The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 07, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
"1 find Senator Joseph Simon a
ery active candidate," said J. W.
Scriber, when asked by the I.nGrandc
Chronicle on his return from Port
land a few days ago, concerning
political signs and movements in the
Oregon metropolis. "He is bv no
means a dead politician, and those
who desire to compass his defeat
must be up and doing. However. I
think it will be accomplished. In
the first place, the supreme court's
decision on the Portland primary
law was a crippling blow to the
senator. He will try to overcome
its effects by building up a machine
in the country, but it remains to be
seen bow well tbe people like Simon.
''In the secoi d place he has lost
most of his strong and influential
friends. His domineering disposi
tion is responsible for this. Simon
wants to lie the whole thing and this
does not appeal to others who are
naturally leaders and not followers
He has, I understand, lost Mr. H. W .
Scott, who whether be himself be
comes a candidate or not will oppose
the present senator with all fair
means. I understand also that Simon
hss lost Mr. Corbett. But be is not
daunted by these things. He will
make a strong fight to control every
section of the state. By allying him
self with Mr. Geer be expects to get
in under the shadow of his popu
larity. But tbe alliance will not
strengthen the governor. It will
simply reluce bis support, and may
involve him in defeat. The chief
organizer for Mr. Simon is, Ibe-
lieve. Ml. Wallace McCsmant, who
is a very active politician."
Mr. Scriber says that J.N.Will-
iamson, of Prtneville, is everywhere
spoken of as one of tbe coming
statesmen of Oregon. He has with
drawn his candidacy for the position
. - . . - , ;
w Kvicwij ui BiBic. u uaiv tuu-
tinned in the race mieht have caused
a greal deal of friction, and William-
enn w tint tK.t Irinrl r.f rknlitinittn. 1
The people of his own and neighbor
ing counties are insisting upon bis
becoming a candidate for congress
and be may consent. But be is not
an enemy of Mr. Moody and will
not oppose him unless there is evi
dence of decided weakness in his
. 1 1 -1 ,
caupaign. jur. iiiiamson is a mu
Of the people and can Sfford tO bide !
, . . r
blS time.
, I
TbC above, as far as it relates tO
Mr. Williamson, describes tbe situa-;
tion more correctly than anj'tbiDg
yet given OUt by any Of OUr "well- ; Jn the Circuit ( our'of the State of Oregon for
informed" contemporaries, the Ore-' U2ZT
gonian included. The Chwwicli jt t iTiulBstiijl iiil
Bays this Of its Own personal knowl- ToW.W. Hale, the deleudant above named.
- In tha i -i't- nf thp fatatta nf drMmn Vfin r
edge. Mr. Williamson has 5ftll I
. ' j, i ,.-tj gfaii'v vou in ibt above entitled gv wusree a. iuhcli uin mm uui
been a miscellaneons candidate for a ruit on or Friday, the twentveeood da I onlv nourish a particular part of the Apoor complexion is usually the re
moment. He authorized his frfeftdf I STii"iJ?J nSS I ? wiil 'ceU,in every other salt of a torpid liver or irregular action
, . .
to sav that he was a candidate for
the secretaryship of state. He has
never authorized a
ius viu v
. . mm . t ... :
oaj uc "m a mnuiuoic lui buj uiiug
else. Many of his best friends have
advised him that the present secre-
tarv cannot be defeated for renomi
nation and Mr. Williamson is not
disposed to press a claim that would
undoubtedly cause more or less
friction among parlies that are and
ought to be friends.
This is tbe situation exactly. Mr.
Williamson is no more a candidate
for congress than be is tbe supreme
judgeship. What certain of bis
friends may say or desire in tbe
premises is another matter, over
which be ha; no control and concern-
iog which, until some definite action '
is taken, be cannot be blamed for
keeping silent. No man ought to be
blamed for refusing an office until it
has been offered bim by persons
having power to confer it
Hoboes arrested in 'o:tiaod get
nothing tO eat until tbe police judge
, . -
uas passea cn tneir case. Jt cau
easily happen that twenty hours may
elapse between the arrest and sen
tence. A heed lot are these wander
ers who care nothing for confinement
so they gel plejU eat.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cares heart-barn,
raising of tbe food, distress after eating
or any form af d
One little
tablet gives Immediate relief. 26
aad 60 ota. Blakelev, tbe druggist.
Aristae. What is it?
Pictures enlarged at the Wilson pboto
graph gallery, dec- lm
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forget tUK '
Gierke ,v Fa'fc hnve on sale a foil line
naint nl artist's brushes.
Go to the WiUon gafery for excellent
Photos at reasonsme prices. aec- iffl
If yon can't come daring the week,
yon can have a sitting Sunday by seeing
Clifford. nI9
Floral iotim wli. enre wind chapping
and Bunoo.r n. Jinr.uiaciomj uv am
& Faik.
Christmas w;li soon 1 here and you
haven't had that negative male yet.
See Gifford right away quick. n!9
If anything ai!s your hair, go and see
Frazer ; he's the headqaarters for all
hair remedies. Hemember that be
mates a ertcialtv of these goods. tf
Those aitists' proofs. Mv! hut they
are fine ! One dossn
will make jnet
twelve hue Christmas presents. Gifford j Cough Cure.' writes Rev. James Kirk
N the man that makes them. n!9 J mM wangeHtt o Mto Rlvf IU. "T
Clark and talk nave usi received a
full line of fresh Velox papers and de-
velopere, tbe same as ujedby Mr. Lovick
ir. me recent 'jruiuu?imuou m unr oluic, i
The Elite barber shop is rnnning four I
l . t . . . & 1 . (
cnairs u,u? enurn.g patrons a speeay ;
and aeticfaotMrf tprrum A l! fr,i!c
sterilised and only steam laundried ;
towels used. nl8 lm !
Campbell &
sale of
at the
One-third off regular price of entire
stock. Sale
continue until first of
Acker's English Remedy will stop a ,
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold iu twelve honrs, or money re
funded. 2 cte. and oO cte, Blakelev,
the drngais
Why pay $1.75 per git. Ion for inferior
paim- -heo you can boy James E.
PattnuV sunproof paints lor tl.50 per
eallon. guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
Falfe. agents. ml
Moki Tea positive ;, cures S:ck Head-
ache, indigestion and constipation.
deiizntfui ht-rb drink. Removes all
ernptior of the skto, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 2o cte
and 50 I
Blakelev, the druggist.
oTinejy iwnoncLi
Laxb Ornca at Thk 1ali8, Or..
November 11, 1501.
Notice la hereby given that tbe following
nnmed set
tion to m
cl tim, and
has filed Ectiee of I.;- intcn
final prouf in sunrort of his
ura praoi viii ie
lreoI vrill
made be-
Inie Bis reguter and receiver at Tbe lalles,
urcgon, as Tuesday. December 21, 1'Jul. viz.
Walter Srott, of The Dalles, Or.,
j H. E. So. mo. for the sK -4 SE.;v, sec 8. S'i
in "e following; witnesses to prove
bif contlnuou residence upon, and cultivation
of said land viz:
Cbar'es (oaaen. Albert W. Turner. LeRov Hi!-
larey. R. Altery, aU of The Dallea, Oregon.
m " - - - - 1 " ' 1 a
ifitmmwn tiieoZ-1
prayed for in her eoruplaint, to-wic: For a de
e;ee and order of the Court forever annulling
and canceling tbe bonds of msuimonyexiH'.inggeation or dvsneyeia. Yon must ore-
aetwefoymitMU and piamuff, and awarding to
Tnajuwu lite uarv. i-ufcH-u nuu enstHVl ui n imani, a n;::ior cnim. tne issue o! sail nmrriage
aiw lor sueli other and lurlher reuel
! '-i"
M.urt may seem proper
Thi suuin.uU i wrved uinm you by pubiica-
tion thereof in The Ialle Chronicle fur six con- i
seeunre weeki. by order of Hon. W. L. Brad-
r, judge of the eerentb judicial district.
state of Orteiii.. which said order wai..nd and
enlercd he:ein uu the - day of September. :
The date of the first publication of this sum-
moot is Wednesday, October 2. 1901.
s. A. D. GI RLEY
octt A uosaaf ler I i itttiti
l.i.i.c Cfi.ce at VatMsnuer, Wush,
Xcrtemtr 1, )MH
Notice is l.-iaoy givea that the lutlowing
nained settler haatieq noiiee at ber iDlailion to
make final proof u. aupiairt of her clains. and
that said proof will be made before the Ueei-ter
and Receiver of tbe t h. Laud tiffiei- al Van
couver, Washington, on Tuesday, Leceiuber IT,
1901, viz:
of (iuct-
lo an Indian woman)
P. O., nnJnatE. mother and
heir of Skamiah Jr.. dceaaand. who natse home
staad aniili ui .u No. tut theEU at S .
andiotio: keaosijjs,Tt.. :x,Rut, w m.
o saio uui.i. vi'..
tMaj Tiimwastr, Bill B-Ba-aasouj.J j
laseeaM Joimv Johny, all o Columella. WapL
r w , i.r uiiTrTS..
'"" " ' - a, ui.kc.
Ifotioe to Creditors.
The undersigned having bten apptiinted by
the County ourt of v. asco Cuunty, Oicvou, ad
rr.inittralor of the estate of Wcneeslaus I'asbek,
(l. . under an oroer Basatg and entered on
the 23d day of October ui; iersona bariug
claims against said eatate are hereby noUtitd to
premt the same, pTopetly verilUd. U theun
qeiasnta s: lilt omc
lgiitd I. it i .met in Usllta ( it)
County, Oregun, within ix months from tbe
date of this notice.
bated Ibie. ..;i. day ,,i o toU-r, litil.
Malcolm mcinms
Admiuulratur of tbe estate
1'anhek, deceased.
U-J 4tST
When in Portland
Btop and see yonr old friend,
Casta. John NieusMla.
where you will find tbe cboi
cert Wines, Liqnors and Cl
ears in Portland or elsewhere.
Remember the "Old Corner,"
20 North Third Street
Kov. IS lino w
US. T.
Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92.
An Evang-elist'e story.
"I suffered for rears with bronchial or
long trouble and tried various remedies
bnt did not obtain permanent relief
until I commenced using One Minute
have no hesitation in recommending it i
n .11 annVrora from n'ait; of this
kind Uue Mrnnt Cottgh Cure affords
j .
mmediate re.ief for conifhp, colds and
kjn., of ,hrriat Rnd !nrsf troubles.
p u , .quitMed. Absolatelv
r 1 J t
",e- Very peasant lo take, never fails j
and is really a favorite with the children. ,
Thev like it. Clarke & Falk'e P. O. !
W omen and tlrwela.
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
! the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewei(, form . magnet of migbtT power
to the average woman. Even that;
trrafpat nf all ipurple. health in often
I : .. ' '
reined in the strenuous etlorts to make
or save the money to purchase them. If
a woman will risk her health to get a
coveted gem, then let her fortify herself
aitainst tbe inBiduons consequences of
couene, coids and bronchial affections bv
the regular use of Dr. Boschee e German
Syrup. It wnl promptly arrest con
sumption in its early etagee and heal the
affected lungs and bronchial tabes and
drive the dread disease from tbe evBtem.
It is not a core-ail. but it is a certain
enre for conghs, coids and all bronchial i
troubles. 1 on can get Dr. G. (.t. Cireen e
reliable remedies at Blakeley'a drug
Store. Get Green 'e Special Almanac. 1
Tat Causes Night Alarm.
"One night my brother's baby was
taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C.
Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed j
it would strangle before we could get a (
doctor, so we gave it Dr. ing'a New j
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. We always keep
it in the bouse to protect our children
from Cronp and Whooping Cough. It
cored me of a cbronic bronchial trouble
that no other remedv would relieve."
Infallible for Couvha. Colds. Throat
anrl T nni. r r.n V.l . TJ, a nit t.1 AO T.lui
rattles free at G. C. Blakeley's drug
ature, 3
Brain Food Soum.
Another ridiculous food fad has been
nranded by the most competent author
Hies. Tbey have dispelled the silly no -
I nn th-tt b t r. rl nf fiwl is nauHorl fnr
brain, another tor musclee, and still an
other for bonee. A correct diet will not
rrrrT """T; ZZZt?tTZ
PrV 1 nowever goou yonr iooo may
be. Its nuti iment IS def troyed ty indl-
MM ,htl!r n. ...,,
p - - - -- - - - r'r - - - - -
their coming bv taking regular doses of
tireen's Anenst Flower, the tavnriie
- . j
fwawnpe uirnt u-b.hi- uu iiuni. al
doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver
to healtbv action. ouriCes the blood, and
makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. I
Too can get Dr. G. C. Gieen's reliable!
rruicum piisnir a urug eiurr. on
Green'e Special Almanac. 1
Attractive onsen.
Ail women sensibly desire to be at
tractive. Beauty i. the stamp of health
because it is the outward manifestation
of inner purity. A bemlthy woman is
' , , ,
always attractive, bright and nappy.
Wuen everv drop of blood in the veins is
pure a beauteons nusb IS on the cheek.
But when the blood is impure, morose-
neee, bad temper and a sallow complex-;
,ou ...u r,. W PJ-W-
j auu wuuicu aw a v auu mnr as uu
beautv without health. Wine of Cardni
crowns women with beautv and attrac-
by making strong and healthy
iiiom ortran niiicn niaae a sumin.
Try Wine of Cardoi, and in a month
. j . ,, , .
vonr friends wilt hard v knew ron.
I .
uia soisicr s siiwrnon.
. . . , a . -. i , .
, .
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of
.r. . . T . .. '
incbester, Ind., writes : "My wife was
sick a long time in spite of good doc-!
tor'a treatment, bnt was wholly enred
by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which !
woraeu wonders lor ner ueaiin. ' l tiey
always do. Try them. Oul 25c at G.
C . oiakeiey s drug store. 3
Fine turkeys, fattened especially for
tbe Carnaby Market. Hinaes a a eel
a .kU. 1. k. L t...lfe ,.i;.aa ..atf Aa.
' " '
annle batter, uickled tripe, pies leet.
sauerkraut, and other specialties too j
- 'as - - l
numerous to mention, can be had all the i
time at Carnaby 'a American M
Tee eaw tboae fine portrait frame at
the carnival T Tbey ere going verv nasi ;
the supply is limited. nd jper pMAafte
in one oi
i tnesa w joet tae laiagJor
Gifford 'a Fotos Never Fade
BBaaaSSaajaaaap esnssj
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
THirt ant Mem Phone 159
- iTi - - " " A
How This:
We offer one hundred dollars reward
: t v. .i . . u-.
""!" vninrru iu tu uul w
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, 0. j
the undersigned, have known F. j
j. Cheney for the last 15 vears. and be- I
ljere ililr- norfertlv hnnnral.'e in all hnsi -
neee transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Trnax, Wholesale Druggists, To-
ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
I tpui.i. n.nM..i. ti c.n
Hali s Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
m ncoue surf aces of tbe system.
F. J. Ceexky A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold bv drruggiste, price 75c.
Hill's Family Pills are the best. 12
Ted Bis Lire.
"I wish to say that I owe my life to
Eodol Dyspepsis Care," writes H. C.
Chrestenson of Hayfieid, Minn. "For
three years I was tronbled with dyspepsia
so that I could hold nothing on my
stomach. Many times I would be un
able to retain a morsel of food. Finally
I was confined to my bed. Doctors said
I could not live. I read one of vour
! advertisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Core
! and thought it fit my case and com-
, menced its use. I began to improve
' from the first bottle. Now I am cured
and recommend it to all." Digests yonr
' food. Cores all stomach troubles. Clarke
Health and ie.iv
of the bowels. Unless nature's refuse is
I . . :n -
I K-lrr"u ou ' "urwiy cause impure
. b ood. Pimples, bui s and other emotions
. - -
follow. This is nature's method of
I i : a-.i i i:i. i.
! uiiv iu uu iuc imiiuui auiiii iu uussii
.... , r T iiil. V.,l
- --f
Risers are world famous for remedying
this condition. They stimulate the liver
anj promote regular and healthy action
! of the bowels but never cause griping,
cramps or distress. 8afe pills. Clarke
: A Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy.
, 6how. - o( pJ fwjU nd
Q TQUr heatb M Im
. . , . . . ,
; blood makes itself apparent iu a pale
1 . . . T1. . ,
:"d mllow Pimples and
, cruunoua. xi yuu are nauD
i weak and
worn out and do not have a
appearance yon should try
, AckJr'g Bl,,, E!ixir
It cures all blood
! diseases where cheep Sarsaparillas and
j called parifiers fail ; knowing this we
JgPjifi l"''1"
Blakelej the druggist.
Change of Headquarters.
n,, , , . . , .
i if iiuiiiiiiHnrH in lit iianwa inn
. i: :. l
oiibiiiiu o.aac iiur is uow at ills U'JIU Ui -
. . . , e. . . ,,.
bia Hotel. Stage leave there for Shan.
-. . D . "
,ko ew' pt Sundaj, at 6
o'clock. Passenger rate to Sbaniko $2.
20u-tf J. M. Toomky, Agent.
We will pay $25 reward for tbe arrest
and conviction of any person trespassing
i upon the toqtball park, molesting or de-
i'"")1"! " "" W UV
naee nsssn nn
awe lauen Hm.iss hnlea niuU ik. I.nro
. , ZT.ZZ .-T ..i i:i-iZiT
the above.
v easaaarav w aas a vwa gaaeea bmv iuviwuww ag
BaLDCir B . Gba.vt,
L. A. Poena,
. Karts,
Otis Pattkkbox.
d4 in
or a. ii
aad the Weakly
both papers for Ma year. Bu
tuts ooar mast be paid
In -ad-t
HrAl rfa UImw. I. wl.lun. . itAnki ( I. ...
ws paWKie
mi Be I
IB k CO.;
I bankers.
i Transact a General Banking Business.
Letters of Credit issned available in
I tbe Eastern States.
j Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
1 Transfers told oa New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash., and various points
; in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
J orable terms.
TI)G GfllffiifiJfl FSKtiflS 68.,
POfcKand 6EEF
J -
; LaXu. and SaUSageS
j A
jic a xa. BjUU Bwaaaggj
Curersof BRAND
' W-r a Wn 1-a a "M.-at
i 11 f JT1 O OU DAUVil
TTTOrfl A PT3I 1 L'T I
The largest and most
complete line of . . .
ever shown in the city
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Co's
Paint and Oil Store.
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Has just received 1000 samples
of the latest patterns in Gent's
Clothing Goods. He vuaran
tees prices and a good fit or no
pay. : : : :
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Prof. Homer de Morrison
BW A . SjBnanananaW'VI 9 LilVA
323'j Waahlnertito afreet. Kouana S3 30,
The first registered a well as Uie first gradual-
lalmUt MM tfl, Purl ta,,l Th. w..rl,r.
i g eatast Trance Clairvoyant and Herba 1st can
c - ,,--i..7
uvwinuimi uiin uu ui isun iu jii-.
scientific Palm I -1 amt Clair vo ant iu tbe world
today : be locates hidden treasure, reunites tbe
seiMtratad. tails If there is tnlnral. o 1. or e.s uu
your land, enablee you to win the aAeoMou of
one yon desire.
aliuistry taught, mediumlstie persons devel
eped. Heal-by the uses of hi. revealed be: b 1
Was; cures ebronle and so-called incurable dis
ease. ree tieatioetit f tr the poor.
Send f I, date of birth and three qnasU 'as; all
letters answered at noe,
Laeateel by vision.
Portland. Aug. 10. -(To he Editor).
a V( . .. ri u. .. . . , .. ...... w -. , .
de Morrison, oeenlii't. 'loeated by vUiou thebul
lluneioleu iiobs the belby Smelting Works lr
behalf of occult sciui.oe be UBBSjdiatelr oou
atuniea'ed by letter the facta to Mr. a. J. Bala
loa. owner of the nelbr Works. Tstnunu .
celved last night prove bis Hassan ante oorrect.
"It la pleasing to be assured that the gold
stolen from toe beluj Smelting Works was lo
&bl4'.r Msr'of
thief and tbat tola sselslaan wwa featured ta
uverlng the gold jsea a base UeiUoroJe laven-
ISsaWr " ia"
Foley's Kidney Car
maket iissisj if MmUw rlgkL
Shopj Like
Union fttcmc
BOCKD THE DAL1.ER. aOt'Kb a City , 8t. UmU, Chi-
via Hunt- eago and the East,
Salt Lake. Denver, n.
fit Pah) Walla Walla, lewtoton.
Fast Mall, sr1kn.Wallaoe.Pull-
8:35 p.m. . ruau, Mlnneenolis, St S:S5a. m
via Spo- 1 Paul, ninth, airtrittj-
kane. kee, Chicago and Eaat.
From l'jrtlend.
'(411 sailing dates sub
ject to change )
8:00 p.m. i 4:00 p. m
For Ban Francisco,
Sail every 6 daya.
-t Col omM. River. tMf.m,
gitu.y, I Landings. Sunday.
10:00 p. m.
j 1
Daily Willamette Hirer. ,
A .nss: 2B
CiODa-m. ; juuisvay lntanifc i 000 "
Tanadar. , 40 p.m.
Thursday, CorraHls and Way- ! Mondar.
Saturday. Landtnga. Wednesdcy
S. -00a.m. , friaay.
Tuesday, Willamette and ! 8:30p.m.
Thursday, Yamhill Blvera. Monday,
Saturday, Oregon City, Dayton and Wednertiiy
7:00 a.m. Way -Landing-. rriday.
fyt snake River. . IgW
Rlparia Lcviston
alwalra. Rlparia to Lewtaton. ; g'm.
. i 1
Sjea Parties Jeatring to po to Beppner or
pntnta on Colombia Southern via Biggs, should
tare No. 2, leavtag The Dallas at 12:26 p. m.
makiiiK direct connections at Heppner Junction
nd Biggs. Keturalng JnaaiBgdirect connection
at Heppuerjunctlon and Biggs with No. 1, ar
riring at The Dalles at 1 :05 p. m.
For farther particulars, caTl on or addresi
Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
Max a. voot.
First National Bank.
A Oaaaral Banking Boaiaeas transacted
Deposits reosived, sabjeet to Bight
urait or t'tmrr
Colleetlaas made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of inUecsW
Sight and Telsaraphie Xxxbaage sold on
Jew York, Baa Jraa
mat wort.
P. P. TaoMPeoa. Jaa, 8. BoaaacK.
En. M. WiLuaskf, Oao. A. Laa.
H. M. Baatu
Tteiniinii emfifliiT
W- W. aTaXwOM.
First-gats 10 Every feept
Tais at fin yottrs.
tffmafteV mpplM
74 Froas St., near Oeert, The Dai let.