i-fi VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1901. MO. 249 MM ; J CHtKOWETH STILL FOOLS OFFICERS borate the stamtnre been made under bis " .. . r - f - - , -a I w t (f i - m has been made under nu per-V6Wy- aonal supervision since its tnmaey. leWaSrVA fccMZ Allow no one to deceive yon imtnis. All Oeuuufguitit f mttatiom and " Jmt t gean" but Experiment fhat trifle with and endanger the health oi Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment. He Appears Occassional It In Echo Coantrr Preaches His Alleged Insane Doctrines and Tien Disappears. What is CASTOR1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare gorsc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Peverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of n a The m You Hate Always Bought in iioa Cnr Over SO Years. an sbtsjsTW we Jaw w ww sr -mw - . - . Bcarraun 1 SHOULD BE RELEASED Congressman Weeks Says Aguisaldo Is Now Harmless Young Lady Teachers ia Islands Ought to Be Sent Home. . Sam Fbancibco, Dee. . Congressmen Edgar Weeks, of Michigan, wbo arrived from Manila on tbe transport Hancock, when asked about conditions in the Philippine, said: "I saw Agoinaldo sad a pent half a day with bim. He is not an intelligent man, and I tbink be feels tbat be is inferior in intMliMt to the Amerieant. He seemed to me not clever, bat conning. Tbe general opinion among tbe military men it tbat Agoinaldo aboald be allowed to escape. He is a dead tone a ad it no longer a menace to tbe United Bute. It ia supposed that Je does not want to run away, at be would at once be aac aaainated by the friends of General Luna, a bom be ordered to be killed. "Tbe new method of educating tbe natives aa adopted by this government Is wrong. Refined, handsome young ladies from Vaster and other eol leges went dawn to lbs PWUppinas to educate these natives. They bare bad to pnt np with all kinds of privations and to eat native food, and ia sous places their live have been in danger. I tbink this is entirely unnecessary. In place of these young ladies discharged soldiers of education, woo had besoms acclimated, st.onld be appointed and tbe young ladies should he sunt home. "Tbe question of the Sultan of Solo and bis harass is s very small matter when yon are confronted with tbe great questions that are now involved. The but be is s veryinsigslteant indlvtdsal. I do not aeareaf troahat with him." imposed on an innocent men, in whoso behalf be, Labor!, and others, in a passion for an ideal, had not hesitated to stir up tbe country. Replying to the charge that be wanted to live off the affair, Labor! declares that his connection with the case bad coat bim almost his ' entire practice, which ku,n in nir.k tin a sain after tbe amnesty was granted, and against which, contrary to bis own interests, he bad unceasingly straggled. Tbe Slede says that Dreyfus repudiates tbe Echo de Paris interview, which be neither directly nor indirectly inspired. S.MI After Aaarefcirts Washington, Dec. 4 Practically tbe entire time of the senate today was devoted to the introduction of bills and resolutions. To of these measures, re lating to tbe anppression of anarchy and dealing with tbe anarchists, were al- in li. nn the table so that tbelr authors, McComas, of Maryland, jnd West, of Missouri, may bring tbem to tbe early attention of tbe senate. The Isthmian Canal report was transmitted to tbe senate by the president, and s veral bills providing for the construc tion of ths aatstwsf, ne.olbem by Morgan, who has led the rabsstnent for tbe canal ia tbe past, were prssen ted. Thy Sref Srae rf ASSMra. v Ynu. One. JL-rThe Rev. Henry C. HMkelliasBTj lbs A rneriean Mission St asg. Rulgari. , has sent tbe following cablegram to trie World regarding Mite Stone sad Mme. Tsilka: "There has been no result as yet from effjrtt to ascertain ths troth about the reports that Miss Btons and Mme Tsilka are dead. It is denied tbst they ere in tbe Rilo Monastery. 1 do not ixpeet definite Information lor two or three dsys." Echo, Dec. 5. Mysteriously appeal ing at uncertain hours to promulgate hit strange religious doctrines in the streets ot Echo, Elwood Cheooeeth, erstwhile Wallowa county lunatic In a sheriff's beads, and now wanderer on the faos of the earth, baa again revealed hie location to the public. After dis ssmiaatina bis weird theories, Cheno- weth disappears to some unknown re treat, for the officers of Umatilla county are on his trail. Has he friends? Not for years has Umatilla county had so mysterious a case aa that of "Wallowa El" Cbenoweth. His first appearance waa in Pendleton several weeks ago. where to curious groups on street corners he made known bis beliefs. Arrested on sn order from Union county for alleged thelt, he was taken to that town, examined, and on tbe charge of insanity over to Union county's sheriff for com mittment to tbe insane asylum at Salem. He went pesceably'aud apparently asleep to Kolin. eighteen miles west of Pendle ton, when be suddenly sprang from the train and escaped over tbe Umatilla uplands. For a week be was lost. Then he ap peared in the little hamlet ot Alba, on Camas prairie, forty miles south of Pendleton, where be resumed bis mission of nreaehinsr to tbe people. Moving on to Ukieh, ha waa snorted by officials there en order from Sheriff Blskety, at Pendleton. As the sheriff wss making preparations to start with him to Pendle ton, Cbenoweth mads a second sensa tional escape, fleeing to the mountains. He sent back a "defi" to the officers, outlining his Intended route for tbem, and addin that in three nights he would preach in Portland. Then he wss gone as strangely as if the earth bad swallowed bim. Now he baa appeared in tbe Echo country, atill preaching to the people. TTaoaUv he comes in the afternoon and after a few hoora goes away in a. manner as peculiar aa bis coming. No msn knows what be subsists on. He never stops anywhere for anything to est, and it it known tbst be baa no money to bay. Yet be always goes neat end tidy. Hence the question, "Mas be irienut, and who?" &he Ribbon Sale brought us our first customer this morning and before she finished her purchases others came and likewiso for ribbons. KiribonaRibbonsRibbonsRibbons are the talk of the store. At this moment and in fact ever since the store opened the ribbon counters have been crowded with ribbon bnyer--peo-ple who need ribbons who know whore to go for good ribbons and who know that the BET ribbont are selling here this week at lower prices than are usually asked for the CHEAPEST kinds. Wa Infanri niskincr this the irreatest and most satisfactorv ribbon sale ever V v v a a aa v - - q o - w held in the town satisfactory to us in the quantities sold and to our customers in the good qualities given them. If you have immediate ribbon needs or if you ex pect to need ribbons later on BUY NOW. i in. Ribbons, reduced to 5c per yd . . . a, r i. 11 50c and 75c Fancy Neck Ribbons special per yard The number 3 4 2 in, 5 1 in. 7 1 in. 9 1 in. 12 2 in. 1( 2 J in. 22 2 1 in. 40 3J in. " CO 5 in. 14 4 (I All fancy Sash Ribbons, special 50c per yard. It's just lots of fun to do without rub bers this winter. Our Valour Calf Storm Shoes have so much splash and frippery to them that it's a shame to wear them with anything else but a short skirt. $400 a pair and Strictly High-Grade r.ot 11s nrnve it to r you. JShm Ribbon Sole ends Saturday The Ribbon Sal nets Soturslsvr Dlrtj Charges atjataas Lefcari. PAWs, SS.eJai l: aasos, arete in ths Journal, published this morning, M. Tails I SSsJwso tsllr islervlew ia 1 tbat ho waatsd ill Wr PrS wing T. A. Van Borden, the jeweler diamond rius free to tbe drawing tbe winning' numoer wo Years' See. Ttskei frse wttft every owe purchase. Diamond ring on esblbit in tbs show window. ntMwk The following: story is going ths rounds t the ex Dense of J. P. Morgan: He was approached while in London by the representative of e great amiy to wnom h. Mnt word tbat bis time wss worth tM a minute. Hs received the snswer tbat the newspaper man would take two minutes en those terms. "My cortosuy a. aroused." sstd Mr, Morgan, "and I gave orders to admit him. He gave me $100 and talked for two mi n a tee. When be arose I asked him why be bso Been uiviona to sss me. He quietly answered that he bad s bat of $600 be eoold get to seems in his newspaper capacity." Several years ago a number of Eastern rail -ay nabobs got iato a private ear tad were whirled over their lias st the rats of 117 miles in li mioatos and tbe alary was heralded abroad through ths country as s temple of feat ronning wbieb It wss. But tbs other nujm aca Wright, sn engineer on tbe Snake river line, pulling s train of passenger coaches and without soy paOcular nabob on i :... mmkm an lost time, make 83 miles is 07 miaataa. - go the effete Or Benefit to Yon. n. h. Mitchell. Folford. Md. : "During a long illness I was tronblsd with bed tores, wss sdvlsed to try DaWitl's vv itch Hsssl Salve and did so with wonueriui results. I was perfectly cured. It U the b?st salve on the market." Sure core for piles, soree, burns. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke 4 Falk's P. O. Pharmacy . .. Satlafiva I'eopU. are the beet advertisers for Foley's Hooey and Tar and all who use it agree that It Is a splendid remedy for coughs, or tore luogt. Clarke & Falk. I... - ' OI4 Bolster's Bsaarlavce. M. M. Anttin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My sick a long time In spite of good ooc. tor's treat wen i, nor w w"7 by Dr. King s New Life Pills. wWe'j worked wondert for her bHh." They always do. Try them. Ool ie at ti. f Dl.l.Ui'aHrnf Hon. 3 V. a.i.wj r. in i,i.l I hawe re-opened t Ml weU-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply erey body with Bread, Piee and Cakes. Alio all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grooer. the Am 9mAm. pardon waa sweated e4 aeptod asvd ths silence wbknh seems to nabs bona ia mhmbm r whan you fssi s sold J tmkm a Aoas ot Foisr'S gSSSf nasTTer, b nsesg fails to stsp s sold li taken in atssa. Okarnoo Falh. TsyVmi.iwTsI nlasaas. obior young, aosr aigbtad sa fer sighted. WaaUMl. Th. munfactnrsrs of Banner bs've bavins always bsllsvsd tbst so doctor or medicine can ears In every ease, but i i wrl arhare Banaci Seive failed to sure ufaeis, sores, tetter, piles, sa a matter 01 carwtiiy Uka to know if thsrs are mmma If so they will gfsdly rsfsed ths Olsvke sV Falk. pi... p.ninffin At water. O . waa viim. r'm' , ' r l,ad ahane. Relays: "1 suffered s great deal with my kidneys snd wss requested to try Foley'e Kidney Core. I did so snd in loor daya I waa ahls to go to work again. now 1 ,m "''''J' well." Clarke at Falk. mhm DMi'l Wear a Mask, nnt hr beaut v was completely hidden hv aoraa. blotches and pimples till ths used Bscklen's Arnios Salve. Then thaw vanished aa will all crapueao, wZStoiZ Boll., Ulesrs ftrhuncUt san mm Htm ifssss s CutsCornt, Bsrnt. ealdt and Piles. uors isaruifw. drug store. ! Has i. Just wet tbe sSaoted part freely with Mysterious Psln Curs, si b iwsisd y. tmd ths pain Is sons, bol by Clsrka j JtH fflggjLMgaV '01 Htw 9& mm sad TwV aSBBBBBBBBBBBBBnafBfB Sexton & Wafthar Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THE DALLES. OREGON. A MIU of BRIDGE k BIAOH i BUPKBtOK BIBtU tSPOM, mwm B Cook snd Heating Stoves. . mm i.. rt.Ml. i I Haaa Steal Ferae FARMING IMPLEMEJUe.-Agenieior riou-i-' Y'gS-L' - Mitohall Wes 7lua. Horiiie Tooth Harrows, Blssell Oblllsd Flaws, Mttaaon waa- ont snd tlacts, rirnnry nnii, ...Star Windmills... With Ball and Roller bearings, snd fully wsrrsBtsd. Writs us (or prices snd eatslogucs. . All mdara antresled to US will bsvs arompt attention. Prises always right. pn. yaois ajaAl., gSTBUrsiniei. ltesp at. sArtsvaafe. Ostoeaeen se-lm jssaasaai Tbsoaly Esclaslys Hardware store bj tbe slty. Ian Advertise to the