The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 09, 1901, Image 3

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    Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeee
Ladies' Cloak and Suit Sale.
Phenomenal Prices on Suits Cloak and for. This is our
busy time in the store, and also the average shopper has but very little time to
waste over the price of a garment. We will meet you more than half way so
that you will not have to hesitate as to the price.
Jackets at $10.00 will sell for $ G.95 Jackets at $10.50 will sell for $12.00
" 12.50 " " 9.00 " 17.00 " " 12 65
" 15.00 " " 11.00 " " 20.00 " " " ZZZ
Suits selling at $10, $12.50 and $15 will sell for $9.50
Suits selling at $16.50, $17, $18 and $20 will sell for $13.00.
fig for j Xmas Hnnouncemeni
Fur Jackets, Caes, Collarettes, Scarf a and Boas in heaver,
stone martin, mink, fox, bear, skunk, seal, martin coney, lynx, nutria and
Scarfs and Boas.
Retailing at 4 25 will be sold for $3.00
" ' 2 76 will be sold for 1 90
" ' 5.00 will he eold for 3 90
" 6.00 will be eold for 4 85
" 6 50 will be sold for 4 65
7.00 will be sold for.. 5 25
: M 7.50 will be eold for 5.40
9.00 will be eol-i for 6.90
" " 10.00 will be sold for 7 25
" 11.00 will be eold for 7 85
" 18.00 will be sold for 13.00
Selling at $6.50 will be sold for $4 65
" 7.50 will be sold for 5 25
" 8 75 will be sold for 6 75
' 9 00 will be eold for - . 1 .00
41 " 11 00 will be soM for... 7 85
" " 12 50 will be sold for 8.95
" " 13.00 will be eold for 9.50
Fur Capes at $30.00 reduced to $21.50
Electric Seal Jackets at $30 00 and $40.00, re
duced to $22 50 and $29 00
Blakeley's Drug Store, r rr:
Otir new Ortr Chris' ms lints
are finer than iter.
Medallions Ofer three tlmss as many
are all 1901 subjects
Tha prices are 25 to 30 per cent
No carry-overs. u rortiand.
MAIL OIIOBR nwlvt our DflTU DUflMCC I Kv,r knfir teltrrii rre.
personal attention. "I PUInrnUtHw yr.miUy. in lh aT-
will soon be here. Why not combine
usefulness with your Christmas gener
osity? There is nothing more useful r
acceptable as a present than footwear.
for Meiw
We have slippers of brown k'd, wine
calf, kid romeos, opsra slippers, dress
shoes in patent leather, pumps, and
well we can't tell yon all. Come, see !
For Women
suppers and sandals in satin, kid
and patent leather from one to eight
straps high. Dress boots ani street
boots, and come, eee.
For boys, misses and children
slippers, shoes and leggins, end onee
again we saycome, see.
All Goods
Marked in
Plain Figures
5t MAYS.
The Dalles Daily dmmiele.
DEC. 9, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All Waaco County warrants reg-Utered
prior to January 4, 1890, will be paid
on presentation at my office. Interest
ceases after November 10, 1901.
County Treasurer.
"A Wise Woman"
Tonight at the Vogt opera bouse.
Something new in the city an elegant
stock oi Japanese goods at Miss Haven's.
Miss Blanch Emerson bas received a
commission as notary public for this
A marriage license was leaned Satur
day afternoon to K. D. Woodford end
Ada Heisle.
J. T. Peters bea commenced the erec
tion nf a atnra hnildine on the vacent
space east of the store of Theodore H
D. P. Thompson, the well known cap
u.u.t a nA to Turkey was
atitl alive at lest accounts bnt bis death
was expected at any moment.
The AuteloDu Herald thinks it will be
only e question of few months until tbe
Agency Plains country and an tne lanu
adjacent theieto will be filed upon.
Miss Haven baa, at ber millinery
store, en elegant stock of Japanese goods
just received from Andrew Kan. of Port
land. Useful end inexpensive Christmas
Joeepb Rupp, e native of Zlebings,
Mebren, Austria, now e resident of tbe
Boyd ueiKubdrhocd, today took out his
final citizen papers before Judge Brsd-
john of Gren River or Harper's whiekr,
the second largest, tws gallons ; tbe
third largest, one gallon; the fourth
largest, oue-half gallon; and the fifth
largest, one fourth gallon.
The White Collar line people this
morning reduced the passenger rate to
Portland from $150 to 50 cents. The
Regulator line bad made no reduction et
the time of going to press.
Health Officer Van Anda reports an
other new case of diphtheria yesterday.
that of Leo Bsughman, a boy of id
years. As an offset the quarantine has
been raised from one or two bouses.
Henry Btegman, of Centerville, de
livered here Saturday to Mr. Bailor, of
Port Townsend, 350 head of mutton
ihMn. Inr which he received $3 oO a
w. .- ; i - . j
head. They were an extra fine lot.
Arieto is the paper used to make those
guaranteed Platino carbons, at Wilder'e
Curio, Novelty and 'Photo Studio, it
ill pay you to visit the studio before
Christmas. No trouble to show goods.
Mart Waterman, of Eight-Mile re
ceived today by express from Cleveland.
Obie, two pigs of the Ohio Improved
Chester variety. They are both regis
tered stock and of tbe same variety that
have already given Mr. Waterman great
On account of tbe meeting of the Ext
ern Star tomorrow nignt h nas
been thought best to postpone tbe mass
meetim for organizing a Humane boci
ety till Wednesday night when the meet
in? will nositivelv he held without any
further delay.
Tbe Skamania County Pioneer says :
"It is reporteil that John Young, from
tbe Coween river, has leased the Bt.
Martin springs and will soon take pos
session, when the present occupants will
retire to engage in tbe cattle business in
the Yakima country."
Detectives Nevans aud Reiley, of Port-
land, end Deputy Sheriff wkm eno
Alisky tbis morning took tbe negro,
Addison Kldd, up the road to tbe scene
of Friday's train wreck so as to locate tbe
place where he met the men who baa
si ,)...ior.H to tret even with the com-
-.lurmivuw w tk" -
The public schools of the city resumed ,any for putting them off tbe cars.
.li . a l.n Aava va- I I ... i
. . mi . . .1 . i. i.u.c nrbiir.ll I
nocb L
cation. The attendance is very much
laroar than it was before the schools
were eloeed.
A. M. Williams & Co. open tbe ball
next Wedneedey with a general pnoe re
duction in their clothing department.
Lucky is the men who has clothing to
buy. See their ed,
Eighty-seven heed of fat hogs from
Goldondale were eold to tbe Union Meet
Company last week et b cents pound
gross. They were delivered by the own
ers at Greet- -
Between now end the first of Jane,
1901, petrous of the beak eife will re
ceive with eeeh pint of liquor purchased
noted. U jhe sailer dote the aeteea
holding the) Urgeet number of theee
oerda wUl reoiive thttegeilon deml-
due to the Schumann urauu
laws Company, who gave an enter-
Jnment at tbe Vogt Saturday night, to
say that tbe performance was greeny
and justly appieoiated. Each one of tbe
performers was an artist in his or her
Birtloolar line, end one of whom Tbe
alios seldom sees tbe equal.
The Orexouian bears tbe following
testimony to the character and work of
him wbo was followed to the grave yes
terday by one of the largest funeral pro
eeeoions eter seen in The Dalles : "Emlle
ifehanno. arhoaw death occorrtd at 1 tie
n-lUa aavaral davs aao. was one of the
most entbnoiastic and intelligent freit-
growers in the etete. In appraising mat
whleb gate leaf ee to posterity as the
fruits of his endeavor, it is impossible to
eetlmate tbe value of such work at Mr.
Shanno gave to horticulture. Interest
upon it will accumulate from year to
year, and its beneficiaries will ire -ease
with the fruitgrowing industry of tbe
Pacific Northwest.,' ,
J. Fait & Co. have received a car load
of bottled beer from theLemp's brewery
of St. Louis, Missouri, of the brew
known as "Falstaff." This beer is ssid
to have no uperior in tbe United States
and very few equals. It is put up in
handsome battles and decorated with
these and a number of beeutilul signs,
tbe east window of the ' Owl" presents
e most attractive appearance.
Of the murderer Green, who was
baneed at Stevenson last Wednesday,
the Pioneer says: "Besides being a
'murderer Green was a notorious crook,
and is reputed, on bis own story, to htve
run an illicit distillery in Kentucky.
Whether or uot this is true, it is known
that Green, with a partner, bad fitted
up a still in a remote nook in tbe
mountains of Skamania county, which
was discovered after bis incarceration
for the murder. He pretended to run a
chicken ranch on the mountain slope to
cloak bis operations in transporting
wheat with which to manufacture tbe
wbickv. After his arrest for the murder
the suspicions oi tbe neighbors, previ
ously aroused, led them to make an in
vestigation, when they found tbe appa
ratus all ready for tbe comikeneement of
operations, which was placed in e nook
at tbe foot of a precipice several nines
distant from tbe river or any traveled
road. His partner disappeared after tbe
murder and bas not since been seen."
Sheriff Kelley returned from Portland
yesterday with E. C. Potts aud James
Mcintosh, the two men who are sup
posed to have gagged aud robbed C. A.
i . l. - last WaflnMlUI
IJWIOU, 1UO yuiuw, '-- i
night. The men were arrested in rorr-
i.tiri Thursday afternoon as they were
landing from the steamer Tahoma. As
luck would have it the Tahoma that day
bad on board from Stevenson a Mult
nomah deputy sheriff who bad been at
the Green hanging and wbo had beard
of tbe Lawton robbery from Deputy
Sheriff's Wood and Alleky. Shortly
after boarding tbe Tahoma at Stevenson
the denutv observed three men sitting
together and after passing ibem a couple
of times be noticed paint marks on two
of their coats. Calling to mind tbe rob
bery be concluded that tbe point etalos
might be tell-tale signs. . He disclosed
bis suspicions to eirleod on board wbo
stopped off st Alblna and telephoned the
sheriff for assistance, so that when tha
men stepped on the wharf they were met
by tbree deputy sheriff's who pet tbem
uuder erreet. Wbeu Sheriff Kelley and
Mr. Lawton visited the MaUnoiueb
county jail Saturday Mr. Lawton at onee
identified Potts as the man wbo assault-
ed him tbe night of tbe robbery. Main-
tosb wee held ae an accomplice
.h(i artiA cava hia name as Daly,
turned loose. Tbe men arrived here
yesterday and are In tbe eoaoty 111. Ho
hrte bad bean preferred against them
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The Introduction of Cole's Original Alr-TleM BeatST has revolution
ised the heeling stove trade in all sections ol lh United States, lis won
derful economy in the uo oi fuel, and many other rxcelltnt iiuallties,
strongly recommend it to all In need of a heating stove.
What Colo'e Heater Will Do.
'This stove will heat a room from sero to
SO degrees In five ininutei.
It will heat your houe evenly day and
It holds fire o hours without attention.
You build only one fire each winter.
It burns chipv, berk, leaves, paper end
corn rohe, an.l gives excellent remits with
this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted.
The stove Is light snd easily moved and
set up.
The oombustlon Is perfect and ashes are
removed only once in (onr weeks.
None of the heat is wasted and tbe stove
will save one-half of your fusl bill.
It is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Kvarv nn A nt f!.le's Oriolnal Alr-Tiuht Heaters Is guaranteed to stay
air-tight as long as used. Where wood Is used for fuel every family should
have one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIER to BENTON, The Dalles.
at the hour of going to press this after
noon, but a complaint, charging tbem
th the robbery will probably be sworn
out tomorrow morning.
One of the cleverest combinations
touring tbis season bas been secured
as tbe attraction at the Vogt tonight
Tbe company referred to is headed by
Ethel Belch, Merle Lamoor and Fred
erick Murphy, ell of whom have been
prominent end attractive members of
several metropolitan organisations. The
olav through which they will be Intro
duced to the local t beater-goers is WIN
fraH Clarke's fiomedv SOCCeSS. "A WiSO
Women." The company has been so
corded the highest praise everywhere
tbey have appeared and it is claimed tor
tbem that they are rapidly earning a
blah position among tbe standard at
tractions of the year. Mr. Clarke, who
did tbe staging of bis comedy when It
was put on at the Strand theatre in
London, wbore It ran for 288 nights bas
looked after tbis Important detail for
the present company.
The most touching thing connected
with tbe railroad wreck of last Friday is
the evidence that the wrecked engine
affords that Engineer Cavanaugh did all
that mortal man could have done to
save tbe passeogera entrusted to bis
csre. There is a distance of 240 feet
from tbe spot where tbe engine jumped
the track to the place where it turned
over. Tbe engineer surely might heve
left his engine easily enough while It
was aoinc over this space. Had be done
an he misbt have tavd hie own life,
but tbe passenger cars would surely
have run over tbe embankments and
Drobablr a score of lives been lost. In
stead tbe brave man stayed with his
ecsine to the last, and after he had been
nulled half dead ont of the debris it
noticed that tbe lever was reversed to
tbe last notch and all the pressure et bis
command wes on tbe air brakes. Of
brave Maurice Cavenaojb it may be
aid. as it was of One greater than be
"He saved others, himself be could not
The Knights & Ladies of Security will
meat in Fraternity hall this (Monday )
avaninir at 8:15 p. m. All members are
amaatlv nouested to be present. By
nrrier of council NO. VMl.
W. A. CBAwroBU, Cor. Bee.
Arieto. What is it?
Arieto. What is it?
Per Inlaato and Children.
Foley's Honey mi Tar
What ie it?
and save fuel. THE WILSON hag an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out. We also carry a line of TKILBY
First-Class Regular Meals.
Royal Toko Point -vnd Olympia Oysters served
at all hours and in all styles.
Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates
and confections. Always iroeu.
We are Petting Nervous
Owing to the backward new of the wason,
for we still have an immunse stock of . .
Overcoats and Ulsters
that must be disposed of consequently wo
are making enormous reductions in
order to make a Bpoedy clearance.
Just received an elegant line of Neckwear for
lthe holiday trade.
The Hub Clothing Co.,