The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 05, 1901, Image 2

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    . . i
The Dalles Duly Chronicle,
Tbe question of the leasing of the
public ranges is becoming one of
great importance. It is certain that
a very determined effort will be made
to swore tbe passage of a law by
congress authorizing such leasing
Tbe plan which tbe large cattle
owners of tbe range have been pro
posing is particularly objectionable
to the majority of the people of Ore-
gon. Idaho and Washington
northwestern states have not yet
reached a slag: of development
which makes any plan of leasing yet
proposed safe for tbe future intertsts
of tbe courtry. In Oregon, for ex
ample, there is not a county in the
ran" e districts which is not capable
of supporting agriculturally many
times its present population. When
ever railroads are extended there will
be a great development agricultural
ly, provided tbe land remains open
to settlement or in tbe bands of
owners who will sell. If. however,
all public land in tbe great range
district is covered by leases, tbe
tendency will be to consolidate hold
ings and tbe population wil! decrease
rather than increase.
Those able politicians who aie
advocating an upheaval of the tariff
will not End public sentiment with
them. The people don't wt-nt the
tariff question reopened. They don't
want tbe schedules revised. Tbey
don't want the present status upset.
Without regard to politics we believe
the sentiment of the countrv is id
favor of letting things alone at this
time. Tbe people are prosperous.
Our trade a: home and abroad was
never better. Our markets were
never so great, nor tbe promise of
the future so tattering. Why then
disturb the tariff? Why reopen a
business question at a dangerous
timer Why run the risk of losing,
even for a litt'e while, the prosperity
and confidence which now reigns B
over the land? Tbe tariff H
are not wanted now. Let them come
in when something breaks, when the
machinery goes wrong.
Objection to the payment of a
pension of 5000 a year to tbe widow
of the late President Harrison is well
taken. Tbe conditions under which
pensions were granted to Mrs. Grant
and Mrs. Garfieid do not exist in her
case because both their husbands died
poor. Mrs. Harrison, on the contrary,
has ample means to enable her to
live in comfort if not in luxnry.
Tbe friends of Mrs. Harrison miii
display bad taste if they ask congres
to donate to that lady something to
which she bas no legal right and
which she does not need.
A staff correspondent of tbe Amer
ican Wool and Cotton Reporter, wbu
is visiting ibe sbeepmen of Eastern
Oresron. finds it is the Drettr general
opinion that there is no profit in pro
ducing wool for less than ten cents
per pound.
Tbe Oregon Stale Journal says, "That
the Mitchell Fuiton taction wilt control
the slate convention is as certain as any-.
thing in tbe future can be, and onlese
Geer can make some dicker with them
by which be can bring an influence to
bear in their favor greater than any
other candidate can bring so as to io
eure their future supremacy, tbey will
sorely nominate some other man.
Tbe Baker City Republican says : "In
xhe canvass for a United States senator
Id All the position made vacant some
tbf of over a year hence, one name is
severely am mi tied by tbe preas and the
people. That name is Joseph Simon.
From cursory reading of exchanges it is
apparent that the name is not tbe choice
of tbe people."
The Silver Lata, Wallowa County
Herald ssrye: "Aeaardtng to the La
Grande Chronicle Conrreaeman Moody
has xpreeeed himself in favor of the
lead leaping lav. Btoofcsaaa won't do a
tbiag to him if he ever comas before the
I asking for their votes." j
: of too recent aaoisjoa of the ;
Lock wood primarv ejection law tbej
sWm DtiM MT: sinnhHW-
reived his first hard blow in hit present ;
for tbe United States' aeaate. tt
w a good j-b. It it a deathblow lo
- - . . i . ? .a
just sner. dirty nine warn pontics ana
boseim as bas heretofore kept Simon in
Tt mar Vu mmlA m fair nf
certainty that Mr. Sen
hae glossed Mr. '
Mitchel: over and swaowed him whole,
or Mr. Mitcbeii hae swa lowed Mr.
Scott, or they hare performed tbe ex-
inordinary feat of each swallowing tbe
other, for certainly it would seem tbey '
are "two minis witit bnt a single
thong ht," and that thought is to work
id doubie harness in me i. nitea ?:aie
senate. Portland Cbronicie.
An esteemed democratic editor of tbi
state, who l'ves in a strongly democratic j
citv, concluded he wenid permit bis ad-1
' ' ... .1
niirere to run him for maror a? an
election last Moodav. When the editor
found himseif beaten by about two vote. '
to one be sat down
nri nenned the fol-
lowinr, and significantly beaded it
"Grafts". "Yon can't moat always
sometimes teli how a man wil! vote after
bearina him talk. There is no duty on
tbe i
tbe wool tbe canditate polls over
eyee of tbe voter. Fish a a brain food
need to have a pretty g-od brain to start
on. Great minds do not rnn in the
s-ime channel oo election dev. A mac
has to put up with a good deal in this
world oa election day."
Ciark A Falk are never cosed endav.
Oon't forget thi
Clarke Falk have on sa.e a rati line
of naint anl artist's bmshar.
.If yno can't ooaie during the week,
von raa Lve a sittinr Suudav bv seeing
Flora! Inlinn wil nr arinH rhannrnir
and snsoro. Mai factored by Claras
4 Falk
Cbristmaa w:31 soon be bere and yon ;
havec't bad that negative made yet.'
See Gilford right away quick. n!9 j
li anything ails your hair, go and see '
Fraxer : he'e the headquarters for all :
hair remedies. Bemenjber that
If I
makes a ardaltv of these goods
Those artists' proofs. Myl but tbey
are fine! One dozen will make just
rvelM An. fSkriilmu rtrawnlj riFTnrfl
is the man that makes them. n!9 j
Clark and Falk have just received a
fall Mae of fresh Veiox papers and de-
tbe same as u.-ed dv Mr. Ixirick
in US recent demonstration at our store.
4BB '
Tbe Elite barber shop is running four
chairs thus ensuring patrons a epeedy
and satisfactory service. All tools
sterilised and ooiy steam laundried
; towele need. c 1m
Christmas sale of millinery at tbe
Campbell & Wilson millinery palors.
one-third off regular price
of entire
stock. ale w:.: continue until first of
January. 2on-tf
Acker's English Bemedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure tbe
worst eoid in twelve hours, or money re
funded 25 cts. and 50 cts, Biikeiey,
tbe druggist.
Why pay $1.75 per gaiion for inferior
paints when you can buy James .
"a ann iwmf nainf tir 4' nil w
iralion. guaranteed for 5 yean. Clark A
Falk, agents. ml
Moki Tea poeitiveiv cures S;ck Head-
ache, indigestion and constipation. A DlD;-T SP1U when thousands have proved
de'.igntfai herb drink. Removes all ! tfaJ Electric Bitters will quickly cure :
eruptions of the skin, producing s perfect sncn troubles. "I suffered for years wiib
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts kidnev trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe
and 50 cts. Biakeiey. the druggist. ' Chr, of Peterson, la., "and a lame :
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are soid on back pained me so I couid not dress my
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, ae'.f, hut Electric Bitters wholly cored
t -1 1 . aU. S I . - .
raiBiDg oi inejoo... ois.eas auer eawng
or any f jrm df dyspepsia. One little
imie giver loruRuiaic icin. vu gib
and 50 cts. Biakeiey, tbe druggist.
Toisr raw
Shows tbe state of your feelings and tbe
state of your health as wall. Impure
blood makes iuelf apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
akn E- n-.ions. If you are feehng
weak an i orn on, and do not have a
heaftby appearance you should try
Acker's !;. . A Elixir. It curoa all blood
diseases :.ere cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakelej; tbe druggist.
Fine tnrkeys, fattened especially for
the Carnaby Market. Biases' sweet
pickles in bulk, bulk olives, sweet cider,
apple butter, pickled tripe, pigs feet,
sauerkraut, and other specialties too
numerous to mention, can be bad all the
time at Larnaby American Market
niu iic
If you want to retain yout hair yoo
have to keep yoor scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yary
bast preparations lor cltaiwslng the
satin Egg sad Fine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave yoor hair soft sad glover.
Pries, K aad 0 orate a bottle, at Fraaer's
The Dallaa. tf
yM will aot
Clarke A Falk's
Clarke A Falk's aav
i nous if yea lata
care tot holla.
Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92.
1 "
. .
limbfr Blip rrobtklf lott.
0r - ""T'
WbT1'' hl .V7
L tka ns t r.a S-- w Mil B IBS Wham K ariOA lair
" -
Wednesdav. and wee supposed to have
been lost, was sighted off Yequina bar
this forenoon with her maineaT. and j:b
sat, and signaling for a tug. There was !
no tn v;,h' tne heeler soon j
went into the lirealers, where she is
1 now being ?err:bly pnnished. Her main j
mast bas gone hy the board, and there
is little hope for the veseei or her erev-.
Saved Hi Lite.
j "I wish to say that I owe my life to
Kodo! Dyspepeis Cure," writes H. C. '
Chreetenson of Hayfieid, Minn. "Fori
three years I was troubled with dyspepsia
so that I could bold nothing on my'
stomach. Many times I would be tm-
. able to retain a morsel of food. Finally
I was confined to my bed. Doctors said
I couid not live. I read one of your ;
advertisements on Kodoi Dyspepsia Care '
nd thought it fit my case and com-;
meneed ite use. I began to improve;
from the first bottie. Now I am cored .
and recommend it to all." Digests your '
food. Cores all stomach troubles. Clarke .
& Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
Favor tbe Nicaragua Boati.
Washington, Dec. 4 The report of
tbe Isthmian Canal Commission was
Knt to con grew today. Tbe commission,
antieinated several weeks am. favors
the Nicaragua route, and makes an
estimate of flSV S'4 002 as the total coat
of construction of the canal tbrongb
' Nicaragua. The estimated coat of tbe
Panama route is 1-H.2S3,358, but tbe j
report says it wonld coat 1109,141,000 to
'obtain the Panama concession. The
commission values tbe work done at 1
Health and Beauty
Ajtoor complexion is usuaUy tbe re
Bah of a torpid liver or irregular action
o: the boweie. Unless nature's refuse is
carried off it wil! sorely cause impure
blood. Pimples, boils and other eruptions
follow. This is nature's method of
throwing off tbe poisons which the bowels
failed to remove. DeWitt's Little Early
Risers are world lamooa for remedying
this condition. They stimulate tbe liver .
and promote regular and healthy action '
of tbe boweie bnt never cause griping,
cramps or diatrese. Safe pills. Clarke
& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
A Deep W J alary .
mystery why women
' II " mystery why women endure
Backeche, Headache, Kervousneee
i Sleepleeeneee, Melancholy, Fainting and
me. and, althoueh .3 years old, 1 now
am able to do all my housework." It
overcomes Constipation, improves Ap
petite, gives perfect health. Only 60c
at G. C. Biaketey'a drag atore. S
Attractive W cimu.
All women aensibly desire to be at
tractive. Beauty is tbe stamp of health
because it is tbe outward manifestation
of inner purity. A bealtby woman is
always attractive, btigbt and happy.
W i.en every drop of blood in the veins is
pore a beauteous flush is on the cheek.
But when tbe blood is impure, inorose
neea, bad temper and a sallow complex
ion tells tbe tale of sickness all to plain
ly. And women today know there ia no
beauty without health. Wine of Cardoi
crowns woman with beauty and attrac
tiveness by making strong and bealtby
tboss organs which make ber a woman.
Try Wine of Cardoi, and in a month
yoor friends will hardly know you.
When yonr hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
1 f - , J 1 M- I . .
to wive ii uie sou viaur. v e uave wuai .
. . i i - I. . . L .
duioc, WotaFQ . a ; the Crown of
V a the Crown of
ill core
scalp diseases. For ails at Fraaer's
bar shop. Pries fte aad Tie a
Yoa saw these flaa taatsalt frame at
tbe sample as limHed. am
is oat of tfawaa is joat toe
Christ osaa OiatosL
SS. T.
First-Class Regular Meals.
Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served
at all hours and in all styles.
Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates
and Confections Always fresh.
4 and Confections. Always iresn. ri
2 - ai
I . ' 4l
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out. We also carry a line of TRILBY
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Wara.
Fiah Brothaea' Wagon.
Tadri ail Jet PloHtl59
Prof. Homer de Morrison
3S3-. WaalUagtaa afreet. Rooaaa 23-30,
The Crt icgiatefetl a well a the first gradu
ate palssiat e-er in Portland The world s
e alaat Trauce Clair-. oyaut and Ueroa ut ean
Kr eoosulicd daily m a aflatm of life.
Prai de aorrtsun ia witboat a donM the moat
aeienttSe Faiau t aaS i lairvon ant in the world i
ludaj he locau hidden treatuie, raunitaa the
separated, tells if taett- Is xiocial, oJ. or gas on
janr lana. enanirs you to win tn- aBeciioit of
one you deaiar.
r-almiatry tangbt. medlumlsO aavaons devel
oped. UeaUbytne usesuf bi revealed hataal
teas: euraa cbroriTS and o-a!ed incurable dU
raiaa rice ireataaaol for the poor.
Send ft, date of birth and three ijueitl ins: all
letters answered at tioee.
y TUioa.
PwrUtud. Aug
10 -; To ibe Editor).
de Morrison, occultist. Mealed by vision tlsabnj
Ikon stolen iross tbe aelby SaselUag Works In
bensu m oacuu
IwsriTitlatalT eoas
to Mr. aVES.
mnnieated by letter the I
the Malav W
eeised last iugbt wrote bis
It U
plwaslnw as he
atotaa from tne wafby as
Worfca was 'lo
' mimI Kr 1,1 i" ar a
j tJXS,
thief aad Uai.ais nalitnii was iwauliad lu r
m of the
r. Thlrtf
lav I
& CO.
Traasact a Seceral Banking Business.
Letters of Credit issned available in
tbe Eastern States.
6ight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
6t. Louis, Ht Francisco, Portland Ore
gon. Seattle Wash., and various points
In Oregon and Washington.
Collect tone made at ail points on lav
oracle terms.
Fine Lard and 8a
Carers of BRAND
The largest and moat
complete line of . . .
ever shown in the city
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Co's
Paint and Oil Store.
John Paahek, The Tailor,
Bas joat received 1000 1
Cloth bag Psoas. Be"
John Pawahok, The Tailor.
jf0jk Wl
Union Itacinc
Portland salt Lake, Dmrm.TX.
Special. ' Worn, Omaha, Kaa
12: p.m. aat CI I j.M U uts.Ckt
535 a. m.
via Baa t
4:S0a at.
! 8L Pan) Walla Walla, Uwlatm.
Past Mail. Srokatta.WllacaJoll
;rjt.m. man, JUnnaaaoUa, 9u
S:S5 a m
via spa- rwui. immth, wuweu
Prm Vt
Jeet to change )
8:00 p.m.
4:00 p. m
for flan Ptanetaao,
bell every
i oo p. m.
To Astoria and Way
Landlnga. Saturday.
ie p m.
Srntaaactt BMvwr.
Oregon City, Sewbeig.
Salem, lndapawleuee,
and aay-Laaatngs.
i.x- p. m.
6:00 a. m.
4 :3r p. m.
f rioay.
Corvallia and Waf
1 jnrtlngm
7 .80 k- m.
8:30 p. m.
Tamhill tttvera. Monday.
Oiagnn City. Dayton and wdEly
Way-Landings. tntoj.
tn m to Beppner or
ts oo Colombia Southern via Biggs, should
2, ksavaag Ibe DaUaa at 12:25 p. m.
direct caaseObona at Beppner Junction
Be amine luking direct eon aeruoc
at Heppoerjoactton aad Btgga with ho. 1. si
riving at Tne Dallas at 1:05 p. am,
For further partteolara, eaU on or address
J AC tstaijajiti, smu.
The Dalies. I
i. Oregon.
First llatiooal Bank.
. . . OREGON
Jao. 8. ScaascB.
tjao. a. Ljrbs.
f1rat-gaa5 to Every Respect
flafttt at III trours.
smsMifaVa with the
l Sunday,
i 6:00 a. m.
Leava Samk Kirar. . lsve
Bnatria Lewirton
lifem. : Klaartotohewaaon.
saw FaitMa aeslriaa
Dwaxawte isssiisd, abjaet to Sight
Dealt or Chech.
OoUacaonamadw aad 'Jr0C 7
Bight yyiyjljgrtf"r p'd '
P. P. Taoatfaoa.
Bo.M. 1
ll'awAfm iaVinaTt
Gilford's Fotofa N-tt Fad
Ji Frees 9L, aear Oesrt. The W
l court in tbe case of tbe the baa. Ask yoor g aar for