VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1901. NO. 252 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which kM in on fbr over SO yearn, has borne the made under Ms sonalaaperrtalon since Allow no one to deeetre : All Counterfeit, Imitations and " Jnst-as-: Experlmante that trifle with and endanger the health Infants and Children Experience against What Is CASTORIA CastoriA is a harmless substitute fbr Castor OH, Fare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootlo anbfrtanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm -and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Ida Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. FRYE'S SHIPS SUBSIDY BILL American Mail Vessels Get Preference in Contracts Bill Fixes the Rate to Be Paid. Washington, Dec. 9. Senator Frye today introduced the new ship snbeidy bill. It differs in form from the subs'dy bill of the past two sessions. It is divided into fonr titles and fifteen sections The sections under the title "Ocean Mall Steamships" are dtv -ted to amendments to the ocean mall act of 1891. The poattnater-geueral is required to consider tbe National defense and the maritime interests of tbe United States as well as postal interests in providing fir the transportation of American malls. The present limit of ocean mall contracts, ten years, is inoreased to fifteen years. The Frye bill provides eevec distinct clseses with a rate of $6 to SO knot steam ers, increasing from 8000 to 10,000 tons the minimum else; $8 for 16 knot steamers, provided tbe sise is increased from 6000. the present miniuum ton nage, to 8000 tone. The proposed maxi mum mail rate per gross ton per I. nndred nautical miles are: Over 10,000 tecs. 20 knots, 3 7 cents; Unknots, 2.6 cent. Over 6000 tons, 18 knots, 2.3 cm.; 17 knots, 2.1 cents; 16 knots, 1.9 cants; 18 koots, 1.7 cants. Over 2000 tea-, 14 knots, 1.8 cants. Bates for mail steamers to tbe West Indies, Central America and Mexico cannot exceed 70 per sent of the maximum rates. The seoond title, "Gtoeral Subsidy." contains the general subsidy for all vessels, steam or sail, which are not nnder mail contracts. This general sob idy is uniform, 1 cant par gross ton par 100 naoiiaal miles far nut. eaaendlag sixteen entries In one year. To promote the bulldinx of new ocean vessels aa ad ditional allowance of one-fcurth of a cjuaper gross too is made f ur five yaora. Adv vases), to taaetva tin general eoa- idr. mnataaerv mails if riQUlred, and must train 1n eaasaanahipor engineering one American voath far eaeb 1000 toes the weasel tastatslia aerate, at the crew must be Amerirans. Tbe bill provides an annual bounty of $2 a ton for deep-sea fishing vessels, and of $1 a month fur American citizens who engage in deep-sea fisheries; that a vessel shall receive only one form of subsidy, and that a vessel which bas received a subsidy shall not be Bold to a foreigner, except by consent of the secre tary of tbe treasury. Tbe bill does not provide American registry to foreign ships owned by Americans. He rruposas Joint AuWod. Washington, Dec. 9. Mr. Hoar, (Mass.), presented a pint resolution in tbe senate today aotboriz ng the presi dent to enter into negotiations wttb civilised nations for tbe purpose of deciding on effective puuishment of persons attempting tbe lives of the oblel maeistrete. A resolution appropriating 75,OO0 for tbe transportation and installation of a government exhibit at tbe Charlesto n Exposition was passed. Mr. McLaarin S. C), made a apercS in tbe senate today denning his position in South Carolina, and discussing the campaign in that atate as well as his position regarding federal patronage in Sooth Carolina, and his relationship with it. He said tbe campaign against him bas been one of oaJumn. vitupera tion and misrepreeentatlon. As to tbe appointments In tbe atate be sought to hA democrats appointed, end wbere this could not be accomplished be tried to have suob republicans selected as would give satisfaction to tbe people. He did not want tbe crime of burning a postmaster repeated in his state. a i tr the. usoa orel.mutery bosinees, hih Included tbe praeeotation of numerous petitions, memorials, bills and joint resolutions. Mr. Galllnger, of New Hampshire , asked for a repnoi oi sn document relating to ecclesiastical hold tags in the Philippines. Ha said there waa a great pabjle demeni tor tins publication. The reprint was ordered. a Only twelve more shopping days till Christmas. Only about a week more in which you will be allowed to shop comfortably after that come the rush days. Wouldn't you much rather do your holiday shopping now this week and avoid the crowds? We are all ready for you . . . and extend a hearty welcome. 1 All MEN'S. YOUTHS' BOYS' and CHILDREN'S Suits, Overcoats mi Ulsters, WitKout reserve at VatrCal IVCUUWUUI19 Men's Suits and Overcoats in fancy and staple Cassimeres, Cheviots, Worsteds including blues and blacks round-cut, square-cut and double-breasted i. ii JVwvXa iii oivoa in, fit- anvltrvtv nnri AVwrvlmfh. Thn pnlahmtrMi Pick- SUL KS, US Well a iivrvn.o in oiavo w ' j - wick Clothing goes with the other. We intend to do the greatest December Clothing Business in the history of this store and if good clothing, offered right in season at greatly reduced prices is any inducement, we will do it. All Suits and Overcoats worth $10, $12, $12.50, reduced to uniform price of. $8.45 Y All Suits and Overcoats worth $13.50, $13.75, $14 and $15, reduced to the uni- form price of $10.65 l WV . J " 4 .U 1Pr,rt 17 Kft aiR tlHUIaiwI ll7S All ollllS Unit vjvcrcuaiB wvnui giv.v, pu.t', jp vv' .v..., reduced to the uniform price of $13.85 All Suits and Overcoats worth $19, $20, $21, $22.50 and $24, reduced to the uniform price of $16.85 All Suits and Overcoats worth $25, $27.50, $30, reduced to uniform price of . 21.85 ALrL ALTERATIONS Charged EXTRA During SALE. LJ This will be good news to the man who has denied himself the comfort of a good, oosy overcoat probably because he considered the good kinds beyond his means, and would not wear a cheap coat. This sale levels the difference a good coat may be had for the former price of a poor one. $8.45 buys any $10, $12 and $12.50 coat. $10.65 buys any $18.50, $13.78, $14 and $18 coat. 18.85 buys any $15.50, $16.50, $17.60, $18, $18.50 and $18.75 coat. $18.85 boys any $10, $20. $21, $22 and $24 coat. $21.85 buys any $26, $27.50 and $30 coat. All bovs and young men's Over coats ai like reductions. t. o lb o Boys' Suits and Reefer Coats. Also Youths' Suits, at EXTRA SPECIAL REDUCTIONS. $2 and $2.50 Suits and Reefer Coats $1 SO $3 and $8.80 Suite and Reefer Coats 2 08 $4 and $4.50 Suits and Reefer Coats 8 88 $5 and $8.50 Suite and Reefer Coate 4 16 $6 and $0.50 Suite and Reefer Coots 6 16 $7, $7.50 and $8 Suite and Keofcr Coats 5 90 $8.00, $9 and $10 Suits 7 85 $12, $12.50, 18.50 and $13.75 Knits 0 88 $11 and $15 Suite 11 88 This applies to our entire stock of theee xoods not to a few specially select! number. An excellent opportunity for peo ple to mako their mas selections. A. M. WILLIAMS a CO. BAD WRECK ON NORTHERN Head-End Collision of Two Freights Near North Yakima Engineer god fireman Killed. at SMwIt f . D. p. Mitchell, Falford. aU. : "During in ill I was troubled with tea Ig res, was advleed totey BcWttf'e Witch H...1 Salve and did .tt.. I wee nerfcatlf eared. It le the bast anise aa tbe -mm . ntUsL aose. bare a aswg r. m Noetb Yakima, Dee. 0.-A beed-ead collision between aa extra east-bound riht .ad No. 64 frelabt. two miles north of here, on tbe Northern Pacific, at midnight, last night, resulted In tbe death of two trainmen and tbe injury oi several others. The killed are Engineer Cooper and fireman, name unknown. The injured are : Brakemau J.J. Peters, rat au acted and iateraally injured ; Fireman B. B. Stott, leg broken and loot eroebed ; Braktmaa W. T. D'Arcy, bead aod Um scalded; Coadoctor Joseph Chare, heal eat aad toilded; Fireman Alfred Sob tuneo, braised aad elded. ilnea end tblrtr-toree cava daaUOj Ol. Acord pg to the orders the UaIbc ow upposd 10 pass a WMmm., .tat mm. Whoa the xtre arrived air Ala stood on the swag, aoov tt was Mo. 54, tbe extra ortb Yakima. The a sharp carve, aad ear too other aatU A Hint.... buy her a nice cosy pair of bouse shoss. Nothing really more appreciated. got iramaat tf rocjateed far a una. Aayeai sabvdy moat he alas A-l, aad at least one-too of too J 1 - ' AtaMf afi tt, - --- m 1A I MWH I Lpharmaay. . . ZL "au MUmEZZ. awJJJ" JgAjjIJ jpjfivaiaaw aww,www tSU, r Ladles' fei;, for trimmed Juliets, io red, elae, black aad brown Misses', red and brown. . 6)1.35 Children's sisss at 1.00 I. M. Williams 4 Co. iasXrW hmai A LmV hi Walther Hardware. Iron and Steel Merchants... TUB DALLES, OREGON. k lull HNS Of BKlViW, ( BiaVB la BUrEHlUK srsi. aasuas, aam aw uook ana nseneg mores. -lifaratUM Wentetf. a. smannfentarers of Banaer Ssve kf Ttaf ejarar halltT-J dMU" at aaa core ia wj kOeHgaiawd aiiwaa uuad ta mm m. ,n,afoiormsv Mm e aoa w . Jfaaiawf awgaawy rmmmp w OsrliflN. FARMINO IMPLEtlBJI W -ttf-..ia for JW-os.ter Drills, J. 1. Qaea jm fasxa Harr... Pl.w. SprlMtr Wi. Hsirows, Blssell Chilled Plowi, MiteaaUWagr ous snd Hacks, llrube Bogalar. ...Star Windmills... With Ball and R dar bearings, aad fall- warranted. Write oa for prices aod catalogs. All order eatrasf ed t a vili has prompt attention. Prices always right. The only Exeieelre Hardware Stare la the elty. OH T Lyon's French Periodical Drops f ae at 9m C kMaf. Twt Of S&3 . !M W