The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 06, 1901, Image 3

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I Clearance Sale of
W QiapL'c fanrv nnllnrs nf fVio Intact matinn
will be included in this sale at prices
much below cost.
$1.00 quality, sale $ .69
1.25 4 " 78
1.50 M " 98
1.75 " 1.18
2.K) 44 " 1.39
2.25 H " 1.45
2.50 44 1.73
3.00 " u 1.98
3.25 " " 2.25
new rufts.
Nothing newer, nothing dainter.
$2.50 quality, sale price $1.50
3.00 44 " 2.00
3.50 44 " 2.25
Saturday Only.
i i
than Ever
We'd be disappointed if we could
not truthfully say each season that
our suits and overcoats are ''better
than ever;" it's a sign that we're
keeping in front, each season a
little better than last, getting new
ideas and improving on old ones,
learning something every day and
putting it to use for our custo
mer's benefit. This fall we say
''better than ever" with unusual
H. S. & M. suits and overcoats,
made expressly for Pease & Mays,
have the style, fit and service that
only first-class tailor-made clothes
can give.
H. S. M. Suits and Over
coats, $12.50 to $23.00.
Sole agent! American Hosiery Co.'s Under
wear, Monarch Shirts, E. & W. and Arrow
Brand Collars, Shawknit Hosiery, Knothe
Bros.' Snspendera and Belts of the finest make.
My Lady's
should fit her fuot. It's hard
er to make a good-fitting
slipper than a good-fitting
shoe. A slipper should be
snug at the heel and not
bulge at the side. Wo take
too much pains with our slip
per stock to let anything get
in that is not exactly right.
We begin with the ordinary
house slipper at 85c and$l,
and rise step by step to the
best in patent leather and kid
in straps and ties nicely trim
med at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00,
$2.50 and $3.
Blakeley's Drug Store, TSsS5s
Lownty'i CHocolntss Watch onr windows
tVssH today for lht Mtx ,hrt, W(Wtt
direct from factory. ,..,,.
We wiit show you a sample
Christmas Stock of Lowney'a Che- . K. ... .
olatea ready for Inspection. of wh"t wt w ,Bi 10 W
Finer than ever. . for Chrlstwae.
MAIL RtiSMe rwlv. our I DflTU DUflHCC I i'likuc tl.ltv.rwt fr...
prraoiikl .ttvnllon. QUI It inUrlLO 1 -r mrtl7, In the ilt.
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heatres
For Wood and Llghtsr Fuel.
All Goods
Marked in
Plain Figures
dsdsdsyjfcdadsdsdsdstll A ffhsftnfltiift A seswll djrsfttelh a A ss
The Dalles Daily Cfmmiele.
DEC. 6. 190
Served I
In I
At Andrew Keller's.
All erase Cowatjr twmti registered
prior to January 4, IBM, will bo paid
ob proooatotloa ot mj oAeo. latere.!
ceaaee after Hovoaabcr 19, 1H1.
Conatv XroMaror.
fa- jjar
"Yon Yon son"
Tonight at the Vogt.
Ribbon always on sale cheap at the
Racket Store. dec6 It
Don't forget Profeeaor Sand vig's dance
tomorrow night at the Baldwin.
Sewing machines that will sew for
little girlt, at the Racket Store. d6 daw-It
Yon can get a handsomely hand en
graved sterling sil ver souvenir spoon fof
tl at Theodore H. Liebe'e, the East End
jsweler. 6 lw
The Cbickbring concert grand need by
Muni Holon Klrnn last night was
especially donated for the occasion by
Eilere Piano boose, of Portland.
A dollar and a half will bay yoa a
solid anA hirthatone rinsr. or a Pair of
solid gold link caff buttons at Theo. H
Liebe'e, the East End jeweler. c6 lw
Frank Callagban, the 16 pear-old son
ofM. Gallaghan of this city, has been
ill for a eonple of weeks with typhoid
fever. It was hoped today that the
critic waa over.
The following sample of Irish wit and
repartee is from the Baltimore Son : In
a salt brought by an installment house
one of the many witnesses was asked if
be knew what quartered oak meant.
Here is bla definition : "It manes tbot
its tbra qoatlen poine."
Mary Brows, by bar attorney, Ned H.
Gates, has filed e complaint in the office
of the county clerk asking for a divorce
from her hosbanr. L. L. Brown; on the
ground of cruel end inhuman treatment
nd deaertion. The couple were mar
riel in this city December 12, 1890.
Theodore H. Liebe its graduate and
c entific optician. Ha corrects all errors
of refraction, tuch a hypertneUopia
?ar-iighted), myopia (Bear sighted), as
ti.matiaea (diaereses in the refraction
of the different BMwMiant of the eye),
presbyopia. He gssrsstset all glaases
that be file, ss-tw
Toe flrat mmom wflhs season in this
neighborhood ssssstsdos the Klkski
tat hilts, tight or Ion suits Is as sir
11m sortbr tea Bsttts, this mowing,
ram sin lag hTiswsllai ssdM tops the
mountain all day. Thiers takes ea a
ablv have some winter in the near
tore, although we have bad none so
Tom Camnbell. who waa
Wednesday night on suspicion that he
was an accomplice in the Lawton bold
un. waa discharged from custody this
morning for want of evidence, notwith
standing that some of the officers are
well assured of his guilt. Campbell's
release was partly obtained on bis prom
ise to leave town forthwith.
An attraction that merits more than
paasing notice will be aaen at the Vogt
Monday, Dec. 9ih. It ia the company
that ie presenting Wilfred Clarke's com
edy "A Wiee Woman." Thie play,
bicb the London critics credit witn
being one of the cleverest farces present-
Ail fnr aome time, bad a run at the
Strand theatre, the engagement lasting
for 238 nights, daring the entire period
of which the business was up to the
record-breaking point.
Mrs. Douthit save a charming 'at
home" Thursday afternoon to forty of
her lady friends at her home on Fourth
street. Tbe different apartments were
artistically decorated with dainty vines
and a wealth of chrysanthemums. lue
shades were drawn and tbe tinted lights
threw over all a plesaing effect. "A
half hour with tbe authore" proved very
interesting and helped to make all
present better acquainted with tbe oia
masters. Musical selections well ren
dered and delicious refreshments daintily
served brought the afternoon to a happy
close. Mrs. Doatbit was assisted in en
tertaining by Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. Moore
and Miss Rosemary Baldwin.
"The "Cosmopolitan Club" of Golden-
dale haa succumbed to tbe inevitable.
Its president, Harry Dunn, had com
nonnd with tbe law on tbe basis of
paying a fine of $100 nd giving up tbe
club business for evei. The "dob" waa
a tbinly disguised means of selling
whiskey in a dry town. As often as you
paid dues to tbe amount of ten cents
you got e poll at a whiskey bottle.
"President" Dunn stood one trial before
the superior court, having Judge Ben
nett for his lawyer. Ths iodge succeed
ed in tying the jury, sod the east would
have been tried over again this week
bad not tbe "president" thrown op the
sponge. Meanwhile Dunn had been
fined 80 in tbe justice court for repeat
ing tbe offence. Tbe dab baa beau as
expensive ezperimrnt for tbe "presi
dent." Over is Glsswood, in tbe same
county, one Frank Doocsn ran an insti
tution similar to tbe "Stockmen's Social
ninb." The Glenwood institution bat
also come to grief, Dunces having just
been Used $50 and eotu tor selling liquor
without license.
Jaasea Q. Grees, who murdesed E V.
Bawl tsila on the sight of Mereb 8, MOT,
Bring s gss turougn " -
ty, Wees., where Bes
ot a topper tsM, vm
a 8 o'closk this saersifif In ths
foil yard st Stsssssns About eeveety-
V S a. l umIasi
ar fa- among wnom were ueputy nnerins
o farj1 Sexton and Woods, Officers Alisky and
arretted Frank Connelly , of this city, and Com
missioner N. C. Evans, of Hood River.
Tbe execution waa carried out without a
bitch. Green stepped upon the scaffold
at lightly as if he waa going to his own
wedding. Hs waa accompanied, besides
tbe officers of the law, by bla apiritos!
adviser, Rey. Mr. Todd, of Vancouver.
When sakad hj Sheriff Totton if be bad
anything to say Green spoke a few wordt
about hit faith in Chriat and a hope of
acceptance with God, closing with so
exhortation to bit hearers that tbsy
should trust in Chriat and obey bit com
mandments. At tbe close he waved bit
hand to'ward hit bearers and with a tmile
on bia lips said : "Good-bye all." Then
tbe aberiff drew tbe black cap over tbe
murderer's face, stepped back a pace and
touched tbe trap with hit foot, when
tbe murderer fell about tix feet and be
yond a momentary movement of tbe
muscles, hang limp and still aa a log.
In eight minutes Dr. Sbroeder, who wat
present from Cascade Locke, pronounced
Green dead.
Lovera of good music and tinging will
be pleased to learn that arrangements
have been made for tbe appearance of
tbe Schumann Grand Concert Company
at tbe Vogt tomorrow nigbt. Tbit It
tbe eighth consecutive season for thla
organiaatlon and Mr. Gordon, ita man
ager, dsaervea to be congratulated upon
tbe success bs has won aa a purveyor of
biab class musical entertainment!.
Mitt Edith Adams, the great violincel-
litt, ia still ths principal soloist of this
company, and no lover of instrumental
music should fail to Hates to her wonder-
ful Dlavinc of tbit difficult instrument
Mitt Adams is recognized, both in this
country and abroad, at tbe queen of the
cello. She it a thorough artiat and
ptays with much sympathy, that cannot
Lfsil to profoundly move her audience
W . W - T : - ' . ' . , u. Sm
Mrs. Robert Go'.dbet k, tbe pianoitt oi
Mr. Gordon's company, won her first
success in tbe British metropolis end
for two seasons she played at many of
the most aelect concerts given in Lon
don, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. Mitt
Lillian Beard, tbe contralto tinger,
formerly tang with a noted Chicago
cburcb ebolr and tt en joined the Cattle
Bqutre Opera Company, aa one of ita
prima dosns'a. Mr. Walter McPherson,
the basso, Is well known throughout ths
country for bit excellent work as a con
cert singer. He it s pupil of Sbriglls of
Peria, France, and Herman Pa Vrlea,
formerly of Gran's Grand Opera Orov
pany. Hit voice bat a wonderful rsnge
and la especially tsited to grand opera
.-A oratorio work. SOStl OU tsls at
Clerks False drugstore.
Death or Smile Sehaamo.
1 the
luction of Cole's Original Air-Jhihi Heater has revolutlcn
ng stove trade in all sections ol the United Stataa. Ita won-
economy In the use of fuel, and many otner ioiiot quadtree,
recommend It to all in neel of a heating atove.
Whet Cote'e Heater Will Do.
This stove will heat a room from aero to
80 degrees In five minutes.
It will heat your house evenly day and
It holds fire 86 hours without attention.
Yon build only one tire each winter.
It burnt chips, bark, lesves, paper and
corn robs, snd gives eseellent remits with
thlt fat I, which It ordinarily watted.
The stove it light and easily moved and
aet up.
The combustion It peitect and ashes are
removed only once in four weeks.
Nona of tha heat la wasted and ths stove
sill save one-half of yonr foel bill.
It is clean, economical, convenient, asfs
and durable. a
ry one of Oole'e Original Air-Tight Heatere It guaranteed to ttav
t at long at need. Where wood It used for fuel every family should
ie or more of these atovet.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dallw.
The people of The Dalles were greatly
BUWftVU lull IUUIULI v iwm V. vmv i
dssth of Emits Schanno, which occurred D
at tbe family reeidence at about 8:30
o'clock tbit morning. Ths muaeot,
dsath waa plainly heart failure. 1 Mr.
Schanno had bees ailing alightly for the
pattfew day t, but no serious remits
were thought of. He arose a little after
tix tbit morning, and when about half
dressed hs complained to Mrs. Schanno
of feeling unwell snd lying down sgain
on ths bed psesed quietly swsy without
s ttruggls.
Mr. Schanno wat bora in Alsace
Loraine in 1840 and earns to the United
States in 1853. Stopping for about nins
yeara in Iowa, hs came to Oregon in
1862 and settled in Canyon City, where
he made hit home for a year. He then
moved to Tbe Dallea and worked for
yeart in tbe Columbia brewery then
owned by hit father. Subsequently he
became the sole owner of the brewery
bicb be ran till 1877, when he told out
bit interest to August Buchler. Since
then Mr. Schanno bat divided bia time
looking after bit property interests snd
1n doing s vast amount of earnest and
disinterested work, as a member of the
state boad of horticulture, for ths de
velopment of tbe Horticultural interests
of tbs tuts.
Tba deceased leaves a wife and one
son, Leo, of this city, and two daughters,
Mrs. H. J. Malar, of thia city, and Mrs.
J. E. Dittsr, of North Yakima. Hs waa
a good and honorable man in all bit re
lations aa citizen, husband and father
and bia death leavet a blank in tbit
community that will be hard to fill.
He waa a Maaon of long ttandlng snd s
member of the A. O. U. W., In which
order he held an Insurance policy for
$1,000. Mr. Schanno was tba owner of
aome valuable real estate in this city
and he leavea his family in comfortable
clrcomstsncee. Arrangements for tha
funeral will not be made until the ar
rival of relative! from a distance,
r BKSus at "m ssti os .
We arc Petting Nervous
Owing to the backwardness of the season,
for we still have an immense stock of . .
Overcoats and Ulsters
that must be disposed of consequently we
are making enortlMMM reductions in
order to make a speedy clearance.
Just received an elegant line of Neckwear for
the holiday trade.
The Hub Clothing Co.,
W. MAKKILL1K, Manag".
r IUut iMi OUMm.
Be 1st Ym Its MSB twjM
Hon. C. M. Cartwrlght, of the Bald-
l ui.,,. anrl I .anil Cfi.. S.I in tOWtt
W1U vj uwrr y ..... " . . mm .1,1
laat nigbt tbs guett ot the Umatilla
Anting tbe out-of-town people who
attended tbe Mam:e Helen Flynn recital
laat sight ware : Mr. and Mrt. Hasd,
Mies Anns Smith and Mrs Chat. Clarke,
of Hood Blver, and Mitt Blocb, of Port
land. SOSN,
December 2nd. Isitant, to Mr. ssd
Mrt. Leopold Malar, of thU city, s
At Hood Hirer, December 4tb, to Mr.
and Mrs. Tinman Butler, s sen.
Os the day following tbit bsppy svsst
Mr. Bstler was sleeted treasurer of ths
seaoteipellty of Hood Biver. U It asy
wonder that this tslstvlssky ass should
writs to a friend Is Tbs Delist le tbs
sftsst teat bis head has tssiisd as Is
tba last two dsyt test bssss tosses
Sboa bors ts pet os bit batT
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DKAFT that will not burn
out. We also carry a line of TRILBY
ssi rr"-AAA
First-Claae Begular Meals.
Royal Toko Pol Ojympi Oyrtert mitoA I
" .a .11 kjawiwai tutst In tall stvlsaS. E
I . T "
1 AIWWJ Mirvtv L
fits persons witnesses we