The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 11, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
DEC. n. ioi
If evidence be adduced sufficient
to fasten upon the suspected persons
the crime of wrecking, the O. R. fe N.
train near The Dalles, as seems to be ;
. . . , . ,. !
most probable, the court that tries
r ;
the case should take on Its most ; ;
stern aspect, and impose the utmost I
limit of the penalty provided by j
statute. People of normal moral ;
r I
natures And it almost impossible to
conceive the feelings dominating the '
Bends who could perpetrate so das-!
Urdly an outrage upon their fellow j
, , .. . ... .,
beings. F ctionists frequently write
"""o i 1
of acts of transcendent cruelty, and
readers of them regard the stories as !
products of wild imagination. Yet,
from time to time, occur events fully )
as awful m their evidence of moral
depravity as any conjured up by the
brain or any literary man.
The Dalles case is one in point.
Conviction should be followed by a
....... ....
kind of justice that for the nonce
does not exhibit too much of the
elerrent of mercy. It would be ;
mandlin sentiment to do otherwise,
East Oreeonian.
A story has found its way into the '
papers about President Roosevelt's j
little son, and whether it has rounna-
tton in fact or not, it is so much j
what would be expected from such ;
a source as to bear repetition : "A j
teacher during recess overheard the j
following betwen' President Roose-
... ..... ...
velt s little son and one of the other :
,, ., ... . t
small pupils: 1 1 our papa is the presi- i
r r r r r ;
dent of the United States, an' I ;
shouldn't think you'd come to the !
public school where only common j
people send their children.' 'There j
are no common people,' came the
sturdy answer. 'My papa says there
are only two kinds of people in j
the world-good people and bad
people 1' "
, . """T"""
Is there a deed adapted to stirring,
greater horror in the human mind j
.. . , L. . c . .
than that for which five tramps have
a. . , . ,, .. .
been arrested at The Dalles? asks
the Baker City Republican. There
is nothing in the acnals of present j
possibilities more cowardly, more j
... . , , . i
brutish, more diabolical and de-
strnctive. There is no single little !
.... , .. ,. I
act that man can do in Cher lines i
, , . ,
possessing such potentialities of dam-
age to life and property. Eiflshness j
' could not manifest itself in more j
virulently destructive form to busi-1
,, . ... I
ness and happiness of others beatdes ;
the napless victims.
What has come over Portland
anyway? The executive committee
of the soliciting committee ot the
Lewis and Clark Exposition has
found it necessary to notify Port
landers that notwithstanding the fact
that a call has been issued for a meet
ing of the stockholders no subscrip
tions will be refused until $500,000
is subscribed. It is said that a num
ber of soliciting committees have
scarcely yet begun their labors.
Portland is certainlv "daintr hi-rself
. , . ,. , ?.. ...
proud in the way of a liberality
that will surely be an example to the
rest of the state.
Wtary Willies bo do not wish to
have their feelings hurt should steer
clear ot Portland. That bogy man
of the genus hobo, the rock pile, will
soon stare them 'n the face and
haunt them in their dreams.
Perhaps the reader bei observed that
the Oregonian is very quiet on Geer these
days. When he returned from Ohio re -
cently his carefully typewritten inter
view did not appear in print. Does this
signify nothing? Salem Sentinel.
With the press and the people against
him it would seem as il Joe Simon's trail
to a seat in the United States senate
were a bard one. The new law giving
electors a cbaoee to express tbeir choice
for U. H. senator was a blow to Simen
iem. Tne party primary law mm some
thing worse than a blow. If the former
did not, the latter certainly sounded the
death knell. So far as Marion county is
concerned it is not believed today that
to many as one Simon representative or
tsnator can be elected, Salem Sentinel.
The Democratic Engene Guard says :
President Roosevelt U entitled to the
special gratitude of Pacific coast people
bv reason of his recommendation that
the Chine8e exclusion law, about to ex
pjre through limitation be re-enacted,
The Chinaman is not wanted in this
country, and while there is no difference
in sentiment on this side, the East is
. Z: IZ
careless and indifferent. It needed the
rec0mjiendation of the chief executive
to make sure of the Eastern support
necessary to re-enactment of the law.
, . . ,
A Kansas young man, who is teaching
,B he Philippines, writes home: "The
children have learned to read and write
from the first reader, and are better
students than the American children.
They memorise everything. The Eng-
- ,
Qsm spelling is 'much niolo. They
doQ,t eab; final v or .00ghf tion'.
'sion,' etc. The nativee are friendly and
hospitable. The visitor must always ac-
B ciar or a cigarette and a glass ot
nine, the senomas smoae cigarettes
and chew betel nut. The dress of the
natives is simple and brief. They have
solved the problem of comfort, The
hombrcs wear thein-only upper garment
Happing in thebreezj. Senoritas' clothes
are decollete at both ends, bnt withal
. . , . ' . ,.
thev are sensible and becoming. The
ehoe9 are aiv,aye left at the door and the
stockings are left at home."
W llklCC A ABA.
a.,. sBdSsasSji aSsaSh -J"-
Pictures enlarged at the Wilson photo
graph gallery. dec4 lm j
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't foriret thi.
Clark & Falk have on sale a fnll line
f DBi,t "rt artist's brushes,
Go to tne Wilson gallery for excellent
photos at reasonable prices. dec4 lm
If you can't come during the week,
, .... . . .
yon can have a sitting Sunday by seeing
Gifford. " nl9
Floral lotion will enre wind chapping
sunburn. Mannfactored by C'arae
cjVtmM wi eoon here and yon
haven't bad that negative made yet.
See Gifford right away quick. nl9
If anything ails your bair, go and see
tha? g
makes a erecialtv of these goods. tf
Those artists' proofs. My 1 but they
are fine! 0ne doMn will make j18t
twelve fine Christmas presents. Gifford
is the man that makes them. nl9
Clark and Falk have just received a
. .... . . . . 1 . .
full line of fresh Velox papers and de-
velopers, the same as ujed by Mr. Lovick
ln bia recent demonstration at our store.
The Elite is ronoing "r
chairs thus ensuring patrons a speedy
and 8atiafactory service. All tools
sterilized and only steam laundried
towels used. nl8 lm
Christmas sale of millinery at the
CampbeU & W.,B0D minmery poore
One-third off regular price of entire
stock. Sale will continue until first of
Ja"narv .
Why pay $l.o per gallon for inferior
pftnU! wfaen you boy Jamee E.
Patton's sun proof paints tor $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
falk, agents. ml
Porter & Anderson have resumed the
hack service in this city. They will do
a general back business; bundles and
satchels carried free. Hours from 12 m.
to 12 p. m. Office at Grant's ciirar
store. d7-5t
Experience is the bast Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded
26 dts. and 50 eta. Blakeley, the drug
gists. We offer for a limited period the
twice a-week Chronicle, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Orejronian, priee $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
; nn(jerthh offer must be paid in ad
i vance. !
Don't Vmt Tlieoi Suffer.
Often children are tortured with itch-
. mg and burning eczema and other skin
diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salve
heals the raw sores, expels inflammation,
leaves the skin without a scar. Clean,
fragraut, cheap, there's no salve on
earth as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed.
Only 25c at G. C. Blakeley'e drug store. 4
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
j Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
1 boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the druggist.
If you want to retain your bair yon
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
, crispy. Now we have two of the yery
best preparations tor cleansing the
scalp Jigg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your bair soft and glossv.
Priee, 25 and 60 eenU a bottle, at Fraser's
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
An elegant line of Xmas cigars at
Grants, the only exclusive cigar store in
the city. dlO-lw
Subscribe for Turn OaaomouL
Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92.
Bow's ThUl
We offer one hundred dollard reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Trnax, Wholesale Druirgists, To
ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan Sr Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Ilali's Catarrh Cure !r taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system.
F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hill's Family Pills are the best. 12
Thousands Sent Into Exile.
Every year n large number of poor
sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked
with coughs are urged to go to another
climate. But this is costly and not ai
re aye sure. Don't be an exile when Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
will cure you at home. It's the most
infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds,
and all Throat and Lung diseases on
earth. The first dose brings relief.
Astounding cures result from persistent
use. Trail bottles free at G. C. Blakeley'e
drugstore. Price 50c and $1.00. Every
tottle guaranteed. 4
Or BeneHt to You.
D. S. Mitchell, Fulford, Md. : "During
a long illness I was troubled with bed
sores, was advised to try DeWitt'e Witch
Hazel Salve and did so with wonderful
results. 1 was perfectly cured. It is
the best salve on the market." Sure
cure for piles, sores, burns. Beware of
counterfeits. Clarke & Falk'e P. O.
InformaUon Wanted.
The manufacturers of Banner Sa've
having always believed that no doctor or I
medicine can cure in every cute, bat
never having heard where Banner Salve
failed to cure ulcers, sores, tetter,
eczema, or piles, as a matter of curiosity
would like to know if there are such
cases. If so they will gladly refund the
the monev. Ciarke & Falk.
We will pay $25 reward for the arrest
and conviction of any person trespassing
npon the football park, molesting or de
stroying the fence. Small boys who
have been digging holes under the fence
are liable to arrest and are included in
the above.
Bbldkn EI. Grant,
L. A. Portku,
E. Kurtz,
d4-lm Otis Pattkkson.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes yon eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley,
the druggist.
Fine turkeys, fattened especially for
the Carnaby Market, Hinzes sweet
pickles in bulk, bulk olives, sweet cider,
apple butter, pickled tripe, pigs feet,
sauerkraut, and other specialties too
numerous to mention, can be bad all the
time at Carnaby's American Market.
Chas. Keplogie, Atwater, O., was in
very bad shape. He says : "I suffered
a great deal with my kidneys and was
requested to try Foley's Kidney Cure.
I did so and in (our days I was able to
go to work again, now I am entirely
well." Clarke & Falk.
HIngla-UolUb Bravo Leghorns.
A few thoroughbred, single-comb
brown Leghorn cockerels and pullets for
sale, if taken at once.
Jas. Irk land,
u23 lm The Dalles, Or.
Aritto is the paper used to make those
guaranteed Platino carbons, at Wtlder's
Ouno, Novelty and 'Photo Studio. It
will pay you to visit the studio before
Christmas. No trouble to show goods.
So atop Cold.
After exposure or when yon feel a cold
coming oo i take a dose of Foley's Honey
and Tar. It never fails to stop a cold if
taken m tine, Ciarke 4 Falk.
Foley's Honey ma Tar
fOr CnUBruu , mmn, AWrw. two OplMtmL
Yon will not have boils if yon
Clarke A Falk's sure cars roi boils.
US. T.
L. Lane,
A M Daaa
Wagon and Carriage Werk
Fisth Brothers' Wagon.
Third and JeM. Phone 159 1
aft -f-faiTarii jj riAiAr T iitirft tim4
For Me.
The plant of the Hood
River Manufacturing Co. will
be sold chea() fr c&3h
The plant consists of a full
line of wood-working machin
ery, sticker, planer and a com
plete sash and door outfit.
Must be sold at once.
Address, tl C. COC,
Hood River, Or.
To any part of the citT.
make all trains. Light
baggage free of charge
to all passengers.
Day and Night Service.
Day Phone Grant's, Local 211, Long
Distance 1311 ; Night Phones Nel
son's, Local 334, Long Dist. 1161.
Porter & Anderson, Proprietors.
Undertaker and Embalmei
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 433. Local, 102.
Office, Mr. Morgan' Art .Studi' Office hours,
1 to 5 p. m. d4-lm
Health and Beauty.
AKXr complexion is usually the re
sult of a torpid liver or irregnlar aetion
of the bowels. Unless nature's refuse is
carried off it will eurely cause impure
blood. Pimples, boils and other eruptions
follow. This is nature's method of
throwing off the poisons which the bowels
failed to remove. DeWilt's Little Early
Risers are world famous for remedying
this condition. They stimulate the liver
and promote regular and bealtby action
of the bowels bnt never cause griping,
cramps or distress. Safe pills. Clarke
A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
To Whom It Mag floueera.
At a meeting of The Dalles City
council held on Monday nigbt Dec. 0,
1B01, it war moved and carried unani
mously : "That the city marshal be or
dered to collect a monthly rental on and
after January 1, 1902, from all parties in
Dalles City who shall then own booses
or other obstructions that have not beep
removed from the public streets of the
oUy dlO-td
Try Van Norden's for a perfect fit In
glasses, old or young, near sighted or
far sighted. dee 2
Gilford's Fotos Never Fade.
Transact a General Banking Business.
Letters of Credit issued available in
the Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louie, Kan Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wah., and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
He mm fiKflngfti.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
The largest and most
complete line of . . .
ever shown in the city
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Co's
Paint and Oil Store.
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Has just received 1000 samples
of the latest patterns m Gent's
Clothing Goods. He vuaran
tees prices and a good lit or no
pay. : : : : :
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Prof. Homer de Morrison
323j Washington street. Bnonta 33-30,
The first registered aa well as the first gradu
ate palmist ever In Portland. Th world's
g eatest Trance Clairvoyant and Herbalist can
beconsulu-d dally on all fl.urttof lif.-.
frof. de Morilauu is without doubt Ue moit
scientific Pulml t and Clalrvot ant iu the world
today: be locates hidden treasure, reunites toe
separated, tells If there U mineral, oil. or gas on
your land enables you to win ihi uttecUon of
one you desire.
Palmistry taught. mertiuroUtio persons devel
oped. Heals by the uses of hi revealed hoi b 1
teas; cure chionle and so-oaKed incurable dis
eases. Free reatment for the poor.
Send SI, date of birth and three iuoti us; all
letters answered atmee.
Located by Vision.
PprtUnd, Aug. 10. -(To ho Editorl.-Homer
de Morrison, ooctiltiit, located by UUii thebul
lion stolen trom the belby Hueltinir Works. In
beli lf of oeeult science he lmrr
ig Works. .In
lately eom-
muuicarea uy letter the faeu to Mr. A
A. J.
' retxi
ton, owner of the eelby Works. The resorts re
ceived last night prove bU statei
"It Is li leas In a to be aaatiNri that UumM
I lAlMI, fvfim Ik.. I ui 1 m . .
eatsd by Vision bv a Portland nc.niliat TtiL
M . . . niwiuui aunt was
thief and that bis assistance VM rsqulasd la ss
Mvaring the cold was geje lSnTa lovT
Foley's Kidney Cur
mmkvt kMmi mud bUM rtahL
Shoip Line
Union Pacific
ifjSp.'m. wGtty,Bt.Loui,Cht- 110.P. m.
via Hunt- cago and the East
Tin Hunt- l0"' riJffTt
tngton. e" aott the Eaet.
8t. Pun) WaJla WaU, Lswiuon.
Fast Hall, Bpokane.WaUaee,Pull
9: P.m. man, Hlnneapolia, St. 8:8T,a. m
via Bpo- Paul. Duloth , U ilwau-
kane. kee, chloacoand East
From 1' art land.
(All sailing dates sub
ject to change )
For San Franetaeo,
Bail every 6 days.
8:00 p. m.
4:00 p. m
a:00 p. m.
10:90 p. m.
Columbia Klvr.
To Aatoria and Way
Landingi. 4:00 p. m.
Wedaeed y,
6:4.) . m.
6:00 a. m.
Willamette River.
OregonCI ty,Vewberg,Sa
lent, Indopeudeuce, Cor
vallta & Way-Landings.
6:00 p. ni.
4:30 p. m.
CotvuIHb and Wny
Landluga. Tuesday,
7:00 a. m.
Willamette and
Vamhlll Klvera.
I Oregon City, Dayton and
I Way-Landings.
Snake Slver.
3:80 p. m.
I Lewlston
ex Monday
I ":00p. ai.
ex. Sunday;
4:05 a. ra.
Ripnria to Lewlston.
Parties destrJua- to in to BenDner or
nta on Columbia Southern via Biggs, should
x No. 2. leaving The Daltea at LT: p. m.
making direct connections at Heppner junction
and Msgs. Returning maktngdiTect connection
at Heppner junction and Bigg with No. 1. at-
riving at
rne vauea i:uo p. i
For further particulars, call on or address
She Dalles, Oregon.
. 8. ocaaNca,
First national Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Cheek.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted os dav of collection.
Bight and Telejrraphic Exchange sold ob
New York, Ban Francisco and port
land. DIKKiCrrOMSS
D. P. TnoMMOg. Jmo. 8. Bosawcg.
Bo. M. VrrxLiAart, Gao. A. Lisas
H. M. Baa Li.
W- W. WILSON, Manager.
FireKlass in Euery Resp?Qt
finals a P f?ot,re-
Che tabic svlways enppUed slitb the
bast In the market.
7 Front St., near Ooort, The Dalies.