The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 03, 1901, Image 1

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    ffl Ik flteUei
NO. 240
3. 1901.
The Band Too Have Ahvavs
in nw fcr over 90 years,
- si-
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Jnst-as-good " are but
Experimants that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Jt is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narontio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Bill Hnsdjr Will introduce
Washington, Dec 2 Representative
Moody will re-introduce the doable
mimimnm land bill npon which be se
cured a favorable report at the last
session , also a bill for an assay office at
Baker City, and a bill to dispose of the
unsold portion of Che Umatilla reserva
tion. He expects to introduce a bill
enlarging the Portland postoffice after
consulting the supervising architect as
to the possibility of enlarging on the
plans that had bis endorsement at the
last session. As soon as the data called
for by the senate resolution are attain
able, Mr. Moody will introduce a bill
for the relief of The Dalles military
wegon-road settlers. Mr. Moody expects
to assist bis colleague in the rivers and
harbors committee iu securing liberal
appropriations for the Columbia river,
and hopes tbe coin in it tee will indorse
the canal projct for overcoming the
obstructions at Celilo and the dalles.
He will take an active interest in land
legislation with a view of securing as
sistance in that direction for Eastern
Oregon, die says that if no general
policy is adopted, be feels confident of
securing, through tbe geological survey,
a continuation of topographical surveys
made last year in Baker county into
Grant, Harney and Malheur countus
and hopes to bave a few experimental
artesian wells sunk in the semi-arid
sections of bis district.
Teal of aubnaailoe Boat.
Nsw York, Dec. 2. The Holland sob
marine torpedo-boat Fulton still lies at
the company's tuning up plant at New
Suffolk, L. I., where tbe recent 15-bour
teat was conducted. She woo Id have
started for Washington last week, where
she is to spend tbe winter, bat ber de
parture was postponed to give a trial for
tbe benefit of a representative of tbe
Norwegian government. Tbe Fulton is to
make tbe trip to Washington by the out
side route and bave a taat of her sea
worthiness for deep-water rons, osing
her own power only. She will be ac
companied probably by tbe company's
vacbt Giralda or a tog.
Chicago, Dec. 8. Tba International
Livestock Exposition was formally
Pned base toaigbt before an apprecia
tive throng that crowded tbe amphi
theater. Mavor Harrison, Secretary
Wilson aas) Governor Yates spoke. A
of arisew inning horses and a
coonart preceded tbe speecbmaklng.
Mayor Harrlausi delivered tbe address of
BdmM. and wt.1. ta.
hnn hnmn tVi
Has been made under bis
supervision since Its Infancr.
no nnA tn4Mwhntmn In this.
Signature of
welcome. Secretary Wilson was greeted
i.with !ond applause. His remarks were
largely on tbe importance of tbe cattle
business in the United States. He said
that wbile tbe cattle ex ports from this
country were worth $8,000,000, the great
market was at borne, among our own
people, and under car own' flag." "Tbe
' horse," said the speaker, "is with ns
tonight, and he will be with us through
the ages when theautomible and bicycle
are in the junk pile. No man ever rode
a bicycle who bad owned a borse ; no
man would own an automible who an
derstood the beauties of tbe borse."
Tbe audience was still applauding
when Governor Yates arose and bade
the visitors to the show and to the con
ventiou of tbe National Livestock As
sociation welcome to tbe slate.
Am-rlcan Buy Mot Ship.
New Yobk, Dec. 2. According to the
Tritanc's correspondent a romor is cur
rent in Liverpool to the effect that
another shipping deal, involving the
sum of 8,000,000, is under negotiation.
American interests are, it is said, about
to take over the large shipping business
of Bamael A Co., wbose Sbell Line of
steamers, consisting of twenty-seven
vessels, is well known. Tbe Borneo and
Et stern oil interests held by Samuel A
Co. are stated to be included in tbe deal.
Agalaaldu'a Treachery.
Leavxmwobth, Kas., Nov. SO. A
letter received at Ftrt Leavenworth says Chaffee has recommended that
Againaldo be brought to this c ontry.
It is slated tbat he bas been defected in
carrying on a treasonable correspondence
an 1 trying to stir up strife. Againaldo
is a close captive, rut advices received
bere say Chaffee believes the leader's
presence in tbe islands is responsible
for the insurgent recent activity.
Agreement KtarhiS.
Copkxmagb'4, Dee 2. A foil ag'oe
ouent bas been reached between Denmark
and the United Slates lor the sale of tbe
banian Wast Indies. Tba treaty will
probably ha signed tbfs work at Washing
ton. Tbe pries fixed is between four and
five million dollars.
re tba best advertisers for Foley's
Honey and Tar and all wbo ose it agree
tbat it is a splendid remedy for ooogbs,
or sore longs. OlarksAFalfc.
Foley's Honey mi
Oar Lawmakers Take Up Their Im
portant Work Large Crowds of
Spectators Attend Opening Session.
Washington, Dec. 2. The opening of
the first session of ths fifty-seventh con
gress at noon today drew to tbe capitol a
great throng of spectators, eager to
witness tbe scenes of animation which
mark the annual reassembling of the
Nstional lawmakers. Although the
actual work of the two houses was noi
to begin until 12 o'clock, tbe historic old
structure, now refurnished from end to
and until it shone witb marble, gilt and
rich decorations, was astir long before
tbst boar.
It was an ideal day to bring oat the
the public, s jnny and warm, with just
enough bresie from the south to lazily
stir the flags over the Capitol, some of
which were raised for the first time since
the ad joarnment of congress nine months
ago. Ibere were no entrance restrictions
and the crowds flowed uninterruptedly
into the building. Many ladies were In
the throng, including the wives and
families of senators and members, as
well as many of tbe feminine representa
tives of the cabinet, diplomatic and
executive circles. Senators and members
began arriving early in the day, and
there was tbe usual handshaking among
old friends and informal talk of the work
Tbe veteran senator from Iowa, Mr.
Allison, was one of tbe first to reach the
senate wing, and resume bis work as
chairman of tba committee on ap
Senator Jones, of Arkansas, the demo
cratic floor leader in the senate, was so
other early arrival, and had a circle of
bis democratic colleagues in tbe cloak
room discussing tbe session's programme.
Sneaker Henderson did not reach the
bouse wing until shortly before the
session opened, and remained in the
private room of tbe speaker conferring
witb members daring tbe formalities
preceding his re-election as speaker.
Sheriff Attached a Train.
(Ji'theie, O. T., Dec. 2. Saturday's
westbound Choctaw passenger train was
attached by the sheriff of Perksborg,
Okla., and detained until a judgment o!
$79 was satisfied. When the engineer
was about to leave tbe station, be found
thai his engine was prevented from con
tinuing on its journey because of a log
chain wbicb bad been fastened to it by
tbe sheriff. A discharged employe bad
secured the attachment. H. E. Yarmeo,
treasurer oi tbe road, was in ms private
car at tbe rear of the train, accompanied
by a party of Eastern friends. After
parleying witb tba determined sheriff for
about half an hoar, Mr. Ysrmen paid
the judgment, then tba train was re
leased. He Wu I'adonMrair Gailltr.
An ia jieirro named Knhraim, hav
ing been sworn on the jury in a mur-
er trxu in one or toe souinern aieirn,
f rw KMitlkp film- M tubbornlv resisted a
verdict ot guilty for no other appar
ent reason than bis aversion to capi-
mm . . rM II. .it...
tal punishineui in general, rmaiij mc
foreman explained to him that it was
. mipstion either of hanirinsr the pris
oner or hanging the Jury, and that it
all depended on him. To 'Gawd,
uh," replied Unci Ephraim. "on dem
reasonments de pris'nrr am sbo
guilty." Chicago Chronicle.
ellavble mm Umt Haaaors.
Dvkerheiirhts 1 bear Mis Peach-
blow held a party last night.
Bensonhurst You are alightly mis
informed. Miss Peachblow only had
.inirle caller last niirht, and f was
that mart v. It waa a case in wbicb the
party held Miss Peachblow, not Mia
Peachblow tbe party. N. Y. Journal.
A gray borse branded JP leoanaetsd)
on tba bip and sboolder cam to soy
place aboot six months ago. Owner een
bave tba same by proving property and
paying for tbla notice and otbar soots.
K. F. Kooxtx.
o9 lm Five Mile.
Wa cdCsr lor s limited period tbe
twiea-arwaaft Ossmiolb, pries IMS,
sad tba Weakly Oraaoolaa, prist 1 40,
A 999jg e 0erwa 0OJ0I POjSsWSS'
osV aaaat ha said is ad-
New Goods tor tlvs Holidays coming in dally s and
not yet all in.
A Holiday Sale
of Ribbons1
Ribbons here for all purpose? and especially good styles for sashes, neckwear and
fancy work. Who would not gladly own Ribbons ami lots of them, when prices
ran like this :
The number 3 4 in. Ribbons, reduced
4 I in.
5 1 in.
711 in.
9 1 in.
12 2 in.
1G 2 in.
22 21 in.
403 in.
60 5 in.
All fancy Sash Ribbons, special 5Cc per yard.
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Has just received 1000 samples
of the latest patterns in Gent's
Clothing Goods. He guaran
tees prices and a good fit or no
pay. : : : : :
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Tut Nlgbt Alarm.
"One niein uiy umber' raby was !
taken with Croup," writes Mrs. J. C.
Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it seemed j
it would stMogle be'or We could get a
doctor, so we gava it Dr. King's New
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cored it. We always keep
it io the house to protect oar children
from Orouo and Whooping Cough. It
cared me of a chronic bronchial trouble
tbat no other remedy would relieve."
Infallible for Coaghs, Colds, Throat
and Long troubles. 60c and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at G. C. Blskeley's drag
store. 3
Am Kvaagell.t's atorr,
I suffered for years with b oacl.UI or
long trouble and tried various remedies
bat did not obtain permanent relief
until I commenced using Ooe Minute
Cough Core," writes Rev. Jsmes Kirk-
man. evangelist of Bella River. III. "I
bave no hesitation io recommending it
to all sufferers from maladies of tbis
kind." Una Minute Cough Cure affords
immediate relief for coaghs, colds and
all kiada of throat and long troubles.
For croup it is unequslled. Absolutely
safe. Vary pleasant to take, never falio
and lo really a favorite witb tba children.
Tbey Ilka It. Clarke A Falk's P. O.
Cbas. Replogle, Atwater, O., waa Is
vary bad thai, lie says : "I suffered
a groat deal a I .u toy kidoeys and was
requested lo try Foley's Kidney Care.
I did so and Is four dayo I woo able to
go to work agalo, now I am entirely
wall." Clarke A FslS.
Te ats
After exposure or wbes you feel a gold
cosaing so, tgkg a does of Foley's Bossy
and Tar. It aever falls to atop s sold If
tstbrcsibs lor Tss Owamcis.
at Wholesale Prices and less.
The Ribbon Department always a department ot
prominence in this store ranks foremost this week by
virtue of its nnusaal'y attrvtlva offerings. Commenc
ing Thursday morning at 8 o'clock simp, we will start
a sale of Ribbons, thai for volume and low prices will
eclipse anything of the kin i ever attempted hers either
by ourselves or others. T
About 5000 yards of the best all-oil K
GroS-grain-back Satin Ribbons,
Double-face Satin Ribbon?,
Moire Silk Ribbons,
Fancy Silk Neck Ribbons.
i Widths from to & inches
5c per vd
5c ' " "
Go " "
10c " "
10c " "
15c M '
15c " "
20c f "
25c " "
30c "
FAR M1SU Iwl'I.KMENrH Agfnis for Hoosier Drills, J. 1. Case Hteol Fsrm
Harros ai..t Wows. Spring T.kiUi Hairowi, Bissell Chillsd Plows, Mitchell Waf
ons snd Hacks, llmnr Bursts.
...Star Windmills...
With Ball and R .tier bearings, snd folly warranted.
Write as for prices and celalogus e.
All orders nru!sd to os eill have prompt attontloo.
Prices always light.
Ths only Exclusive Hardware biota in tba city.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es.
GEORGE RUCH Floater Grocer.
There is not
today (no waiter what tba cause or of how loaf
dlMsatloaa. ehUh
Reefer Coats dp
S'xjs 4 to ft years ; made of
heavy-weight gray oxford cloth,
bine chinchilla and blue bouclo
cloth with velvet collar and
strong lining
Rgular prices 2 60 and 3.
Come to ua
for your Hate
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
i .
A full lino of BRIDGE A BEACH
Cook and Heating Stoves.
spaw 7
a case of nervous woakaoat is tss
mrm alneJa mmd verv easy Is follow. I
fall to permanently euro. Why do you remain vena wo
Prlao, 11 OS-par boa-boy of J oar druggist or OSBtlf
oasti ss rsseips si stiao, to plain wragpar.
mOOLI rtOPBIBTABT 00., ft Wsjsa, lei. ,
If. I. Doansll, Ageat, Tss Dallas.