The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 03, 1901, Image 3

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    I u. t L
than Ever
! Three
Days' Sale!
of Fanci) Dress and
Evening Waists
Many beautiful designs in rich Taffettas
and Peau De Soie Silk, placed on sale for
Tuesday Morning
Fancy bine TaffetU Waist regular f6 50; sale 4 75
" " .... regular 8.50; eale
Fancy etitched Mk TafFetU Waist, reg. 8 50; sale
" S " " " reg. 9 00; sale
old rose
ecru .
reg. 9 50; Bale
reg. 10.50; eale
reg. 11.50; sale
reg. 15 00; sale
6 73
9 85
reg. 18.00; sale 11.50
Remember these prices are for
Three-Day Only-Three
w e'd be disappointed if we could
not truthfully say each season that
our suits and overcoats are "better
than ever;" it's a sign that we're
keeping in front, each season a
little better than last, getting new
ideas and improving on old ones,
learning something every day and
putting it to use for our custo
mer's benefit. This fall we sav
"better than ever" with unusual
H. S. & If. suits and overcoats,
made express' for Pease fc Mays,
have the style, fit and service that
only first-class tailor-made clothes
can give.
li. S. S M. Suits and Over
coats, $12.56 to $25.00.
Sole aeents American Hosiery Co.'s Under
wear, Monarch Shirts, E. ft W. and Arrow
Brand Collars, Sbawknit Hosiery, Knothe
Bros.' Snspenders and Belts of the finest make.
. V 'A (J
My Lady's
should fit hor foot. Tt's hard
er to mako a good-fitting
slipper than a good-fitting
shoe. A slipper should bo
snug at the heel and not
bulge at the sido. Wo take
too much pains with our slip
per stock to let anything get
in that is not exactly right.
We begin with the ordinary
house slipper at 85c and $1,
and rise step by step to the
best in patent leather and kid
in straps and ties nicely trim
med at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00,
$2.50 and $3.
All Goods
Marked in
Plain Figures
5t MAYS.
The Dalles Dally ttftffifefe.
DEC. S. 1901
Served I
I M 1
At Andrew Keller's.
All Win County wiU reflstaraO
prior to January 4. ISM. will ba paid
on presentation at my . tataraas
i alter w ovankcr 1 , l we a.
County Treasurer.
Don't forget Professor Sandvig'e
dancing claee tomorrow night at S :30.
Engineer Larry Hayes, of the O. B.
& N. Co., ie seriously ill at St. Vincent',
The sals of reserved seats for the
Mamie Helen Fiynn Dramatic and
Musical recital is on at Clarke & Falk's
drpg store.
Toe local lodge of Foresters are re
minded that the annul election of lodge
officers will take place Friday night,
December Gib.
The receipts in the clerk's office for
sundry fees dnring November amounted
to $456.90, as compared with 278 four the
eo -responding month of last year.
Lost A Masonic charm, composed of
a moia agate with G formed in the agate
and the square and compete attached. A
s a table reward will be paid for its re
t un to Clarke & Falk's drug store.
Licenses to wed ware issued yesterday
afternoon to J. H. Proat and Mrs.
Hattie Belie BorUogame. of Wamic,and
to Edgar Barllngame, of Wamie, and
Isabella McCoy, of North yaaima.
Fred Oleeon, bead of the gbpte'l
furnishing department at Pease & Maya'
has accepted a position as traveler lor a
wholesale establishment in 6an Fran
cisco and will leave The Dalles on the
One of the features of the Mamie
Helen Flyon recital, Tbareday, Dec. 6tb,
will be the "Curse Feene," act 4, scene
3 from "Leob the Forsaken,'' given by
Miss Flyanlnnostomeand with special
stage settings.
Tonight ie ladles night at the elnb
rooms. The gentleman of the olab
would like to see a good representation
of toe ladies. Bowling will be free to
the ladies and a piano has bain placed
in the rooms for their special oat.
A couple of weeks ago the steamer
Regulator came lata collision with the
loader of. a dxodga jn tits WUlsnatts
river, silking the tender midships to
that tea sank immediately In fifteen
into the
the Regulator, from all blame. The
collision occurred during an intensely
thick fog.
Miss Irene Flvnn, who ie considered
by the press very fine in character songs,
will render several numbers at the
Mamie Helen Fiynn, Bote Bloeb-Bauer,
Reginald Hidden recital Thursday, De
cember 5th. Jamee 3. Fiynn. the baritone-tenor,
will also sing at this recital.
Orecon apple-growers are reaping a
harvest from their crop this year, owing
to tbe demand of their product from tbe
East, says tbe Portland Telegram. A
shortage of the apple crop elsewhere is
tbe cause. Oregon apples are bringing
from sl.50 to t2 a box for shipment
East, where the price, after adding 1
for the freight is about 3.
George R. Campbell, son of tbe late
W. E. Campbell, himself a deputy U. S.
surveyor as was bis lather tor many
years, baa just been awarded a $10,000
government contract for the survey of
the Qainault Indian reservation, in
Washington, which whan platted will
open to settlement a tract of approxi
mately 12 townships. The bid was sub
mitted to tbe department last July.
Invitations were received today by
Sheriff Kelly and Deputies Beaton,
Wood and Alisky, from Sheriff Totten,
of Skamania county inviting tbem to be
present at tbe execution of tbe mur
derer, James G. Green, which takes
place at Stevenson next Friday morning
where they attended the funeral of The
odore, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore H. Liebe. Little Theodore, as
be was familiarly called, waa just fifteen
years of age, and waa well known here
having attended The Dalles public
school last year. His father being In
Alaska at present makes tbe sad occa
sion all tbe more pethetical. The de
ceased had been ailing for some time
with what was at first supposed to be
rheumatism but which developed Into
abcessee in various parts Of the body
including the stomach.
There are two odd facts In connection
with "Yon Yonson" which is soon to be
seen fn this city at the Vogt. First,
that it is tbe only Swedish play that has
ever had a run in New York. The
second is that it is tbe only Swedish di
alect comedy-drama that has ran for ten
successive seasons in two lands. Both
in England and in America it has been
playing to tremenduoue holiness and
from tbe outlook so far this season it
will remain successful for many mc
yeir. Tbe company this season is
surely tbe best ever sent out io this
nlay. and with the new sceneiv snd
other accessories is destined to plsy a
notable engagement in this city.
The play "A Lion's Heart" drew a
good house at the Vogt last night, not
withstanding the unfavorable weather,
and was well received, as it richly
deserved to be. The plot of tbe play is
lUlCDtBlJ luiricstlllg, wn.mri i " WW.
between tbe boors of 6 sod 10 o clock. , -roond pierp Birardo, a lion tamer,
As some one has got to sbide by tbe. . , cbiUafi
German army. Sent on a mission into
Russia, he committed a most serious
blunder, snd he suddenly found himself
wanted by two armies at one time to be
shot as a spy. His father cursed him,
bis patrons deserted and ha friends
derided him. He escaped with his Hie
in time to flee the country. Today this
son of a Russian count is rolling salt
barrels on a New York dock."
Mark at Oar at Paadletoa.
office Mr. Kelly chooses to remain and
tbe others will attend, leaving here
Thursday afternoon.
Judge Bennett and B. S. Huntington
left to!ay for Goldendale where they
are interested in the caae of tbe State of
Washington vs Harry Dann, who Is
charged with selling whiskey without
license. Dunn ir the conductor of
"Clnb' where s member b paying
"dues" to tbe extent of 10 cents, can gat
a pull at a bottle of whiskey. Tbe caae
was tried at tbe last term of the superior
ourt but the jiry stood onto too. blnee
bat trial Dunn was arrested on a elm-
l.r fhtm and fined ISO. Tbe latter
case has been appealed to th supreme
After an illness extending over three
years Louis Fredrick Sandos died at bis
who e wife and child arsatolen from bim
by Gaspard Dobre. Carl A. Haswin, as
Rzardo, acquitted himself grandly in a
most difficult role, and Carroll Daly, aa
Dobre played the consummate villain to
perfection. Tbe comedy features of the
play were admirably sustained by
Blanche Carlyle and Louis Binebart as
lovers snd a young married couple,
wtose antics at times set the house in a
"There is no city fn tbe world with so
many foreigners ss New York," writes
tin Bev. David M. Steele in an article
on "Tbe inner wide of toe town, in
tbe December Ladies' Home Journal.
"Nor is there any class of persons io the
city among whom there are to many
.'queer case's.' I met a man in tbe
Bowery one cold, wet, winter night sell-
lag sbos-lsaas. He looked sa hungry
Tbe second Tuesday of each month is
set apart for a market day in Pendleton
Tbe plan was inaugurated in October,
and will be continued Indefinitely, or at
least as long as tbe present success is
maintained. Tbs number of farmers
and stockmen in attendance has been
fair, with a tendency to increases) the
subject becomes better advertised, and
those who have livestock and farm pro
duce to sell become better satisfied that
tbey can in this manner find a good
market for what tbey hare to sell.
A "market day" was suggested by
Mr. R.C. Judson, industrial agent of
the Orenon Railroad and Navigation
Company, and carried out acco'ding to
bis suggestions, be being ably assisted
by the Pendleton Commercial Associa
tion, which organisation appointed Mr.
B. T. Cox as a committee of one to
handle it.
At tbs two market-day fairs already
beld tbe intereet was good. Alta street,
near Main, was selected as tbs place
where tbe stock snd produce offered for
sale waa to be placed on exhibition. All
forenoon on tbe two fair days tbe sellers
and buvers were present in numbers,
and a great amount of stuff was sold.
Tbe sellers were not Irom Umatilla
county aloue, some being pretwaU I'oai
other counties in Oregon and Washing
ton, while Iters were a few on baud
from Idaho. The wants of the buyers
wre numerous sod vailed, miming
through the list of ebicksus, Belgian
hues, dueks, geese, nogs, cattle, sSeep.
horses, etc., and all kinds of farm pro
duce and farming implement. North
west Livestock Joorna'.
leesflsad la
borne on Mill creska) 8 p. ra- ysstarday, Uhat I took bin to a restaurant, where,
Proem her 2d. rTbs caon (A death waTUfter I bad given bim something to sat,
... . . . . LI. I. il . M , U. ..Ik A
be gave mo nis evaworac.
five languages Italian, Spanish, Ger
man, French and Arabic -with equal
floeaey, bat did not know a word of
English. But who was he? A man of
tiirty flvr. well educated, wall con
nected and wall brad. For nve years
altar graduating be taught Sanskrit la a
kswlnf actad as the foreign dlplosasMs
Li h.ML. -m ,, J-t1 U.
complication of liver and heart trouble.
Mr. Baodos was born m weuenaiei,
Switserland, 45 years ago. He leaves
a wife snd five children, four of whom
re at borne, wbile tbe ntb, the ajnaat
daughter, is married to a neighbor,
Ernest B-Joomi Tbe funeral will take
plane from tbs residence tomorrow at 10
o'clock a. an., and tbe procession is ea
pentad to reach tbe Ode JUo ws
tery. where tbe In tares sat will
plane, at about 1 o'clock p. ss.
Mr. aad Mia. qie . UW(
.-A tfr.'. Harrv C. Liebe snd Mms
returned from Portland
eoaimonidoa1 be enlisted
in tbe Secret Inlnrmation Service ef tbe
I A..a
r i
Vw. amat mind the
wcatbar, if your
WlUlsetM & CO.
Blakeley's Drug Store,
176 30 St.. THE OAt.LBS
Lownsy'i CHocolatoa
VeaK today
direct from factory.
Christmas Stock of Loney's Choc
olate ready for inspection.
Finer thun ever.
Stttl. ONIlklta i-Tlvc our
prnunat atteuUun.
Watch our windows
f r the r t thrta wetk.
We wiil show you a samp If
of what we are going to have
for Christn as.
Rvvt racne. iutT4 trm,
vrniilt. In th plljr.
Trilby arid Cole s Original Air-Tight Healers
For Wood end Lighter Fuel.
- Te Introdoctlon of Cole'srigin' Alr-Ttf lu Bsatsv ha rrvilntlon
iawl the heating atov trade in all ctloiia of lbs United Sie. If won
derful economy in th uie of fuel, and many other earelUnt qualities,
strongly rvcmnmrnd it to all In neel of a heating stte.
What Cote'e Heater Will Do.
ThU stove will heat a room from ro to
80 degrees In live minute.
It will heal v .Mir home evenly day and
It hold fire M hours without attention.
iou 1'Ulld only one fire each winter.
It burns chips, bark, leave, paper and
coin col ", nn 1 gives etceltent reull with
this fust, which Is oidlnarily wasted.
The stove is lisht and easily moved and
set up.
Th comhmtlon la perfect and aahs are
removed only once In lour weeks.
Nnc of the beat Is wanted and the stove
nill save one-half of your l iel hill.
It Is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Kverv one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heater Is guaranteed to star
alr-ttght aa long aa used. Where wood is used for fuel evcrv family should
have one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
rtganaarsn ssjp sawi
We are Getting Nervous
Owing to the backwardness of tho season,
for we still have an immense stock of . .
Overcoats and Ulsters
that must be disposed of -consequently we
are making enormocis reductions in
order to make a speedy clearance.
Just received an elegant line of Neckwear for
tho holiday trade.
The Nub Clothing Co.,
W. MAKKILLIK, Manager.
Are you prepared for the wet weather season ?
Wo are headquarters for Umbrol
las a good thing for you to know, if
you think of buying one. The sbove
picture shows our special
which is by far the best article ever
shown here for the price.
"Touch the button it will do
the rest."
U lis' Gravsnstte
mads la the season's
popular looss-titilng
style of a material
absolutely rain proof,
yet not containing a
parllals of rubber.
"It's In the wsav.
Ogford grays and
taat SIS
Just received a aa
lias of Raglans for
A. it. wtxrjfAXa d.
Jobasaoa. the aaaster