The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 04, 1901, Image 3

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    X Three
Days9 Sale!
of Fancy Dress and
Eventnft Waists
$ Many beautiful designs in rrch TatTettas
and Peau De Soie Silk, placed on sale for
Tuesday Morning
Fancy bine Taffetta Waist regular $6 50; sale 4.75
reualar 8.50; sale
Fancy stitched btk TafTett Waist, reg. 8 50; sale
" " " re. 9 00; tale
old rose
reg. 9 50; sale
reg. 10.50; sale
reg. 11.50; sale
reg. 15 00 ; sale
6 73
9 85
reg. 18.00; sale 1I.50
Remember these prices are for
Three-Day Only-Three
than Ever
V e'd bo disappointed if we could
not truthfully say each season that
our suits and overcoats are "bettor
than ever;" it's a sign that we're
keeping in front, each season a
little belter than last, getting new
ideas and improving on old ones,
learning something every day and
putting it to use for our custo
mer's benefit. This fall we say
"better than ever" with unusual
H. S. & M. suits and overcoats,
made expressly for Pease A Mays,
have the style, fit and service that
only first-class tailor-made clothes
can give.
Li. S. M. Suits and Over
coats, $12.30 to $23.00.
Sole agents American Hosiery Co.'s Under
wear, Monarch Shirts, E. & W. and Arrow
Brand Collar?, Shawknit Hosiery, Knothe
Bros.' .Suspenders and Belts of the finest make.
r i
My Lady's
sliould fit her foot. It's hard
er to make a good-fitting
slipper than a good-fitting
shoe. A slipper should bo
snug at the heel and not
bulge at the side. Wo take
too much pains with our slip
per stock to let anything get
in that i9 not exactly right.
We begin with the ordinary
house slipper at 85c andA$l,
and rise step by step to the
best in patent leather and kid
in straps and ties nicely trim
med at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00,
$2.50 and $3.
Blaketey's Drug Store,
Lowney'i Chocolate
fresH today
direct from factory.
Christmas Stock of I. wney's Choc
olate rearly (or inspection.
Fit e- thtn ever.
Watch on: windows
for the ro it th weeks.
We will thow roi a samite
o( what ws art going to have
(or Christ was.
M Mi MHuRB welve our
tii r-i. .. ilrtlve red i
pr'v.u'ttj'. in '' city .
All Good
Marked in
Plain Figures
The Mies fofly Cbwofete.
W EDNEtJDAY - - - DEC. 4, 1901
i ea a.. Cr ltaH 1
At Andrew Keller's.
AU Wun Cntr aMMli regtatered
prter tm Jaeeary 4. 199. will be paid
ob yiMMWHi at mmj aSw. Interest
I after Heveaaeer 1,
ConatT Ireaaurer.
Piotares enlarged at the Wilson pboto
irranh ral ler v. dec 4 -1 m
The Racket store ia the place to boy the road districts and voting precincts of
taro (nil sacks and his choice of the
chickens whose grub be stole.
Henry Hodson, Sr., brought to town
yesterday Miss Dora Nielsen who was
teaching a term of school at Long Hoi-
t. llattiet No. 30. when a case of
.amour, snpported bv Frederic Morphy
ind a strong company in Wilfred Clarke's
Ixndon success, "A Wise Woman."
The comedy is said to be an exceptional
ly bright piece of farcical writing. Fred-
etic Murphy, the leading man of the
Pleriacarredintheneihborhoc4h'5"tion, became well known to
' ...... .( Hit drama fhrnush hi
and the directors concluded to cow toe r TtiTlL s"
WIIU ffUlIP awaaww w
school a month before the expiration ofy00 connection
HI . '1 company.
the term
The Fortnightly was moat charmingly
entertained by Mrs. J. Morrell Russell
last Wednes lay afternoon, at her beauti
ful home on the hill. A new book,
"Granstaik," by (i. B. MeCutcbeon, baa
just been commenced. The club will
meet with Mrs. E. H. French Friday
afternoon, instead of Thursday, this
Commissioners Harriman and Evans
arri ved here today to attend an ad j turned
session of the county eoort to make
.k.i.. ohunim ma he necessary in
U.kV . V. j
Tonr Xmas Dreeenta. dec 4-lt
Remember Professor Bandvig'e dance
tonight at the Baldwin.
Go to the Wilson gallery for excellent
photos at reasonable prices. deo lm
Be sore and hear Irene Flynn in her
character songs at the Mamie Helen
Fiynn recital tomorrow evening.
Have yon seen those beautiful outing
flannel! night robes at the Backet?
They will make lowly Xmas presents.
There will be a business meeting of
the Epworth League this evening at the
M. E. church at 7 :30. All members are
requested to be present.
Next Sunday the services at St
Peter's Cathalic!chorcb will be conduct
ed bv a Driest from Portland. Father
p . in i.fjid cervices at the!
Kingeley church.
The piano oied by Mamie Helen Flynn,
at her recital tomorrow evening, will be
a Checkering, Concert Grand, shipped
bv Eiler'a Piano House, of Portland,
especially for the occasion.
O. L. Paqaet and Billy Central brought
to town yesterday trom Wapiaiti. thir
teen head of heel cattle which they sid
to Heisler 6 8on, of the Beat Eud meat
market, outaiog $3.05 for steers atd
(3.15 for eowa.
The Racket atore has just received a
large conaignment of Xmas goods such
as toys of every description, beautiful
toilet sets, collar and cuff boxes, shaving
aets, 'kereaisf and glove boxes, and
cbinaware in great variety. dec4 It
A. B. Eetebenet, better known as
Freoeble, baa moved bis agency for the
Trpy Liundry to thap. K. barber shop
wbwa ha a alaa aaaaveting a bootblack
ataiwt ..I I-! -1L in the eham Dion
sboe-sblaar of tbePaatfle Nortbweet.
If the fellow who dole a sack of
rhiokwi feed a law (law tan from the oot-
houae of Depot Sheriff Sexton wlH BA
nrn thiimnii eenw enenm nr nr-"1 vital
" aodrees, Ur. Boston pesGges us worw
i theconntv. 1MB DUSmess iormirij cam
before the January term of court but is
now, by a new law, made the business of
the November term.
Health Officer Van Anda reports two
new eases of diphtheria this morning in
the home of Mrs. Ellard on Eleventh
street. One is Mrs. W. A. France, aged
28 years, and the other Melliesa Ellard,
..ah 12. The uaarantine has been
raised from the residence of W. A
K-lrtiv. There are now eight houses
under quarantine and no more.
The Wasco Warehouse Milling Com
psny are doing everything in their
power to have the city lighted up nights
daring the holidays. At tue very lar
tbest they erpect to have the power
plant at WhiU river ready for operation
amadswaeeeey. The big flooring
mill m nracticallv ready to commence
grinding any moment tbe power is avail-
Th proprietors of tbe football fence
upon tbe bill have been annoyed very
much by some person or persons who
between games, mate large boles under
tbe fence, necessitating repairs before
games are polled off. Boys, pernape, oo
not know that they are uaoie w
for tbe same, but H tnia is conwnuru
they will learn positively as to tbe facta
ib tbe matter.
Sheriff Fraaier, of Portland, will be
here tomorrow to receive between fifty
and sixty bead of horses wbleb Jeff
Dripps has picked op daring tbe pest
week. The animals are for English
cavalry use in Snath Afrloa. They are
paired to be not less than 14j bands
high aad not yonnger thaa five years
nor older than nine. It makes ejinr
eeae whether they are broken er en
broken. For sown cayasea-Hbr that U
baytag warn ueuaaee
Manager Clarke wtkm a
t that be baa completed an
arrangements for tbe appearance at the
. tra 1.. anal.
mr a UAnaafl safMnlaaaT. UVOMDaAWf
w aaa m
Denntv Sheriff Wood and Officer
A rink y arrested at 2 o'clock this morning
an escaped convict named Charles Web
ber, fo r whose arrest Superintendent J.
B. Catron, of tbe Walla Walla peniten
tiary, offers a reward of $100. The ar
rest waa made at the freight depot where
Webber ww found occupying a box car.
Tbe officers bad been advised that Web
ber was probably beating his way to tbe
coast with the intention of leaving tbe
country and they were on tbe look out
for him. Webber waa serving a sen
tence of six years forfrighway robbery
committed in Seattle. He had served
nil bat nine months when he was pa
roled out and be broke his parole the
gated to be paid by tbe load instead of
by the day.
Complaint was again made that the
powder house, east of tba Wasco ware
honse waa still being used for storing
combustibles in spite of the tact that the
nwnera of the combustibles had been
reneatadlv ordered to remove them
Tbe marshal was again ordered to take
tbe door off tbe building without any
farther delay.
The treasurers report for tbe month
was as follows:
Nov 1 To bal including
opaid warrants. . . $2728 85
Cash receipts 177 W
Total $290(1 80
Warrants redeemed ano
returned $ 640 70
Interest on city bonds. . 600 00
Total H240 79
Bal cash Inluding unpaid war. $1666 10
lice 1 warrants unpaid. $126 10
Dec 3 war leaned in Nov 704 52
Interest on city bonds. . ow w
Total $1430 62
seems the "strike" of tbe carpentersl Deduct war.redeemed . ..1240 70
on the W. A. Johnston building, who re
fused to work with Meikeljobn, tbe
child-beater, isn't over yet after all.
It ia about the only strike Tbe Dalles
has ever had and all the facts ought to
be told. Among tbe strikers ww one
John Peterson. "Pete" didn't give a
arrant unpaid $ 18 02
AHlUhtenaah in excess of lia
bilities H476 18
The marshal ww instructed to enforce
forwith tbe ordinanw against all parties
who own obstructions on tbe public
w.ik.i; .Km km um.lmHi araa streets
LTLL I J I MH.rri iiu v v vujv . I
.1 MU . ,1 , 1 111. ....... a naa,l u lul
eeded to do tbe sympathetic wt ano me roiiowmg uw.. w
. -k . f s a. a. , ...m,.iI., Tlnnn
rtiie BirucE. uuiui ejmPtuj. u i
iSB a ei . m a eTlasa
;olug to the boss be demanded bis time Maier A Benton, wooo. eic ii . v
ordered paid.
Inti the hoaa a-ravelv informed him that
ie would give him ten years, "fete
left without a word and never came
Lack, either for his lime or anything
Ulee. It is supposed he doesn't know
the strike bw been declared off.
It ta Decided te Ualld w Sewera Ob
Liberty aad federal Btreeta.
S J Brown, tawing wood 6 60
3 00
80 W
11 65
70 00
4 00
ot honor ibwhe will gi whlTtbe other) of the Mlww Etbm Belch aad
Tbe regular monthly meeting of tbe
common coancil was held last nlgt.t
when the following buainws was trans
acted :
A petition ww presented by about
thlrtr taxpayers avking tbe council to
conelroet steps op tbe bluff on Trevitt
treat jwt vest of Sixth street. Tbe
council agreed to appropriate the sum of
$40 for tba work, conditioned on this
sum being paid Mr. Thomson oo toe
completion of tbe work.
W i af. Si1
Oa motion, city warrant o. on :v
$18,35 ww ordered canceled and tbe
reeo'der vw instroetad to notify tne
eity trewarejto that effect.
It ww ordered that lot 1, In block 6,
Bigelov's addition, belonging to French
aflr, and lalefy aaseeaed lor tbe Coart
aapt from i armor
k. z ww aetnenwa to eav
nloeaMor aaore teams to baal gravel
end fill an tba boles aad hollow pi
on tbe public strwU, tba teams
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and LI Mar Fuel.
Tne intrtxinciion of Coir's Orlgio' Alr-Tlsh. Heaii-r ',i rv.u'.lon
imd the healing stove irale in all sections of the United Stales. Ii won
derful economy in the ue ol fttel. and many other excslUnt iltllliS,
strongly rreammrnd it to all In nsi of a heating sieve.
A What Cote's Heater Will Oo.
jfc Thi stove w ill heat a roctn from aro to
80 degrees In live minutes.
-ffiBBee&W 11 Wl" ,"'t y'lr n0,,,e ,eB,T day and
U holds tiro .16 hours without attention.
Yon Lulid only one Are each winter.
It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and
com robe, and gives xctllent results with
this futl, which Is ordinarily wasted.
The 'stove Is light snd easily moved and
set op.
Thi- combustion is petfect and ashes are
uti..L.i it rtntv nfiliM 111 lull, UnfLl.
'gfi N ' the is waste-l the
jLS-JmDKzQ'z aw will save one-half ol join met run.
It l clwn, economical, convenient, ssfe
Every one ol's Original Alr-Tlght Heaters is guaranteed to Slav
air-tight as long as used. Where wood Is used for luel every family should
have one or more ot these stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON. The Dalles.
We arc Getting Nervous
Owing to the backwardness of the season,
for we still have an immenso stock of . .
Overcoats and Ulsters
that must be dilJpBl of consequently we
are making elraWtlVOUS reductions in
order to make a tijrooay clearance.
Satat VlNOOW8.
Just received an elegant line of Neckwear for
the holiday trade.
The Hub Clothing Co.,
W. MAKKIM.IK, Managsr.
Are yon prepared for the wet weather season?
Keofert A Condon, telephone
Heury tioeltner, sione woia
Wasco Wsreboose Milling Co ,
Andrew Velarde, work on engine
T..... Pi.b MK-lne anoii
iwviutf . v-, -- a a
afr. Brooks, aood
A J Love , labor 2 w
CV Cbsmplin, paid assesimeut
on crosswalk ' XT
Sexton 4 Waltber.sewercootract oOO 00
The treawrer reported that $2031 78
had bets collected ol tba assessment oo
tbe Court strwt sewer leaving 20d de
A motion was uuaoimously carried
condemning tbe Liberty rtrwt sewer and
plans and spwiflcatlons were oraarru w
be made forthwith for this wwer and also
for a sewer on Federal strwt, and the
mayor was antborisd to oppoint a com
mlttw to assws ibe cost of tbssa im
provements to tbe owners of property
which will be benefited thereby.
Tree Wrawleg.
T. A. Van Kordeo, ths Jeweler will
give a diamond ring frw to tba parson
drawing tbe winning nainoer e
Years' JEve. Ticket frw vita every 60s
paraawe. Diamond ring ea eablWt ia
tea anna ladew. W-
Tbe bwvy wind last nigbt blew down
Marly ball of tbe football fence oa the
bill. Tbe damage will be repaired al
We are headquarters for Umbrel
lasa good thing for you to know, if
you think of buying one. The above
picture shows our special
which is by far the best artielo ever
shown here for the price.
Touch the button it will do
tbe rest."
La lie' Oravenstte
made ia the season's
popular loose-titting
styleof a material
absolutely rain proof,
yet not uontaloing a
particle of robber.
"It's In tbs weav
Ing." Oalord grays and
tans 99
Jaat received anea
line ef Begfaasfcw