The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY - DEC. 4. 1801 EXTRACTS FROM PRES1 1 EST MESSAGE. President McKinley was tbe cost wiriolr Wed man in ail the United ed noble Stele' His assassin "larn and generous confidence into an op portunity to strike a fatal blow. Nothing lacking to complete tbe Judas-like infamy of the assassin s act; no baser deed in tbe annals of cnme." "Anarchy is no more an expres sion of social discontent tbar. pitting pockets or wife-beating. If ever it triumphant, its tr:umph wfll last for but one red moment, to be suc ceeded for ages by the gloomy night of despotism." An anarchist -is in no sense a product of social conditions, save as a highwayman is -produced' by the fact that an unarmed man happens to have a purse." It is not true that as the rich have grown richer, the poor have grown poorer. On the contrary, never be fore has tbe average man. the wage worker, the farmer, the small trader been so well off as in this country and at the present time. There have been abuses connected with the ac cumulation of wealth : yet it remains true that a fortune accumulated in legitimate business can be accumu lated by the person specially bene fited only on condition of conferring immense incidental benefits upon others. Successful enterprise, of the type which benefits all mankind, can only exist if the conditions are such as to offer great prizes as the rewards of success. In the Philippines, "there need not be the slightest fear of our not con tinuing to give tbe natives all the liberty for which they are fit, or of oar failing to show a sufficiently humanitarian spirit. The danger comes in tbe opposite direction." "Nothing could be more unwise tnao to disturb tbe business interests . . - - t.;- of tbe countrj by any general tariff revision at this time. Beciprocity must be treated as tbe band-maiden of protection.' "We should not longer submit to conditions under which only a trifling portion of our great commerce carried in our own ships." is T j , "I regard it as necessary to re- c enact immediately the law excluding Chinese laborers and to strengthen it wherever necessary in order to make it effective." Creation of great corporate for tunes is not due to tariff nor to any other governmental action, but to natural causes in the business world." Congress should be cautious in dealing with corporations, because "America has only just begun to assume that commanding position in tbe international business world which te believe will more and more be hers. Legislation should be undertaken only after calm in- quiry and sober aeH-resiraioL" One of tbe chief evib in new in dostrial conditions is over-capitalization. It most be corrected. . Combination and concentration should not be prohibited, but super vised and controlled Fuli and accurate knowledge as to corpo rations' operations should be made public regularly. If congress lacks the constitutional authority," tbe constitution should be amended. e Our negotiations with Great BdUinb... iD able to ley bef oie you s treaty which, if ratified, will enable us to begin preparations for an Isthmian canal at any time, and which guarantees to thig nation every right that it has ever asked canal. in connection wiib the I The fundamental rule in our national life the rnlc which iimler- lies all others is that, on the whole and in the long run. we shall go upj or dwo together. There are ex-1, ception.-: and in times of prosperity scme wil1 prosper far more, and ii times of ad vers; t s me w;li suffer far more than others: bu?. speaking Generally, a period of good times MM thst all share more or less in ibeir. and in a period of hard times all feei the stress to a greater or less It surely ought not to be necessary to enter ir!o any proof of this statement ; the memory of tbe lean years which began in 1893 is still vivid, end we can contrast tbem with the conditions in this very year ' which is now closing. Disaster to gTeat business enterprises can never K tntjt T wnli ho;d nothing on my have :ts effects limited to tbe men at 'stomach. Many times I would be nn the tnn. It snreads throuifhoiit. and ! able to retain a mortal of food. Finally while it is bad for evervbodv it is worst lor tnce largest oown. i ne Hdverti9eaien.? on Kodo; pepsl Cure capitalist may he shorn of his luxury : :jnd tvongj,: i; fit Ciy case and corn but the wace-waiker may be de- enc-d it nse. I began to improve prived of even bare necessities. BLSrlSES LOCALS 4 il aflal efc aaB aW P Clark a Faik are never closed Scndav. Oon't fornt ihi?. Ciartte A Fa:k have on aaie a full line of paint 9ti;l artist's brashee. B vnn can't come daring the week, ' too cm lave a s:t!int aaaav seeing (5ifforJ. nt9 j Fiora. iotinn wti ran wind chapping this condition. Thev stimulate the liver i and ranbarm. Ma:.aiac:ured by Cargai. . , 'mA hmmuh .t:, & Faik. antea i g:r jr woman u. ao muei- s )y chamber work. So ironing, and no children. washing, no ni2ti I lUl soon ie nere ana you ; haven't had that negative made yet. See Gilford right away quick. bI9 ! If anything ails your hair, go and see F rater . he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he , mare a arecsauv oi ;nese gooaa. u i Those artists' proofs. My ! but tbey are fine! One dozen will make juat twelve fine Christmas presents. Gifford is tbe man that makes them. nl9 Clark and Falk have just received a. fail line of fresh Velox papers and de velopers, the same as cjed by Mr. Lovick in bis recent demonstration at our store. The Elite barber shop is running four chairs thus ensuring patrons a speedy and satisfactorv service. All tooie 8teri;i2ed fend 0D:y tXem i,nndried towels used. n!6 im Christmas sale of miliinery at the Campbell 4 Wilson millinery pa lore. One-third cfT regular price of entire stock. Sale will continue until first of January. 25n-tf Acker s English Remedv will stop a coogn at any time, anu win cure me worst cuid io twelve hours, or money re funded. 25 cts. and 50 cts, Blakeley, tbe druggist. Wbv pav 1.7o per gabion for inferior . ' r u t e- r , 1 1 - rc-hen v.m nan bar Jtmf K. pattOD e sun proof paintt tor LS0 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 vears. Clark A Fa. a, agents. mJ Moki Tea poKtrrely cores Head ache, indigestion and constipating. A deiieiitlu'. herb drink. Bemuves al: emotions of tbe akin, imidueiaava per sect complexion, or menry refunded. 25 cts and SO cts. Btakaler. tbe dregxis'.. , , . " . Acker Dyspepeio Tablet are : on a positive guarantee. Cotes heart-burn, raising of tbe food, distress after eating or way form oi drenepssa. One little tablet aivt-e tramedtate re i let. so ets and 50 etc. Blakeiey . tbe druggist. Twer geee Shows the itate of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure bioo! makes itself apparent iu a pale and sallow complexion, Ptmplee and -t:u Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance yon shonid try Acker's Blood EUxir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sartaparillaa and so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Biakeie; rb druggist. Fine turkeys, fattened eapecially for tbe Carnaby Market. Hinaes' sweet m ..u a. t,u olive, sweet cider, apple butter, pickled tripe, pigs feet, sauerkraut, and other specialties too u 4 .Jii iv jo vv uitui iuj , i-awvs taw asesvs sai t v time at Cernaby's American Market, nJB-lm Try Van Nor Jet's for a perfect fit in I1' old or young, near sighted or SS2C JTirfa-W ML KMMiMjy WiFC SMCTsttissjsMsf sMsijy 4jssst Tea will not have boils if von take Cimrk cere tm i Gifford ' Fotofi Newer Fade t Groceries Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. Sired Bis Lif. "I wish to say that I owe n.y life to Eodol Dyspepsis Cure,"" writes H. C. Cbreslenson of Hayfieid, Minn. "For three vears I was troubled with dyspepsia ' I was conSned 10 my bed. Djctore said ! owe of vocr . I could not live. I read : from the first bottle. Now I em cured ' and recommend it to ah." Digests your food. Cores all stomach troubles. Clarke A Fa k s P. O. Pnarmacy. Health and Beauty Afoor corrtplexton is uaoa'Jy tbe re-1 oil of a torpid liver or irregniftr action of the bowels. Tnlee nature's refose is carried off it will eurel? cause impute j blood. Pimples, boi.e and other erupliona ; to'.iotr. Thie is nature's method of throwing off the ooisnns which the bowels tailed to remove. De Vt ht'e Little Ear; v j Risers are world famous for remedying: j g)UU UU1UM itUibi tiu ui uj wauMw j i nf rhft Vanwain hnt npvflr rtng flrTininff. ! mnM nr -- s., n.:n.. Ciarko i FU'8 P' - PhPniCT- "p aawwwata I; is a mystery wby women endure Backache, Headache, Xervousueaa Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and : Dizzy when thousands have proved tbmt Electric Bitters will quickly cure u Bfn.reri fnr with ( kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe I Cberley, of Peterson, la., "and a lame back pained me so I con id not draw my laattf hnt F.lertrir Bitten whol'v cared m . thnautt r. old I no. am ahle to do all my housework." It overcomes Constipation, improves Ap petite, gives perfect health. Only 60c at G. C. Biakeley's drug store. 3 Attractive Women. All women seneibly desire to be at tractive. Beauty is the stamp of health because it is tbe outward manifestation of inner purity. A nealtby woman is always attractive, biigbt and happy. When every drop of blood in tbe veins is pure a beauteous hush is on the cheek. But when the blood it impure, moreen , new , bad temper and a ealiow complex-1 ion tells tbe tale of sickness all to plain if. And women today know there is no ; beauty without health. Wine of Cardoi crowns women with beaut v and attrae-! ttvenesa by making strong and healthy thoss organs wnich make her a woman. Try Wine of Card ui, and in a month your friende will hardiy know you. FARM FOR SALE. Four hundred acres of deeded land situated sixteen miles south of Tbe Dalles, in tbe beet grain district in East- i ern Oregon, wili be sold at a bargain. , The land is nearly ail under cultivation ' nd ell improved, having a good boose, barn, granary and other ootbocaes, and aoincient wAer for fifty bead of horses ; during the dryest seasons, A windmill ; ! and cistern is constructed so as to furnish j water lor the hooae, stock and garden ' ,rr,sl,u"- e eum-ieoi pmuir for a small hand of stock and splendid hog paatore on the farm. For further particulars apply to Thbo. J. Sat'PEBT, rwt-1 mrU a Rot SR4 The fntllea When yonr hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. W have what tta hair needs when it gets In that con dition. We have m the Crown of Bcieoce Hair B Grower and Cocoabnt CrMoiW V Tonic. They will cure datid Ssssaf ruff and a:, scalp diseases. For sale at Fraxer's bar ber shop. Pries 60c and 76c a bottle. , If you want to retain yonr ya nave to keep your scalp clean K,t. ill make your hair harsh, dry aad erispy. Now we have two of the yery ue.ji prepmrauuus iut cwsneiog; sue calp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave yonr hair oft and glosev. g tvm , sW gnsMSW esrw vswaa waw an eavsrsssws Sa a iggui w j barber shop, Tbe Dalles. You saw tfaoes fine portrait frame at the caratvai? Tbey ate going very fast ; the supply is limited, and yonr pietare io one of tbem is jost tbe thing for Christmas. Gtfloid. n!9 Clarke Falk's fee tbe bast. Ask yonr r war for Groceries US. T. - sfst sfh afai sfb sfai JONES1 4 First-Class Regular Heals. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER... j Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served w at all "hrvn-rs tnrl in all stvles. w w w mmmm e 4 Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates and Confections. Always fresh. BUY A WILSON AIR-TIGHT HEATER and save fuel. THE WILSON has an OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn out We also carry a line of TRILBY AIR-TIGHTS. -sawwnsawjaassfjtjae. L. Lane, G ENTERAL .AMD... Wagon and Carriage Warfc. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Ttort ait JbUlt-gh. Pine 15! aia m m n J . l ,,,, PfOI. nOlTIBr Q6 MOlTISOn I Sspssl BSrsl sW i . aahtaston at r net- Rooms 23 30, rUKTLSXD, OgtttOR. ' i The first regtatet vfl as well a tbe Stat radu ate naloiat ever lu PurtlaitS- The worM'a i K eateat Tranet Clairvoyant aad can be couanlted dallr " al Halts o( if' Prof, de Horrit-m is witlratit a doabt tbe most scienUac Patici-t and :iairvoiaut in tot world MoaT be locate biddeu treasure, rerun ilea tbe separated, tells If tbere U miuera'., u.l. or gas on vottr land, enables you to win tn? alleclon of one yon desire. raimistrv taught. DMtiamiJtic persons devel ovsL Heels by the uses of bis revealed herbal leas: core chronic and o-caT.ed incurable dis eases. Prte treatment for the poor. Send 11, date oi birth and three qoeationa; aU letters anawered at ence, Locate lag VUlasa. Portland, ang. 10.- : de Morrison, oteolUst. (To the editor). Homer located by vision tfaebol Wiii stolen I rum tin- Sela? ; ainnleatad by letter the faats to Mr A ulMh. rner or i ass. lasatu raaiwiw. i "U U pleaalng be assured that the gold I totoafroej toa al0ySaana floras waa i faffOfrsaaa tKsat Saaas mlggfw ves that the story of the eoufessloo of the IkietanS Utelbai waa tvqwiaKt ia covering tbe gold waa a bane Cal Uop torgaeaaipaar et apatvaag t CaUiurn la lnen- uregoa of juat WM. MtCHELL, Unttertfttr mi Enttalmer Oar. Third and Wshlnton All to prompdv. disUase pboaesSS. Local, 10s. ? AMD NOIiAN. srlr CAFE. t I FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Basking Business. I Letters of Credit iseued available in tbe Eastern Slates. i Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers said nn Now York, Chicago, at. Louis, Ben Francisco, Portland Ore : son. Seattle Wash., and various points J in Osteon and Washington. UQMectioos maae at all points on fav orable terms. PACKERS OP 1 PORKand BEEF MAjrr f Ac-rr kjcks of Fine Lard and Sausages Carers of BRAND HAMS & BACON UBJFD BEEF. ETC. JUST ARRIVED ! The largest and most complete line of . . . HOIK nouM ever shown in the -aity are now on display at H. Glenn & Co s Paint and Oil Store. John Pashek, The Tailor, ' iost received 1600 1 oi tbe Mstaet paster na m Gent's Clotbiaf Goods. Ho guaran tees prices aad a good fit or no John Paahek, The Tailor. asss flmiB Oregon (fiaaasagrr I ssusc llaiiAfti ft a. en si UNION MsjcinC TiXK SCHEDULES nee TRE DALLES. west BOl'SD I j Chtcafro- rortlaua ' BpeeiaL liitb p. re. j Atlantic i Express, ! 12:io a. m. ThBoDl . Ington. 1 St. Panl i Fast Mail. . ::5p. m. vim Hno- Salt Lake, Oenver, Ft Worth. Omaha. Kan l-.uje, Chi cago and the Kant. l:10Jp. m. Salt Lake, Denver, TV. ! Worth, Omaha, an aakCltt.LaaU.Chi . cngo and the East. 4:50 a. m. WiIm Walla, Lewtaton.' , spckaae.WaUaea.f'nll- rosn, Minrieaneir, SX ; ''- s Paul. Dnlnth. :irao-' kee, Chicago and EaaL OCEAH AID 3EUTBS SCHEDULE Proas l'-rtlar.d. (All Bailing dates snb- wt tn ehanee I I S:00 p. m. . - . For San Praneiaoo, sail every b day. 4:00 p. m Daily ! except : Sunday. Saturday. Cslaaabta Blear. To Astoria and Way Landing. 4:00 p. m. except Bonday. 10:0) p. m. Daily Wtllaaaette Stiver. Oregon City. Serrberg. saiem, Independenoe, and a ay -Landings. 4:90 p. m. except fianday. i Bunt) ' 6 00 a. m. TBMlay. Thursday, Ratnrday, 0:CKa. m. 4:V) p. in. Monday, Wednpsdey Friday. CorvalUs and Way- TnauiaT. Wttlemetae urn ' 0 p. m. tamhltl Ktrera. Monday, , Thursday . fiatnrday. , T:80a. m. Oregrm City, Dayton and Wc?.'7 nuv-Lanamn. Leave iRlp-ri. idajty, 3:40 a. m. Snake River. Riparia to Lewtaton. Leave Lewiston daily. B:S0 a. tu. mm rartiea aealneg tn no to Beppner or points on Coram1 Southern via Biggs, abotild take No. 2, ha martna- direct at 123b p. m. jnncnon i, a Bum. KMnmina bm at Heoouer inaction and Bigg with riving at The Dalles at 106 p. riving rprm. for iurther particulam I on or address jAXD, Asent, The Dalles, Oregos. Complete of M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. . s. sesawes, ftessaanu Max A. Voer. cashier First HatioiHl Baok. THB DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Beslneas transacted Deposits reajgaana, gahfMBt to eight Draft or Cheek. CbUeotioas made and proceeds nroniptly rasMadoav if vWksstion. richt and TilsaiMtli ii luiiir 1 Sew Turk, fisa Trsssssisoo mad von- Oil D. P. Tac ino. 8. BcMsacx. Eo. M. Wt BO. A. LfSBB. . BBALL. Tie IILIWll EiBKT W- W. WILSO IT, Saasftr. piwt-Qats 19 Every l)espet. Ifilsavt.r)arf. PMVATS PMaimk wfcWVED. The table always supplied with the best io tbe It Front St.. agar Otcrt. TU Dsliss. 1 i aocxn