The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 11, 1901, Image 3

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    Ladies9 Cloak and Suit Sale.
PbeooMenal Prices on Suits, Cloaks and Pars. This is our
buy time in the store, and also the average shopper has but very little time to
waste over the price of a garment. We will meet you more than halfway so
that you will not have to hesitate as to the price.
Jackets at $10.00 will sell for $ G.95 Jackets at $1G.50 will sell for $12 00
" 12.50 " " " 9.00 " " 17.00 " " 12 65
" " 15.00 " 1 11.00 " " 20.00 " " ZZ lido
Suits selling at $10, $12.50 and $15 will sell for $9.50 "
. Suits selling at $16.50, $17, $18 and $20 will sell for $13.00.
j waicn jg jj Xmas flnnouncemeni
ft i
fur Jackets, Caes, Collarettes, Scarfs and Boas in beaver,
stono martin, mink, fox, bear, skunk, seal, martin coney, lynx, nutria and
Scarf and Boas. Collarettes.
Retailing at $4 25 will be Bold for $3,00 Selling at $8.50 will be sold for $4.65
" 2 76 will be sold for 1.90 " " 7.50 will be sold for 5.25
" " 5.00 will be iold for 3 90 " " 8.75 will be sold for 6.75
" 6.00 will be gold for 4 85 " " 9.00 will be eold for 7.00
" " 6 50 will be sold for 4 65 " " 11 00 will be eold for 7.85
" 7.00 will be sold for 5 26 " " 12 50 will be sold for 8.95
" 7.50 will bo sold for 5.40 " " 13.00 will be Bold for 9 50
" " 9.00 will be eold for : 6.90 t
" " 10.00 will be Bold for 7.25 Fvar Capes at $80.00 reduced to $21.50
" " 11.00 will be Bold for 7 85 Electric Seal Jackets at $30.00 and $40.00, re-
" " 18.00 will bo sold for 13.00 daced to $22.50 and $29 00
will loon be here. Why not combine
usefulness with your Clirinn ner
osity? There is nothing more neeTnl or
acceptable e a pretest than footwear.
For Meow.
We have slippe re of brown k'd, win.
calf, kid romeot, opera elippere, drert
shoes iu patent leather, pumps, and
well we can't tell yon all. Come, eee !
for Women
Slippf re and Bandala in eatin, kid
and patent leather from one to eight
straps high. Dress boots an J street
boots, and come, see.
For tx.78, misses and children
elippere, shoes and leeg ne, and once
again we say some, tee.
All Good.
Marked in
Plain Figure.
The Dalles My fflfflmiele.
DEC. 11, 1B01
At Andrew
All Whco Oonnty warrants registered
prior to January 4, 1800, will be paid
on presentation at my office. Interest
ceases alter November 10, IOOI.
County Treasurer.
Don't forget Professor Sandvig'a dance
tonight at the Baldwin.
Don't forget Williams & Co.'s clothing
aaie. Bead tbeir ad. and see what a
drop prices have taken.
Thb Chboniclk is pleated to Jrn
that Mr. D. M. French is considerably
batter than he baa been for some time.
Scalp treatments free. A chance to
8ae yonr hair. Professor Bortell at the
residence of Thomas Kellv between the
hours of 9 a. m. and 6 p. m.
Remember the big fair to be itiven by
the ladies of the Catholic churob, be
ginning Tuesday, Dec. 17th at the Vogt
opera honse. Admission 10 cents.
Mr. Smith French spent a comfortable
niht last night and this forenoon was
feeling as well as could be expected after
such a severe attack of heart disease as
In had.
Tub Chboniclk is pleased to learn
that Mr. Tom H. Ward, wbo has been
in poor health for over a month, is im
proving and, it is hoped, at last on tbe
road to recovery.
You may not need one just now, but
there's no telling when the weather will
change and then an overcoat will be a
necessity. January prices prevail at
Williams & Co.
If you ore in sympathy with organized
humane work and believe that a humane
society is needed in this city yoo should
attend the meeting which convenes at
the council chambers at 8 o'clock to
night. Tonight will be a big night with the
Artisan at their boll, it being regular
social mailt nreceded bv reception of
pplioations for ne. members and else
tion of officers. Every member urgently
requested to be preaent. Entertainment
and sapper.
Mrs. . (bay lately returned from
Portland where sbe selected a magni
ficent variety of holiday goods which
re now OBOibJbUlon at bar millinery
Store in lboN4. XJwV b0 bp
w'ked at tbe kit IMfftJI P'lf-
Co" and eee besos ieykig eW
here. dll-lw
A wreck occurred on tb O. B. N.
Company's road near Bonneville, this
morning, that delayed the passenger
train due here at 12:15 p. m. for over
two bonrs. Accorcing to tbe report that
reached here one freight car belonging
to a weet-bound train jumped the track,
from what cause could not be learned.
Nobody was hurt and it ib not believed
the damage was serious.
The editor of the Spray Courier is be
ing chased all over the swam pe of Wheel
er county by a newly married man. In
describing a wedding the editor got a
marriage and a death notice mixed,
making it read : "We sympathise with
the young couple in their terrible at
fliction." t000t
At the semi-annual election of Wasco
Tribe, Mo. 16. 1. 0. R. M. held last night
the following officers were elected: B.
Ulrich, eacbem ; C. T. Jones, senior sag
amore ; D. M. Reardon, junior sagamore ;
N. Blaeer, prophet ; A. A. Keller, chief
of records: Frank Menefee, keeper of
A dispatch says that Senators Mitchell
and Simon have presented to the senate
a memorial of the Oregon legislature
recommending an appropriation for
opening tbe Columbia river at The
Dalles and Oeliio ; also a memorial fav
oring tbe election of United States sen
ators by popular vote of tbe people.
In view of tbe recent cut made in tbe
passenger rates by tbe White Cellar line
tbe directors of tbe D. P. A. S. Co.,
held a meeting this forenoon but what
action, if any, was determined on was
not given out. It is known, however,
that a decided course of some kind will
be determined on before many boors.
A committer consisting of Judge J. R
Richards, of Boies Idaho: H. W. Scott.
and C W. Fulton, of Oregon; ex-tiov-
. m V . m III
ernor Samuel 1. Mauser, 01 rieiene,
Montana, and E. M. Rands, of Van
couver, Washington, has been appointed
to prepare resolutions to announce to
tbe worid tbe purpose-and scope of tbe
proposed Lewis & Clark celebration in
The fake report sent over tbo lines to
the effect that the Schley eommiseiou of
inquiry had found the admiral guilty on
some counts in the charge, waa tbe sub
ject for much expression of indignation
among many people. They will be jre
jolced to learn tbat there was 00 truth
m the diaoatoh. and tbat the oommifl-
sion has arrived at no decision in si
Health Officer Van Anda reported
yesterday afternoon ne. case of diph
theria iu the family of councilman J. L.
Kelly, namely bis sou of 18 years. lo
new cases have been reported since and
tbat tbe pest is abating is evident be
yond a doubt. Tbe quarantine was
raised Ibis morning from tbe editor'e
rofidanoe to tbat there are joat five
bAuwe no. under quarantine and no
Nightwatobman Paulsen made three
rreats last night. One was profes
sional hobo of tbe colored persuasion,
and tbe other two were plain drunks.
One of the drnnke, a young man of 19,
was given eoue wholesome advice and a
chance to reform, while tbe other was
fined $5 or two day work on tbe streets.
The colored gentleman wata ordered to
leave town as aoejo a. bis seat or a break
beam would lot him.
A series of splendid borne talent en
tertainments will bo a.rolBMBBl at tbe
Vogt opera boose during the Catholic
fair. A change of program .ill take
place each evening, and as there .ill bo
a variety of selections by our beet sing
ers, musicians, elocutionists, comedians
and song and dance artists, it is very ev
ident tbat the entertainment each night
will be as well worth seeing as many of
tbe high priced performances.
The Herald telle of an amoeing inci
dent tbat happened in Baker City last
week. A young couple were married at
unday school and immediately after the
eremony was over, the superintendent
requested that all recite a scriptural quo
tation. To make herself prominent tbe
bride wse the first to rise, and she inno
cently recited this verse: "Suffer little
children to come unto me." Tbe laugh
ter that followed can be better imagined
than described.
The citizens of Tbe Dalles will be
pleased to learn that Mr. W. W. Will
iams, who underwent a most critical
surgical operation at Tbe Dalle hos
pital for obstruction of tbe bowels some
seven ar eight weeks atro, waa discharged
from tbat institution this morning a
thoroughly well man, with the appetite
of ploughman. John Peterson, wbo
suffered amputation of one of his legs
through getting it mashed at one of tbe
Seufert Brothers' fhb wheels, was also
Ariato is tbe name of tbe most power
ful aud effective bair and scalp prepara
tion on tbe American market today.
Tnousands use the name Aristo on other
kinds of goods but there is only one
kind of Aristo Hair Food and to convince
tboee tbat bave thrown away good money
on so called hair tonics and have received
no benefit therefrom, Professor Bortell,
representing tbe Aristo Hair Food Co.,
will give free scalp treatment and teach
you bow to preserve your bair free of
charge and convince the most sceptical
tbat Ariato Hair Food is tbe only true
bair and scalp preparation. Thomas
Kelly residence, boors 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.
For sale exclusively by the Postoffics
Pharmacy, Clarke A Falk, proprietors.
Governor Gear la in receipt of a letter
from ex Governor D. H. Francis, presi
dent of tbe Louisiana Porobaae Exposi
tion Company, at St. Louis, announcing
that in pursuance of tbe soggeetion of
William O. Fared, curator of tbe Bute
Historical and Natural History Society,
of Colorado. December 20, baa boon se
lected as Lonislaoa purchase flag day,
and asking Goearonr Gear to invito tbe
people oi QpojB to observe tbeawu
vtsreary by tea display of tbo national
culore. and in sucb other manner as
tbey may toe fit. Governor Goer, real
izing that our people are in sympathy
with tbe exposition and the events of
which it is commemorative, will act in
accordance with the letter, and will re
quest the people to observe the day by
tbe raising o( flags.
Thb Cbboniclb looks upon the rate
war at this particular time as most un
fortunate and hopes that it may yet be
avoided. Tbe Dalles merchants bave
not been complaining of high rates and
are chitfly interested in a rato war as it
will surely effect their business. A 60
cent passenger rate to Portland, or pos
sibly a still smaller rate, bodes no good
to Tbe Dalles holiday trade. Tbat Port
land merchants are fully aware of this
may be easily inferred from tbe fsct tbat
at a meeting of river steamboat owners
held in Portland yesterday President
Seeley, of tbe Wbite Collar line, publicly
stated that one department retail store
in Portiand bad offered bis company a
bonus of $1400 if be would maintain a
50 cent passenger rate between The
Dalles and Portland daring the holidaj s.
Tux Chboniclk does net pretend to
judge which of tbe competing lines is at
fault in tbe controversy existing between
them. It only refers to this matter be
cause it has more interest in Tbe Dalles
than in Portland. If the business men
of this town wsnt to know what a rate
war means tbsy ean find out by asking
tbe business men of Astoria.
Btakitey's Drug Store, SjggjgS
Olir 110W Our ChrleMnas lines
are finer than vrr.
AcusuilvllM Over three times many
are all 1901 subjects
mm The prices are 25 to 90 per rent
No oarry-overs. ,0 lhtn Portfclld
MAIL ORIt.lta receive our I Dfttll DUfltJCC Kvrrv I'm ki teitrvrett rnt,
Tnvnl trentlon. 01111 rilllrtCw promptly, in lh rtu
1'layed Oat.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of tbe body, Sinkiug at the pit of tbe
stomach, Loss of appetite, i everisbness,
Pim; Ieeor Sores are all positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No matter bow it
becama so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed to core Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug
gist. Change of tatuertr.
The headquarters of The Dalles and
Sbaniko stage line is now at tbe Colum
bia Hotel. Stage leave there for Sban-1
. ... 1 .1 K f
iko every mornm?, excepi ouonay, at
o'clock. Passenger rate to bhaniko s i.
20u-tf J- M. Zoomky, Agent,
ne Kawerd.
Lost, a lady's gold watch, with the
initials, C. W. H. carved on tbe case.
Tbe above reward will be paid for its re
turn to tbia office. dll-4t
For infants uA Cbiidrafl.
Hi m HflN tap lent-l
Bear the
Foley's Honey
mm Tar
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters?
For Wood and Lighter Fuel. a
The introduction of Cole's Original Alr-Tihi Heater hss revolution
ised the heating stove trade in ail sections of the United States, its won
derful economy in the ne of fuel, and many other excelUnt qnalitiev,
strongly recommend it to oil in nee J of a heating stove.
What Cole's Hatr Will Do.
This stove will hsat a room from aro to
80 degrees In five minute.
It will heat your house evenly day and
It holds fire 3d hours without attvntkio).
You build only one tire each winter.
It barns chips, brk, leaves, patter and
corn robs, end uives excellent remit with
this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted.
The stove is light snd easily moved and
set up.
The combustion Is pet feet and ashes ara
removed only once in four weeks,
None of the beat Is wasted and tbe stove
will save one-half of your fast bill.
It Is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
v ay." w
Every one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to etav
air-tight as long as used. Where wood is used for fuel every family should
have one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIEE Sc BENTON, Tbe Dalles.
and save fuel. THE WILSON hag an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out. We also carry a line of TRMBY
First-Class Regular Meals.
Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served
at an nonrs ana in au gayies. i
Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates
and coniections. Always xresn. w
making preparations
for the
over inaugurated
in the history
of The Dalles.
The Nub Clothing Co.,