for Sale. The nlant of the Hood River Manufacturing Co. will be sold chca for cash. The plant consists Of a full line of wood-working machin ery, sticker, planer and a com plete sash and door outfit. Must be sold at once. Address. It. C. COE, Hood River, Or. MOTT'S 1 PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome Weak bib', irregularity end omissions, increase vig. or ami banish "poini of menstruation." They ore "LIFE H AVKK8 ' to girls a; womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure, ft .00 I I'll BOX BY MAIL.. Sold by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio For eale by Geo. C. Blak-ipy, Top Dalits, Or. PUMOHAL MENTION. WEAK NERVES. There is not a CAse of nervous weakness In the world tndiv (no matter what the eane or of how iuug standing) that tit use of LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS according to directions, which nre simple and very easy to follow, will fail to permanently cure. Whv do vou remain weak when LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS will make yon strong? Pric-j, $1 00 per box liny of your druggist or sent l.y mail on receint of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLS PROPRIETARY 00., Pt. Wayae, Ind. M. Z. Dounel!, Agen', The Dalles. Dr. 0. C. Holllstef rami! up veMerday ttotu Portland to attend the funeral of En.ile Schauno. Vai in Outre... Mrs. Hugh Logan and Miss Minnie; Dm. 8. A telegram was re lay went to Portland this afternoon on ceived here last niebt by P. L. Cherry, a snort visit witi: friends. j Lloyd's agent from his representative at A. J. Brigl am and W. L. Vanderp o', Hoquiara, J. F. Souie, that a ba'k had j ' Dufnr, went t I'ortlaud on the de- been at anchor a mile and a half off lived passenger train ibis afternoon. j poim Granvill since Wednesday and Mr. Toomey, of the Columbia hotel needed assistance. Mr. Cherry im w lit to Portland yesterday morning to mediate!v notified Llovd'a and the" lo-al at end the funera: oi the late Maurice .... n t, . , . Ch vauangh . TIE VOOT M HOUSE F. J. CLARKE, Manager. jjhitn Collar lino TfiB MM!lllf t0 Str. "TAHOMA," BETWEEN Portland, The Dalles and Way Points. THE " OWL 'ropM TIME CARD Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. on Tuee dav, Tiiursday and Saturday. Arrives The Dalles, same day, 5 p. m. Leaven The Dalles at 7 a. m. on Bon day, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. m. ONE NK5HT ONLY, MONDAY, December 9th. Meals the Very Best. This Route has the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. HUNDRED-DOLLAR MISTAKE. linrenNoiinhlc Renentment That Cut Near Coating: a Testy Teller That Amount. "The average bookkeeper does not like to be tokl that he has made a mistake in counting out cash." said one of the eraft the other day, re ports the New Orleans Time.-.-Deiui era:, '"and I have known of instants where quick resentment followed such an act. I recall one ir. stance where the resentment was no.t only unreasonable, but it might have been unprofitable in a small way under afferent circumstances. 1 had occa sion to go to the bank after snnn money, and the paying teller counted me o;;; a wad of money. I kept up j with the emm! nrnfct.v ttfvtll hnr nn counting the money again after j w'li 9tar "Iter reaching the office, I found that the j morning. teller had made a mistake of $100 I went back to the bank to inform hir.i of the fact and to straighten the matter out. Say. old fellow,' 1 said 'you made a mistake of $100 in that money you gave me." " 'Too late now,' he replied; 'you ought to have counted your money in the bank. 1 guess vou lost it on the agent of the O. R & N. bar tugboat 'service. This afternoon another tele gram was received from Mr. Souie from H qniam that the vessel was displaying distress signals and that it would be advisable tor a tng to come to her as sistance at once. The fi'at report led to the b-iief that the vessel in dietrese was the French three-masted bark Ernest Reyer, which is aslioie near Q linanlt, but she is a First time in The Dalles of the delicious lv funnv comedv in three acts, a m um PRESENTED BY ; three-masted bark, while the bark ashore at Point Granville is a four-masted veesel. The identity of tne batk is not positively known, but is believed here to be the French bark Asie, now due trom Hobart, Tasmania. She is a new; vessel, sister of the Europe, now in the : harbor. Arrangemente are being made j to send tags to her assistance, but as her i iden'.itv is not known positively, none her until tomorrow B I'nanlmouA Vote. SrKASTox, Pa., Dec. 8 The con vention having adj urned yesterday until tomorrow morning, nothing was done today by the convention as such. A number of the committees, however, held meetings. So far as I have been .9 tav .aSar EBfSB an IBW Baw iAm ' Sal ssWm Wr Portland-Astoria Route Str. BAILEY-QATZEBT, Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. h. Leave Astoria 7 r. it. Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both phones. Main 361, Port land, Oregon. Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street. Phones: 51 Local, 858 Long Distance ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -DEALEE IK- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Ajreat for Ruastll A Oo.'b Engines, Threstten and Saw Hlru. Riff, M & My.B Id, TIE DALLES OR. Telephone 157. Long Distance 1078 re E. W. Crichton, Attent Portland, Prather and Barnes, Aets., Hoed River, Wolforri it Wyers, Agts.. White Salmon, J. C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver, A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria. R. B. Gilbreth, Agt., Lvle, Wash. J. M. FILLOON, Agent, The Dalles. to the office,' and kept onjaMeto arTev the field- my present: about his business. "I walked out of the bank. Just a I was closing my office for the even ing I noticed a gentleman hanging around the front door. 'Say. old man." he said as i walked ou: to tin door. Tn WOO shy at the bank.' "'Short in your accounts, eh?' 1 replied, indifferently. "He wt.s very much worried over the mati-r, and I knew exactly born he felt about it. After playing with him for awhile I walked back intc the office, got the $100 and gave it tc him, and he was the happiest fellow I ever saw for a few seconds." If yon want to retain youi hair yon have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery beat preparations for cleansing the eea! Egg and Fine Tar Shampoo. It will leave vonr hair soft and gloss v. Priee, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraxer'e barber chop, Ttie Dalles. tf Fine turkeys, fattened especially for the Carnaby Market, Hiczes' sweet opinion is that resolutions favoring a te- enactment of the Chinese exclusion law will pass the convention by an almost unanimous yote. There are some indi- ' cations of trouble in getting resolutions through favoring an application of the same iaw to the Japanese and other. Asiatics. How serious thedifficulty will be in this latter direction csnnot as yet b" told. As to myself, I am standing; firmly to my position that the law ought to be made to cover Japanese and other eqnally objectionable Asiatics, as well as Chinese. J. T. Mokgax. i MARIE LAMOUR, ETHEL BALCH, FREDERIC MURPHY and a complete cas'. First five rows, 75c; balance of the house 50c. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure REGULATOR LIRE. Dints, portiatfil isturia NAVIGATION CO. THE CELEBRATED GOItUlHBlA BHEWEfiY.. AUGtTST BTJCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for Jnne 28, 1900, says: "A more snpei ior brew never entered the lahratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid a of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the otber band is composed of 0 ine nest oi man ana cnoicesi oi uops. m ionic quauuesnre or me nign- est nnu it can on useu wiwi wiv greaieei ubuvui mm tmiiBiaoiiua uy oiu ana . young. Its nse can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with the certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. DALLES BOAT Digests what you eat. It artificially d isests the food and aids Nature iu strengthening and recon- the leaders of the large labor organisa tions and representatives of the general public for the establishing of the princi ples of conciliation and voluntary arbi- pickles in bulk, hulk olives, sweet cider, nation as the best moans to prevent apple butter, pickled tripe, pigs feet, ' strikes and lockouts. eaurkraut, and other specialties too numerous to mention, can be had all the i ' Wants, time at Carnaby 's American Market.! Tbe manufacturers of Banner ba've irM-im j havint? always believed that no doctor or medicine can core in every cafe, but ith never having Meard where Banner Salve ui'-ers, sores, tetter, An Atbllratlon Cm ventiou. Netv Yobe, Dec. 8. The National Civic Federation announces that the atmcting the exhausted digestive or- first annual session of tbe Federation's fjans. It istbe latest discovereddigestr industrial department is to attempt to 2?' ftJ5"'1tt1D . , L ... i can approach it in efficiency. It In- federate tne representatives of the large stantly relieves and permanently cures empioyine corporaiitn? inu ass-ciatione, Dyspepsia, indigestion, Heartburn, b'iacui iculence. Sour Stomach. Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps and ; all other results of imperfect digestion. iMeeMc. and fl- Large stse contains t tltass kOMtieanw LBAVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. ...Portland Boat... leaves- DEALERS IN kinds of Funeral Suppfies Grandall & Budget UNDERTAKER EMBALMERS The Dalies, Or. Burial Shrouds Etc THE DALLES at 7 .00 A. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. . Boole aU aboot dyspepsiai scored by E C Dc'lTT CO.. Crjicaaw feo'd at Clarke & Falk's Pharmaev. Iton't l.uo It lu, JllSt wet the fltTrtCtpd rv.rl fraav Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, failed to cure aud the pain is gooe. Sold by Clarke & eczema, or piles, as a matter of curioiity would like to know if there are such atlfled feople. leases. If so thv will iH.iilv refrinri th are the best advertisers for Foley's j the moneV Clske A Falk". Honev and Tar and all who use it auree that it is a splendid remedy for coughs, 1 or sore lungs. Clarke & Falk. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmei Cor. Third and Washington Sts. hlngle-t um.'i liruMrn L.ghiros. A few thoroughbred, einele-comb Cbas. Repiogle, At water, ()., was in ! brown Leghorn cockerels and pullets for verv bad shape. He says : ''I suffered eale, if taken at once. a great deal witn my kidneys and was requested to try Foley's Kidney Cure. I did so and in four days i was able to go to work again, now I am entire! v well." Clarke & Falk. u23 lm Ja8. Ibki.and, The Dalles, Or. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433. Local. 102. TK. TACIB BUL, OSTEOPATHIST. Office, Mr-. Morgan's Art Btualc. Office hours, 1 U', p. m. dt-lm ThouMuiU scat tato Kali. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sure and racked STEAMEUi REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. The Dalles, Oregon. Just What You cjuant. taken in time. Clarke A Falk. Try Van Norden'o for a perfect fit in glasses, old or young, near sighted or bTb a!LtAl -S A ,'"KU' "re Fond h.u,d in -.,l...n r.... f : t i : . l . a t mj sw. ! ruuaiyiuK iuuu in iu intestines pro rUiCy St liUIMCy ana Mar duces effect like those of arsenic, but tmr children, safe.sure. No opiate. Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the ... 7 7 77 i . , I poisons from clogged bowels, gentlv, Too will not have bona if vou take , . 4 , . . . 'Clarke A Falk's sore cure oi boils. !-M,ly car,0 Conm-tion. 1 Biliousness, Sick Headache, Favere, all -11 t a w. s .-. . . itaraa a ram s uavoring extracts are . y.,, Kidnev and Bowel trouble, (iniv To Stop a-Cold. After exposure or when you feel a cold ! wltb coughs are urged to go to another coming on, take a dose of Foley's Hooey j climate. But this is costly and not al and Tar. It never fails to stop a old if wave nie. Don't be an exile when Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption will core you at home. It's the moat infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, land all Throat and Long diseases on earth. The first das brings relief. Astounding curse result from pereulent use. Trail bottles frae at G.C. Blakeley's i drug store. Price 50c and 1.00. Every ' t ottle guaranteed. Subscribe for Tne Chbonici i. Arista. Aristo. Arista. What is if What is if What is if What is it? 25c al G. C Blakeley's drug store. neatly cured by using MoM Tea pleasant herb drink. Cures couatiuation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed; or money back. 2Scte. and 50 eta. Blakeeiy, the druggist. When your bair appears dry end to SB A i tbe hair needs when it sets !n that mn- the Crown of bus, u.a. a I ur vitality it wants soroetni .w- ...... .Uiu, ..... irc.u,.- ,0 .. , d mimot VL' New idejas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion oreton eAacts at ordinary priata. S?01 KFf at. !! V P'1""' cisaaui uosians. taateiui eoioriuMa. imm for a email price, at my .store on ISird au a ran una of boats) patott. V. W. TAUWB, ThtrrfSL QKO. B. I AMPBKI.L, eivu. BNttiMstaa. dltlon. We have Sc tense Hair Cocoanut Cream will cure It va rower ositd 'onic. fftev rosT and all itvlawWnai, BttAss, BallreaSa K(9v6ios and Essart Laad ..Mat..9asBmjtsa sad sptl Iissssb v rmiajlatwas isnrisia Ililiai mm, wvrw awany ssrasvavss Bvs. te Wssw 8aptr Sorverloc. stap- atsaanes of DAUBsV 0 K'-wyg1y, ., v uiil. ij iyspspspyspsgssaaawy G. J. STUBIiING WHOLESALE AND BKTAIL Wines , Liquors Cigars Family Orders wM receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. Tt DALLES, OREGON. if n j mt I jjasawiisi Condon Pbone 23. L.OWST Ulat. 101. Ip 1 giOliji, Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. Headquarters for F Grain otfUkin Headquarters tot Soiled Grain, au kinds Headquarters for Bran. Starts, &j$ti2tc Headqmiirtmi ior "ByerS Best" Pfendle- tOXL FTmir TO" lr manafaatosod eaaresafy for fondly m m nse: every sank is grjatnattij to give satisfaction. W a eel I oar roods lower than aav banan in tha trmAm and If wm don't think se oall and sjet our prtees and beeonvinsad. BHgheet FrlyjetJ Psud tor Whesvt. Barley and Qtg . e I hm re-ojierned tSkte wall-Jcaow& Bakery, and am now prepared, to r eray body witn Bread, Pies and Oakea. Also all kinds of Staple and BWy Grrooar ea. G&OftGC R4ICM