Thft Italia Dailv r.htrnninlp. " J MONDAY DEC. 2. ISO I A GREAT GATHERING. Apropos of the fifth annual con vention of the National Livestock Association, which is to begin in Chicago tomorrow. Secretary Charle3 F. Martin has sent out some interest ing figures on the growth of the live stock industry in the last half century. Mr. Martin shows that 4,500,000, 000 will be represented at that con ention. The sum is almost incon ceivable to the average human intellect. The United States Steel Corpora- see Gifford right away qniek. nl9 tion, the greatest trust the world has . Clearance sale at Miss Haven's com ever known, is capitalized for less meneing December it. Pattern hats - t i , and hoose trimmed hats now in stock, than a quarter of that sum. It rep- ,t rednced prices. nS03t resents practically uncounted and ,nytbing ,oor Md uncountable flacks and herds all over! f rater; he's the headquarters for ell the broad acres of this broad country. Mfcr remedies. Remember that be . . . - ma sea a srecleltv of these goods, tf It gives employment to hundreds of .... . , j.j -II ' Th0 ertists" proofs. My ! bat they uiuuwuuo ui uiu, nuu louu su u,.u- ions more the world over. Fifty years ago all the livestock in all of the states of the Union was worth just 1,200,000,000, a fairly , respectable amount of monev, but small in comparison with the aggre- 1 . . , .. t.j. .. ., gate of today. Fifty years ago there were 17,000,000 cattle, 21,723,220 sheep, 4,896,050 horses and mules. In 1901 there are 50,203,000 sheep, horses and mules. 'ill i . J 1 .1 nat la nllri4T mssmsw, and 15,623,551 i I If all this livestock should be con verted into cash, there wouldn't be enougn money in me Limed Mates to pay for it by more thau $2,000,-, 000,000. The citizens of Chicago, as is proper wh.'n thev are to entertain 1 K so wealthy a gathering, are making great preparations for the comfort . . . t. ... and pleasure of their guests. All .... kinds of amusement are to be pro-Jacne vided, and the papers to be read Dromise to be of deeD interest to the . uieuiucrs. Now that corn is almost as high in p ice as wheat the Eistern feeders Du experimenters are uiscovering that corn is not so much more val uable for feed than wheat as they have always contended, the great profit in corn feed has been the cheapness of the feed. The South Dakota exuenment station finds that Dakota experiment s cation finds that wbeat ted to bogs selling at a.;A dressed brousht 58.1 Cents, while , , , . , , corn only brought GO cents per bush- L This shows that there is but little difference in the feeding value of the two grains. It ie only when great crops of corn are raised that the big profit comes in feeding it. As the United Slates can borrow money at 2 per cent, the construction of the Nicaragua canal, maximum capacity, at the estimated cost of $200,000,000 would entail a charge upon the government of 4,000,000 a year. The prospect that the great waterway would speedily become a paj'ing investment is good. Braiu l-'ooil Nonaenae. Another ridiculous foot! fad has been oranded by the moet competent author ities. They have dispelled the silly no tion that one kind of food is ueeded for brain, another for mneclet, and still an- . L i i a . .. . .,. TlT 7..T .... r u,cl", ""l only nourish a particular part of the bodr, bat it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good yonr food may , be, its nutriment is destroyed by indi-1 geetion or oyspeysia. l ou must pre- pere lor their Ir innurann or nrMonl r appearance or prevent Dy taking regular doses of their coming Green s August Flower, the favorite II 111 .1 II nf tlSA I.A.Illt.1 n.Sll.Aa. A u. vu. i u. jt IUI LJC.iwiT 1UI1UUUS. A ICW remeaiee at Diaaeiey e drug store, wet : Green e bptcial Almanac. 1 lour fact Shows the state of your feelings and the aisle of your health as well. Impure blond makes Itself apparent iu a pale sad sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling and worn oat and do not have a should try MWHi; aiiwjaiaim you aiiouiu try r's Blood Slizir. It cores all blood I where ebesp Sersspsrlllss sod sp SsUsd purifiers fail ; knowing this we ssH eseow bottle os s positive aosrsntee. Pi the Fakgr's Kidney Cure doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver ' This summons is served upon vou by publica to healthy action, purifies the blood, and """ thereof in The Da lies chronicle for u on makes von feel hnnvant mil iamna tecutive weeks, by order of Hon. W. L. Brad v. L. n V? nfl,"r0".,-iaw. fudge of th.- Sevenlh Judicial dintrlet, i ou can get Lr. U. L. Giean'n reliable state of onarou.jwbicii aui order wa:madc aud E MJMftt&S LOCALS Ciark A Falk are never closed frcnday. Don't forget this. Toke Point oysters at Jones' Cafe. Cooked in any My!e. n27 Clarke & Fa'.k have on sale a (nil line of paint and artist V brash. If yon can't come during the week, von can have a sitting Snnday bv seeing Gifford. " il9 Floral lotion will care wind chapping and sunhrjrn. Manufactured ( C arte & Falk Wanted A girl or woman to do most- ly chamber work. No washing, no j ironing, and no children. Bl2tf Christmas will soon be here and yon Knvan'r lmil f hut nuffittVA iikflc vmt m nm Qm d0f w mnt9 ', iflr,. i liinord twelve fine Uhrtetmas presents is the man that make-- them. n!9 Clark and Falk have just received a fnll line of fresh Yelox ninen and rie velopers. the same as ujed by Mr. Lovick in hie demonstration at oar store, The Eii,e barber shop is running four chairs thus ensuring patrons a speedv and eati8actory eriw. Ai; tools sterilized and only steam laundried ,owe,B nwd- nl81m Bate oi miinnery at tne lfW..fc. 11 -A Wil. :il 1 v.oiiJ f i . iv iieuu ujiinucr rn iuic One-third off regular price of entire stock. Sale will continue until first of January. 25n-tf Acker's English Remedy will stop a coast; at anv time, and will cure the wort cold in twelve hoars, or money re- funded. 25 cts. and 50 cts, BUkeley, tha ilriiT.tiat j Why pay $1.76 per gallon for inferior . , ' , T 1 paints when you can bnv James E. Patten's snn proof paints tor $1.50 per j gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & I Falk, agents. ml j Moki Tea positiveiv cures Sick Head- indige9tion and con8tip8tion. A ; delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts and 50 cts. Blakelev, the druggist, Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, . raisine of the fond, distress after eatirnr or any (orm of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts and 50 cte. Blakelev, the druggist. We have no five-dollar dinloma. nor do nse tehniri tarm rhr no n can nnderstand, vet from manv vears 1 experience we can fit your eyes, whither j near-sighted, far-sighted or cataract. We we have fitted eveB where so-called rjro- fessiona! opticians have tailed. We reave you from 50 to 100 per cent on epec- Uclee eve giaseeg( e,L.. F. A. Van Nor- den. 25n tf glDgle-Comb Hronn Leghorn. A few thoroughbred, eing!e-comb brown Leghorn cockerels and pullets for Bait), if taken at occe. J.s. Ir.ELAxn, n23 lm The D.iliee, Or. BANNER th most healing s SALVE live in the world You will not have boiia if von Clarke A K! '- enre care oi boils. Snbecribe for The (Jhbomci e. G-inord 8 FotOS Never Fade ! SUMMONS. In the Circuit Lour of the state of Oregun for the County of Watco. Una Hale. Plaintiff, v. W. W. Hale Defendant. To W. W. Hale, the defendant above named: ! in the name of the state of (.ream : You are hereby re,,uired to appear and a.wwt, thceon,. plaint ri'ed agaut you to the above entitled uit ,,n or before Friday, the twenty-econd da; ! fft aC()'" I prayed lor in her complaint, to-wii: For a de-! cw oraar oi me oun torever anuuiiuig- canceling ttie bonds of matrimony existing Yteivtn yourself and plaintiff, and awarding t plalntiff.thecare.cuatodyaudcoutrolof Wiliram HA a m imr Mllfj i i . . . . . . , a .............. auo for uch other aud tuither relief as to the ' i .... .. ....... e"era nemu on me sid aay oi September nmi The dale of ibe Art publication of this sum ruona is Wednesday , Oei loaer y, iwi. S. A. U. QL'RLCY oct2 Attorney for 1 1 intifl. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land UfCce at Vancouver. Vtujah, t Vancouv Novea.b-1 r 1, ISSt. NoUee is hereby y given that the following tiled node el hot Intention to a aupoort of nor alalB, anal named settler ha i rawfce final proof m y IT J' aTrTS aZ aB( Mxealver of tne couver Washington, on Tuesday, December 17, .W,, ,14. oi tiwiiaaban P. U.. Maaaan. aaannaa mud aaaa-f) anaaansj na agg Bu tgX fsflat Sin - I J Mark Lav rooXTOsoeooJ 7w. rf tti PuP 14 aha) aaaraan tanloikMBana (asaM tas mv. of aaid lajMLsSi: Charier Turn water, Bill Uosna-aat , Joke Po taaae and Johuy Johny, all of Columbus. Wash uov 6 W. it. DUNBAR, BwgUler. Groceries HE. T. Unioo aod Second Streets. Local Phone 92. Women and Jewel. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is the order of a woman's preferences. : Jewels form a magnet of mighty power j to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, health, is often rained in the ttrennons efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her fortlfv herself ' aaainst the msidnons consequences of! , u. i i ?...: w I coughs, colds and bronchial affections bv I i the regular use of Dr. Boschee'e German , Syrup. I: will promptly arrest con-( so motion in its early stages and heal the affected longs and bronchial tubes and j drive the dtead disease from the system, j It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain ; core for couehs, colds and all bronchial troubles. Yon can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at Eiakeley's drag j store. Get Green's Special Almanac. I How'a Thla: We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be enred by Hall's Catarrh Core. F. J. Cheney 4 Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. T li a . i . a. vjoeney ior tne last to years, anil be- lieve him nerfectlv honorable in all husi nees transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their nrm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggist. To ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan dr Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Care is takes inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mncoue surfaces of the system. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toiedo O. Sold by drrnggista, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beet. 12 A Deep Jlyatery. It is a mystery why women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness J Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such tronbles. "I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Cheriey, of Peterson, la., "and a lame back pained me so I could not dress my- 8elf' bnt Electrlc BUter9 who!'y red me' '.Ithough 73 years old I now am ahle t0 a" my b"work." It overcomes Const.pahon, improves Ap- Petlte-B'ee perfect health. Only i 50c S at G. C. Blakeley's droit store. Attractive Vt omen All women seneibly desire to be at- tractive. Beauty ij rhe stamp of health because it ie fna outward manifestation of Inner puri y. A healthy woman ie always attract ive, blight and banov. When every drop of blood in the veins is pure a beauteous flesh j n the cheek. Bat when the biood is impore, moro-e-1 neee, had temper and a sallow complex- ion tens tiie tale of sickness eli to plain-1 ly. And women today know there is no , Pea nt v wit nou t nealth. Win of Cardai i.iunii- wuuidu iu; ueaui; ami at: rat take ' tivenees by making strong and healthy I tbos organs which make her a woman. Try Wiue of Card ni, and in a month yonr friends will hardly know yoa. ben your hair appoars drr and it have lost its vitality it want something to give it life and vigor. Ws have what the hair needn when it gets in that con-; dition. We have the Crown of Si lence II a ! r dtTsMka, (irower a n il uocoanat Cream esF Tonic. They ' will cure dand rnff and all I NP.lin HiaMMM ITnr ..I. . K-mmmm k.. r . ... n. i a u.i ucr iuup. i-nee ouc auu IOC a bottle. ft 10 REWARD. Lost, on one of the Streets of The r,aUmm m ia. ,a , . ,. j u" aoy s gold watch, ten dollars W"d Wi" te giTOn ,or ,u wturn to th Oregon saloon. 29a-od Chance or Headquarlara. The beedqoarters of The Dalles and 8haniko Stone line is now at the Colnm j bia Hotel. Stage leave there for 8ban j iko every morning, except Bunday, at 6 o'clock. Passenger rate to Shaolko $2. 20o-tf J. M. Toons v. Agent. Uoa't bun it in, Just wel the effected port freer with afysterioue Pals Core, a Scotch remedy, sod the pain is gene. Bold by Clarke A Falk. 8TREET COMMISSIONER NOTICE Alt buildings and obstructions in the streets of The Dalles must be removed from the streets within thirty days from wis data or we matter will be sabnaltted to the council for I Bern to set apes it. By order of C. V. Ohamplih, Marshal Dalles OHy, Or. Dated Nor. 8, Mtl. s7 dMew Yon ssw t trasses! the kSt tbe sskf is is one of then is just the thing for Groceries Blakeley's Drug Store, ffi&SM Lowney'i Chocolates Watch onr windows fresh, today fQf mKt tnrM wwkB direct from factory. , We will show yon a sample Christmas Stock of Liwnev's Choc- . . . . . olates ready for inspection. of wmU we re K t0 ha?e Finer than ever. for Christmas. i e ' MAIL (IRIUKS receive our DflTII DUflllCC Every Package delivered Free, personal attention. DU I II I tlUlf CO promptly, In the city. JON i i i i First-Class Regular Heals. ... SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER... Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served at all hours and in all styles. 4 4 Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates 4 and Confections. Subscribe for The L. Lane, GENERAL BiacKsmno ...AND... 4 Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. f M and Merm Plione 159 John Pashek, The Tailor. ' . "vr, Has just received 1000 samples of the latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He guaran tees prices and a good fit or no pay. : : : : : John Pn4hpL' Thfl Toilnr ' 0OaU -CaSJieK, me laiiOr., Prof. Homer de Morrison LnLala1l 323'; Washington street. Rooms 23-30, PORTLAND, OUkOIIN. The first registered as wall as the first gradu ate pjlnUst ever in Portland. The world's t attest Trance Clairvoyant and HerbaUst can eo .aul um dally on all affair of iUV. Prof, de Morrison U without a doubt the moot scientific Palmist and Clairvoyant in tbe world uasay. ne lucawe niooeii Irvasure, reunllaa the separated, tell If there Is mineral, oil. or your land, enablaa vou to win ikn.Sutln irf nr Mm, I von deal viw iuu uvairr, Palmistry taught, mcdlamlstie mmhu el opae. Heals by Use uaea of ban tasva eura chronic aa4 so-ealM .1 snses. free treatment tor loo poor Send SI. data of birth anal lh. .....n... . letters answered at ones. Loaataal bjr V talon. Portland. Aug 10.-1 To the Editor). -Homar esived U-t ntt -hUU-, "U SB isnsana to as ssansaa tnat is. ia mgatrg flory."- NOLAN. CAFE Always fresh. Chronicle. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. Transact a General Basking Business. Letters of Credit isened available in I the Eastern 6tatea. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic I Transfers sold nn New York, Chicago, j Bt. Louie, Kan Francisco, Portland Ore- gon, Seattle Waah., and various points in Oregon and Washington, j Collections made at all points on fav ! orable terms. Tiie GoiHouua Paeiotis Oo., PACKERS OP PORKand BEEF MANTJFACTrKERU OF Fine Lard and Sansages Carers of BRAND HAMS & BACON s)RlKD BEEF. ETC. JUST ARRIVED ! The largest and most complete line of . . . km mm ever shown in the city are now on display st H. Glenn & Co's Paint and Oil Store. BO. B. CAMPBKLL, CIVIL SNOlNKKa. KngTVfug' Brlde' Ksllroad and Water Bnpply isa 4w5.ln'Ud EjlD8,t UaA Surveying. Man- ! Address, r. O. Box SIS. TUB DALLES, OB Grace T. Hill. DrammMkins Parlora, U aad Hi, Vogt ftotenstOr. Foley9 $ Hi noney mtTmr mm. Oregon Shoitj Like Union Pacific E AKT or kb TIME SCHEDULES TBEDALLB8. Boumi cbioago- Pnrtland Worth, Oaaha, Kan sas Cnjy , Bt. Uojis, Chi cago and the Kaat ii p. in. via Hunt ington. Atlantic Halt lAke, Denver, fx Li.Sb . m. Worth nn, umalia, Kan vU Hunt 00 City, St.LmUx, Chi coco and the Boat. ngton. Rt Pan) Fast Nail, 9:; p. an. Tla Bpo- Walla Wans, lawitton. 8pokane,Wallaee.Pnll man, Winn uuUn, st Pant, tltilnth, Hllnron kaa, Chieagoand Eaat. 3:3.", a. 0CEAV AID STVXB 80HEDTJLE rftm Part land. (A.1I Bailing dates sub 8:00 p. m. 4:00 p. ra For Ban Francisco, Boll every 6 days. DoUy esMSpt Sunday, e:S0p. m. Colombia River. To Astoria and Way 1:00 p. a. except Bunds. Saturday, 10:80 p. m. uuraings. Daily Willamette River. 6:00 a.m. and way-Landings. 4:p.BJ. except Bandar. 4:p,. Monday, Wednealty Friday. Thursday, 1 Saturday, 8:01) a. m. Corvallis and Way Landings. Toeaday, Willamette and 30p.m. Thursday, Tamb.HI Klenrs. Monday, S"""1"' 'Oregon City, Dayton and wJwy 7:00a. m. i Way-Landings. 4f- Leave sink. ki... i Kiparia lewiston j RipariatoLewirton. , g;,' to co to Beanntr or ta on f :nhamtiia Hnutharn via Din ilunM c sau. a, nafius Kmv lam m i-.o p. m. making direct connections at Heppiier Jnntttoa and Bsggs- Ketwlng maatngdireetronassrlw at Heppner hniotlou and Blags with No. Lw rirthg at As Dalles at 1:06 p.m. For further particulars, call on or addtwS JAB. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Orojcn. Complete of Drills at M. Z. DON NELL, 'at; THE DRUGGIST. J. 8. SCHBHCK, Pissident. MalA-VOW First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - ORBOO A General Banking Bosinese tranajetefl Deposits reosived, subject to 8ifkt Draft or Check. OoJleetions made and proceeds promptly remitted on dsv of collection, rrbrht and TeJefrephie Eacnsnge sold Mew Toek, Sen Frsnoieoo and "orf Isnd. D. P. Tntisrsn"0! Sobbs Be. M . WuratAas, Geo. A . UU H.M. BSALL- W W. WILSON, Bsaaagr First-Qats 19 Euery Repf- alswttlll?0stf- PMVAT PAHT1ES 8ErfY- ft sMs BBwWfs Mpnlisd H unristmas. uitrotri. dIV 7s Proat f., nesr Court,