The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 29, 1901, Image 4

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Mr. Thomas Harlan, of U osier, ii id
tbe city.
Mr. and Mrs. Fry left Wednesday
noon for an Francisco to be gone two
C. F.. Fransen and wife, of Lyle, re
turned this morning from a t ; i p to their
old tionie in Germany.
Dr. James Sutherland, of Spokane,
spent Thanksgiving with Dalles friends
ana will rctnm home Saturday.
Mrs. Olivia Morgan arrived here yet-j
terday from Portland ana after visiting
o few days with friends wili spend a few i
weeks with her parents at Antelope.
Miss Virginia Mardvn was in Hood '
River yesterday, where she attended the j
crystal wedding of Mr. and Mrs". Will
iam Stewart, of that place.
State Senator .1. N. Williamson has'
gone to Chicago to attend the meeting
of the National Livestock and Wool-!
tv'wers" Association to be held there !
daring the first week in December. Mr. I
Williamson will do all in bis power to .'
have the next annual meeting of this
association held in the Oregon metropo-:
General Summers is being championed
for governor by J. W. Ivey. of Portljnd '
and Alaska.
The Tillamook Herald is talking in its
aleep again. It says Mr. Leeds is a can
didate for state printer. Mr. Leeds is
now serving his second term and will
not ask a re-nomination.
It is probable that the state ticket is
almost decided, bat there may be many
a gap in the fences between now and the
last day of the state convention. On
The ranges of the West a cowboy never
knows when a stampede wiil occur.
Pendleton Tribune.
Mr. Fulton lias served the republican
party of tfie state of Oregon loyally : he
as one of the ablest statesmen in that
etate today, and if auy man is deserving
of the honors of United Stites senator,
Mr. Falton is tbe man, and his friends
on the urrth side of the Columbia hope
tie will reach tha. distinction. Skimuk
wa Eagle.
A prominent Portland man said that
Joe Simon's goose was cooked. H. W.
Sctnt has gone in with Mitchell to put
flgjj an a'tti-SiiLcu ticket in Multnomah
and bat meaus death to Little Joe.
II. W. Corbett is now against kiui and
Henry MeGinn is pulling with Scott.
Thus is the Simon backbone taken nut.
ABtoria !fews.
Discussing the political situation, the
Oregonian says: ' Oae aspect of jhe
fight is worthy of a giance : In case
abterii Oregau fails to land a man for
governor, and a hearty demand goes up
for the recognition of the great Eastern
part of the state, Mr. VViliiamson would
eland in a very good position to get in
the way of the striking lightning. "
2U strikes us rather forcibly that Mr.
cott has been a trifU too inconsistent
in his past political career, and hie rabid
attacks upon tb McKiniey administra
tion will not justify bis candidacv to tbe
United States senate in the eyes of the
republican party : fu'thermore, his ad
vocacy for election will have to come
from a different source than democratic
writers and journals. Newport News.
Jn the political arena of Easier:. Ore
gon it is apparent that the successful
contestant for congressional honors at
tbe hatds of the republican party, will
be Hon. J. S Williamson, shoaid that
gentleman cuiisooi to his name being
u-.d. H- rr- is a orthy standard bearer,
and the people of this region would do
well to impress upon tbe gentleman
their dtain that he accept the office that
te lately awaiting an effort. Baker City
a pair.
Here It Is.
Hundreds of women have been
looking for such a boot.
Extremely stylish.
Always bright.
Always presentable.
Fit to go an v where.
No rubbers, no overshoes.
No polishing.
Exclusive Shoe Department
White Collar Line.
Tie Daiies-Portiam Urate
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Portland, The Dalles and
Way Points.
Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. on Tues-
; dav, Thursday and Saturday.
Arrives The Dalles, same day, 5 p. m.
Leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. on Sun
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. ro.
Meals the Very Best.
r. zi.
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Street
51 Local,
858 Loog Distance
ber music and
1 sical Times.
Miss Fiynn 1
1 sis e.l by Mrs.
cembar 5:h.
elocution. Pacific Mo
ri!! appear in recitai, as
Rose Eiccb-Baoer, De-
Thankagi vlng Shootinc Tournament.
Player Given a Splendid Reception by
Tbe Dalles Voting Ladles.
Tne foolba'.! game here yesterday on
the new park between the high school
teams of Portland and The Da'lee, re
sulted in a ?core of V2 to 0 ;n feVOt of
The Dalies. The crowd was not large
for a Xbaakagi ving game, bnt it was
mosi enthusiastic.
Tne Dalles took choice ot goais, giving
Portland the kick-off. The Dalles soon
lost the ball, and Portland made some
brilliant end plays. After Tne Dalles
bad recovered from a severe case of
stage fright, Cooper Jpnnted for the lat-
; ter team, and then taking toe ball away
1 from Portland made :-. touch-down in a
series of '.;ne-bnck and end rnn. Cooper
kicked goal Without trouble. Tbe re
mainder of the half of twenty minutes
was warmly contested, with The Dalles
aggressive and gaining ground.
In the second half of twenty minutes
Williams made a brilliant end run and
then in a tew sharp plays put the tell
over for a toucu-down, Cooper making
toe usual goal. When the game closed
Tne Dalles was on the visitors' twen:;
( yard "line and gaining ground rapidly.
Tbe home team played well, bat
1 lacked the thorough oaching and team
' work of tbe Portland high school team.
: The Dalles team, however, had experi
ence.: backs, were the heavier and dis- t
played good judgment and fine nerve.
The line-up was as follows :
lw llanne Heleu Fljun
Whitmer c Omeg
Holman t e 1 Lake ;
Brooke 1 g r Robinson '
Hare r t I K Cooper
; Eagieton i t r Eitou
I Meikle r e 1 Scott !
; Hnghee i e r Obarr !
Kerrigan q Mu-rayj
Tidcomb r n 1 Croes
: Harkins 1 b r Goehler :
j Smith, Capt f J Cooper. Cspt !
Sobe for Portland Montague, Cason ;
and Halcumb. For Tbe Dalies Smith. 1
Brown, Gueser. Sylvester and GoliiDa.
Officials Reterte, Captain Uus Bar
tell. Umpire, Joseph Starr. Ttuie-,
keeper, B. BuriifH. Liuetnen, Mr. ;
j Cason and H. Zirka.
Portland ehifted players in the last
half, and Wiiiiams played lett half in ;
t place of Cross for Tne Dalies team.
The young ladies of The Dalles gave
The shooting tomntment on the beach
yesterday nttracte i a considerable num
ber of persons and uudcubtediy divided
honors with the football same in tbe
In tbe live-bird contest P. J. Stadie
man won first monev. For tbe second
'money Messrs. Crawfor', Liebe and
Coppercoll t e '. Is the shot off Lie
In th s first ma'ch of the clay-bird
contest Shanno won first money, and
Sherry and Stadieman second. In the
second match Crawkrd won first money
. and Sherry second.
Meanwhile Captain Barrett, repre
senting the Peters Cartridge Company
of Cincinnati, Ohio, gave an exhibition
of bis skill with a 22-cahber rifle. Of
one-hnndrei shots firad at little bits of
broken brick the captain bit about
eighty times. He made an aimost equal
r e 3rd at bagel nnts and almonds. He
threw an empty oyster can in the air
and tired five shots before it struck the
ground, bitting the can three or four
times. Po nting the muzzle of his rifle
over bis shoulder, he took aim with a
littie looking glass and hi; a stationary
objsct nearly every time.
Tbe turkey shoot attracted a good
crowd all day. A. Y. Marsh disposed
of ahjut furty turkeys. The most inter
esting feature ot this snoot was over a
turkey placed at 500 yards distance, at
25 cents a shot. With tbe turkey went
a prize of $2 in cash. After Mr. Marsh
had realized $t out of it George Ander
son won it cn tbe fourth shot. Ir was a
whopper, weighing over 25 pounds.
The very titie of the play "A Lion's
Heart," to be presented at the Vogt
Monday eveuing, Dec. 2d, indicates a
marvelous field far romance. The au
thors have taken advantage of this and
have given the stage a thrilling story
with an interesting and stirring plot en
tirely new. It is superbly staged and
presented by an excellent company
headed by Mr. Carl A. Haswin. In tbe
cast are Sam H. Vernev, Carrol Daly,
Fred Eckbart, Cbas. P. Rice, Uraee
Wet by. Blanche Carlyle and the clever
child, Nanon Everett.
gmWThie Route has the
Seeuic Attractions on Earth.
Portland-Astoria Route
Daily Round Trips except Sunday.
Leave Portland 7 a.
Leave Astoria 7 p.
Landing and office Foot of Alder
Street; both phones, Main 351, Port
land, Oregon.
. W. Crichton, Agent Portland,
Pratber and Barnes, Ate., Hood River,
6 I Wolford ft Wyers, Agts.. White Salmon,
J. C. Wratt, Agent, Vancouver,
A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria.
R. B. Gilureth, Agt., Lyle, Waab.
; J. M. FIL100N, Agent, The Dalles.
Dalles, Doitiami & istoria
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
OoDflon Plionr 334.
Lnni lUt. 1091.
at 7 A. M.
o Crandall & Barget o
ftll kinds of undertakers Barial Shroods
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc
sawsi araxaaaaaxaxaxa Baaaksai
W " The Dalles, Or. t
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, anre to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
fiaTftH Beware of ronntertei's anrt imitatiom. Tbcr nnine Is pns op only In paste-boon! CM-
vav iva ion wim rae-simlle syniatore :ao or tne uottie. u:
Bauafor Ciieolar to WILLlAMs atfu. CO.. Sole Aeenu. C.celaiia, Ohio. A
Fur sale by Geo. C. Blatteley. Tbe Dallea, Or.
...Portland Boat...
at 7:00 A. M.
For intents and Children.
Ittt Kind You Baie Always Bougtel
the visitors a splendid reception last
FiTun i tde daughter of P. J. ' evening at the Baldwin opera lioose. It
superintendent and assistant was a gieat snores- in everv particular.
Bears the
8igaatare ot
' , . , - ! There is no melodramatic prodnctioc
Foley's Honey mad Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
tared family. Misa Finn is bat 19
yean uf ae. yet two years ago gradu
ated itn highest houurs from the Con
servatory uf Mu4ic and 8choo! of Ora
tory at Deover. In her recitals she
plays the most ciaaeical selections from
memory. Ihroaghout the Northwest
tbie tuung SjSliti has appeared before
critic... audiences and met tb tbeir
highest approbAlton. Mies Firnn'e ren
diti jii - possess a sweet harmony and ex
ftreeion, mhicu illustrate the heart and
aoul of the p;ayer.
Ia elucotiou Miss F nr. stands at tbe
bead in the profession west of the Luck- '
m, and by tbe prees is often called tbe :
"Mary Aadersou of tbe Northwest."
Toe most difficult tragical fccen-s from
Shakespeare have been rendered by Miss
eFlyoo before actors of note, fbo have
only tbe highest compliments to pay
Iter, and predict Im ber a brilfiaot fu
ture, shouid she chvx-se the cage for Lev
Mum Fiynn possess s a chrn ing per
auoality, which wius for bar maay '
lneods ouassuunng and modest in
euaaaer, k mi and aff-ctioo in di-posi-,
tiaa. Oregon ia proud of this yooag .
-artiai. aitd wishes bar everv stages ia
on the road today that equals "A Lion's
Heart.' The play more literary
: merit and dramatic worth than any sim
ilar piece. This i borne oat by the fact
that Mr. Carl A. Uaiwin, tbe stronger
and most capable romantic actor that
bas appeared in melodrama for year,
plays the leading role. As a scenic pro
duction it has no rival. The prulugue
s'iows the dreeaing lent of a circne, a
scene never before attempted on the
stage, and as the four succeeding acts
: are laid ia France and New Caledonia,
: there is ample opportunity for pictur
esque asttings, wbicb is lavish y taken
advantage of by tbe management. "A
Lion's Heart" at the Vogt mzt Monday
Working S4 Basra a Da.?.
Tnere'd oo rest fur those tireless little
little workers Dr. King's New Piils.
Millions are always buy, coring Torpid
Liver, Jaundice, Billiousnees, Fever and
Ague. Tbey banith Hick Headache,
drive oat Malaria. Never grta or
weaken. Small, taete nice, work won
der. Try them, :25c at G. C. Blakelev's
drog store.
Clarke A Falfc's flavoring extracts i
the beet. Ask your g cjer lor them.
Did yoci get
a Catalogue
of the I He ntlftfe at MENE
EEC PARHINsy store?
If not, call and see tbe list
before the beet ones are se
lected. This is one of tbe best bar
gains iu music we have ever
offered. AM leCft to se-
select from.
f nif i
W. C. ALL A WAY. General Agent,
Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
Just What
Yoa txiant.
Wn Warnte Ii
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?u kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, &u kind
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, oTVSm
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
fryn FlOUl This flour ia manofaetarad expressly for family
UVAX w use : everv aaek is gua ran teed to give satisfaction.
We seJi oar goods lower than any bo nee in the trade, and if you don't think
call and gat our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety ae wa are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Real imita
tion c ret on affect at ordinary prices.
oood papers at coeep paper
biegant assigns, taeteiui coloring, yon re
for a small price, at oar store on Third
street. Also a fall Una of house paints.
D. W. VATJBE, Third St.
QUO. K. t AUr-bKLL.
Irrigation, Bridge, KaUrusd and Water Suiiply
I'Uj, Mine aud Exaert Land eurveriuc, Mai
piag.Ble. I aaanna, CooatracUoo and Maiatenanee of
HJaavajra. suesu and favementt.
Ca-len ot gswajdaoooa. Mudsra hndaaa. Bn.
sasnry streiura. etc.
. Box Sib, TUB t'.VLl KS. OB.
Of the prodnct of this well-known brewery tbe United States Health
Reports for Jane 28. 1900, says: "A more superior brew never entered
tbe labratory of tbe United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of
the beet of tnaM and choicest of hope. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with tbe greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Iu use can conscientiously be prescribed by tbe physicians with
tbe cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
Rant. RarnnH Rfraaf TXTTP niT T VS nMlODN
SiWSSafW SwrwWWUlaa, MW1 W Wf " " f fl" I fl II II I l"frf J VAiaWW V"
They overcome weasr
neas. irregularity ea
omiaskma, increase vir
or and banish "pam
of menstruation." 11107 are "LIFE BAYERS " to gu-J;
known remedy for women equals them- Cannot do harm w
becomes a pleaaure. f l.OO FEB BOX Bf MAIL. Wj"
by draffgbita. DR. MOTT8 CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Uuw
For sale bj Geo. C. Blakelay, Tbe Dalies, Or
.Blacksmith. Horseshoer and Wagon-maker
-naaxaa ik-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith SuppU
Aaer.t for Bufsali Co.'
Telephone 157.
Long Distance
mr . Im. I LarUMn ttL, Tfi