The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 29, 1901, Image 3

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.The New York Gash Store.
138 and 144 Second Street.
The BARGAIN BTORE of the City.
Great Clearance Me,
Suits . .
..nogs' in Mil senu siits..
If 'ou ever expect to wear '
any more clothes you can't
afford to stay away. i
Handsome strictly all-wool
suits in cheviot and cassi
mere fabrics, lined with best
quality Italian cloth and
serge, good values at $8.50
and $10; our Thanksgiving
Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Suspenders and Gloves
of the Finest Make.
and Silks
for Saturday only.
30 pieces Fancy Ribbon, worth 8c
ftATUMAY, 3c tr yard.
25 pieces Fancy Ribbon, real worth 15c
SATURDAY, 10c r yard.
Odds and Ends Fancy Ribbon, 35c, 40c and 45c
values- SATURDAY, 13c wr yard.
Two Big Prices in Fancy Silks, ft, $1.25 and
$1.50 values Mc $1.65, $1.75, $2 and
$2.25 values $1.25 er yard.
All Good
Marked in
Plain Figures
The Dalles Daily Chrwnele.
NOV. 20. 1901
r m Served
Oysters ,,
At Andrew Keller's. )
() .
All WMo Coo.ty WlfMM MWl.tM4
prior to January . MM, will b. paid
on ptaaentatlon at my otBoa. IottrMt
eaWI after Kofwiber IS, lSOl.
Ooonty Treasurer.
- C. E. Dawson, of tbie city, baa got the
CDn tract for painting tbe scenery for the
opera house now in coarse of erection at
Tbe marriage of Mr. J. P. Lucas, of
this city, and Mrs. Olivia Morgan is an
nounced to take place sometime about
New Year's.
Tbe football game tomorrow afternoon
between Pendleton and The Dallea will
be guaranteed to be clean and enter
taining. All should eorre oat and eee
tbie (fame, one ot tbe beat of tbe Beaton.
The local lodge A. 0. U. W. will o:ive
a social next Thursday ntgbt to which
the ladles ot the D. of H. will be In
vited. It will not be a etag social, as
was mistakenly said a couple of days
Two new case of diphtheria were re
potted yeeterday, one of wbieh is in a
house froui which the quarantine was
raised a couple of days ago. The quar
antine has been raised from tbe resi
dences of Dsn Baker, J. C. Connelly and
Mrs. Tyler.
The heavy raise of last Friday an
Bala r (lav caused a bin freshet in Hood
river. About one million feet of lege
came down tbe river for tbe Lost Lake
Lumber Co., and only about doaen
logs west over mm soom nou war.
in the Columbia.
Wednesday evening George Bacon, of
Forest Grose, arrived on the steamer
Dallea City with stock end carriages
onen nn a liwarv bun in tblB City.
til such time as s new stable con be
built he will occupy temporary quarts
on Pint attest nesrths Umatilla House.
Mr. Bacon bat a floe sew outfit of bug
gies and goes home sod will sets a
position to accommodate all who easy
desire anything in bis lies.
President Wbealdoo, of- tbe com
merclsl slab, having had sickniss in bis
family almost sH MM tjsss lines It was
determined to bold s monthly tslr bate
to commence on tbe flret Saturday in
taken up in the near future and pushed
to success. This enforced temporary
abandonment muet in no wise be con
strued as a permanent abandonment.
The Portland Telegram of November
25th says: "Tbe musical and literary
recital, to be given at The Dallea Decem
ber 6th by Mamie Helen Flyns, assisted
by Sose Bloeh-Baser , Portland's famous
soprano, promises to be tbe musical
event of tbe season in that city. Since
ber graduation in music and elocu
tion, Miee Fiynn has won a repots
tion gained by few young artists. Her
work as s pisniste, ber execution, inter
pretation and memory of the worke of
tbe great masters, bavs called forth
moat favorable criticism. At the com
ing recital she will give selections from
Beethoven, Liszt, Chopin, Schubert,
Teneig, Schumann and Padereweki.
Among a collection of eandry articles
of food and clothing in tbe county court
room, which have been donated to tbe
Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, is a 20
pound box of Star plug tobacco. On tbe
lid is tbe inscription is the well-known
chirograph y of the sheriff, "From tbe
eheriff's office believing that under
tbe guidance of Brother Gardner the
children of tbe 'Aid have acquired tbe
habit of 'chewing.' " This singular
donation was found some months ago
under s lumber pile while a search was
being made for goods stolen from the
Hub clothing store. As no owner could
ever be found for It tbe sheriff concluded
to make a preeest of it to the borne. It
can be readily sold far something really
The management of the B ys' and
Girls' Aid Society has always sbown
great appreciation for tbe contribution
made to them each Tnankegiving. Tbe
amount contributed has usually been
very generous. No people in the state
have responded more liberally than
tboee of Wasco county. Bat this vear
because of tbe decreased attendance at
school, tbe contribution has fallen low
pored with former ossa; being
nly about one third of last year's. Io
lew of what tbe society is doing for the
nfortuaate children of our community
places ue under renewed obligotios to
it. The agent, Mr. Resebaw, will be
ere until Saturday evening. If there
tboee who bave not bad an oppor
tunity of contributing, sod etlll desire to
do so, it would be much appreciated if
they would band soy donation, no matter
have flowere In great variety and abund
ance, and are not only en ying bat rev
eling in the best climate in tbe world."
For old-friendship's sake, at least, Mr.
Husbands will sot lake It unkindly if
we tell hiaa thst we bad some climate
here ourselves this fall. The lowers are
etill in blooss OsiSSoss, law WS have had
very little frost. Ws ssss had tome
ripe raspberries quite tsssty, bat of
course not as sissy as Mr. Husband hue
hod, and rigs strsw bei rise hsve been in
the market almost every day until about
a week ago. Mr. Hot bands hoe the sin
cere thanks of The Chronicle for his
They Sr.
Committed To the Car. of
and Oirla' Sid Society.
Tbe two little boys, who were reported
in Wednesday 'a Chronicle as saving
received brutal treatment at tbe hands
of their father and stepmother, were
arrested yesterday and today committed
to the custody of tbe Boys' and Girls'
sid Society. The boys' names are
Stanley and Clyde Meiklejobn, aged
respectively 6 ond.7 yearo. Their fatber'e
same ie John M. Meisk-j bn. He came
here a short time age from Baker City.
He is s carpenter by trade and by pro
fession a Seventh Day Adventist
preacher. Armed with necessary papers
Deputy Sheriff 8ex ton, J. A. Renshaw,
of the Boys' snd Girls' Aid Society,
Deputy County Clerk Simeon Bolton
and The Chronicle man went yeeterday
morning to bring the children away. The
family reside in a email frame building
on tbe hill south of Judge Bennett's
residence. Tbe etepmot ber and children
were at borne. The father was at work
on the W. A. Johnston building. Tbs
bouse was neat and clean. Tbe children's
clothing was tbe beet of them. Tbe
pinched, old-mannish look of tbs older
boy, with bis black and bruised eys snd
face and swollen hand, sad the swollen
cheek snd bruised and swollen hands of
tbe younger would have melted tbe heart
of a atone.
The woman seemed to have expected
us. When Sexton announced his bosi
nees she ehowed no more emotion than
if we had come to take away tbe house
est. Tbe children were togged up a lit
tle ssd their little belongings packed in
s paper parcel wbes ws started on tbs
asked. "Because I put two sticks in the
stove when she told me to pat in only
There was a wound oo the elder boy's
tbnmb. He was asked bow be got it.
His answer was that be got it rawing
wood. "Doss your pa not raw tbe
wood?" was asked. "He rawed oss
aiick a long time age," was tbe asewer.
Then tbe little one raid his mamma
used to stuff cloths is hit mouth to pre
vent the neighbors from hesring him
cry when she was whipping him.
When brought to tbs hotel tbe writer
examined tbs elder boy's back snd hips
snd thigh ssd found tuem covered with
braises to the nnmbor of thirty by ac
tual count.
At the examination today tbeee and
numerous other evidences of cruelty were
brought tally ont, ss wss tbe fact that
the present brutality was a repetition of
what happened to two elder children In
Baker City about six months ago. Tbe
father absolutely denied sny cruelty in
the present instance in spite of tbe clear
est evidence in tbe world. When Judge
Blakeley announced hie decision tbe
father manifested considerable emotion
and begged hard that tbs children be
sot taken from him.
The writer accompanied tbs children
back to the hotel. Ac ho was about to
leave hs took tbe younger one in hie
arms and raid: "Come, 1st me take
you buck to your mamma, and bave a
good time." Tbe child instantly cried
sat, while the tears streamed down bis
cheeks: "1 don't west to go back ts
mamma; I don't want never to go
back. The writer set him oo bis feet
snd raid: "Then, toy child, you will
never have to go back,' when s smile
instantly lit up his little bruised lose ae
be raid : "I don't rare ; I'm just glad
I'm not going back." How much cruel
ty it took to put these unnatural words
in tne mouth el a eons ot live y
God alone knows.
give attention to. ssVesstldUMl lbs tat
fair afficlsfltly to insure it success, bra
conclujsjd- to ejMlkdss t jo fSK IhS
present. It ie hoped the msttsr will be
back track. Tbs woman caw tbs sbil-
If email, to Mr. Renshaw. Judge Blake- I dreo lssve ber forsesr with the stolid u-
ley, or Prof. Lenders. There is so cause
mors worthy to whieb we ran contribute.
Mr. S. R. Musbesjds. Ists of tbe Mo
ster neighborhood, sow of Seshrigbt,
Santa Croc, California, sends tbls office
s bnocb of oat ftawera ssd a branch of
raspberry boss, lades wash ripe berrtra.
Oa t posts Mr. Husbands says tbs rasp
berry branch wsa takes from s row of
whlsh bs bsd Biassed
ty-flve boxes of berries, holding thrss
sSsjMMei a poond essb. wlnhls thslsst
month. Mr. Husbands odds: "We
difference of the basalt rocks
dwelling, Wbes about
tbe bouM the younger child bsgss to
cry ssd without tbs semblance of
prompting or euegeeti on from anybody
Mid: "Mamma's mess. I dos't libs
her. I never wsst to era her ssy mors."
There woe s Utile scab en bis sose. The
writer pointed to it sod asked, "Wbes
dfer testr Ths child
I wss etandisg up.
did she fcisk you lorT" wss
Sr.. Drawl ST-
T. A. Van Jforden, tbe jeweler will
give s diemond ring free to tbe person
drawing tbe winning number on New
Years' Eve. Ticket free with every 50c
purchase. Diamond rlog oo exhibit in
tbe ebo w window. nt7 1 wk
Loot, oa one of the street of Tbs
Dalle, s lady's gold watch. Ten dollare
reword will be given for its return to tbs
Oregon saloon. 20n 6d
In an Ohio town tbis year tbe African
Methodist episcopal ebureb of that dis
trict bstd s eoorWence. The colored
nopalstios of tbe Uttls tows mads greet
prepsrstions to ascertain the visiting
clergymen. A low dsye after tbs oaa
foresee closed Its seat ions oss of lbs
Jssdlug women of ths tows dross Cftt ie
Res Ridge to purchase sbisksss of Asst
tan. sAsbsd sopsUed tbs stasis ays
sssjsft. Jesse anWe)g semiss I ttaftl
w boobsbssW BSee we eetrur SBBSS Basanoxfany BBBoeungBsy
ds Ministry."
Wo have just reeeivod our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is tho time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The NewTork Cash Store
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
The introduction ot Cole's Original Alr-TIgh. Heater has revolution -iaed
the heating stove trade in all sections of the United States. Its won
derful economy in the use ot faei, and many other eicelUnt qualities,
strongly recommend It to all in nee I of a heating More.
What Colw'a Heater Will Do.
Thlt atove will bert a room from xsro to
80 degrees In Are mi nates.
It will heat yoar honto evenly day end
It holds Are Ho honrs without attention.
You build only one lire each winter.
It borns chips, bark, leaves, paner and
corn cobs, and gives excellent results wltb
tbla foel, which la ordinarily wasted.
The stove Is light aod easily moved and
set up.
Tbe combust Inn is perfeel and aehee are
removed only ores In lour weeks.
None ot tbe heat la wasted aod the stove
sill save one-half of yonr fuel bill.
It Is clean, economical, convenient, sate
and durable.
Eveiy one of Cole'e Original Alr-Tlfclit Heaters Is goaranteed to Slav
alMivrit aa long as used. Where wood Is used for foel every femlly shonld
hast una or inure of these stoves.
Sold by MAISR fe BENTON, The Delias.
and save fuel. THE WILSON has an
OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn
out. We also carry a line of TRILBY
Tbe Chilly Air.-
aoggeata Overcoat, while tbe name of Tkse Masks CletHtftg
Co., suggests economy. If someone ehosld slip go is your pocket yoo
would consider It a friendly act. Tbis ie who we are pseitively dolag
to every man who buys bla anlt or overcoat Irom ue.
Men's allwool Hints in caasimere, chaviot, worst
ed and sergea, varying from $4 50 to $20.00.
Overcoats from $4.85 to $10.50.
Ulsters from $5.95 to $17.60.
Hot! Hats! Hftta!
10 Ji zm Men's New Style Pedorae In either slosh or brows ; told tbs
regoler way from $1,25 to 11.75; Ths HUB panes )Je
We etill have all sixes left is that spaniel Wool Fleeced Underwear,
worth $160 soli; Remember Tbs HUB srree
The Hub CtothkKp Co.,