The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 02, 1901, Image 3

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...The New York Gash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
! A Three
OSS) 1
Days9 Sale I
of fanetj Dress and
Evening Waists
Many beautiful designs in rich Taflettas
and Peau De Soie Silk, placed on sale for
Toe&dai Morning '
fancy bine Taffetta Waist regular (6 80; eale 4 75
" ...regular 8.50; sale
Fancy stitched blk TaffetU Waist, rag. 8 50; sale
' re. 9 00; sale
old rote
reg. 9 50 ; sale
reg. 10.50; sale
reg. 11.50; sale
reg. 15 00; talc
reg. 18.00; sale 11.50
6 63
6 73
9 85
Remember these prices are for
Three-Days Only-Three
than Ever
We'd be disappointed if we could
not truthfully say each season that
our suits and overcoats are "better
than ever;" it's a sign that we're
keeping in front, each season a
little better than last, getting new
ideas and improving on old ones,
learning something every day and
putting it to use for our custo
mer's benefit. This fall we say
"better than ever" with unusual
H. S. fc M. suits and overcoats,
made express for Pease & Mays,
have the style, fit and service that
only first-class tailor-made clothes
can give.
M. S. . M. ftuitft and 0ver
coats, $12.30 to $83.00.
Sole agents American Hosiery Co.'s Under
wear, Monarch Shirts, E. & W. and Arrow
Brand Collars, Shawknit Hosiery, Knothe
Bros.' Snspesders aod Belts of the finest make.
My Lady's
should fit her foot. It's hard
er to make a good-fitting
slipper than a good-fitting
shoo. A slipper should be
snug at the heel and not
bulge at the side. We take
too much pains with our slip
per stock to let anything get
in that is not exactly right.
We begin with the ordinary
house slipper at 85c and $1,
and rise step by step to the
best in patent leather and kid
" in straps and ties nicely trim
med at $1.50, $1.75, $2.00,
$2.50 and $3.
..nogs' m twin's school sim.
All Goods
Mkrkeal in
Plain Wig
The Dalles Daily Chmfete.
DEC. 2, 1981
Served I
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wasco County wirmti re.1 tared
prior to January 4. 1MO, trill be Pl
a preaantatlon at lay aOtaa. Interact
ceaaaa after November 10. lOOl.
County Treasurer.
Collection day with Pease & Mays will
be on Wednesday. ,
Mrs. J. A. Don thi t bae issued invita
tions for a party Wednesday afternoon..
Try Van Norden'a for a perfect fit in
glasses, old or young, near sighted or
far sighted. dee 2
The bowling tournament last Wednes
day night between the married and un
married men, resulted in the defeat of
the latter, who treated to an oyster sup
per aod alt accompaniments.
The regular annual meeting of The
Dalles Commercial and Athletic clnb,
that was announced to take place to
morrow (Tuesday) night, will not be
held till two weeks from tomorrow night,
namely, 17 th instant.
The musical and literary recital to' be
given at the Vogt Thursday, Dec. 5th,
by Mamie Helen Fly nn, Oregon' well
known youog artlrt, agisted by Rose
Bloeh-Bauer, soprano, and Reginald L.
Hidden, violinist, both famous artiste of
Portland, promises to be a great musical
event. The equal of tbis trio of mu
sician baa probably never before been
heard in Toe Dalles. The sale of seats
will begin tomorrow morning at Clarke
& Folk's drug store.
A now ease of diphtheria was an
nounced yesterday in a family named
French, wbo live on Fourth street west
of too Mill creek bridge. A an offset
to tbis the quarantine was raised from
the residences of Horatio Faigber and
Mm. Murcb. Todoy th quarantine was
raised from too realdeOet of W. Miller
aod Joel Koeeta. At noota today Health
Officer Von Aodo eesored ThoOwo
iou toot only eight houses remained
under quarantine, as against aboot a
core week ago.
Contractor Anderson has Jest ooltbod
atod turned over to their owners seven
cottages toot ore each on ornament to
tie locality where they ore built. Foot
at those are too Biddoll cottages on
Fourth and Federal otreaif, the filth is
tekWaMeM liiHeji u Foftoe street,
teewxte It tee WUkiaoeo cottage on
beaudrtul Fisher residence on Washing
ton street which is new net ring comp'e
tlon. He is figuring on a number of
now residences whose erection will
commenced as soon as the weather per
mits. .
The high school git Is want part of the
unused school building on Union street
for a gymnasium, and we see oo reason
in the world wby tbey should not have
it. The girls don't atk the directors to
spend a cent on toe building, while they
offer to screen the windows themselves
or do any reasonable work to protect the
walls from injury that the directors may
deem necessary. We sincerely hope the
directors may see their way to grant the
girls' request. The object rs surely a
worthy one. "
The first of the week some little com
motion among our citizens was oc
casioned by the appearance of diphtheria
in the neighborhood, says the Dofnr
Dispatch . The disease made its appear
auce in the family of Neal Sweet, wbo
were visiting his brother Henry about
six miles south of Dufur, and on Sunday,
Nov. 24 th, one of the children was
buried at Dufur. Mr. Lawter, a resi
dent of Dufur, had been exposed while
at Mr. Sweet's, also a young man board
ing with Dr. Dodds. Tne doctor ana
health authorities acted promptly in the
matter and strict quarantine regulations
are being enforced. No new cases have
as yet developed, and no fears are enter
tained of the disease spreading.
"The Honeymoon Smile" and the in
cidents whicli lead up t it furnish the
rich vein of bum r and comedy in "A
Lion's Heart," which appears at the
Vogt tonight. It is one of the brightest
devices for creating laughter that has
hAn introduced in melodrama for some
time. "A Lion's Hi-trt" is declared by
the press to be the best melodrama that
has been produced in years, oot only oo
account of its literary merit but for its
magnificent scenery and elaborate cos
tumes. The company la beaded by Mr.
Carl A. Haswin, wbo coo jnwj oe
termed America's leading romantic actor.
It is an assured fact that there is oo
artist of bit ability today appearing in
melodrama. Tbis alone should be 0
sufficient guarantee of the excellence of
the performance.
"Our Domb Animals" tall tbis story :
"W, W. Hall, a young farmer near
enjoyed himself bugely o
Ia ootsbiog aooopi ei
city girls attempt to water their bone
a the trongb at bis place. To bora
m as checked up aod ot course could oot
at hit none down to th voter. Thi
seemed to surprise the yawor woman at
fret, hot finally, realising too tie,
they both got oot of the boggy and going
beblod lifted op toe hind axle, eo
after roioiog too hied wheel eiaor of
the etouod. peeped sawond M wM
the vehicle to a too boras ones, now
one girl remained behind to hold the
buggy op and the other went to the
horses head and tried to pull bis nose
down to the water. After laughing.
Hall went to their aosistanen and (in
herited the bores."
The anneal saosa oriel service of Cas
cade Lodge, No. 393, B. P. O. E. was
aeld in their ball to the Vogt block
resterday afternoon, it was largely at
ended and the program was unusually
nterceting and appropriate. The hall
ees profusely decorated with the colors
of th order and a wealth of flowers and
(potted plants that io the soft, purple
flight reflected from numerous incoo-
(descent lamps, looked surpassingly
beautiful. Each visitor was presented
t the door with a souvenir badge made
up of purple ribbon and for-get-me-nnte.
Bert Baldwin presided at the piano and
the musical selections, both vocal and
instrumental, were very much ap
preciated. John ii. Cradlebaugh recited
Tbanatopsis with fine effect. The feature
of the occasion was the splendid
memorial address of Attorney F. v7.
Wilson, which for eloqienceof thought
and beauty of diction was generally
considered to have surpassed all tbis
young gentleman's previous efforts.
There was a small strike on the W. A.
Johnston building this morning which,
however, was soon adjusted. John
Meikeljobn, the child-beater, had been
working cn the building until his chil
dren were arrested when he took his
tools away, and threw up the j h. He
came back this morning, but the
moment he began to work the other
carpenters absolutely refused to work
with him and picking up their tools left
the building. Then Meikeljitio, real
ising the situation alto left, and in a
short time the other carpenters went
back to work. Meikeljobn' wife, it
appears, left town last Friday probably
for fear of arrest. The husband said
tbis morning be would also leave and
be is probably gone by this time. Tbis
is th best thing the couple could do,
Tbey are not wanted here. A gentle
man, wbo knew them io Baker City,
cold Tuc Chronicle this morning, that
tbe couple left that town under a sus
pended fine of f250 on the man and $50
oe tbe women for cruelty to th chil
dren thot were taken from them last
for Infant CtriMreg.
Are You for a Huutaae SocletjrT
Tna Cbboniclb has been asked to
call a meeting in this city for the pa
nose of organising a Humane society;
but while in full sympathy with the
object we hardly like to assume th re-
anonsibilitv until we have time to see tl
there is any considerable demand for
leucb a society. That there is used for
it is not to be doubted for a moment
A missionary Is needed to remind eer
tarn grocers that humanity demands
that they should not to frequently leave
on th sidewalk, exposed to the burning
un and the winter's frost, coops of fowl
that for aught th public knows Io th
contrary, never get a grain of food or a
drop of water from the moment tbey
come into the possession of tbe grocer
till their fevered necks aro wrung.
Considerable missionery work is need
ed all the time in other directions. Tba
following came under tbe writer's own
observation yesterday. An Indian pony
was left in front of the residence of Mrs.
E. M. Wilson all day yesterday from
morning till night, in the pelting rain
end, of course, without food or water.
Along in the afternoon some one re
moved it to the side of the Union Street
Lodging House, near Mrs. Brittain's,
and pinned a paper on th saddle blank
et on which was written : "Wben next
yon leave your horse for six hours with
out food or drink, tie him in front of
some other premiers." The animal was
taken awav after standing out in the
rain probably ten hour. Near where
this twast was last hitched was anotbtr
boree that had been hitched to a post all
tbe afternoon and was there at 8 o'clock
last night, in all tbe pelting downpour,
and for bow long after 8 thi writer
knows not.
Ye, w need a Humans 8ciety, sure
enough, as well to lodi after lb dumb
creatures that cannot plead their oWn
cause as to. care for tbe abused of oer
own species.
Thk Chboniclb Is at tbe re i vice of
anyone who think it xpedUat to or
ganic a Humane Society.
Free Prawlr.
T. A. Vaa foa Is, too fowoUk will
glMogsexee4 jtog free to the proo
acaaiag the vtearieg aombsr oo Mew
Bf-r-r-f !!
aj ni
w vjagWe?
You weet ootnd the
weather, if your iboei
of vl
A. Me
Wo have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
Tbe Mew Tor Is Gash Store
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
Th introduction of Cole's Original Alr-TUrw Heater has revolution
ised the hesting stove trail in all sections of tbe United States. Its won
derful economy In the use of fuel, and many other eicelket qualities,
strongly recommend it to all In neel of a heating stove.
4 What Cole'e Hooter Will Oo.
A Th W stove will heat a room from ssro to
SO degree In five minute.
It will heat your house svenly day and
It holds tiro 36 hours without attention.
You build only ooe lire each winter.
It burns chips, bark, leave, paper and
corncobs, and gives excellent results with
this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted.
The stove I light and easily moved and
set up.
The eombustlon is perfect and ashes ara
removed only one Io lour weeks.
None of th beat Is wasted and th stove
a HI aiva nn.half nf vonr Inel bill.
R It is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
-w JJJBW-- -
Every on of OoU's Original Air Tight Heaters Is guaranteed to Slav
air-tutu as long as used. Where wood Is used for fuel every family should
baxe on or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles.
and save fuel. THK WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not; burn
out. We also carry a line of TRILBY
Tbe Chilly Air.-
suggests Orercoata, while the nam of Tlie Hub) ClotHtftagf
Co. suggests rcuuoiny. II someon should slip $6 in your pocket you
would conlder It a Meodly act. Tbis Is what we are positively doing
to every man wbo boys bis suit or overcoat from u.
Men's all wool Suits in cassiinere, cheviot, worst
ed and serges, varying from $4.50 to $20.00.
Overcoats from $4.85 to $10.50.
Ulsters from $5.95 to $17.50.
Nat! Hat! Hat!
10 di sin Men's New Sty! Fedora In lthr black or brown ; sold ;he
regular way from $1,85 to $1.76; Too HUB price 9m
We 04111 bv all ist left ia that special Wool fleeced Underwear,
worth $1.60 ra'.t j Kvuieoiber Too HUB price 5e
The Nub dothlne Co,
same Usee tbey raised the bled
eJ7 lwk
dm th ooo tract for to
tbeebew wioooer.