been iu we iur over au years, him hnrno t.li im.oH.u. p ana nas been made under bis per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow Tin MIA Aa tl Anal va WMl In All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but XSxperimants that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootio mbstanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feverisbness. It euros Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signati The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years! TIT MmUM OOMMMT, TT MWHHV ITHflT, NEW VOMK OrTY. SUBMARINE BOAT HAD AN ACCIDENT Owners of the Fulton Now Tryiog to Raise Her Craft Sank in Fifteen Feet of Water. New Yokk, Dec. 11. -Efforts-are being made to raise the submarine boat Fulton, jf the Holland Torpedo Boat Company, which it was intended to tend to Wash ington on Friday, for experimental teste, bat which sank recently at ber pier at New Suffolk, L. I., through an accident. The boat went down almost at the same spot where she underwent her fifteen hours' test under water about two weeks ago. The accident happened whiie her com mander, Captain - Cable, was in New York, on account of the illness of bis his wife. In order to repair an exhaust valve the crew raiaed the stern of tbe Fulton under a ''derrick in the air. One of the forward batches had been left open, and as the stern was raised and the bow submerged the craft titled with water. By tbe lime the stern was lowered the boat sank in about fifteen feet of water. It is expected that within twenty-four hours tbe boat will again be float. . At tbe offices of Isaac L. Rice, presi dent of the company, it is stated that in view of the fact that the work of refloat qk the boat baa been began to toon, it U thought that the damage from salt ter to the delicate Iron ami steal mscbinery will not amount to anything, owing to the abort duration of tbe exposure of the machinery to tbe water. A force of twecy men will bo put to work on tbe Fuiton to clean and oil ber parts as soon as she is afloat and put her in shape for ber sea trip to Washington, in company with a convoy of tbe ooni Pny's vessels. In tbe event of any part of the Fulton btvinu been irreparably damaged, tbe company will use a duplicate part from jta Adder, ber sister ship, now being wilt for the government. Her electric Wtery, with which she is propelled, 111 probaby have to bo replaced. As n as Captain Cable reaoheo Mew tuffulk it will probably be known bow booi the boat will be able to go to Washington. SLOWLY STARVED TO DEATH University of Washington Student Perished in Seattle, With His Wife and Babe by His Side. Seattle-, Wash., Dec. 10. Without a friend at his bedside save bis faithful wife and innocent babe, wilbont covering enough to keep warm the blood freezing in his veins, without the direst necessi ties of life, Ernest Demond, a university student, died in this city a few days ago. His wife, too proud to ask for help from her friends, watched her husband waste away until finally, fearing that death might claim her loved one, she gave tbe alarm to the neighbors. It was too late, however, to save the dying man, and when a physician was called be knew at a glance that death had won victory, liis wife, frenaled witb aiief, and tbe 2 year old babe, were takeo in charge by friends. University students buried tbe man whom many knew only as a passing face. Born in one of tbe eastern states, Ernest Demond came five years ago with his relatives to eastern Washington. There he resided for aoiue time, engaged in teaching and other occupations. His brothers and sisters alto obtained em ployment there, his oldest brother being at tbia time a teacher in tbe Dayton schools. Erreet met a beautiful yonng woman, with whom he fell in love. They married. Then came his desire to obtain an education, tie matriculated at the state univertliy in the fall of 1888. For a time the couple lived over a store at titona, while both took work at the university. This lasted until the money was exhausted. A baby was born. Doctor hills and druggist bills came. The young man manfully struggled to keep out of debt and still keep op bis work. His quiet unobstruaive waya wade him disliked by a certa-.o class at tbe college, sou one night in a class rush a gang of preper.woy students caught him, clipped his hair abort on one aide and than abused him. He took it in good part, bat the:r aotloo grieved him. He continued hie life of toil, working Our advertisements are accepted literally, because they are written literally. They're tho photographer's sensitive platepicturing what is before them as it is. Compare our claims and offerings and vou'U fliul thov tally cxactlv. What need have we for exaggeration? ALL, Suits and Overcoats wltK no exception At REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS! If you haven't fitted yourself out yet now is the right time to buv. There's nothing to be gained by waiting for each succeeding day will see less and lees clothing to choose from. Such prions quoted in December are appreciated by clothing buyers, as tho attendance at this sale testifies. Our entire stock of Men'a Suits is divided into five lots. Each lot is piled separately, and each se;arat3 lot sells at a uniform price. For instance : $ 8.45 $10.65 $13.85 $16.85 $21.85 is the price of the first lot in which you will find all our $10, $12 and $12.50 suits. is the price of the second lot including all our $13.50, $13.75, $U and $15 suits. is the next. In this lot are all our $15.50, $10.50, $17.50, $18 and $18.75 suits. is the price put on the fourth lot in which are the not biest, best made $19, $20, $21, $22.50 and $24 suits you ever saw. at this price we are selling any $25, $27.50 ami $30 suit in stock. Das fassa as paj bh . . jaw soil ALL OVERCOATS ARE REDUCED TO THE SAME PRICES AS SUITS. A Remarkable Condition of Affairs). When You Consider the Time of the Year. All Lines of Boys', YoutKs' and Children's Suits and Overcoats Reduced. Special in Doll Dept. 9'doaen 15-inch kid body dolls, worth 75c each, at 50 c each These are the celebrated J. D. Keatner Dolle of world-wide reputation Rugs Just received an invoice of good heavy reversible Rugs in beautiful design and colorings. Sise 31x62 inches, $3. Handker chief! for the Holiday. Handkerchiefs of many kinds eonv especially suitable for gift. Our line of fine linen Handkerchiefs with nar row hemstitched edges and beautifully emb. bor ders would please tbe most exacting. $3.60, $3, $1.00, $1 and on down the list to the So kinda. Men our pure linen hem stitched handkerchief men's and ladies' at for a quarter. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. during the day and studying at night, until tbe strain became too great and a ckness ensued which reenlted in bis death. Too late did his fellow students realize tbe courage, ambition and bigb purpose of bis life. The faculty and students are now atirred up over bia death and are raising a fund known as the Demond fund to be invested as agreed upon by tbe widow and a faculty committee. Attractive Woman. All women sensibly desire to be at tractive. Beauty is tbe stamp of health because it is tbe onlward manifestation of inner purity. A bealtby woman is always attractive, bright and happy. When every drop of blood in t he veins is pore a beauteous flush is on tbe cbeek. But when tbe blood is impure, morose ness, bad temper and a sallow complex ion telle tbe tale of aickness all to plain ly. And women today know there is no baanty witbont health. Wine of Oardoi crowns women witb beauty and attrac tiveness by making strong and healthy iiinu omnt which make her a woman. Try Wine of Cord nl, and in a tnootf4 your friends will hardly knew yon. When your hair appears dry and to have lost Us vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what tbe hair needa when it gets In that con dition. We have the Crown of Science Hair CmgS Grower an d Coooaout Cream Tonic. They will core daod WKm ruff Mid all acalp disaasea. For tale at Fraaer's bar ber abop. Price 80c and 76c a bottle. Yon taw tboee too portrait frame at tbe carnival T They are going verv laat ; tbe supply to limited, aad your picture in one of thorn it Jest tbe thing for Christines. Qiffoid. nl A Hint.... buy her a nice osy pair of Louie shoes. Nothing really more appreciated. Ladles' fel:, fur trimmed Jnliets, in red, wine, black and brown. SI.50 Misses', red and brown. . .01.93 Children's sizes at I.OO A. M. Williams & Co. BE n Sexton & Walther Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THK DALLES, OB BOON. A full line of BRIDGE A BEACH HUPEKIoK STEEL K A NOES, and Cook and Heating stove. FARMING IMPI.KMKN lH. ttns for Hoosler Drills, J. I. Case Steal Faraa Harrows aud Plows. Hprin 'to Marrows, Bissell Chilled P.ows, Mitchell Wag ons and Hacks, Herniary ISiiU. Um'i ate it la. Just wet the aSeeied part freely witb M vsterious Paia Core, a Sootob remedy. aud the pain la gone. Sold by Clarke A Keik. M.tufl.e roii.. are tbe beat advertisers for Foley's Honev and Tar and all who use it agree that ft is a splendid remedy for coughs, or ease lungs. Clarke A Flk . Giflcwd s Fotoe Never Psd ...Star Windmills... With Bail and Roller bearings, and folly warranted. Write os for price and dialogues. All order entrusted to us ear a i A have prompt attention. Price always right. Tbe only Exclusive Hardware Store la ibe ity. Lyon s French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, ear to aceoeiastolt DGSlvlBO RAIULTsV Greatest known lamaie remedy. f of Mia If Sat. C, MtJbfitf. Tba Daliea, Or. .ram i