The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 06, 1901, Image 2

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    Dafles Duly Chronicle.
DEC. 6, 1901
Anent the reputed statement of
General Wood that "the United
(States is morally bound to annex
t?uba if asked to do so by that
island," the New York Tribune aptly
says: No, this country is not and
never will be bound, morally or
legally, to admit any alien country ,
to a share in its sovereignty. It is
m m rw. cnbintPd to civil in-
rasion than to military invasion.
The latter it would quickly and in
dignantly repel with force of arms.
Tbe former it may well guard m-
flexibly against with the force of an
enlightened national sentiment, patri-
otically jealous for the preservation
of our great birthright unimpaired.
Human nature, says tbe Astorian,
is very uncertain quantity. For
instance, if a news item is published
by tbe borne paper which reflects ;
nnon the conduct of those conceded
with the circumstanc;s the person
. , 1 . . . : ... ..
urns expueeu mjbcb uu nine iu tuu-
. . , . . .
demning the paper as a blackmailer,
grafter and assassinator of character.
If bv chance tbe paper has failed to
- - . I : 4 n bkV. nn. r. it
pnutisn ammicr .cui Wuw
other people, it is immediately
cased of lack of enterprise.
atcKlaley aft a amaaon.
President McKinley became a Mason
under perhaps the most unusual cir
cumstances on record, says tbe Indian
apolis Sentinel. His entrance into this
secret order was an incident of the war
between the states asd was somewhat
unique. It came near the close of the
memorable civil strife, while Mr. Mc
Kinley was yet in tbe federal army with
tbe rank of major. Tbe young officer
from Ohio was stationed at Winchester,
W. Va., wbere was located a hospital
for confederate wounded. In making
tbe rounds one afternoon with the regi
mental surgeon, Major McKinley noticed
that tbe scrgeon was on very friendly
terms with several of the Southern
'prisoners and that be frequently gave
them money. Tbe interest of tbe future
pteaident was aroused, and when the
opportunity presented itself be asked
tbe reason of this rather unns
tbey were
Tbe tnrgeon told him that :
brother Masons, and the j
majjr met this information with tbe
with to become a member of a fraternity
on which neither prison bars nor rank
of office bad tbe slightest effect. Tbe
deeire of voung McKinley was made
known to the officers of Hiram lodge,
No. 21, of Winchester, and on the night
of May 1, 1865, at 7 :30 o'clock, be pre
tented hiuitelf for initiation. J. B. T.
Reed, a confederate chaplain, was
worshipful matter of tbe lodge, and con
ferred the degree cf entered apprentice
in doe and ancient form cn tbe candi
date. On tbe following evenin? the
degree of fellow craft was given, a Idle
at tbe same lodge, on the afternoon of
May 3d, at 3 o'clock, be received tbe
master mason degree, thus completing
tbe steps in the blue lodge. But three
Masons are now living who witnessed
the initiation George E. and C. E.
Jenkins, of Winchester, and W.
Denny of Xasbvilie.
AdtrrtltM Letters.
Following it tbe litt of letters remain
ing in tbe pottoifice at Tbe Dalles un
called for December 6, 1901. Persons
calling for the tame will give date on
which they were advertised :
Abbott, Ethel
Barkles, W A
Berry, A J
Boone, Arthur L
Cole, D M
Copland, Sam
Co ley, George
Deliabout, Martin
Daris, Lizzie
Evens, M 8
Farley, Tom
Fowier, John
Girard, G V
Harden, Delia
Hansen, Charles
Knight, S
Lewis. W P
Morrison, F H
Moehnke, Herman
Moore, J W
Marshal, R 6
Mackay, J P
McDonald, Millie
N orris, Joe
Pierce, A C
Kieche, Lueile
Rogers, Lynnette
Reynolds. Frank
Scott, Hugh
Soyder, J
Talraao, Mr.
Smith, Tobias
Wolfe, Carl L
Biist, Eli
Bennett, F N
Bockner, A J
Craristou, Joseph
Cauiey. Jerry
Chaae. T B
Domes, G A
Detamore. Delia E
Drake, Arlie
trick, Susie
F.agg, Alvan
Gibson, Sam
Hibbard, Chas
Hail Fred
John, Mary
Lucas, J L
Lawler, Tnomas
Murrv, T
Miller, W M
Mav, Dick Miss
Martin, Joe
McAvov James
Noble, W C
Odell, Chas
Segin, Wm K
Root, Willis
Robertson, Ella
Reed, Jesse E
Show, Charley
Seggeting, Peter
Sanford, David
Smith. Grace
Willard, Stacy H
Walker. Julia
White, John
Williams, L G
J. M. pATTaaaov , P. M.
Be beer i be for Tax OauotncLB.
Pictures enlarged at tbe Wilson photo
graph gallcrv. dec' lm
Clark ft Falk are never ctoaed Sunday.
Don't forcer thi.
Ciark? ft Fa's have on saie a fnll line
of paint and artiH's brnshef ,
Go to the Wilson enilery for excellent
photos at reasonable prlwa. dec4 lm
If you cau't ccme daring the week,!
too can bare a sitting Sunday by seeing
Gifford. nI9
Flora- 'at' will cure wind chapping
and sunburn,
ft Falk.
Manufactured by Carte I
Christina will soon i here and you
haven't bad that negative made yet.
See Gifford right away qnick. nl9
the ' headqn.;te for
hair remedies. Remember that be
make a srrcialtv of these goods. tf
Those artists proofs. My ! bnt they
are fine! One dosen will make ioet
twelve fine Christmas presents
is the man that makes them.
Clark and Falk have just received a
fntl line of fresh Velox papers and de-
veiopers. me tame as a wo oy mr. i,ovicejwent int0 th. Wreaker9 wbere BDe ie
. .... . .
ine r. lie oaroer snop is running lour, th. .nlllrill. natrons a eneedv
ensuring patrons
and an t ict' wm- r atrv--oo A I? t mi 1 c
. j
'sterilized and on!v steam lanndried !
towelB n9ed nis lm
Christmas sale of millinery, at the
Campbell ft Wilson millinery palors.
1 I n-t t nfT rMi:iftr tiriM ff onhra I
,;rZZUZTZm aw J
r-vjvk. oaiiL watt v 'u,.un. uajeii ui rt Jl i ...
ac January. 25n-tf : so that I conid boid nothing on my
Acker's English Remedv will stop a j stomach. Many times I would be un
coneb at any time, and will cure the i "ble t0 retain moreel of food- Finally
worst cold in twelve hooTS. or monev re-' 1 WM confined to my bed. Doctors said
funded 25 cts. and 50 cts, BUkelev,
the druggist.
Why pay tl.75 per gailon for inferior
pain'.: when you can buy Jamee E.
Patton's sun proof paints tor $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for o years.
Falk, agents.
Clark ft
Moki Tea positive y cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
deligbtful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts
and 50 etc. Blakeley, the druggist.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of tbe food, distress after eating
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts
and 50 cts. Blakeley, tbe druggist.
Tat Cause Might Alarm.
"One night my brother's baby waa
taken with Croup," writea Mrs. J. C.
Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it teemed
11 won,d etrangle before we could get a
doctor. we "e Dr. King's New
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. We always keep
it in tbe house to protect our children
from Croup and Whooping Congh. It
cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble
that no other remedv would relieve."
Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat
and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial
free at G. C. Blakeley 's drug
We will pay $25 reward for the arrest
and conviction of any person trespassing
noon tbe football park, molesting or de
stroying tbe fence. Small boys who
have been digging boles nnder the fence
are liable to arrest and are included in
the above.
"Eelden H. Gea.vt,
L. A. Fokteb,
E. Kurtz,
d4 lm Otis Patteesos.
Your Fac
bbow" tD of -vonr feeling! end the
state of your health as well. Impure j
blood makes itself apparent iu a pale ,
and sallow complexion, Pimples anc j
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance yon should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases wbere cheap Sarsaparillaa and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
. sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakelej , the druggist.
Change or Headquarter.
The headquarters of
The Dalles and
Shaniko stage line is now at tbe Colom
bia Hotel. Stage leave there for Shan
iko every morning, except Sunday , at 6
o'clock. Passenger rate to Shaniko Ii'.
20u-tf J. M. Toomet, Agent.
Fine turkeys, fattened especially for
. , r, w u i. . j
the Carnaby Market. Binaet' tweet ,
pickles in bulk, bulk olives, sweet cider,
apple butter, pickled tripe, pigs feet, I
sauerkraut, and other snerialtiea . i
numerous to mention, can be bad all the
time at Carnaby'a American Market.
If yon want to retain yom hair yon j
ive iu keep your scalp clean. Soap '
will make your bair harsh, dry
crispy. Now we bave two of tbe
beat preparations for cleansing the
scalp eg ead Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your bair toft and gloatv.
i Price, and M cents a bottle, at Fraaert
barber shop, Tbe Dalles. tf
Toe will aet
Gierke Falk's
evTe tot boils.
Clarke Falk's flavoring
Ue beet. Ask your t "ear for
Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92.
Limber Bars Probably L.oet.
Newport, Or., Dec. 4. The lumber!
barge Wheeler, which broke away from
tbe tog voehnrg off Cape Blanco last
Wednesday, and was supposed to hare
been lost, was sighted off Tsquina bar
this forenoon with her mainsail and jib
; set, and signaling for a tug. There was
no tog available, and the Wheeler soon
now being terrlb.y punished
Her main- j
mat has gone hy the board, and there
is little hope for the vessei or her crew. '
Saved Bis Life.
"I wish to say that I owe my
Kodol Dyspepsis Cure,' writes
life to
H. C.
Chrestenson of HaySeld,
tbree vears I was troubled with dvspepsia
I could not live. I read one of your
advertisement on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure '
and ttougbt it tit my case and com-
! menced its use. I
i from tbe first bottle
began to improve
Now I am cured
I and recommend it to all." Dicesta vonr
I food. Cores all stomach troubles. Clarke
ft Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Favor the Nicaragua Route.
Washington, Dec. 4. The report
the isthmian Canal Commission was
sent to congress today. The commission, i
as anticipated several weeks ago, favors
the Nicaragua route, and makes an
estimate of f 169 864,062 as tbe total coat
of construction of the canal through
Nicaragua. The estimated cost of tbe!
Panama route is $144,233,358, but the
report says it wonld cost $109,141,000 to!
obtain the Panama concession. The!
commission values tbe work done at $40,
000,000. Health and Beauty
Apoor complexion is usually the re-
j eult of a torpid liver or irregular action
! of tbe bowels. Unless nature's refute it j
j carried off it will eurely cause impure
blood. Pimples, boils and other eruptions 1
follow. This is nature's method of
throwing off tbe poisons which the bowels
' failed to remove. DeWilt's Little Early
j Risers are world famous for remedvint
tnie conditio,,. They stimulate tbe liver
i and promote regular and healthy action
of tbe bowels but never cause griping,
cramps or diatrets. Safe pille. Clarke
ft Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
A Deep Mjumrj
It is a mystery whv women endnre
Backache, Headache, Nervousness
j Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and
Ilit7c Rmllt vhon Ihnnainri. h. nm.
that Electric Bitten will quickly cure
such troubles. "I suffered for years with
kidney trouble," writes
Hra. Phehe
cheriey, of Peterson, la., "and a lame
hi.k n.;ni . r ,m a...
elf) bot Electric Bitters wholly cured
me andi lltboogh 73 years old, I now
am ,hle to do Bli my housework." It
overcomes Constipation,
improves Ap-;
petite, gi res perfect health. Only 6Uc ;
at G. C. Blakeley 'a drag store. 3
Attraction ftonann.
AH women sensibly deeire to be at-
tractive. Beaut v is the stamp of health i
i ui ., ' I
because it is tbe outward manifestation
of inner purity. A healthy woman is !
always attractive, blight and banov.
n i.en every arop oi uiooa in me veins IS
pure a beauteous flush is on tbe cheek.
Bot when tbe blood is impure, morose
nets, bad temper and a sallow complex
ion telle tbe tale of sickness all to plain
ly. And women today know there ie no
mm - j . -
beauty witboot health. WlneofCardui
crowns women with beauty and attrac-
tlVMMttn by making strong and nealthy
thoss organs wfaicb make ber a woman,
Try Wine of Card ui, and in a month
yoor frfenda will bardly know you.
When yonr bair appeara dry and to !
have lost iu vitality it wants something !
to give it life and vigor. We have wbat i
fa'v" JeJetbat con-
Science Hair -QMfifc Grower"en d
Tonic. Tbey !
will cure
raff and all
For tale at Fraaert bar-
bar shop
Price BOe and 76c a bottle.
Yoa aaw those floe portrait frame at
tbe carnival? Tbey are going verv feet ;
tbe tupply it limit
and yonr picture
at tee thing far
ia one of them fe Jag
Christmas. Gifford. al
Gifford" Fotoa Never Fade
IB. T.
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fiah Erc-there' Wagon.
Tfciri anfl Me. PMene 159
i ii aieera feAaiari nfliti
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to prompt! v
distance phone 433. Local. 102.
Hov'i Tnial
We offer one hundred dollars reward
' ! for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney ft Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West ft Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan ft Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken inter
nally, acting directly upon tbe blood and
mucous surfaces of tbe system.
F. J. Chxnfy ft Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold bv drrnggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Brain Food Jtoaaaaaaw
Another ridiculous food fad bat been
mended by tbe moat competent author
ities. Tbey have dispelled the eilly no
tion that one kind of food is needed for
brain, another for muscles, and still an
other for bones. A correct diet will not
only nourish a particular part of tbe
body, but it will scstain every other
part. Yet, however good your food may
be, its nutriment is destroyed by indi
gestion or dyspeyaia. You mutt pre
pare for their appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green's August Flower, tbe favorite
medicine of the healthy millions. A few
doses aids digestion, stimulates tbe liver
in holthr im. nn.; h u a a
makes yon feel buoyant and vigorous.
lo" can get Dr. G. C. Gieen'a reliable
niuwuiw w DltKBirj I orDf HOTS. Met
Green's Special Almanac.
W oman and Jewels.
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that it
tbe order of a woman'a preferences.
; Jewell form a magnet of mighty power
; to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels, health, it often
- Tf i naaaH in thta mt ar n-na IT. . - a ev
or save the monnv In nnn-hm thorn Tf
woman will risk her health to ent a
coveted gem, then let her fortify herself
aaainat the insiduous consequences of ,
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by !
the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German j
Syrup. It will promptly arreat con- j
,arm?tl?n ,n iu cr,J BU? nd heal tbe
affected lungs and bronchial tubes and
dri.. tha d.Vad disease from the tyatem ;
It ie not a cure all, hut it it a certain
cure for couehs, colds and all bronchial!
troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green't '
reliable remedies at Blakeley 'a drug! The flrat reglatered well m the first gradu
store. Get Green s Special Almanac. 1 ate palmist ever in fortiacd. The .rii .
An Kvangellat'e etorr,
'I suffered for vears with bronchial or 1
Inuv trouble and trud ear.nn. .-Ai-
but did not obtain permanent relief
... . . - i
until 1 commenced usinr One Minnie'
Congb Cure," writes Rev. James Kirk
man, evangelist of Belle River, III. "I
naM no hesitation in recommending it
10 ell sufferers from maladies of tbit
kind." One Minntn Cnnmh r,nr nrAta
immediate ralfef lor coughs, colds and
ell kiaa ol three and long troubles.
For croup it it unequalled. Abeolntely
eafe. erg pleasant to take, never fails
and it really a favorite with tbe children.
Tbey like it. Clarke Falk'a P. 0.
We Qatar fog a lisattad period the
nnder tbit efler must be paid La ad
Transact a General Basking Business.
Letters of Credit issued available in
tbe Eastern States.
Sigbt Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers told on New York, Chicago,
St. Lords, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon. Seattle Waah., and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collection! made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Fine Lard and Sausages
Carers of BRAND
The largest and
complete line of .
n mis
ever shown in the city
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Cos
Paint and Oil Store.
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Has just received 1000 samples
of tbe latest patterns in Gent'a
Clothing Goods. He guaran
tees prices and a good fit or no
pay. : : : : :
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Prof. Homer de Morrison
astW Waahtnaton afreet.
foktlskd, oaketiK.
I g eatsat Trance Clairvoyant and Herha.lst can
ut coosuiwa oalir on ail flairs of ill-
Prof, de Morriauo is without a doubt th mmt
scientific PalB)itaDd Clair voi ant in tbe world
: e PWden treasure, reunite the
eeoaniiMi. teiia H were it satnrtal. oil. or m
rbnr '"' enanbe you to win the nfl-u.
as on
ion of
one you neaire.
faimiairv tancht. mediumiatie newt,.
open. Baal by tbe uses of his revealed herb I
! tsas; enteachioulc aul ao-cal'.ed incurable tils
eaaoa. w rae roaintenr lur ine nonr
end !, date of birth and three meMi )nt
lettera answered at nee.
fcaaeaej ay vuion.
PortNnd, Aug. te-(To he Kdltor). Hover
da Morrison, ooeultUL iocaierl by vi-inn the but
f?!0 ,ro"! tne be,br lUaeiUtaj Works. In
behalf of occult aeleuee be lmwadiatalr com
municated by letter the fans to Mr a. j Rait
toe, owner of tbe eel by Works. The report re
ceived last night prove his Ualees enU oorrcet.
"It Is ptsaslaw to be assured that thaanlal
sMbr hsssJttag Works was la-
!m-?g.!aw.sltey.of the eoXsfc? of iB
Kidney Gum
PI Oregon
amd union Pacihc
east j TIME SCHSOnUSS wen
bound TBX DALLES. aocxo
Portland gait Lake, Oenvsr, Ft
8pscUl. Worth, Qaaaha, Kan- , ,
12:25 p. tn. aaa City, fit Louis, Chi l:10.p. m.
via Hunt eagn and the RaaL
Salt Lake, Ocnvcr. n.
rit Bunt Z2lr'f H:Chl
tngton. oatjo and the Eaat.
St. Pan) Walla Walla, Iavtssiua.
Past Mail, Brwkana.Ws1rara.Pnll
9 S5p. m. man, Mindeapolia, 8t
viaspo- i Pwat. Uatath, Milwan-
kane. kee, ChteagoaBd East
rroaa Parti Bad.
(All sailing dates snb-j
jeet to change.)
8:00 p.m. 4:09 p. m
For Ban Pranclsco,
flan every ft days.
excej ! 4.00 p.m.
erflOp. m. To Astoria and Way- except
Saturday, ! landlnga. ; Sunday.
10:00 p. m. j
Dally WUleaaotte River.
C:00a.m. , to aySn' Blln(U-
Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Corvallis and Way- I Mondar,
Saturday, landings. Wedneadtiy
6:00 a.m. Friday.
Tnesdav, Willamette and ! S:SPp. m.
Thursdav. , Takaattll Klrera. J Mondiv,
8today, Oregon City, Dayton and.Wsanesas'y
7:00 a.m. j Way tandinga. Frifay.
yesw Snake Kiver. i , .fxe
Riparta Lewiston
daily. , , .,.,., daily,
3:40 a.m. Rlparia to Lewiston. t.Xz.m.
i )
OTP Parties asatiing to go to Beppner or
points on Columbia Southern via Biggs, should
lase Ho. 2. ksavhsg Tbe DaOea aT 12:25 p. m.
making direct connections at Beppner junction
and Biggs. Retnrnlng making direct connecttoa
at Heppnerianctlon and Biggs with No. 1, ar
riving at The Dalles at 1 :06 p. m.
For further parttcnlara, call on or address
The Dalles, Oregon,
J. 8. Scaaxcs,
Max A. Voot.
First national Bank.
A Geoeral Fnalnnf transacted
Depoaite received, eabjeet to Sigbt
DraJt or nhaask.
OoUeetkma made Asm! paxiteedt promptly
remitted oa dav of eeUeetion.
Sight aad Teleeraahie Saehaage so.d cm
Hew York, eTraaefoee and vort-
D. P. TaoMFeoM. Jaw. 8. BcaaacE.
En. M. WitJ iaaaa, Gso. A. LlaBI.
H. M . Bhall
w- sr. wit,aoM.
FirsKlass io Every Retfet.
TVfaLs at UI tyotirs.
with the
71 Front St., near OneH. The Dalies.