The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 07, 1901, Image 3

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    Clearance Sate of
Slocks fancy collars of the latest creation
will be included in this sale at prices
much lelow cost.
$1.00 quality, sale $ .69
1.25 7S
1.50 " ,.98
1.75 " Ms
2.00 1 39
2.25 " 1.45
2.50 " H 1.73
3.00 " " 1.98
3.25 " " 2.25
Nothing newer, nothing dainter.
$2.50 quality, sale price $1.50
3.00 41 " 2.00
3.50 " 2.25
Saturday Only.
than Ever
We'd be disappointed if we could
not truthfully say each season that
our suits and overcoats are "hotter
than ever;" it's a sign that we're
keeping in front, each season a
little better than last, getting new
ideas and improving on old ones,
learning something every day and
putting it to use for our custo
mer's benefit. This fall we say
"better than ever" with unusual
H. S. & M. suits and overcoats,
made expressly for Pease & Mays,
have the style, fit and service that
only first-class tailor-made clothes
can give.
II. S. 6 H. Suits and liver
coats, $12.50 to $25.00.
Sole agents American Hosiery Co.'e Under
wear, Monarch Shirts, E. & W. and Arrow
Brand Collars, Shawknk Hosiery, Knothe
Bros.' Suspenders and Belts of the finest make.
My Lady's
should fit her foot. It's hard
er to make a good-fitting
slipper than a good-fitting
shoe. A slipper should be
Bnug at the heel and not
bulge at the side. We take
too much pains With our slip
per stock to let anything get
in that is not exactly right.
We begin with the ordinary
house slipper at 85c andj$I,
and rise step by step to the
best in patent leather and kid
in straps and ties nicely trim
med at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00,
$2.50 and $3.
All Goods
Marked in .
Plain Figures
5t WHYS.
The Dalles daily Chronicle.
DEC. 7, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All Waenu County warrants registered
prior to Juury 4, 1SSS, will be paid
on iimsawssiUnn at any vfltaa. Interest
censes after November 19, 101.
Conner Trensnrer.
ffiwn forV
of A., was i
Don't forget Professor Sandvig'e dance
tonight at the Baldwin.
A marriage license was leeaed today to
J. B. Wllkins and Lillie Temple.
Novel and inexpensive Japanese
Xraas gifts will be displayed at Mies
Haven's, Monday.
Miss Haven will receive a shipment of
Japanese goods from Andrew Kan of
Portland for too holiday trade.
. Monroe Ueisler has closed oat his
meat market business at Dofar and will
move his family for the winter to The
Beginning tomorrow, December 8th,
the White Cellar line will carry pas
sengers between TLe Dalles and Port
land and from way landings for 50c, one
way. d7
Ladies wanted to work on sofa pillows.
Materials furnished. Steady work guar
anteed, experience nn necessary. Send
tamped envelope to Mies McGee,
Needlework Dept., Ideal Co., Chicago.
The funeral services of the lata Emil
Scbanno will be held at the family
residence on wast Fourth street at 1
o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Friends of
the deceased are respectfully invite J to
Porter & Aodersoo have resumed the
back serviee in this city. They will do
general hack business ; bundles and
ttcbels carried free. Hoars from 12 m .
to 12 p. m. Office at Grant's cigar
tore. d7 6t
Tne quarantine waa raised from Ed
Francis residence, on Fourth street wast
f the bridge, this morning, as it was
found upon further developments of the
case, that it waa not dlpetberle. Mo new
cites have baas reported today.
When the story of the C a. Law too
hold-up reached Oufur it took this
nape is U Dispatch: "Wednesday
"lbt, at The Dal lee, D. W. Vaose,
bile oo his way bona from down tows
was atUaiad by 4m toetptit, bound
wub balist wire, sjaoed and robbed of
' - l U. m W.rnn
sli,4,V. A A. jff ko
"rrow .Sunday) afternoon for the par-
pore of attending the funeral of our late
Brother Emile Scbanno, which will take
place from the family residence on
Fourth street at 1 o'clock p. m. All
members and visiting brethren are re
quested to be present. By order of the
W. M. O. D. Doaoe, secretary.
The annual election of officers
Court The Dalles, No. 12, F
held last evening and resulted as follows-
P.O. B. Theb.H Llebe; C R
Frank Childers; 8 C B, William Hehafe;
Tres, V H Koontz; F S Wm Reese ;R 8,
D D Wilder; S W, P F Burham ; J W,
Dell Wilder; S B, Tunis Parkins; J B,
M L Curran ; Trustee three years, Chas.
Frazier : Court physician, J. A. Geisen
Between now and the first of June,
1902, patrons ol the Bank CaTe Will re
ceive with each purchase a card. At
the latter date the person holding the
largest nnmber of these cards will re
ceive a three-gallon demijohn of Green
River or Harper's whiskey, the second
largest, two gallons; the third lamest,
one gallon ; the fourth largest, one-half
gallon ; and the fifth largest, one-fourth
Mr. and Mrs. William . Helsler, of
Dufnr, celebrated the fiftieth anniver
sary of their marriage last Wednesday.
Mr. Helsler is an Oregon pioneer of 184V
and Mrs. Heisler of 1852. Tbey have
bad nine children, twfhty-two grand
children and seven great grandchildren,
all of whom are living save one grand
child. Mr. and Mrs. Heisler are
a well preserved couple of 74 and 68
years respectively. May they live for
fifty years more,
By a very regretahle oversight The
CitBOKicLi omitted to announce yester
day that the mass meeting for the pur
pose of organizing a Humana Society baa
bees postponed to neat Tuesday nigbt,
at the council chambers. The postpone
meat was thought advisable because of
other attractions last night, tonight and
Monday nigbt. As no other important
public gathering has bean announced
for Tnesdav niabt. every ona wbo is
interested in organized humane work
should attend the meeting in the council
This afternoon Sheriff Kelley accom
panied by C. A. Lawton, want to Port
land in response to a telegram from the
chief of police of that town, stating that
two men bad been arrested on suspicion
for holding up Mr. Lawton severs! days
ago. One of the men answers to the de
scription of the man who blew out the
light before the robbery, and if tbey
prove to be the right parties tbey will
ba brought back bare. He taw hjs
name as James Mackintosh and whan
taken by the Portland police bad ahost
$39.20 oo bis parson.
At too Vogt on Monday, December
9th "A Wisa Woman." spoken of e
a delightful faros, procaines to
a local hit. It it aejd to ba a gfsst
on to tba list of fardai
as the bright jillityofthe fares
no end of merriment. It has every rea
son for succeeding, for it is acted by a
capital company, and it is so distinctly
novel in scheme and development that
it furnishes what most people like best
a diversion from accepted standard.
The plot is nnt and iliy, but the inci
dents and complications Ire immensely
amusing, which make it quite the
breezieat ofrerin of a l6Wg tte.
At about 10 p. m. yesterday, almost
tba same hour that Maurice Cavinaugb,
wbo lost his life in tba faithful discharge
of his duty, passed away, Larry Hayes,
another equally faithful employe of the
O. K. A N. Co., died in On adioinfofc
m in the same hospital. For the
past fifteen years Mr. Hayes has been
in the company's employ and his un
timely end is not only mourned by fi:9
employers but also by the entire com
ma oity since he wis well known and
highly respected by all who knew him.
He was a single man and as far as could
be learned be had no relatives in this
country. The funeral will probably be
beld in Portland.
While M. Z. Donne II and A. W. Moore
Were walking up second street in front
of Woods batcher shop this morning, a
blast was set off on Third and Court
street where the new sewerts being put
in, and a rock weighing about one pound
was thrown across the block and struck
between the two gentlemen, grazing the
top of Mr. Donnell'e hat. The matter
was investigated and it was found that
what appeared to le the necessary pre
cautions were taken as the bole was
cove'td by planking before the shot waa
firnd. It Is plain, however, tbatsomeoue
mast have been in fault and as it might
have resulted seriously it would be well
for those who are doing the excavating
to guard against a repetition of such
Thb Chbomicle was mistaken in its
announcement of the death of Maurice
Cavinaugb .in yesterday's issue, as he
had been taken from the wreck alive
although at the time the rescuing party
supposed that ba was dead and tele
graphed to The Dalles that such was the
cate. Shortly after be was rescued he
showed signs of life and a caboose and
angine was immediately sent to Portland
witb tha unfortunate engineer. He
never rageinad consciousness, however,
and died at St. Vincent's hospital at 10
o'clock last night. As aooa as tba news
was received iu Portland Superinten
dent O'Brien dispatched a special from
there to the scene of the trouble and tba
injured man's wife came up on tba same
to meat the train that bora bar husband
to Portland.
Lovers of classical music are always
glad le bear of tba coming of the bchu-
maun uranu uoooert oompany,
appearance of this great organization of
musical artfcts at toe Vogt tossjst
toaseaar bare en toss
occasion include Edith Adams, Mrs.
Robert Gold back and Lillian Beard and
the famous basso. Mr. Walter McPher
on. Mips Edith Adams is known both
in this country and abroad for her raar
velous play ink of the vloltncelio. Thi
bet been generally knpwnses i man's
instrument, hut Mist Adams has con
qnered all Its difficulties and her play
ing has gained the approval of all its
known masters. Mrr. Robert Gold beck ,
tba Wife of the distinguished cbipejfcr,
is a rirely gifted pianist and Mis
Lillian Beard is acknowledged las one of
America's finest contralto's. Mr.
McPherion is so well known in concert
w'oik that little need be said of his beau
tifal bltto vole. He hat an interna
tional reputation and promising future.
Investigation Regarding the Wreck.
Yesterday afternoon, shortly after the
wreck of passenger train No. 2, De
tectives Alttky and Wood arretted a
negro, near the scene of the wreck, wbo
they suspected might know something
of the cause of the disaster. The fellow
gave his name at Additon D. Kidd, and
had papers in his pocket showing that
be wet owner ol one share of stock io
the American Detective Agency. W ben
questioned as to what he knew concern
ing the wreck be stated that a number
of tramps were put off the freight train
above Celilo yesterday and that tbey
threatened to "get even" on the con:
pany. Sheriff Kelly consulted with Mr. Ire
land, of the O. B. AN., and a special,
carrying Detectives Wood and Alitkv,
De, uty Sheriff Sexton and Mr. Ireland
a as sent up and they ruccoeded in catch
ing fjur of those whom the negro
thought to be guilty, and tbey alto
broogbt down three others to act ai
There seems to be no doubt at present
that the train was derailed hy nuts from
the bolts which fasten the flsh plates to
the rails being placed on tba rail, and it
is to be hoped that tbe guilty culprits
will he brought to jjstice.
Members of the Pinkerlon detective
force of Portland will be up today to
look into tbe matter and a thorough iu
vestigatiou will be made.
You can get a handsomely hand en
graved sterling silver souvenir spoon for
II at Theodore H. LiebeV, the East End
jeweler. lw
A dollar and a half will buy you a
solid gold bUtbstoue ting, ore pair of
solid gold link cuff buttons at Theo. H
Liebe's, thrist End jeweler. do lw
Aritto. What is it?
Arista. What ie it?
For InfanU sod Children.
1.1 Hiitfiajsr
SUM oft
Blakttay Dfyf .tore
) 17S 3d St., THB DALLES
torte. thoefcifcits
fYesH today
dlrtWt from fkctorr.
Chntjtmat Stock of Lowney's Chdc
olates ready for inspection.
l it er than ever.
man. onuutT receive our
personal sttentton.
Welch our windows
fur tha neat three weekt.
We will show yon sample
of what we are going to hare
for Christmas.
Kniy f. sst tieilveivtl pree.
VroAli)y. In tkeeltr.
! ""(P 'l.'-aSnsneeiiir'. tTs
tj Every one of Cole's
J air-tight as long as used.
3 have one or more ol these
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood arid Ll.htor Fuel.
The introduction of Cole's, Orkjina! Alr-Thjhv Heater hss revolution
ised the hestinit stove trade in ill sections ol the United States. Its won
derful economy In the ue of fuel, and manv other etcelK nt qualities,
strongly reeemme ml it to ell In neel of a heating store.
What Colet'a Heater Will Do.
This ttove will beet a room from xero to
80 degrees in five minutes.
It will heat your honse evenly day and
It holds tire 30 hours without attention.
You build only one Ore etch winter.
It bnrns chips, bark, leave, paper anil
corn rohs, nr. I give 'excellent results with
this lot), which is ordinarily wasted.
The stove is and easily moved and
set up.
The combustion is perfect and ashes are
removed only once in four weeks.
None of the heat it watted and the ttove
will save one-half of yonr fuel bill.
I It Is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Original Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to ttav
Where wood is nsed for fuel every fsmily should
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out. Wo also carry a line of TRILBY
...MAYS s CROWE...
First-Class Regular Meals.
Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served
at all hours and in all styles.
Agency ALDON BRAND delioions Chocolates
and Confections. Always xresn.
We are Getting Nervous
Arieto. Whet ie it?
Owing to the backwardness of the season,
for we still have an immense stock of . .
Overcoat and Ulsters
that must be disposed of consequently we
are making enormoas reduction in
order to make a speedy clearance.
1 4 ' a i a. '
Just received an elegant line of Neckwear for
the holiday trade.
The tlutt Clothing Co
(MAYS) A CaoWH HtilLDlNO.)
W. aUHKILUK, MatttfW.