The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 07, 1901, Image 1

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    11 1 mnimmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmm
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NO. 260
The Kind Too Have Always Bought, and which has hem
In w tor over 30 years, has borne the signature of
- and has been made under his per-
2LjCj6W-fc . onal supervision since its infancy.
mmC7JT. 6ccA44 Allow no one to deceive yon in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
l" and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
BMttWmg neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind Ton Have Alwaya Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Bat Some Senators Are Not in Entire
Accord With It.
Another "Modern" Bible.
Nkw York, Dec. 6 A. new bible, au
thorized by the late general convention
in San Francisco, to be read in all Epis
copal churches in the United States, has
been in process of completion by tbe
committee on marginal readings which
has sat at tbe Episcopal General Semi
nary in this city since last Tuesday, and
will conclude its work tomorrow (Satur
day), eays the Times. It was stated
that an English firm bad undertaken
tbe publication of this bible without ex
pense to tbe committee.
This new bible is to consist of tbe text
and renderings of tbe King James ver
sion, tbe renderings of the English re
vision and tbe renderings of tbe recent
American revision. Tbe renderings of
tbe Episcopal com mission are ordered to
be printed in an appendix for preserva
tion. Tbe late convention, while it praised
the scholarship of its commission, did
not plane their work uppo tbe same
level as that of revisers who had included
lay tcbolars and wbo bad spent many
more years at tbe work, besides being
far larger in numbers. Tbe new bible
insures tbe very lateet renderings, al
though tbe reading of tuem is permis
sive only, not obligatory.
lawltMi' Big Bebeaaas Qeneeaea.
London, Dec. 6. The Times, in its
financial article this morning, diicnssos
the question of credit relations between
tbe United States and Europe. Tbe
Times regards tbe time as still distant
when tbe United States will become s
great banker nation, and compliments
Mr. Gage as tbe best secretary of tbe
trMM far mini veers nasi. The
paper aays it remains to be seen whether
all tbe big American schemes wbich
European capitalists are directly or in
directly financing at tbe present moment
will prove as profitable as sanguine
peop'e expect.
'We tbluk that during tbe lset year
American energy and optimism have to
some extent outrun discretion." aays
the Times, "and tome of the beet
qualified judges in the United States
seem to agree with oa."
AaaromlaU Cheer Cae ' Xaae.
Chicago, Doc. --President Mo
Kinley's assassin wae cheered publicly
in Chicago lest slant. A challenge from
the platform that astarebieVi dsred not
condone ths crime at Buffalo, vsa soot
with s voros "Yos're s lhv."
Abraham Iaank. tLe recognised leader of
the "rede" lm title alls end editor of
Free Society, declared openly be conld
not condemn the assassin's act. He
said that as to personal merit be took a
second place to Czliros z. The confession
of Isaak was accompanied by a scene of
intense excitement. It was the climax
of the debate on "Socialism or Anarchy,"
and came when the crowd of over 1700
j had been aroused thoroughly by wild
oratorical denunciation.
"Hurrah for Crolgosi," shouted a man
in the gallery, swinging his hat above
bis bead.
Hisses, jeers, yells of approval and cat
calls came from all pans of tbe honse.
Tbe crowd rose to its feet and riot was
only averted by the prompt action of tbe
nectar It Is
Nkw York, Dec. 6 The
A Lie.
Paris cor
respondent of the London Times and
New York Times quotes a dispatch from
The Uegoe correspondent of tbe Temps
in regsrd to a serious qnsrrel between
Queen Wilhelnoina and her husband,
Prince Henrv of The Netherlands. The
Temps vouches for tbe correspondent as
. .t.ihntnr mhn haa the reoutation of
W " "
aendina accurate information.
Tbe correspondent says tbe malicious
rnmnn in reward to the Queen and
p,;.w.a Han rv am the fabrications of
hun eorialiat naner in Holland. He
addf :
"It is s n-ost happy thing that there
is no domestic strife. Tbe prince is kind
.nH .rtPiriionate. the ooeen loves ber
husband, and harmony baa always pre
vailed." ,
ST L. v - l.air ritkMH TM lltW arid tO
ww IJfSU YVai aasnae r-r'v - - " .
Lave lost its vitality it wants something
i.. eiv it life and vigor. We have what
k.i. nHa when it cets In that con
i.t w. k.m a the Crown of
Hlr a-3amSfc Grower and
Cocoanut Cream W Tonic They
111 onu tend BBBBV ruu aru an
aaaln diseases. For sale at Iraarr's oar
r . - , mn. a - V. n T
bar shop, rnce owe ana ioc
If van went to retain your hair yos
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
in make tour hair harsh, dry ana
i ira wm have two oi tbe very
i..Tif-. .nt Pisus Tor Shampoo. It
Will fSSTW WWjBa w .
Prloe, 86 and M cants a bottle, at Eraser's
barber poop, m uaiies.
v- III mmimt tiaaa hraUa if MM
Clarke 4 Folk's sure rare m bolls.
Clarke a Folk's taveris
Washington, Dec. 6. The senate com
mittee on Foreign Relations today voted
to report favorably tbe new Hay-Paunce-
tote treat, providing for the construction
of an isthmian canal. The committee
was in session nearly two hocra and
went over in detail the provisions of the
convent on. No votes were cast against
it, but it was criticised very sharply by
Senators Money and Bacon, who found
in it many of tbe objections which they
nrged against the old treaty.
Thev took especial exception to the
provision continuing in force the neu
trality provision of tbe Clayton-Bulwer
treaty, and also made objection to the
clause specifically authorising the United
States to police the canal ao placing a
limitation upon the power of this country
to absolutely control it. Tbeoiitention
was made that the effect of the treaty as
sent to the senate would be to deprive
the United States of control of tbe canal
in case of war. Especial attention was
palled to tbe provision in tbe preamble
of the impending treaty reserving article
eight of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty from
the repeal provision of the new treaty.
The portion of this article of the old
treaty to wbich especial objection was
made reads as follows :
"In granting, however, their joint pro
tection to any such canal or railroads as
are by this article specified, it is always
understood by the United States and
Great Britain that tbe parties construc
ting or owning eball impose no other
charges or conditions of traffic thereupon
than tbe aforesaid governments shall
approve of as just and equitable; and
that tbe-same canals or railways, being
open to tbe citizens and subjects of the
United States and Great Britain on
eqoal terms, shall also be open on like
terms to tbe citizens and subjects of
every other state which is willing to
grant thereto such protection as tbe
United States and Great Britain engage
to afford."
Senators Money and Bacon did not go
to tbe extent of voting against tbe report
of tbe treaty, and they acknowledge they
are anxious to see it ratified because of
their reat desire to bave tbe canal built.
Still tbey insisted that tbe treaty as it
now stands is very objectionable in case
of tbe contingency of war.
Senator Frye preetdad over tbe meet
ing and he asked Senator Lodge to report
the treaty to the senate on Monday next
in case there abonld do an execotiya
session on that day.
It also was tbe sense of tbe committee
that the consideration of tbe treaty
should be pressed as speedily as possible
in tbe senate, some senators expressing
the bope that action might be secured
before tbe adjournment for tbe holidays.
Tbe committee also voted to recommend
that the injunction of secrecy be re
moved from tbe treaty.
Sabaoribe tor Tsa Cassa
Artsto. What to ttt
Wohe Ribbon Sale
brought us our first customer this morning and before she
finished her purchases others came and likewise for ribbons.
Ribbons Hibbons Ribbons Ribbons aro the talk of the
store. At this moment and in fact ever since the store opened
the ribbon counters have been crowded with ribbon buyers peo
ple who need ribbons who know whoro to go for good ribbons
and who know that the BEST ribbons are selling here this week
at lower prices than are usually asked for the CHEAPEST kinds.
We intend making this the greatest and most satisfactory ribbon sale ever
held in the town satisfactory to us in the quantities sold and to our customers in
the good qualities given them. If you have immediate ribbon needs or if you ex
pect to need ribbons later on BUY NOW.
in. Ribbons, reduced to 6c per yd
i. . a. i ml u it
" GO
50c and 7oc
Fancy Neck Ribbons
The number 3
5 1 in.
71 in.
9 lg in.
12 2 in.
1621 in.
22-2'g in.
40 8j in.
CO 5 in.
All fancy Sash Ribbons, special 50c por yard.
It's just lots of fun to do without rub
bers this winter." Our
Valour Calf Storm Shoes
have so much splash and frippery to
them that it's a shame to wear them
with anything else but a short skirt.
a pair
and Strictly
Let us prove it to
CA Ribbon Sale
ends Saturday
The Ribbon Sala
ends Saturday
Or Bauettt to You
O. 8. Mitchell. Fulford. Md. : "Duriog
long illness I was troubled with bed
or. waa advised to try DeWitt'e Witch
Hazel Salve and did so with wondenui
results. I was perfectly cored. It is
tbe beet salve on tbe market. Bare
core for piles, sores, burns. Beware of
counterfeits. Clarke A Folk's P. O.
lorormatloo Wanted
The manufacturers of Banner 8a' ve
bavins always believed that no doctor or
medicine can cure in every case, dui
never having heard where Banner Salve
f.iiaii m core ulcers, sores, tetter,
ecaema. or piles, aa a matter of curiosity
would Ilka to know If there are euen
aa. if so (bey will gladly refund too
tbe money. Clarke a Felk.
. Bean a Cal4.
After exposure or when yos feel a cold
i.. t.ka a doae of Foley's Bossy
and Tar. It sorer (ails to stop a eold II
taken in Usee. Clarke Falk. ,
A Deep Myiterjr.
It is a mystery why women endure
Backache, Headache. Nervousness
Sleeplessness, Melsncholy, Fainting and
Dtsxy Spells when thousands bsve proved
that Electric Bitters will quickly cure
sucb troubles. ' I suttVrai for years with
kidnev trouble." writes Mrs. Pbebe
Cberley. of Peterson, la., "aul a lame
hack naliifd me so I could not dress my.
aU, but Electric Bitters wholly cured
roe. and. although 78 years old, I now
am able to do alt my housework." It
overcomes Constipation, improves Ar-
Mhu alraa narfact health. Only DuC
at G. C. Blakelev's drug store. 8
Slofla-Cumb Brown Leghorn.
A few thoroughbred, single-comb
brown Leghorn cockerels and pullets for
ale, if taken at once.
1,28 lm Thejalles, Or.
aba Didn't Waar a Haafe.
But her beauty was cuuiplately hlddtn
by sores, blotches and pimples till be
used Buckluu's Arnica Halve. men
u i.i.ri wii ail Emotions.
Fsver Sores. Boils, Ulcers. Oarbunc ee
snd Felons from its use. inianiuie ior
a... Rnma Hialdi and Piles.
iM yJI SJSJ i " -
Core goaranteed. 25c at O. C. Blakelev's
drug store.
Won't Mas i in
jat wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Core, aj ff&J
and the pain Is gone. Sold by Clarke
atlaOad Faoala
. . I. 17. .1..'.
are the DOS! aaverneera iw rv.- -
Honey and Tar and all wbo use it agree
that it is a spienoia remeur ""-s"-or
aore lungs. Claike sV Faik.
Chat. Repiogie, At water, was in
. trf .hat. He aays : "I suffered
is It?
a groat deal with my kidneys and was to trv Foley's Kidney On re.
. . . . . L-l.
I did so and tn loor o.js wee
go to work agala, sow i aaa entirety
sll." darks a raw.
Trv Vsa Norden's for a per feat it t
sjAtM vosanj. tear sighted or
Ariato. What la it?
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to snpply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Alto
all kinds of 8taple and Panoy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Orootr.
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
Merchants ...
A full line of BRIDGE k BEACH
k SUPEBIUK stbbl. bum, asm
Cook and Heating Stoves.
Hairowa and Plows. Tooth Uarro-s, Bissell Chilled Plows, Mitchell wag
ons and Hacks, llrnnvy miics.
...Star Windmills
With Ball and Roller bearings, asd folly wanted.
Writs os for prices asd catalogues.
All orders sstrnated to sa will have prompt attsotloa.
Prices always right.