The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 30, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
NOV 30 1901 '
. ' 1 ;
"How prone are we to forget, sejs
a correspondent of the Salem States- ;
a m ft.ll Ml
man, signing himscir "uepuuncan.
"Only a few years ngo llie people
were enjoying an era of prosperity,
up to that time unprecedented in the
history of the country. Capital was
employed to advantage, labor had
all it could do at remunerative wages.
Plenty reigned, and the people were
happy. But agitators began to worry
about the large surplus in the treas
ury, and a demand was made for the
readjustment of the tariff law which
resulted in tbe Wilson law. I'mler
it followed financial ruin; the gov-
eroment was compelled to borrow Falk.
money in time of peace ; capital was 1 Wanted A girl or woman to do most
boarded and unemployed ; the factory i 'y chamber work. No washing, no
, , , . j ironinsr, and no children. ni2tf
and mill were closed, and labor i
. Christmas will soon be here and yon
suffered in its strenuous struggle for , haven,t Qad that negalJve yet
bread. The present era is the most See Gifford right away quick. ul9
satisfactory in the history of the If anything ails your nair, go and see
. .. . - 1 W. ..... Ik. ...iin..l.M (n. .11
nation, oui again comes me acmana
for a change a change always i
, ,. , ,
fraught with danger and tbe quest- !
inn will sooner or later be DUt to the
. , ,. .. cun .u ,
vote of the nation. Shall the ex-
perienceofa few years ago be re-.
peated, or has the nation learned to
let well enough alone?"
Senator Mitchell of Oregon, says j
he is opposed to revising the tariff at '
-. .. ,,, . .,
this time, says the Chicago Tribune.
While admitting that there doubtless j
are some instances in which the;
duties should be lowered or entirely I
. j. , . . . .. . i
taken off, he says that in his judg-
ment "nothing congress could do ,
would tend so strongly to discourage
business affairs and to interfere with
, , ,, . i
the good business conditions now j
prevailing throughout tbe oountry"
as to take op the tariff and try to j
mend it. This is precisely what j
... .
business men think and what the j
Tribune has said. Tbe defects of I
the tariff are less harmful than an i
-" - . - i j ., !
attempt to remove them would be.
If this subject were once taken op
for tbe exclusive purpose of improv- j
ing the iron and steel schedule, in-
dustries interested in other schedules j
would insist that something be done .
for them. The leather manufacturers
would like to see hides put on tbe
free list. Tbe woolen manufacturers
would like to see the duties on wool
lowered. The owners of American
beep would like to see these duties
raised and would demand that this j
be done if the tariff were to be over- j
hauled. The sugar trust, which is
always active and influential hen '
tariff legislation is being considered,
, , . , . j
would work tbe wi:es to get the duty j
taken off raw sugar and the easily
collected revenues given up. If!
congress, governed by the spirit of
evil, should take up tbe tariff quest
ion there would be lobbying for
higher duties here and lower duties
tbcre, and manufacturers and im
porters woulrl have to stand and
mark time till they knew what the
outcome of tbe turmoil and the strife
was to be. To attempt to revise tbe
tariff is to put the brake on tbe
wheels of tbe chariot of prosperity.
The PAnnlntiin Trihnnp this wapU
,,uhlishM a vrv P.cpllont nnrtit nf '
. ... r. . . X. i
Harvey W. Scott, cf tbe Oregonian, j
accompanied by a short sketch of his;
life. Referring to Mr. Scott editor
ially tbe Tribune says: "While Mr
ocott is not a candidate for senator,. . . !.,.
brown Leghorn cockerels and pullets for
in the usual sense the Tribune has .i u ,kAn . nnM
authority to state that he will accept
tbe office if it comes to him in the
proper manner. He will not enter a I
political contest to gain the honor,
but if tbe people of Oregon desire to '
r v
elect him be would be glad to serve
them." Really this is interesting
There is no possibility of misunder
standing tbe word. Mr. Scott is in
tbe field and no mistake; and while
, . . , . !
w tumj win giu n vvtbu uwwwt
be is not a candidate that aov man in 1
Oregon, do natter what bis politics
may be, can afford to despise. But
alas for Joe Simon I The Lock wood
law, that insures honest primaries in
Portland, was a paralyzer on tbe
little senator. The upper and nether
millstones of Scott and Fulton's can
didacies will grind him into tbe dost
tat dreams are made of. And ad)
0te ,-( De.
. . i . .
Clark & Falk are never ctoeed Band?.
TXm't forget this.
Toke Point oysters at Jones' Cafe.
Cooked in any style. n27
Clarke & FaiK have on eaie a full line
of paint anil artist !e hmnhpr.
If yon can't come daring the week,
yon can have a sitting Sanday by seeing
Floral lotion will enre wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arke
gS3STX he
maku a a-ecialtv of these goods. tf
Those artists' proofs. My! but they
are fine! One dozen will make just
twelve tine Christmas presents. Gifford
u tfae man tht mke8 them. n!9
C1rk and Flk bve jtl9t received a
fn jne of fresh Velox papers and de
velopers, the same as njed by Mr. I.ovick
in his recent demonstration at our store.
Trie Elite barber shou is running four
cnairs thn ensuring patrons a speedy
nd satisfactory service. AH tools
sterilized and onlv steam laundried
toweis Ui,. D18 lm
Christmas sale of millinery at the
Campbell & Wilson millinery palors.
One-third off regn'ar price of entire
slock. Sale will continue until first of
janaary. 25n-tf
why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can bnv James E.
Pettoo's sun proof paints lor $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
ra;( agents. ml
Yon saw those fine portrait frame at
the carnival? They are going very fast ;
the "apply limited, and your picture
in one of them is just tbe thing for
Christmas. Giffoid. nl9
You should know that Foley's Honey
and Tar is absolutely the best for all
diseases of the throat and longs. Dealers
m anthoriaed t0 rw Tit to give
satisfaction. Clarke & Falk.
Tbco. H. Liebe, tbe East Eud jeweler,
wi" ive ld walcn free to the person
fftSSmXt iSBTmSg.
A guws free with each 25-cent purchase
n2." St
I .experience is ttie nest leacner. use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded
2 eta. and 50 eta. Blakelav. tha ilrni.
CM. Phelps, Forestdale, Vt., says
his child was completely cured of a bad
J e?em' v. the e of DeWitf s
V itch Haz-i Salve. Beware of all
counterfeits. It insUntly relieves piles,
Clarke Flk'e p- - Pharmacy,
Mothers every where praise One
Minute Cough Cure for the sufferings it
ha9 reiieved and tbe lives of their Tittle
onea ' he saved. Strikes at tbe root of
iue iruuuiv ana urswp oar me innam-
mation. The children's favorite Cough
Cure. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
We have no five-dollar diploma, nor
do we use technical terms that no one
can understand, yet from many years
experience we ean fit your eyes, whether
near-sighted, far-sighted or cataract. We
can cite you to several instances where
we have fitted eyes where so-called pro
fessional opticians have failed. We can
save you from 50 to 100 per cent on spec
tacles, aye glasses , ate. F. A. Van Nor
den. 26ntf
All buildings and obstructions in tbe
streets of The Dalles must be removed
iu .i.i. .;n,;n ki.- ,..,o i
is date or the matter will be submitted i
to the council for them to act upon it.
By order of C. V. Chamflin.
Marshal Dalles City, Or.
Dated Nov. 3, 1901.
HlDKla-tyumb Brown Leghorn.
A 1 . L . - L . L, 1 l .
J.ts. Ireland.
The Dalles, Or.
Gholeonville, Va.,
n23 lm
W. T. Wesson,
druggist, writes:
"Your One Minute
V?an rure fSSJt. 222?'
My customers say it is tbe best remedy
for coughs, colds, throat and long
Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction.
1 troubles.
Clarke 4 Fall's P. O. Pbar-
or I'uaumuola.
Dr. C. J. Bishop. Acnew. Mich., savs:
"J have need Foley's Honey and Tar in
siuae very eavare cases 01 pneumonia
witti goou results in every ease." Ba
enbatitotcs. Clarke ft Falk
tha maari herta7aaiv la We4d.
Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92.
Women and .irwels
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
the order of a woman's preferences. I
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that
greatest of all jewels, health, is often
ruined in the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase them. If
a woman will risk her health to net a
coveted gem, then let her fortify herself
aaainat tbe insiduous consequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by
tbe regular use of Dr. Boschee's German
&vrup. It will promptly arrest con-
!, stag, and heal the j
' lnnS nd bronchial lubes and r
drive the diead dieeasp from the svstem.
It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain ;
! enre for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at Elakeley's drug
store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1
How's Tills!
We offer one hundred dollare reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous snr faces of the system.
F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hill's Family Pills are the best. 12
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
the hair needs when it gets in that con
dition. We have fl the Crown of
Science Hair fiHf& Grower and
Cocoanut Cream v V Tonic. They
will cure dand aaamV rnff and all
scalp d For sale at Frazer's bar
ber shop. Price 60c and 75c a bottle.
Lost, on one of the streets of Tbe
Dalles, a lady's gold watch. Ten dollars
reward will be given for its return to the
Oregon saloon. 29a-5d
La grippe coughs often continue for
months and sometimes lead to fatal re-1 E
sul.s after the patient is supposed tola
have passed the damier noint. Folev's 1 w
Honey and Tar affords positive pro-
tectioti and security from tt.ese coughs. ;
Clarke & Falk.
Change or Ueadqnarlers,
The headquarters of The Dalles and j
Shaniko stage line is now at the Colom-1
Ma Hotel. Stage leave there for Shan-! John Pashek, The Tailor,
iko every morning, except Sanday, at 6 1
o'clock. Passenger rate to Shaniko 2.
20ti-tf J. M . Toomey, Agent. Has just received 1000 samples
of the latest patterns in Gent's
Sick Headache absolutely and perma- Clothing Goods. He euaran
neniiy cored by using Moki Tea. A tees prices and a good fit or no
pleasant barb drink. Cures constipation j : 1
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep j K
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or John Pashek, The Tailor,
money back. 86cts. andoOcts. Blakeley, j
tbe druggist.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere
stimulent to tired nature. It affords tbe I
stomach eou plete and absolute rest by
digesting the food you eat. You don't
have to diet imt can enjoy all the good
food you want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
instantly relieves thai distressed feeling
after esting, eivina you new life and
vigor. Clarke 6 Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
N. Jackson, Danville, 111., writes: "My
had a severe attack of la grippe
and a terrible couch settled on ber lunas.
We tried a great many remedies without
giving relief. She tried Foley's Honev
and Tar which cored her.' She has
never been troubled with a cough since."
Clarke ft Falk.
Don't kub It In,
Just wet tbe affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Core, a Scotch remedy,
aud tbe pain is gone. Sold by Clarke ft
DeWitt's Little Early Risers never
disappoint. They are safe, prompt,
gentle, effective in removing all im
purities from tbe liver and bowels.
Small and easy to take. Never gripe or
distress. Clarke ft Falk's P. O. Phar
macy. Do yon sutler trom piles? If so do
not torn to surgery for relief. DeWUt's
Witch Haul Salve will act more quickly,
sorely and safely, saving yon tbe expense
and danger of an operation. Clarke ft
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Foley's Honey ma Tmr
US. T.
Blakeley's Drug Store,
Wc carry the lsrjrest and most complete
stock iu Eastern Oregon of
PRIXO and l'Ot O CAM Kit AS,
MAIL ORORKS receive our DflTU DUflslCC Every Package delivered Free. I
personal attention. DU I II I IIUIICO promptly, In the city.
First-Class Regular Meals,
1 Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served
J at all hours and in all styles.
J Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates
and Confections.
Subscribe for The
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Flan Brothers' Wagon.
.., , - - n. tr.
TfllTu 311(1 JfiDibTflll. PllOllB 159
Prof. Homer de Morrison
333j Washington street. Rooms 83-30,
The first registered as well as tbe flrst gradu
ate palmist ever in Portland The world's
K eatest Trance Clairvoyant and Herba lat can
be consulted daily on all Affairs of lit-.
Prof, da Morrison is without a doubt the moat
scientific PalmLt and Clairvoj ant iu tbe world
today: be locate hidden treasure, reunites the
separated, tells if tbere U mineral, oil. or gas ou
your land, enablss you to win thsafleetion ot
one yoo desire.
Palmistry taught, mcdiumlsilc persons devel
oped. Heals by tbe uses of bis revealed beibsl
lean, euro cbroulc sol t.K(l'l Incurable dla
eases. Kree treatment lor the poor.
Sand fl, dale of MrUi aud three questions ; aU
letters answered at c nee,
Loeates) by Vlessw.
fortlsnd. Aug. io. -(To Hunt
ae Mormon, uoeultltl. laeaied by vision I he bo 1
Hon stolen ironj the aaiby SmalUag Worts. In
beltlf of oceult aolenos be rssaedlately com
muuieeied by tetter the testa to Mr. A. J. Hab.
is bp air. a. j. Hals
ton. owner
eetved lest night prove ah
uer oi spe awioy wore. tu
It U
to he aasussd
atoiea frosa Sw Sssby Sssetsiaa Works was T
17 2d St., THE DALLES
DR OWN EXTRACT of Lemon and Va
nl.lin arc the Beet Made.
EveryShing we nell is Praah.
Our prices are Consistent.
Oar rrtftSCRtPTION Department
i in charge of competent men.
Wc Manufacture
Dr. Wand's Mnrment,
Dr- Wood's Sarsaparllla,
Dr WnaC's Haadaeh Tablets,
and Wlih Raaal Almond Cream.
Always fresh.
A Ton of
1 l-2c per lb.
Yellow Dan vers
$1.50 per sack.
Eating Potatoes
75c bushel.
We pay 30c a doz.
Fresh Ranch Eggs.
Prices guaranteed to Dec.
1st, 1901.
Grocery and Peed Store.
Transact a General Banking; Business.
Letters of Credit issued available in
the Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Loots, Han Francisco. Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Waah., and various points
In Oregpn and Washington.
Collections used at all points on fav
orable terms.
TUB PltaiBi 68
Fine LavrtJ iid &$.nmw
Cirersof IMND
D Oregon
Union IUcific
kakt TIME SOmtDPLKB west
aooiriy TUk'SaI.LKS. bockd
Pordand gelt Lake, Oenvar. Pt
Special. Worth, Omaha, kan-:!P-rn.
eaaCIty.Bt.Lotiis.Chl- ll0.p.m.
via Hunt- cago and the Kast.
lug sou.
Atlantic , .
kxpreaa, Denver, Ft.
togton cago and the Jtast
SApau) Walla Walla, J-nviston. "
Past Mail, hpcAaas.Wallassj.rall
vifeV"- pKW. 8i" B
kane. kee, Chieasroand East.
Prom fart land.
(AU sailing dates sab-!
Jcct to change.) 4:00 p. m
For Ban Francisco,
Belt every 6 days.
Daily i
except Clatafcl. lvwe. 4:00
sTooTm. To Astoria and Way- except
BatuTdav, ludingB. Sunday.
10:00 p. m.
Dally Willamette Klvar. !
fa sussss. :3
rja.ta. ax Way-Iindings. Bnna-
Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Corvallis and Way- Monday,
Saturday, Landings ' Wednesday
6:00 a.m. Friday.
Tuesday, ' Willamette and 3:30 p.m.
Tndraday, ! Yamhill Mirers. Monday,
Saturday, Oregon City, Dayton and 1 Wedsday
7:00 a.m. Wy-lndlngs. Friday.
jg!. Snake River. lW
Klaaria i Lewiston
S?&.m. Wp.rUtolrwl.ton. : M
gWf Parties -edring to -o to Bcponer or
pofhts on Columbia Southern via Biggs, shoeM
laseno. , waving 'rne ubimb at p. m.
mskiiiK direct connection st Heppner junction
snd Blgira. Return Ing niakingdlreotconiiectloD
st Heppuer Junction and Biggs with No. 1, sr-
riving at The Dalles at 1:06 p. m.
Por farther particulars, call on or address
Ja1b.Tebi.and, Aunt,
The Dalles, Oregoa.
J. 8. 8CHBWC-,
Max A. Voot.
First Batio-al Bank.
. . . OREOOW
bject to Bight
Oolleetfou made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav oi collection.
Sic ht and Tslfajissihlc Eachange sold
Haw Yeg,tiaaeifK an.J "ort-
nf ggBBOTOItSs
P. P. Taaavatw. Jo. 8. Soaaaog.
Bo. M. Wtuaatn. ao. A. Lisaa.
H. M. Bball.
W W. CUtOK, ataaagsr.
meals at H loart-
The table elweva soppl
beat in tbe market.
7s Froat ., saw Ooort, Thf D-H
-)UIU fiKr, KTC.