VOL. XIII THE DALLES. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1901. NO. 24T !ma Tiur ic The Kind Ton Have Always Boojrht. in use tar over 30 years, has borne the and has been made under his sonal supervision since Ha infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Great Reduction Sale af HV IgHgusaiBTX. 25 er ceot off on LAMES' COLLARETTES and SCARED If you have waited to buy, now is the time. 20 her cent off OO Jul HACHINTMICft and now is just the time you need them. Our prices on above goods have always been the lowest, and with 20 per cent, off, you get a Bargain that is worth taking up. You get a good coat for little money. Remember you can always get bargains at "THE PAIR" Where Prices are Always the Lowest 133 Second Street. THE DALLES, OR. BEING LOST SIO REWARD. Loot, on oh of tbe streets of The Dalles, lody'e sold watch. Ton dollars reward will be given for iu rotors to too Orogoe oaken. 2.0a M Ote Cetd. After exposure or when 70a faat a cold cootiof 00, tako a dues of Foley's Honor aodTar. It never fails to atop e orid If takes 10 time. Clarke 4 Falk. Pole? Hooey w Tar Americans Are Making It Worn for the Sonar Rebels Lnkban Is Anxious to Negotiate Term of Surrender. Manila, Dec. 3. Advices from Cat balogan, capital of the island of Samar, report that the insurgent General Lut- ban has offered to negotiate terras of surrender with General Smith. To tbla offer the American commander replied that the time for negotiations had passed. Lieutenant Commander James M. Held, commanding the United States gnnboat Frolic, daring November de stroyed 147 boats engaged in smuggling aoppliea to the insurgents. General Smith has ordered all male Filipinos to leave the coast towns for the interior. In order to be allowed to re tarn they mast bring gone, prisoners or information of the whereabouts of insur rectionists. Five hundred natives of Catbalogan have volunteered to fight insurgents in order to bring peace to Samar. Of these 100 have accepted. They are armed with boloe and spears, and are doing scouting duly nnder command of Lieu tenant Gompton. At daylight yesterday Lieutenant Bains, of the Ninth Infanry, attacked and destroyed a rebel fort, inflicting heavy loss, and captured the officers' breakfast, which included canned goods. He fonnd at the fort an arsenal with ap pliances for making and reloading cartridges. The American marines are working havoc with the insorgent cause in the southern part of Samar. Lieutenant William B. Fletcher, commanding the gnnboat Quiros, baa destroyed twelve alt manufactories, thirty five tons of hemp, twelve tons of rice and several barrios, which served as rendezvous for the insurgents. Or BeneOt to You. D. S. Mitchell, Fulford, Md. : "During a long illness I was troubled with bed eores, was advised to try DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and did so with wonderful results. I was perfectly cured. It is the beet salve 00 tbe market." Sure core for piles, sores, boror. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke ft Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. stusd People. . a ... 1 WW t S are tbe best advertisers ior ruiey Honev and Tar and all who use it agree that it is a splendid remedy for coughs, or sore I nogs. Clarke ft Falk. Old Soldier's Bsperlrac. M. M. Aostio, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes : "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doe- tor's treatment, oot was wnouy cureo by Dr. King's How life Pills, wbic'i worked wooden for her health." They always do. Try tbem. Ool 26c at G. C. Blakeley'e drag store. 8 Obes. ReplogJe, Atweter, O., was in verv bad shape. He soys : "I suffered a greet deal with ay kidneys ood was requested to try Foley's Kidney Cure. I did so and in four days I waa able to go to work again, now I am entirely well." Clarke ft Falk. CASTORIA For Xa&mta and Children. ft. KM Yoi Han Always Bottf.. New Goods for the Holidays coming in daily M and not yet oil In. A Holiday Sale of Ribbons t Wholoaale Prices e ond leas. The Ribbon lVpartment--always a department of prominence in this -tore -tanks foremost thin week by virtue of its unutual'y attractive offering. Commenc ing Thursday morning at 8 o'clock sharn, we start a sale of Ribbons, that for volume and low ur ices will v t eclinae anvthinw of tha kin I aver alttmnt.l hn alt h.r by ourselves or others. About 5000 yards of the beat ell-sllH Gros-grain-baek Satin Ribbons, ATrorr ftilb 1N1iKimc m ji WWW? f " .wvr.io, ri Fancy Silk Neck Ribbons, Widths from s8 to 5 inches Ribbons here for all purposes and especially good styles for sashes, neckwear and fancy work. Who would not gladly own Ribbons and lota of them, when prices run like this : The number 3 in. Ribbons, reduced to 5c per yd 4 I in. to ?0 . 5 1 in. " " Gc ' " 7 14 i. 10c H " 9 1 in. ' " " 10c 44 14 12 2 in. 44 44 41 15c 44 16 2 in. " " 44 15c 44 " r. 22 2 in. 44 4 4 44 20c 44 " 40 3 1 in. 44 4 4 " 25c 44 " 60 5 in. 44 44 44 30c ? 44 All fancy Sash Ribbons, special 50c per yard. 7 M Wv X yr.eiA EBBBBBBBaKTeaaaw Clothing Department SPECIAL J Boys' Reefer Coats at S!ss 4 to 8 years; mails of heavy-weight gray oxford cloth, blue chinchilla and blue boucle cloth with velvet collar oad strong linings $1.95. Regular prices 3 60 and t8. Come to us for your Hats' A. M. WIIXIAMS CO. Bears tbe i of oh Didn't Wear a Maafe. Bat ber beauty was completely hidden by sores, blotobos and rim plea Ull she Bock loo's Arnloa Salve. Then they vanished as will oil Eruptions, n. a a arc a , fl.LM.Ju fever sores, cons, uwere. vwuiw and Peioos from Its use. Infallible for rr. nnmmm Rr.rni ftWlda and Piles. Core guaranteed. 25c at O. C. Blokeley's drag store. . IHm't tie tt Im, wet tbe affeetad port freely wits Pais Care, o sootcb osoody. slofoso. sold by Cbtrkw ft folkv oaxrawATiajpi a. atorgaa'a Art asaOW Ural a road N Another ridiculous food fad has been oranded by tbe most competent author ities. They have dispelled the eiljy no tion that one kind of food is needed for brain, another for muscles, snd still an other for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, bat it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indi gestion or dyspeysia. Yon most pre pare for tbelr appearance or prevent their com ins bv taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the health v millions. A few doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver to boaltby anion, purines the Mood, snd mokes you frl buoyant and vigorous. You con get Dr. G. C. Oteen's reliable remedies at Blakeley'e drog store. Het Grose's 6periat Almsn e. 1 An vaagalUl'e Story. "I suffered for sears with bronchial or lung trouble and tried various remedies bat did Lot obtaio permanent relief until I commenced osing One Minute Cough Core," writes Rev. James Kirk man, evangelist of Belle River, III. "I have no hesitation io recommending It to all f uff-rers from maladies of this kipd." Ooe Minute Cough Core affords immediate relief for coughs, colds sod all kinds of throat and long troubles. For croup it is unequalled. Absolutely eafe. Very pleasant to take, never faiia ond la really a favorite with tbe children. They like It. Clarke ft Falk's P. O, Pharmacy. Tt Caeses Might Alara. "One sight my brother's baby was taken witb Croup." writes Mrs. J. C. sadder, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed it woo Id strangle before we could get a doctor, sows soyo it Dr. King's Nsw Discovery, which gavs quick relief aod oermaneotlv cared it. We always aaep it is tbe boose to protect oar children from Creep ood Whooping Cough. It eared ass of a rhwie brooebiel trouble that oo other remedy woald relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat ssd Long trochlea. 60c aod 11.00. Trial bottles free si O. C. Blakolcf ' drag store. 1 a gasso of eodsaertsss. Tbe beodqaarVrt of Toe Delist sad fssaMrir stso Hse U b'hs at the Orion Ms HotcL fstage lest a Users fay bee- Ike seery awrslsr. eases sssdoy, at asaft, PttHmw rate tsfeatiaalt. PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. Sexton & Walther Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THE DALLES, OlEOOJI. A fall Use of BRIDGE ft BEACH SUPERIOR STEEL BANGS, sgei Cook ood Heating Stoves. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Agents for Hooslor Drills. J. I. Oaositcri Fsraa Harroaa and Plows. Serine Tooth Harrows. Blase 11 Chilled Fiona, Mltebril Waf oos and Hacks, HOooey Boggles. ...Star Windmills... With Ball aod Rllsr bsarlsgs.aod fully warranted. Write us for prices aod catalogues. All orders eotroMrd to ua sill have prompt attCSUOO. Prioss oiwsys right. Tbe oaly Esclaalvo Hardware Store la tea rity. HI I BM aSSSMaaa"'weysssks. WEAK NERVES. There Is not cost of sorvoos east so i Is tbe werki today (no matter what the seoae or of bow lesf Stasdlajf) that tbo use of LINCOLN SIX UAL PILLS iooordlaajfc directions, which arc simple aod very cosy to follow , jslU fril j to peemtoeeUr care. Wb? do yos rsmaia ceak eaaa LINCOLN SEXUAL FILL SHU SCOBS yOO SMSSfT Price, l 00 per boo-bsf of m. Daaasu. saaat. rac oaiias vrasscr, 00m f Wfsjsc, UA. Poley'B Honey 4 Tar vmmm oi mm pmmmmm Mm lSslp-ajL awe fits j.e.TsawfTiftejaju