The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 30, 1901, Image 1

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    IV Uttlles
NO. 244
Tbe Kind Ton Have Always Boturht, and wttch has
in ue fW over SO yean, has borne the signature
and has been made under his
sons! supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive yon In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
intents and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Sentiment In Cuba.
New Yobs, Nov. 2fl- Among the pae
eengera who arrived yesterday from
Havana were General Leonard Wood,
governor of Ciba; Mr. Wood, M. J.
Dady, the contractor; Sir Williams Van
Horn, Lieutenant Barden and Lien
tenant Frank McCoy. General Wood
said he would proceed directly to
Washington to report to President
Roosevelt and expected to return to Cuba
on December 7th. He said he expressed
no opinion on tbe question of annexation
of Cuba, and to do so would be impolitic.
Matters were quiet in Cuba and prepara
tions were being made for the election
in February.
"Of course," said General Wood,
"there are a number of people in Cuba
who desire annexation, but I doubt tbe
possibility of securing a canvass of
opinion on tbe question. Tbe people of
Cuba wisb to see their flag floating over
Morro Castle, even if it were only for a
Mr. Dady says tbe city council oi Ha
vana, by a nnanimo&s vote, gave bim
the Havana contract for public improve
ments tbere, and tbat tbe plana and
specifications are in preparations for
presentation to General Wood, who will
consider the matter on his return to
Held Meat far the Boers and Filipino.
New Vobk, Nov. 29. Rev. Joseph
Mendi, of tbe Roman Catholic Church
of tbe Immaculate Conception at Mont
clair, N. J., celebrated bfgb mass on
Thanksgiving for tbe souls ot tbe Boers
lost in battle against tbe British, and
also for tbe native Filipinos who died
fighting for their independence. Al
though it wee bitterly cold, there was
n attendance of several hundred,
father Mendi was assisted by two
priests from Newark Father Sampson
and Charntsi.
Father Mendi has received a large
number of letters from persons in Most
clair, Newark, New York and Brooklyn
indorsing bis position and congratulating
him on nia determination to celebrate
the mass.
Tl. L.osar' kaaaeet.
Over on Grays Harbor recently tbe
crew of a logging camp, sixty in number,
com plained to the employers that tbe
cook was n. g., and that they wanted a
change. They got tbe obange, as tbe
company discharged tbe crew end kept
tbeeook He was saving them $160 a
month. Then tbe bead akidgreaser
went out and sat on a stump and com
posel the following lament :
"Backward, tnrn backward, ob time
in your flight ; feed me on gruel again,
just for tonight. I am so weary of sole-
leather steak, petrified biscuit, vulcan
ized cake; oysters that sleep in a watery
bath, and butter as strong as Goliath of
Gath ; weary of paying for what I can't
eat, chewing op rubber and calling it
"Backward, turn backward, ob bow
weary I am ; give me a swipe at my
grandmother's jam ; let me drink milk
that hasn't been skimmed, let me eat
butter whose whiskers are trimmed ; let
me once more have old-fashioned pie,
and then I'll be willing to curl up and
N I Klit VM fler Terror,
"I would cough nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs. Cbas. Applegate, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep. I had consumption so bad tbat
if I walked a blocx I would cough fright
fully and spit blood, but, when all other
medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of
Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured
me and I gained 68 pounds." It's
absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs,
Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all
Throat and Lung Troubles. Priee 60c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at G. C.
Blakeley'e drug store. 2
If yon want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make yonr hair harsh, dry and
eriapy. Now we have two of tbe very
best preparations for cleansing tbe
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your bair soft and gloss v.
Price, 85 and 60 cents a bottle, at Fraser's
barber chop. Tbe Dalles. tf
The largest and moat
- complete line of . . .
ever shown in the city
' are now on display at
H. Glenn & Go's
Paint and Oil Store.
Highbinder Outbreak ia Sao Francisco
Is Serious Threatens te Become
a General War of long Members.
Sam Francisco, Nov. 20. Two Chinese
are dead and two others, mortally
wounded, lie at the receiving hospital, as
the result of two murderous attacks in
Chinatown. Both shootings were the
culmination of a long-standing foed be
tween rival highbinder associations. Tbe
men who were killed outright were shot
as they iay sleeping in a bank at 902 j
Clay street. Their names are Quan
Lucy and Suey Duck. Loue Fook, better
known as Little Loue, and Joe Do are
the other victims.
Fook was shot four times as he was
entering his gambling joint at 102
Waverly Place, accompanied by Do, who
was bis bodyguard. As Little Loue fell
mortally wounded, Do drew his revolver,
bat before be could use it he received a
bullet in bis neck.
Shortly after tbe shooting, the police
arrested a notorious highbinder, who
gave his name as Lee Yon, un suspicion
of having wounded both men. When
searched a revolver which bad been
recently fired wa found on him. About
fifteen minutes after the perpetration of
of this crime another shooting occurred
in a lodging-house at 902 Clay street,
Sergeant Donovan and Officers Tillman
and McNamara tan to tbe place, and
going upstairs, they found Quan Lucy
and Suey Duck dead. Both bad been
sbot while they slept on a bunk In a
small room on the second floor.
After the shooting, a large squad of
police was sent into Chinatown, and in
a abort time tbe officers arrested half a
dosen highbinders, who were heavily
armed and bent on avenging tbe murder
of Little Loue.
42 Choice
Waist Patterns
consisting of the very newest
things in silk embroidered
French Flannels, satin striped
Ohallies, silk embroidered
Serges, gold tinsel embroider
ed Serges, satin striped all
wool Challies, silk embroider
ed Henriettas, dotted Henri
ettas, striped Trecots, and
black and white striped Ser
ges, in 2 and 2 yard lengths,
at special 05c, 75c, 80c, 90c,
$1, $1.25, $1.50, $2.25, $2.50
and $3.15 the piece.
We call special attention to
the assortment of
in 2-yard lengths; 8 different
patterns, at
$1.00 each.
About 60 very stylish Silk
and Satin waists at
Half Price.
In the lot are represented all
the shades in Taffettae, Peau
de Sc. and Satin. All beau
tifully made and elaborately
tucked or trimmed in lace in
sertiou and ribbon.
Those that were
95:00 are now $3 60
G.OO are now 3 00
8.00 are now 4 00
10.00 are uow 6 00
12.00 are now o oo
12.75 are now fl 38
10.00 are now 8 IX)
Our entire line
ot new FALL
SILKS In wide
selling regularly
at 76c, special
50c each
Uiis week only.
Special Thanks
glvlng-wcek prloss
in the Clothing de
partment. All Youths'
Suits w
in siaee from 17 to
20 years, ureatly
We are over
stocked in those
siaes, and to equal
ise matters are
willing to give Xu
a substantial re
duction in price for
this week.
4.60 suit. . . $S 76
6.00 suit... 4 00
(1.00 suit ... 4 86
7.60 suit 8 25
8.60 suit . . 7 36
10.00 suit 7 60
11.00 suit .... 90
No extra charge
for alterations toll
The unanimity with which Simon is !
not endorsed for re election by the
Oregon press and public must be a trifle
disconcerting to the little boss. Jce
would look good to most of us without
his toga. Western Leader.
The recent decision on the validity of
the Lock wood primary law .it is con
aidered will seriously diminish Senator
Simon's strength in Portland. Tbe
world seems to be going against "Little
Joe" lately, anywsy. Pendleton
Tbe Baker City Republican bas fired
a gun for I. N. Williamson for congress.
Tbe barrel, however, was only half
logded and tbe trigger was nulled before
the proper sight was taken. Senator
Williamson is a good man for most any
thing but who knows what he wants?
Pendleton Tribune.
Tbe Hartford Times says: "Tbe
people of tbe Pacific Coast are not so
united in opposition to Chinese immi
gration as tbey formerly were." Tbis is
a mistake. Tbey are more so. From
tbeir experience witb tbe consequences,
industrially, socially and politically,
tbey have learned mecb. Theory bas
melted away is the light of practical
facts. Tbe people of tbe Pacific Coast
want no reviyel of the agitation and
genesal disturbance tbat renewal of
Chinees immigration would bring upon
Tbe suggestion of tbe Sentinel last
week that Prof. A. P. Armstrong would
make a strong republican candidate for
state school superintendent is meeting
witb a hearty endorsement from one end
of tbe state to the other. Tbe eminent
fitness of Prof . Armstong is recognised
and the opinion prevails tbat under hie
management tbe schools of tbe state
would very quickly be systematic and
conducted on a higher plane. Balsa
man of wide learning, well read, practi
cal, active, ssd loll of seal and bousines
"saeey." Oregon's schools seed a prac
tical business management as opposed
to the maculae practices in vogse daring
laser years and to Prof. Armstrong the
people might well look fore correction
of prevalent
Foley Honey
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
MONDAY, December 2d.
America's leading Romantic Actor,
" '..-faSBBBBmBBBBB-aBk.
pHtKvNxi. 9sB BBBB
Famous throughout the world as "The
Silver Ring,'7 will present his grand
scenic nieioaroiiia, in iwur mmm,
By Arthur Shirley add Beuj. Landek.
As produced 1000 times in London
A carload of special scenery and
cbankal effects.
PRICES First five rows, 76c balance
or the house, 60c. Children. 26c.
Scats on sale Thursday morning at
Clarke A Falk's.
riayeC Oat.
Doll Headache, Plna in various parts
of the ioJr, Sinking at the pit of tbe
stomach, Leas of appetite, Feverishness,
Pi so pics or Sores are all positive eviden
ces of Impure blood. Ho matter how it
kiss sj- tt It must be purified In order
to obtain goad health. Acker's Blood
Blest ir bas never failed tecum Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or asp other Mood
It la certainly a wooderiel
sad wo ssil smy battle as a
psstMts fitsmtas. SUhsisy, the drsg.
Kev Umatilla House (afe and Restaurant
Service the Best. Rates Reasonable.
fJsF"S pedal rates to Steady Boarders, Families and
Theatre Parties.
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
W Cook and Meeting stores.
FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Agaals for Heosier Drills, J. I. Case Steel farm
H.rro.. ....i Flo... Horin Tooib Harrows. RIs'S l Chilled Plows. Mitchell Wag
ons snd Backs, llenney Buggies.
...Star Windmills...
With Ball and Roller bearings, and folly warranted.
Write oi for pi ices and catalogues.
All orders entrosled to us will bave prompt atteatloo.
Priors always right.
Tbe only Eseiosive Hardware Store in tbeeily.
I hare re-opened this wall-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply erery
body with Bread, Flea and Oakea. Alio
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Orooar as.