The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 30, 1901, Image 3

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    oo ooooooa - I
.The New York Cash Store...
138 and 143 Booond Stroel.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
1 HenS
Suit i .
If you ever expect to wear
any more clothes you can't
afford to stay away.
Handsome strictly all-wool
suits in cheviot and cassi
mere fabrics, lined with best
quality Italian cloth and
serge, good values at $8.50
and $10; our Thanksgiving
Bos' v; 3jaSI
Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Suspenders and GHores
of the Finest Make.
Great Clearance Sale,
and Silk
for Saturday only.
30 pieces Fancy Ribbon, worth 8c
SATURDAY, Sc fcer yard.
25 pieces Fancy Ribbon, real worth 15c
SATURDAY, iteNryard.
Odds and Ends Fancy Ribbon, 35c, 40c and 45c
values- SATURDAY, ftSc er yard.
Two Big Prices in Fancy Silks, $1, $1.25 and
$1.50 values 91c $1.05, $1.75, $2 and
$2.25 values $1.23 kt yard.
All Goods
MarKed in
Plain Figures
5t MKYS,
The Dalles Daily Gtoomete.
NOV. 30, 1901
I At Andrew Kollor's. )
(3) I
Consty nrrMtt reentered
prior to January 4, MM, will hm paid
on presentation at aaj oSBce. Interest
ceate. after November 1, 1M1.
D.IHT Treasurer.
Don't forget Prof. Sandvig'e dance at
the Baldwin tonight.
Elke will bear in mind that a very
important meeting will be held tonight.
Members of Cascade Lodge No. 308,
B. P. 0. E will meet promptly at 3
p. m. at their hall tomorrow.
Clearance sale at Mite Haven's corn
mencing December 1st. Pattern hats
and hooee trimmed bate now in stock,
at greatly reduced prices. n30-3t
A burst sewer on Federal street, near
tbe Ed Sharp residence, smells to heaven
and calls upon tbe city authorities in a
thousand variegated tooguee to give it
vent to the river.
Ladies wanted to work qo sofa pillows.
Materials f ornisbed. Steady work guar
anteed, rxoerience unnecessary. Send
damped envelope to Mies McGee Needle
work Dept.. Ideal Co., Chicago.
Regioal Hidden, the famous Portland
violinist, will assist at the Mamie Helen
Flynn. Rose Blocb-Bauer recital Thurs
day, December 6th. Tbe Dalies bat
p obaby never heard a trie equal to this.
Porter & Anderson have resumed tbe
l ack service in this city. They will do
a general back business ; bundles and
satchels carried free. Hours from 12 in.
to 12 p. m. Office at Grant's cigar
The annual memorial services of Cat
cade Lodge No. 303, B. P. O. E., will
take place tomoreow afternoon at 3:30'
o'clock. An excellent program bat been
prepared and tbe memorial address wjU
be well worth bearing.
Mary A. Wilson, wile of George VU
eon of this city, died jotaarday of eeuoer
of tbe stomach, altera painful illneet of
"bout four yeast. Mra. Wilton wat
born 56 yeare ago. The funeral will
ttke plana tomorrow at 2 p. ro. and will
he under the dbstetioo of the local mem
oeri of the G. A. B.
Complaint is made at tbit office that
"many at six families, with tore or
'our patients in each family, have been
"oatly eJUattd with tOBoJaPex la the
Colombia preoinet. Ia no case bat a
the building given, so that strangers
might be warned and thus keep away.
Tbe result is that the disease has had
its own way and is not yet materially
Two new cases of diphtheria are re
ported to Health Officer Van Anda to
day. One of tbem is in the home of the
editor of tbit paper, and thie much ia
given out for those who blame the
schools for all tbe mischief : This pa
tient bat not been at school for weeks,
nor hat the been in the company of
children who were exposed to the con
tagion. Happily, like tbe great ma
jority of all the cases, this one is very
mild. Tbe quarantine wot raised today
from tbe N. Wbealdon residence.
Tbe follow tax we take from the Boise
Statesman: "A large and enthusiastic
audience greeted the appearance last
evening at Fyfer's opera house of Mamie
Helen Flynn, the talented young artist
of Huntington, Oregon, in a very enter
taining musical and literary programme.
Mies Flynn is a very recent graduate of
the Denver conservatory of music. Her
rendition of Beethoven's 'Moonlight So
nata' and tbe symphonies of the great
masters wot perfect." Mies Flynn will
appear at tbe Vogt December 6th, as
sisted by Mra. Rote Blocb-Bauer of Port
land. -
With the pressure of tbe matter yes
terday The Chronicle reluctantly failed
to apeak of tbe happy Thanksgiving
family reunion that took place at tbe
home of Dad Butts, where tbe patriarch
of tbe family, himself tbe last survivor
of a family of foortet-u native sons and
daughters of Oregon, sat at tbe bead of
tbe festive board with his three daugh
ters, two send aad two sons-in-law.
There may have been hornet in Tbe
Dalles where there were more elaborate
spreads and richer turroundlnge than at
this family reunion of Dad Butte,' but
there was none where fatherly affection
shone brighter and clearer. And this is
said from an intimate acquaintance with
Mr. Belts extending over a quarter of a
For several days carpenters have been
at work on the inoloture and gallows
upon which Greeo is to be bung, asys
tbe Skamania County Pioneer. The
ineloture occupies nearly all tbe space
between the jail and the Pioneer office,
the precise location of tbe execution be
ing on the latter property. On these
wind? nights, with too moonlight
tare epilog over too spectral structure
destined for the lawful execution of a
murderer, ao mora dismal tight could
be imagined. Too prisoner bears op
bravely as yet, hot it vary ahy of bain
observed. Ureea got bit vot took at
tbe structure within which bo it shortly
to be tbe principal actor, on Sunday lata
whea be was placed ia tbe door of too
jali directly facing it, for too purpose of
basagthaved. Kstther Mmo nor at My
time while bearing the hoall-Lika etrokag
WMpotnof, or 4Mt tjAgftr Jj J'l!!JF L
m of tbo iisjinns die ssstOMt ioMdhhad the least esanrion. Too dtde
the execution remains as impenetrable
a secret at ever, and most of the resi
dents of Stevenson, be it eaid to their
credit, are only ear ions insofar as it
will enable thorn to escape fiom the
vicinity as for as possible when the
event takes place.
Tbe Baker Clay Wepotoioao d October
85, 1897, sum: "ttiat Metnie Helen
Flynn, the SBOOnsfilleOsti daughter of
Mr. Flynn of Huntington, has been so
cored to give several pianoforte solos at
the Elks social tonorrow night, nod it it
tbe intention to secure ber at an attrac
tion at Prof. Bell's lecture the 27th inet.
Mitt Flynn it a recent graduate pf too
Denver conservatory of music, and ia
not only a very accomplished musician
but an elocutionist of more than ordi
nary merit, and in addition to these at
tractions Mitt Flynn is one of the most
charming of Oregon's many handsome
and accomplished daughters, and jnsily
popular among ail who know ber."
Miss Flynn will appear at the Vogt
Opera House on Thursday, Dec. 5th, as
sisted by Mrs. Boat Block Bauer, Port
land's famout soprano.
Card of Tkaake.
As a reault of the labors of tbe youug
ladies who arranged for tbe entertain
ment of tbe visiting football team, on
Thanksgiving evening, tbe management
of tbe football enterprise here am en
riched to the amount of 175.15. This
assists materially in discharging the
debts contracted, and in behalf of the
young men of our town who are inter
ested in football, and for ourselves who
have agreed to bear tbe debts contracted
in making a football park, we are truly
grateful, and beg to subscribe ourselves,
Most respectfully,
E Kurtx,
Oris Pattkkson.
a Week's Vacation for Lower Urade
It bat been decided by tbe reboot
board to give all of tbe gradee of the
public school below tbe bigb school a
vacation for tbe coming week. Tbit
Step has been taken because of tbe do
ereaaed attendance at preeent, and not
because of any increase in the severity
or spread of the prevailing epidemic.
A weefc'e vacation may be taken now
Land the time made op by shortening tbe
regular Christmas vacation, without My
materia) lota or delay. The high eobool
pill remaio ia eeeetoo ea usual. The
regular work of too school will be re
turned op Monday. Dee. Wi.
ornss Hejssa esaaaejo enesbnsni
. V
St. Paul's Episcopal church Rev. C
H. Lake, rector. Morning service at
11a.m. Evening service at 7:. Bun
day school, 12:15. All are invited.
Calvary Baptist chore?) Rev. W. B.
Cliftoo, pastor. Regular service at U
a. to. gnd 7 0 p. m., in tbe new church
en Union street. Sunday school at 10
t. m. ; B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. m.
Christian church, Ninth and Court
streets, Rev. J. If. Alexander minister
Proaabfof at 11 a. an. end 7:80 p. m. ;
Sunday school 10 e. m. ; Christian En
deavor 6 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting 7 :S0
o'clock Thursday evening.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. W. Skip
worth pastor Morning service at 11
o'clock; evening 7 :3); Sunday school
10 a. m. ; class meeting 12:20; Epwortb
League 6:30. All are cordially Invited
to these services.
Congregational church corner Fifth
aad Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling,
pastor. Services both morning aod
evening. Morning subject, ''Realising
the Secret of Earnest Life." Evening
subject, "How to Remember and How
to Forget." The male quartet will sing
tbe morning offertory, and Dr. Doaoe
will furnish a number at tbe evening
service. Music by tbe choir both morn
ing and evening.
Leon W. Hooting, of the Collins' Hot
Springs, wet in the city last night.
Tom CellaghM, of Rotledge, spent
last night In tbe city tbe guest of the
Umatilla House.
Attorney C. J. Bright and Eugene
McMillan, of Wasco, are registered at
tbe Umatilla House.
Sheriff T, R. MeGinnese, of Sherman
county, spent last night in the city, tbe
guest of the Dmatllla Mease.
DrtM Bait of Tar aad Feather.
Editor CuKosu,
Dxax Sin:
Notwithstanding the feet that I pride
myself in being a law-abiding ciliseu, I
do think, alter reading your article In
yesterday 'a issue referring to the In
human treatment of there two children,
(aod by a minister of tbe gospel at that)
that a coat of tar and feathers would be
most appropriate, tor tbe sooner tbe
community it rid of two such devils, tbe
bettor. From what I eaa learn they
wore drummed out of Raker City, aod
surely Dakar City should not set tbe
for Tbe Dalles.
Inula akt Ci nzs.
Ore Draw lag.
T. A. Vao MordeoTtbe jeweler will
give e dlseiMd Hog fans to the ptetoo
If Mftpenag number M let
Yoojf' Ifff. Ilvoot (nav with story Jo
ptoiokaep. Diatsoad ring oe eooihtt is
tbeebow wladow. eJ7-lo
CM' Fat NtWsTT FeVde)
..mils' am Twit's l suits..
We have just received our complete full line of
Boys' and Youths Clothing, and are offering them at.
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out vour
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
Tbe We w York Cash Store
Trilby and Cote s Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tiulu Hvaler bat revolulioa
Utfd I he heating stove trade in all sections of the United Slates. Its won
derful economy In the use of fuel, and many other eicelUnl qualities,
strongly recommend it to all In nee J of a healing stove.
A What Colo's Hoatar Will Do.
ThU stove will heat a room from aero to
80 degrees In Ave minutes.
It will heat your house evenly day and
It holds Are 36 hours without attention.
You build only one fire eaeb winter.
It burnt ehips, barb, leaves, paper and
corn robs, sod gives ncellent results with
this fusl, whieb It ordinarily watted.
Tbe stove is light end eaeily movsd and
The combustion is perfect and ashes are
removed only one In four weeks.
None of the heat It wealed and tbe stove
till aave one-half of yonr luel Mil.
economical, convenient, safe
i It It clean,
aad durable.
Every one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters it guaranteed to alav
air-tle'it at long as used. W here wood la used lor fuel every family shoald
haze one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MAIKB fe BENTON, The Dalles
Ilea. I
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out. We also carry a line of TRILBY
Tbe Chilly Air
suggests Orereoatt, while the name of The Mule Clothing
Co., suggeste economy. If someone should slip $& in your pocket you
would consider it a friendly act. This It what we are positively doing
to every man who buys hit tuit or ovoreoat from us.
Men's allwool Suits in casaiinere, cheviot, worst'
?d and sergou, varying from $4.50 to $20.00.
Overcoats from $4.85 to $10.50.
Ulsters from $5.95 to $17.50.
Hats! Hot! Hate!
'10 di eta 'lien's New Style fedoras in either blsck or biowa ; told the
regular way from i ,3ft to II. 7ft; The HUB pries S
We still have all sUa left to that apeoUl Wool
worth $t. oil aolt ; Ketaooiber Tbe UC1 arias
Cat wiwwowe.
The Hub Cto thing Co