The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 26, 1901, Image 3

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    TTTTTTTTTTTTTf IBBMMlltiitiitiwAA-'AAAAAAAA a a a smaTrsn
If you ever expect to wear
any more clothes 3'ou can't
afford to stay away.
Handsome strictly all-wool
suits in cheviot and cassi
raere fabrics, lined with best
quality Italian cloth and
serge, good values at $8.50
and $10; our Thanksgiving
ssssshftssi Mc3iKKaB'''SBW 1MB
bbSBbiV ip'-HsbsI
pHV Win
Wjy4HT itot $rv B
Hats, Shirts, TJnderwear, Suspenders and Gloves
of the Finest Make.
for that
Skirt . 4
She wears
00 Rainy Roys.
Every lady ought to have a
pair of rainy-day boots. Very
sensible idea and not expen
sive. Our box calf, foxed box-Mid
top, heavy sole, extension
edge, high cut boot is the
thing cut to fit the limb as
well as the foot. Every lady
should value her health suffi
ciently to protect her feet with
storm boots.
$4 NO
We are showing some surprising
values in plain and twill Flannel
Waists just received.
three BIO values
They come in Five different Shades.
m ?si w
for 1 nanuMjivHM)
Tuesday and
Wednesday only
Cape Cod Cranberries 10c per qt.
Fancy Mixed Candy. 12Jc per n
London Laer Raisins 12Jo " "
Fancy Persian Dates 8$e f "
Fancy California Figs 8c " "
1 pound bricks
Soft Shell Alihonds Mije "
English Walnuts 12Jc "
Fresh Roasted TeamUs. 12Jc
Iirge Polished Pecans 16c "
Filberts 15c " "
Plum Pudding, Is 20c per can
Plum Pudding, 2s 40
Get our prices on Apples,
Bananas and Oranges.
Grocery Department
All Goods
Marked in
Plain Figures
Ut 1 m I Ol Deprartmwnt Store M
The Mes Daily ffimmfete.
NOV. 26. 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wuoo County warrants registered
prior to January 4, 1899, will bo paid
on presentation at my oflee. Interest
ceases after November 19, 1901.
County Treasurer.
St. Paul's Episcopal Guild will meet
with Mrs. W. P. Morris tomorrow after
noon at 2 :30.
All kinds of pastry for Thanksgiving
will be sold by the Good Intent ladies
tomorrow at Cross' store.
Tbe Fortnightly will meet with Mrs.
James Morrell Russell tomorrow ( Wed
nesday) afternoon, instead ot Thursday.
The ladles of tbe Lutheran church
will have a sale of pies, cakes, rye bread
and cnt flowers at I. C. Nickelsen's
store tomorrow.
Thanksgiving sale of millinery at
Miss Haven's Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday of this week. See special
bargains in display windows. n26 3c
Tbe bowling contest between tbe
young men and the married members of
tbe club will take place on Wedueeday
evening. The msmkers would like to
see the ladies in attendance.
Ladies will be admitted to tbe bowling
conttet tomorrow nigbt at tbe club rooms
between tbe married and single members
of the club. The losers pay for an oyster
supper and to this, alto, tbe ladies are
No new case of diphtheria were re
ported to the health officer today and
that gentleman says that five or six, or
probably more, of tbe existing cases will
be relieved of quarantine restriction by
tbe end of tbe week.
A farmer near Colfax recently sold
0 bushels wheat for (60, and a law days
after sold four bogs for $50. As it
would take four bogs a long time to eat
sixty bushels of wheat be has expressed
h determination to raise more boga.
The term "infantry" was first used by
tbe Spaniards in. the wars witb tbe
Moors to designate tbe bodyguard of a
royal prince or infanta. It was extend
ed to tbe entire body of foot soldiers and
finally adopted throng bout Europe.
The SkMMAia County Pioneer soys
the indications are that Murderer Green
will han on loo day tosissdiog Than no
givinf . Work was begun on tbe scaffold
Friday and ia being busily prosecuted
today. Jodfl Miliar aafaw t be re
luotout to none tbe day to avoid alt tbe
publicity possible, although be has un
doubtedly fixed it for November 29th.
Green bears up wonderfully well and
has sent for bis religious adviser.
The yonng ladies will have all kinds
of French mixed candies and pinoChee
tomorrow in Menefee & Parkins' win
dow. Buy your Thanksgiving candies
of tbem at the same price as elsewhere,
only the candies are perfectly fresh.
Let us suggest that yon select some of
Cantel's fall cream cheeses for yoor
Tbankegixing dinner. These are- made
in seven varieties, ranging in price from
5 cents to 60 cents each and are a table
delioacy. Tbey can be seen in tbe win
dow at Maier & Benton's.
Sheriff Frrzter, of Portland, came here
yesterday for another batch of cavalry
horses, bnt concluded to go bark borne
without them and return here on the
5th of December for all the horses of
this class be can get. In about three
weeks time he will be here te complete
an order for fifty bead of heavier horses
for tbe United States artillery.
Tbe members of the local chapter of
the Eastern Star have invited tbe mem
bers of tbe Hood River chapter to a
banquet to be given tonight at tbe Ma
sonic ball. Tbe visiting brethren and
Bisters are expected to arrive here this
evening by boat, and tbe members of
The Dalles chapter will be disappointed
if there isn't a whole boat load of them...
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph G. H. Nord-
Her bring. TThe vi?
ble surprise. Mr. Nordboff and Mr.
Herbringare fellow countrymen. Tbey
came to the United States on tbe same
ship and for years were fellow-clerks in
a Buffalo, N. Y., dry goods establish
ment. Both got married there to ladies
who knew each other, and both, witb
tbeir young wivee, in due time drifted
oat here to the Far West, Mr. Nordboff
settling in Seattle, where he is part
owner of a department store tbat em
ploys oyer 200 hands.
The Ukiah, Umatilla county, Senti
nel ridicules the story recently sent
from tbat place to tbe Portland Tele
gram to tbe effect that there was an or
ganised band of cattle rustlers infesting
tbat country from Umatilla county to
Nevada and tbat the settlers were so
much afraid of tbeir vengeance that
tbey refused to give tbem away. Tbe
Sentinel says tbe gay who manufact
ured tbe fabrications is a human dere
lict who spends bis sober moments in
apace-writing for snob publioationa as
will accept bis "staff.', If the Sentinel
is correct tbe fellow would make a star
correspondent for one of Hearst's yellow
District Attorney Menefee today ro
tated to prosecute Wiiliem Allison of
Colllo for on allotted erlmlual assault
upon Nellie Vata Pelt, on Indian
woman of that place sod tbe ease was
tbOMfore tbrowu out of Jootlos Rtowtv
bill's court. If tbe story told tbe at
torney by an eye witness of tbe alleged
assault is troe it is Nellie tbat was the
assaulter and not Allison. This witness
says he saw Nellie make three attempts
to break into Allison's room, each of
which Allison, Who is. a cripple repelled
as best he could. In tbe last tussle
Nellie grabbed Allison's necktie and
bringing it to Jastloe Brownhill pre
sented it, all tbe same ae Potiphar's
wifeSOOO yearo ago, as a proof of. Allison's
guilt. Allison's Story agreed with that
of the eye witness and made it clear tbat
thsrwoman was plainly attempting some
kind of a blackmailing scheme on a man
whom tbe Indians up tbat way are said
to dislike.
Captain George E, Bartell, agent for
tbe Peters' Cartridge Company, of Cin
cinnati, Ohio, writes Henry Maier tbat
be will be here Thanksgiving and will
give a free exhibition of bis skill as a
rifle sbot on tbe beach daring tbe inter
vals of tbe turkey, pigeon and Clay bird
shoots that are billed to come off on tbat
day- The captain is one of the greatest,
if not the greatest rifle shots ia Amer
ica. Witb a 22 caliber rifle he hits a
very large proportion of bits of brick,
note, berries, coins and other similarly
small objects. Recently in Albany he
laid a wager that he would hit a certain
number of cranberries, four oat of five,
if we remember rightly, and tbe wager
was called off only because the captain
insisted on firing a few shots to "warm
up." Tbe captain is not shooting for
hoff, of Seattle, arrived here yesterday tinoney and nobody here will contest
on a short visit with Mr. ana Mrs. H. II with turn lor that, or anything else.
was a most agree''- His only objeot, we presume, is to show
wbt be can do witb bis own cartridges ;
bat this doesn't detract from his skill
nor lessen the interest in his exhibition,
Duncan Cbisholm, of Keu, baa been
in tbe city for over a week undergoing
treatment for his left fore finger, the
first joint of which was cut off ia a
rather singular manner. Mr. Cbisholm
was on his nay home from attending
tbe Caldonian Club meeting at Fossil,
and while walking op tbe canyon this
side of Antelope, alongside bis own
boggy, something scared tbe horse of a
rider immediately behind bim and tbe
animal suddenly plunged forward and
knocked Mr. Cbisholm down. In the
fall tbe beast stepped witb one foot on
Mr. Cbisbolm's Soger, which unfortu
nately was lying on rock, and tbe
sharp shoe cat tbe joint off as witb a
knife. This is the true version of a
Story tbat, as recently told by tbe 8hau
iko Leader and copied later by tbe "
sil Journal, bad jast one trae fact in it,
namely, tbat Mr. Cbisholm did actually
lose a piece of bis finger. As these
.papers have innocently given a ridicu
lous version oi tbe affair, tney win, of
coarse, kindly publish the true version,
pa vouched for by Mr. Cbisholm him
O. M. Pboipe, Fenstdsss, Vt., sM
bic child woe eesnphitriy coeod of a sod
Football Motes.
linaaa as aaieean
aiy reileva
Ik's P.
Ed Williams is coaching tbe High
School team for the Thursday game, and
will likely play with the team on that
occasion. He will do so, positively, if
tbe Portland boys insist on playing their
Tbe now grounds are almost enclosed.
Tbe finishing tonc'ues will be pat on to
morrow, ind then tbe marking off of the
ground is sll that remains to be done be
fore tbe gome is called on Thanksgiving'.
Tbe football management and boys
feel very grateful to the young ladies of
our town who are doing good work tow
ardl entertaining oar visitors on Thanks
giving, as well aa to accumulate a few
shekels for the benefit of the football
orgeniittion. All feel especially kind
towards our business men, and the
young ladies particularly desire to thank
them for their assistance. Tbe floor
committee for the Thanksgiving benefit
ball are as follows: Mrs. Maude Mitch
ell, Misses Marie Eddings, Edna Glenn,
Melvia Dawson, Myrtle Michel! and
Lear Thompson. The members of the
committee are well adapted for tbe work
before tbem, and no pains will be spared
ti make tbe occasion a grand success.
Those not securing tickets from tbe
young ladles can procure the same at
tbe door. Gentlemen will be charged
75 cents ; ladies 26 cents.
The colors of our visitors will be car
dinal, while tbe home team will wear
tbe usual old gold and white. Let all
be patriotic and wear tbe colors of youi
choice. The business men are urged
to decorate tbeir windows, If possible,
with tbe colors of tbe respective teams.
It is proper to do so; it is the right
spirit to do so. and yon are working for
tbe young generation at the name time.
The music for the ball will be fur
nished by Birgfeld's orchestra of twelve
pieces. Prof. Birgfdd is known far and
wide as a musician, and he has tbe best
talent to be bad to assist bim.
Ticktt for tbe football game are on
sale at B. H. Grant's cigar store. Get
them early. Take along tbe fsmily, 25
cents a head, and see "Young America"
pat up a dazzling, ewlft, snappy game
of football. Come out and see your son
or' yoor neighbor's son "do the grand"
on the gridiron. Be blooded and give
tbe boys a chance.
O. St. Nolle
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
There will be a communication of
Colombia Chapter No. 38, O. K. 8., this
(Tuesday) evening at 7:80. By order of
tbe W. M.
' May Scott Mtskh, Secy.
for lafcato aad Ckiistroi.
Hi KJsTu Yff Aw Ateayt iMgli
Olftbrd'e Foto New Fade
..hjS' ami TlllU'S Ml sots..
knee: pants
Wo have just received our complete fall line of
Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at
unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your
boy for school. Don't make your purchases without
seeing our line. We will save you money.
Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are
sold, but come in at once.
Every SUIT Guaranteed.
The New York; Cash Store
eTfie Chilly Air..
suggests Overcoats, while the name of The Hula CIcrtHta.
Co.. suggests economy. If someone should flip your pocket you
would consider It a friendly act. This Is what wo are positively doing
to every man ho hoys his suit or overcoat from us.
Men's allwool Suits in cassimere, cheviot, worst
od and serges, varying from $4.50 to $20.00.
Overcoats from $4.85 to $10.50.
Ulsters from $5.95 to $17.50.
Mat! Hata! Hat!
10 J n Men's New Style Fedoras In either black or brown ; sold lbs)
regular way from $1,26 to $1.76; the HUB price. .5c
We still have all sixes loft in that special Wool Flsvced Underwear,
worth $160 suit ; Remember Tbe HUB price .Jc
The Nub Co.,
(MAY CerWK HU$Mltl.