jVleri Suits . . ftKCIAt for Thank&giving If you ever expect to wear any more clothes you can't j afford to stay away. Handsome strict' all-wool suits in cheviot and cassi mere fabrics, lined with best quality Italian cloth and serge, good values at $8.50 and $10; our Thanksgiving price, $722 awRssssBifiseeTCv;:HCi?S faeeeeWssWorffsMwB:" .vja Bsft)BBBBMLriwBBn3B& 'Sb HaaSsI H ssk IffieS E&eeeH sasHa Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Suspenders and Gloves of the Finest Make. for that Short Skirt. She wetr oo Raimj Bays. Every ladjT ought to have a pair of rainy-day bocts. Very sensible idea and not expen sive. Our box calf, foxed box-kid top, heavy sole, extension edge, high cut boot is the thing cut to tit the limb as well as the foot. Every lady should value her health suffi ciently to protect her feet with storm boots. $4 a air Flannel Waists We aro showing some surprising values in plain and twill Flannel Waists just received. three BIG values $1.50 1.95 3.00 They come in Five different Shades. Special! k - Tt a a W for i namtMjiviDg Tuesday and Wednesday only. Cape Cod Cranberries 10c per qt. Fancy Mixed Candy. 12o per n London Layer Kaisi ns 12 " " Fancy Persian Dates 8Je " " Fancy California Figs 8,c " " I pound bricks Soft Shell Almonds Mc " " English Walnuts 12 Jo " Fresh Roasted Peanuts. 12c " Large Polished Pecans .lllfc " " Filberts 15c " " Plum Pudding, la 20e per can Plum Pudding, 2s 40o " Q our prioes on Applet, Bananas and Oranges. Grocery Deartment All Gcods Marked in Plain Figures PEKSE Eastern Oregon's Greatest Department Store 5t WHYS. fcfttfi AasAasAA Aaan Asassasaass" a a a a a. a aaaa aaaai The Dalles Daily ffltfooiete. WEDNESDAY NOV. 27. 1901 ! Oysters 1 At Andrew Keller's. Served In any Style... TEEISURER'S NOTICE. All mo ooantr mmu ei tared prior to January . lgOS. flu ba pMd an pcaajmtatlon m ,. Ineres o JO vaanba av M HAHP8BIRI, OoonlT Ireiiarer. eVAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A. M. Williams & Co.'a store will be closed tomorrow. Toke Point oysters at Jones' Cafe. Cooked in any style. n27 Pease Mays will be open nntil 10 a, m. Thanksgiving morning. Watoh for Peace a Maya' special for Saturday. It will be a hnmmer. Tomorrow being Thanksgiving no paper will be issued from this office. The New York Cash Store will be closed all day tomorrow Thanksgiving dejr. A marriage license was iasned today to G. H. Howell, of Wasco, and Myrtle May Paugh, of Hood River. Choice waistings in a variety of hand a une patterns on special sale at A. M. Williams & Co.'e this week. , See their window. Yon will miss mother's cooking to morrow unless yon eat at the New York Ristaurant, where a delicious dinner is being prepared. The Thanksgiving party to be given by the young ladiee for the benefit of The Dalles football club will commence promptly at 0 o'clock. Louis Sando, of Mill Creek, who has been for a long time a sufferer from disease of the liver, is said to be near inf ills end without any hop of recovery. All copy (or the New Year edition of Tub Chromiou mat be ready by the latter part of this weak. Don't overlook this fact, bat prepare your copy at once. Cards of Invitation an oat for the an nual memorial services of Cascade Lodge, 308, B. P. O. Elks, to be held in the lodge room, Vagi block, next San day at 8 o'clock p. m. Tempi Lodge, No. I, A. 0- IT. W.. will give a stag social in the K. of P. ball TLowaav avaaiug, December 6th. Lieal and vWHtlna members are invited to be present in fall foree. J.H. Ha4. oj bo OalUoraia Chop House was more than pleased today to learn that hi father and the keen faasa nfcnl and mai arrive teeaeeeae. They ass secnenasrlcl by Mr. H awn's little daughter who baa been living with her grandparents since the death of her mother. Mr. Hawa has bad a furnished bouse awaiting his parents and child for the past three mouths. It is atated that "The Absent-Minded Beggar," by Radyrd Kipling, has re alized in various ways about (485,000 for the families of the British aok'iera who have fought in Sooth Africa, or somewhat more than $10,000 for each line. -Decern her Ladies' Home Journal. Yesterday tbe marshal found on the street in a state of meudling in tOwication a young fellow who gave bis name as George Dean. Whan brought to the calaboose Dean was fonnd to have (110 on his person. Tbia morning he waa fined $3 and given back (107 when be took the first train for Portland. Silver is now selling at tbe ljwest price which it has reached in uiauy years. Trading closed Saturday in New York with stiver selling at 66) cento. That was a decline of a quarter of a oeat during the week, and it was a decline of 6.8 cents, or practically ten per cent in the price of the metal since tbe first of the year. J. A. Heoabaw, of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, came up last night from Portland with two boys, for whom be has secured homes, one with F. M. Warner, of Five Mile, and tbe other with Mrs. M. D. Wheeler, of Wamic. Mr, Renshaw will remain here till after Thanksgiving and woeive any donations that may be given htm for the society. Mrs. Ida Hemb'eu, of Pendleton, dep uty supreme orac'n of tbe Royal Neigh bore of America, the ladies' auxiliary of the Modern Wooden, arrived in tbe city this morning and will organic a camp of the order in the K. of P. ball next Tuesday evening, December 3d. ail Modern Woodmen and their lady rela tives are requested to be present at 7 :80 sharp. No new cases of diphtheria have been reported for tbe past two days. Tbe health officer this morning took down tbe green fUg from tbe residences of Messrs. Patterson and Dawson. A boot fifteen houses remain under quarantine. and from none of tbem has any tertous case been reported. The prospect sow is that witb tte radical change of wea ther of the last few days the town will soon be rid of the pest. The Mamie Helen Flynn Musical and Literary Recital will be given in the Vogt Thursday. Dec. 5th, and promisee to be the event of tbe season. Mis Visas has appeared before critic! aadi essea and baa met with the highest approbation and criticisms from tbe laadiMjjnraala of the Weei. Her la- ftaffwstawja and exeewtiea of tbe aaoat sUftaaJielass'oal music and bar Shakes pearean readings have won for ber aa ea viable piasa aaaoa yoaog artiste. Mas who have teat rstornad to Prise Vilte from tbe aooharo iyt oi Cm Spring Indiana camped at various water ing planes on the "desert," and that they ace slaying deer by the score. One band of 100 are camped at Button Springe, tbe half-way station between Silver Lake and Priaevilla. The snow In the mouatatea hMfetam tbe deer to tbe lower bilk fed decaf oaontry, and it is little at aa tcaajbte to locate large bands of A charmiag vpaea matron o this elty, whose natas oaaH bf stationed for tbe world, entered Gumbert's cigar store the other afternoon to buy a mage cine or something. White waiting for her purchase to be done up abe admir ingly placed ber band on the handsome nickel-plated cigar cutter and, not know ing what the little beveled holes in It were ueed for, inserted finger in one of them, when, presto 1 tbe top was cut off tt in lees than a wink. If you know a young matron who carries ber dexter Anger in a sling please sak no questions. You may tempt ber to say she cut it While peeling potatoes for hubby's din ner. Wallace Wilson, of tbe Baldwin res taurant, waa herd up teat night by three thugs and robbed of (2.10, all the money be had on bis person. The robbery waa committed in the yard back of tbe stock men's saloon on First etreet. Mr. Wil ton waa returning to the restaurant from a hoase across thai alley from tbe saloon gad, to avoid tbe mod in the alley, in tended to pass through the saloon to Firat etreet. He carried a heavy tray on his right hand which was elevated to a level witb bis bead. It waa dark, and just as be entered tbe open gate of tbe little yard a man grabbed bis left arm and another bis right, holding tbem like a vise, while a third went through his pockets. The only money Mr. Wil son bad on bim waa in a email, cheap puree. This they took out, and placing the empty puree la Mr. Wilson's band, without tbe utterance of a word, van ished into the night. It was too dark for Mr. Wilson to get any recognition of bis assailants that would aid in their identification. All that Mr. Wilson knows of their appearance was that one of tbem wore some kind of a yellow coat. HOME-COOKED DINNER Thank.givlotT Day, Soveaaber tSlb, At Jonea' Cafe, aod Court streets Price 60 cents. corner of Second Dinner from It to t. Oysters on tba Half Shell. Cream of Chicken Soup. Roast Turkey, cranberry sauce. Mashed Pototoes. Baked Squash. Sweat Potatoes. Celery. Poaapkin Pi. Mince Pig. Horn Pnddia, brandy aua I Casern- Cake- FotK. Clifford' Fotoe Merer 74. A case of alleged cruelty to children baa been under the oonsidera,tlon of Mayor Fartej and 4g iiiw to three or four days, and Tas Chbonh lc waa caked to say nothing about it aatil tha Jcts were ascertained. These, as discovered finally yeetardaj, wer to pact aa foUeva : The parties complained of Uva In tba thinly-settled part of tba cltjr, on tbe hill sooth of Judge Bennett's refjsance. Thalamic coaajite of bag bd and wife ad two bo, aged & tod JWwWV MWP 1 'cWstl? and Is said to be an industrionc men. The woman ie hie second wife end the step-mother of tbe children. It bag bean fully ascertained that for a consid erable time tba children have been treated with brutal cruelty. Their teacher in tbe public schools noticed that their faces and bands were usually covered with bruises, cuts and bleeding sores. On the teacher's complaint a personal examination of the children was made yesterday by Dr. Doane, at the request of Professor Landers. When their f canty clothing was stripped off their little, wizened bodies tbe elder boy, especially, was fonnd covered with thick welts and cute similar to those on tbe x posed parte of their beads end necks. Tbe mother accounted for the wooodc by saying that tbe boys had fallen off a fence. The father, however, owned that tbe children bad been beaten, but ac- ! coeed the brutality on tLe ground that they warn ungovernable. It was fonnd that tbe cbildrea were in tbe habit of complaining to their achool mates that they didn't get enough to eat, and once, If not oftener, their companions made up a little puree aod bought tbem applee ct C. L. Phillips' store. Yesterday tba poor things were acta eating raw potatoes that they bad picked op somewhere on the street. Too poor things have the shriveled, old-maoiah lank of children that are starved. Whan tba father waa confronted witb the brutality of himself and his inhu man wile and threatened witb punish ment be promised that If let alone the children would have better treatment for tba f otnre. The authorities were dis posed to five tbe brutes another trial, bat after tba probation waa half deter mlaed oo it was learned tbroogh aa agent of tbe Boya' and Olrlc' Aid Soci ety that tba con pie were arretted fa Baker City about last August, charged with aimllar brutality to two elder chil dren. Tbe cbllJren were promptly taken froaa tbeat aad committed to the aaatety sad bava staea beea placed la oocafortabte bosses. What wrll be dose with those ear say 1jT Xbei Taa Gaaacicia no , bat U im tap that segjsMr vows before High Heaven that before atooa eaate bte syciide toaighl. ha will $9Ht Owtt tesVw) aVPQPQfJT sPGeVlwa1 10 w69t f the little oaas taken from their laha- ...Tbe New York Cash Store... IS8 end 12 8oond Street. Tto 94H0r4IN STORE of the City. W m ws scmnL sins KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will Mure you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, hut com in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The Mow York Cash Store .Tbe Chilly Air- suggests Oyereoals, while tbe a rue of The Nub ClotHlngJ Ce., .ogg arts economy. If someone should slip $ft In yoar pocket yon would couilder it a frleodly aet. This ic what wa are positively doing to every map wbo boye his suit or overcoat from ue. Men's allwool Suits in casaimexe, chaviot, worst od and serges, varying from $4.50 to $20.0. Overcoats from 4 .85 to $10.50. Ulsters from 5.95 to $17.50. Mat! Net! Natal -J e, 10 d on Men's New Style Vedorae la either Meek or brown; cold ;ha regular way from 11.26 to $1.76 Tba HUB price 9Je We still have all a'xss left is that special Wool Fleeced Underwear, worth $1 60 colt ; Hewember Tba HV0 artea Je M wioVVPwe, The ttub Clothing Co., (ktAV a caowii mifivm