The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 07, 1901, Image 4

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    for dale. M
The plant of the Hood
River Manufacturing Co. will
be sold chea for cash.
The plant consists of a full
line of wood-working machin
ery, sticker, planer and a com
plete sash and door outfit.
Musi be' sold at once.
Address. It. C. COE,
Hood River, Or.
riMOMl HRMlliX,
Dnuran Oarrholu M NgtMcrti at tin
Emoinll OOlMa i.'v'U, Ku.
Mrs. E. M. Wi:on and MB Fred, left
yesterday on trie noon train for a short
filensure trip to San Francirca.
Mr. Lii Mrs. J. E. Dhter, oi North:
Yekima, wiii arttve iu the c-:ty thi?!
trtWOiBg to attend tlie funeral of Mt.
fitter's father, Mr Stall Schanuo, wish h
will be held at 1 o'clock tomorrow afier t
tt -a. -
W. E. Clark, editor of tbe Gervais
Star, VMM a caller at Thk Chronicle,
ottea today. Mr. Clark is a eon ut Sua
J!.-.rfc. the weUknowo Oresron iiioaeer.
mm& will tw a candidate lefore the State
convention for elate printer.
Seek Relief!
The most of them go on paying no at
i to their little menstrual disorder, he-
The treat proportion of women who nrffer
never make a serious effort to benefit
tuition 1
lieving they wilt eventually wear off. They
grow worse and worse every day. At the
period of menstruation a woman is peculiarly
susceptible to cold and other external influences
and it b also the most favorable time for the
development of hidden disease germs which
may be lurking m the system. Any physician
knows that disordered mcnstniatioa, falling of
the womb and leucorrhoea are blighting lives in
almost every home. No woman should neg
lect herself a moment after she sees indications
of female diseases. Almost mstant relief can
be secured by the use of
It will relieve you riht In your own home.
Will vou accept the testimony of Mrs. Beigler
and thousands of other women and realty seek relief today ? All druggists
sell $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui.
100 Chicago Street. Fort Wayne. Ind.. March K, 1900.
Your Wine of Cardui has done a world of good for me. 1 have uaed five
bottles of the Wine and one package of Tbedford's Black-Drauaht. And since
I have started to use it I will not be without It in the house. It helped my
aisutr iu Toledo, who did not menstruate as she oueht. She was sixteen
years or age and nothing else helped her. I was in a very bad state myself
before 1 used vour medicines, but I found relief in three days. And now I
feel like a new woman and do all my housework and washing, which I could
not do before I took Wine of Cardui. I would be very glad to write any poor
woman and tell her how I suSered before 1 used Wine of Cardui.
Mrs. C . oUSuJUKK
Far adriea ail lllat alaie. address, ggSJaj syauaouia, "The tadtes' Advisory
Department," The Chattanooga ltedtetae Oansany. Chattanooga Tern.
While Collar Line.
Hie DaHes-hM int.
Str u TAHOMA," !
Portland. The Dalles and
Way Points.
T. JD.
Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. ou Tnee
dav, Thnrsday and Saturday.
Arrives The Dalles, same day, 5 p. m.
Leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. on Son
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. m.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
: g25 nistanoe. 173 Second Street
p. S. GUWlflG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
Meals the Very Best.
Tliis Route has the Grandest
Scenic Attractions on Earth.
Former !l Lidv Harried
The fo'.iosnng clipped from the Mani'a 'dmiesi it ff wii; t-e small probatly not
Amarican, of Oct. 10;h, will doubtless aver iOcems.
i merest a good manv reople in The Many va u .blr articles itlll be afHe:
Dailes :
"SergeaDt Hugh S. Brsz-?e of tbe
Weucpoiitsn police and Mrs. Carrie M.
Johnston were married at 6 o'clocs
Tuesday evening at 14S Caiie Cabild'
'napia:n Wakeiey officiating. E. C.
Strry guve the bride away and Mis
ou;d acted as "qrideenjaid. A reception
vtas heid after the ceremony nd a large
nauiber of gneste were present.
"Th: bride arrived oc tbe Loonsang
from Hongkong i.uvng come by the
Paciiic Mail for the purpose of conclud
ing a vary pretty romance. Mr. Braz-e
has been on tbe amiou? seat for a iew
bride. .
"The rooms where the ceremony whe
pf rformed were tastefully ; decorated
with Bowers, fiags and banting. Tbe
occasion was properly celebrated aud
many well wishes follow Mr. and Mrs.
Brazae through life.'"
Mrs. Johnston wa the former wife of
Cnarles Johnston, a brother of fie
Jofaooton Brs.. of Dufur. Charlie war
a railroad engineer and was killed in a
wreck near Arlington some years ago.
; a:ui tickets imp. tie . cured on the-e a
a.-.y time rrom now until tbe rbfti-s tak
The fair heid in this citv about four!
prs ajro was a eilccefB Socially an
F. .'. CLARKE, Manager.
MONDAY. December 9th.
Portland-Astoria Route
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent for Buascll & Co.'s Engines, Threshers aid Saw Mills.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073.
nor. Second 4 hWn Sh, THE DALLES OR
Daily sHonnd Trips except Sunday.
Leave Portland 7 a. m.
Leave Astoria Ti m.
Landing and office Foot of Alder
Street; both phones, Main 351, Port
land, Oregon.
ftiiancialiv, and all who :-.tteude.i were
well enterta net!. And as the lat'Jee are
wjrk'ng move enefgetieaHy tr an ever to
m ke the c ming on1, a fucces?, it bids
lair to rival any that hat ever btu heid
in The Dl:es. A cordial invitation is
extended to all to be present.
i'l in Ti e Dalles of the (le'icicn?
fnuoY cniedj in three acta,
a wise worn
Bus rrisoutmi sr. Treated.
Thi; Dalles, Or.. Drc. 5. 1801.
. I T . r' 1 r f .
in expectation of the arrivsl of his, AU luk CU1U' .bumili.-
St. Paul's Episcopal charcL Rev C
H. Lake, raetor. Morning service at
11a.m. Evening service at 7 :3th Sun
day school, 12:lo. AH are invited.
Calvary Baptist ettQVOh Raw W. B.
Clifton, pastor. Regular service at 11
m. and 7:30 p. u... in the new church
on Union street. Snnday school at 10
a- ni. ; B. Y. P. C. at 6 :30 p. m.
Cnristian church. Ninth and Court
treete. Rev. J. M. Alexander minister
question i.a- ': ten ekeJ of tbe
diffrren- i tim ne-s of ttiis j iii as to the
treatment we r-c-y- at ihe hands of,
Mr. Robert K-lly, the sheriff of Va?co
county. Aud to U is 1 to say that
ainci my potH fin me jt :r, this jiii we
have had on'y the best oi treatment
from Sheriff Kelly and (as all the boys
est1 him, o.: oil friend J hn Fitz.erald.
They -en t try to do al in their
power far as they can to show to tbe '
boys nothing bat goo I and kind treat- ,
inent from the first to trie last day cf
their conSn-niunt. Now wiii you be;
kind enou.'h t pu ! ab ibis and to show
to tbe outside world tbst we, of course,
are In every way thankful to Mr. Kelly, :
Mr. Sexton and Mr. Fi zgera.d for whet
they do seem to try to do for ns as
prisoners of the Wasco county jail. So
thanking you in a- vat c i for your favor,
I am,
Yours resfecfully,
E. W. Cricbton, Aeent Portland,
Prat her and Barnes. Avts., Hotid River,
W'olford It Wyers. Agts.. White Salmon,
J. C. Wyatt. Agent, Vancouver,
A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria.
R. B. Giihreib, Agt., L;.)e, Wissh.
J. M. FIU0ON. Agent, The Dalles.
Dalles, wM & istoria
Of tbe product of this well-known brewery tbe United States Health
Reports for June 28, 1900, says: "A more en pei tor brew never entered
tbe labratory of tbe United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, bnton the otber band is composed of
the beat of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qnalitiea are of the high
est and it can be need with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its nee can conscientiously be prescribed by tbe physicians with
the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
poseibly be found."
a East Second Street. THE DALLES. OREGON.
s :
sir! a complete cas'.
Theodore H. Lieo- is a graduate and
cientific optician. He cornels al! errors
! ft' rvi'-At-' .t- Mta.ll hi . v i ,r i fl rnriia
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. ; ! ,.- . ,
. . ' dar-sight-d , nivopia near fiLtei',, as
aundav schoo. 10 a. B. : Christian En- ., . ...
tigmatisu; dijnience n the refractton
de-a vjr 6 :M p. m. Praver meeting :30 . , x ,. ...
, . . " K . . ' of the different meridians of the eve 1,1
o clock Thursday evening. , . ., ,
e pre.-byonia. He guarantees ell giasse
Methodist Lpi-H.-opal churcL Corner . tba be fits. do lw
FihL and Washington, Rev. W. Skip- '
erortb pastor Morning service at 11 i C..' e .wr
o'clock; evening 7:30; Suudav achoo! rOtCy S flOney and i Sr
10 a. m.; ciass meeting 12:20; Epwortb j cures coilis prevents pneumonia.
Leagne6:30. All are eordialiy invited!
to these services.
C ingrejtational etiurch corner Fifth j
five rows, 75c; balance
of the house 50c.
and Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling,
pastor. Services both morning end
veting. Morning subject, "The Miu-iaie.-ot
sorrow." Evening eulject, 'A
Saddncee's Damaging Confeaeioc."
Music a- follow? . In tbe morning the
choir will sing ' Just ae I am." and iu
the evening the anthem "Daybreak," by
Parks. The morning offertory w ill be a
iolo number entitled, '0 Salntaris'and
in toe evening the male quartette wiii
eiug as an offertory "Sweet Sabboth
Eve," ov Parka.
What ia if
What i it?
Tbe I ttii .in Fait
The fair, which will be given by tbe
ladies of the Catholic church for the
pdrpoae of paying off the indebtedness
on tbe new church building will open
on Tneaday, Dec. 17th and continue
until the evening of Saturday tbe 21at.
Tbe ladiea base spent months in
preparingiur the fair and will have an
ktbandance of sarticiea of ail descrip lont
and kinds for sale and rattle. Tne Vogt
upera house baa been aecured for tbe
aeeaeion and in a abort time the work of
cosjetrwi.iog booth and other necessart
.arrangements will begin.
A select program will be rendered
-asaca evening tbe beet talent in tbe city
sagsj a rich fnud of amusement will be
furnished to all preeeut, while tbe
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what yoo eat.
It artificially digests tbe food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing tbe exhausted digestive or
gans. ltlBtbelatestdiscovereddigeet
ant and touic. Ko otber preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relievesand permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kausea,
Bick Headache, Gastralgia Cramps and
au omer resutis oi imperieci aieestton.
PrieeSOe and ft laiii slsiii iwiiauiaUt Huaa o T 1 I ill
amellataa Book all about dyspepaia mafledlrae J IClCC I 1x111,
-spared by E ".. OcWlT a CO.. Crjicagft
Dressmaking Parlors,
Our line of Black and While
' Pictures, whicli are decorated
with beautiful black frames,
are the attraction of the sea
son this year and surpass all
ever handled before for the
price. We also have a very
beautiful line of Albums,
Vase?, Etc.
nmt pins
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplies
at 7 A. M.
Crandall 4 Borget
The Dalies. Or.
fioria! Shroads
Lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, snre to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
r Hi Tim Beware of counterfeit and imitations. The uf.nuinc is pat up onlr in paste-bwiril Car
vMwaaw ion who rac-slmile auroature od hoc oi ine noitte. inna:
bend tor Circular to WILLJAMs MFU. CO.. Sole Asentt. CieTcland, Onio. A
Fur sale by Geo. C. Blakeley . Tbe Dayes. Or.
...Portland Boat...
at 7:00 A. M.
W. C. ALLA WAY, General Agent,
The Da! lee, Oregon
Jast What
You cuant.
Bo i at Clark- It Faik's Pnarmaet.
Undertaker ail Embalmei
Cor. Third and Washing-ton Ste.
Ail ordera attebded to promptly. Loos
dituoee pbcoe 433. Local, 102.
kiH,int U aod Hi Voct Oloek. Trx talim, Or
Otbee, Mr. MMgaD' Art bludlo. OBI re bairs.
1 u 5 p. m. d-lQi
ana st asaiisig ea m ea
Nesr idaae in Wall Pamr KM h,.
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graeed a single alonk. Real imita
tion cretoo affects at ordinary prioaa.
Good papera at cheap paper prieaa.
Elegant daaigna, taetafol eolorioga, voora
lor a email prioe, ai oor store on Third
aiao a inn una al Uoaee paints.
D. W. VATJSE, Third St
Gilford's Fotos Merer Fade.
qko. a. rattPBCLL.
OlVlt. SIMOlNKKtt.
lrrtcatiaa, BrMgw, BaUrusS aud Water supply
I IKllt slug
aMtaeaad t apart Uuit bur vey lug. Map.
I.naatinn. Construe Uon aud Malnlenanea of
Uigbwars. Strssaa asul raiu.ts.
srls saV u rM sarr's u BrMw'ikw
Mil III jf 11 minmmiij jutuu Iii in ij ,i .uws;
Wines, Liquors Cigars
FamilyOrders will receive prompt attention.
Kezl door to First National Bank.
Condon I'tiono 88a.
Ludc Mat. toai.
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity ana
omissions, increase vig
or and luanifih "oaini
of nuMiKl.riiB.Lior " Tk.. on ur.nFn BIVMHI to mrla at
womanhood, aiding development of onrani and body. No
known remedy lor women equals them. Cannot do harm life
dj arugglaiA.
For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley. The Daller. Or
DB. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio
lei Mm ill ft,
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ru km
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, a kind
Headquarters for Bran. Short. SJS
Headquarters for "Byers Bmt" Pendle
ton FlOUT 2?L - .ssrsAsBasaf mph SS.
Wa aail oor goods lower than any hones ia t trad, assi S yB don't tniakss
sail and gat oor prteaa and besonvinsssL
Bigmt PrioM Paid for Wfcttt. Btuisy sjid Oats.