The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 26, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 241
The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, mid which has
in use ror over so yean, has borne the signature
and has been made under his
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jnst-as-goodM are but
ISxperimsnts that trifle with and endanger the health os?
infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It -contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TNT ecimun oe.MW, tt mummy street, new vowk air.
interference with any rights involved
therein, or that the legislature exceeded
therein, ire proper jurisdiction. Opinion
is very carefully prepared, covering
twenty-four paxes typewritten.
"A Llon'n Heart."
Is Not Local in the Sense That Makes
It Unconstitutional Is Not In -
imical to Free and Untrammeled
Salem, Nov. 25. By a decision of the
supreme court this morning, the decision
of the state circuit court of Multnomah
county holding the Lorkwood primary
law valid was sustained. The decision
of the supreme court is that it is not
local in the sense that would make it un
constitutional, nor is it inimical to free
elections, as argued by the attorneys
who appeared for the proteetants.
This is the case to test the consti
tutionality of the Morgan and primary
election laws. This opipion relates to
the Lookwood act only. The opinion
recites (he general provisions of the act,
and the flret point decided is that it is
not local in the sense that would make
it unconstitutional.
"A law may be general," says the
opinion, "and have but a local applica
tion, and it is nevertheless general and
uniform because it may apply to a
designated class if it operates equally
upon all the subjects within the class
for which the rale is adopted."
"The opinion also says, in interpreting
statute :
"There is this, however, to be borne
in mind, that by reason of the legislature
having adopted the act, there goes with
it a presumption that it is within the
pale of the fundamental law, otherwise
it would not have met with tbe approval
of that body, and in every case where
there exists, where proper tests bate
been brought to bear, a rational doubt
upon tbe subject, it should be resolved
in favor of its validity."
Tbe opinion holds that tbe aot is not
inimical to free and untrammeled
elections ; alto that it does pot prevent
any oitisen entitled thereto from exer
ting tbe elective franchise ; that It is
nevertheless valid, because it provides
for elections had at party primaries.
Tbe opinion discusses at length tbe
right of party association and tbe history
of political parties, and does not think
that tbe Look wood act is an on warranted
Manager Clarke, of the Vogt opera
houee, should congratulate himself on
having secured as bis next attraction
that acknowledged success, "A Lion's
Heart," which opens at that theater
next Monday evening. This new and
powerful melodrama was brought to this
country by that earnest and foiceful
actor, Mr. Carl A. Has win, and it has
proven a worthy successor to "Tbe
Silver King," in which be starred for so
many years. The plot of the play is of
absorbing interest, the characters skill
fully drawn, and the story contains that
heart interest that touches everyone who
claims a pt ot humanity. The comedy
element has not been forgotten, the
trials and tribnlatione of a newly wedded
couple giving no end of amusement.
Briefly, the story runs thus :
Dobre, an adventurer, lures the wife
and child of Riiardo away, who swears
to kill him. Twenty years elape. Tbe
wife of Rizardo is dead, having been
deserted by her betrayer. Tbe child is
grown up and married to Dick Lorimore,
when along comes Dobre, accompanied
by a Col. De Villefort, a worse villian
than himself, who makes love to Mr.
Lorimore. A robbery and murder is
committed, and in orler to shield him
himself De Villefort accises Marion of
the crime, and she is convicted and
centenced to the penal settlement at
New Caledonia, where Riiardo has also
been sent for attempting to strangle
Dobre. De Villefort, through influence,
baa been made governor of tbe settle
ment at New Caledonia, and bare renews
bis attentions to Marion. In order to
coloniz tbe island it is the custom of
the government to allow the men tickets
of leave for good behavior ; also to choose
wives from tbe female prisoners. Both
De Villefort and Lorimore try to induce
Risardo to choose Marion, bat with far
different motive tbe former to farther
his designs, tbe latter thinking that by
going through a form of marriage she
will be freed from prison and restored to
him. Risardo takes Marion to hi bat
end Lorimore tarn op and a kntf duel
take place, during whisk Dobre arrive
and dUeloH tb iaet to Risardo that
Marion is hi daughter. He also de
nounces De Villefort, wbo reap tb
reward of his crimes and all end
Tbe piece is elaborately monnted and
costumed, and an excellent supporting
company engaged.
Night Was Aer Terror,
"I would cough nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep. I bad consumption so bad that
if I walked a blocx I would eoorh fright
fully and spit blood, bat, when all other
medicines failed, three $1.00 bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cared
me and I gained 8 pounds." It's
absolutely guaranteed to care Coughs,
Colds,, La Qrippe, Bronchitis and all
Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at G. C.
Blakeley's drag store. 2
Germany Say It la F at.
Bbsmn. Njv. 25. The foreign office
today trfnt for tbe representative of the
Associated Press and declared the an
nouncement to tbe effect that tbe
countries party to the triple alliance
were making a concerted demonstration
in South American waters to be false.
The information of the correspondent
said there bad been discussion between
Germany, Austria and Italy regarding
common action in this direction. He
admitted that each country was sending
warships to South American waters, but
said they were acting entirely independ
ent of each other, and were mere protect
ing the property rights and lives of their
subjects. It was further found that
Washington was fully informed concern
ing the intentions of Germany in this
regard. The movements of German
vessels in South- American waters have
been fully reported, as well us tbe
vessels destined to go out there. No
other ships have been sent to South
A rireman'a Gloaa Call.
"I stuck to my engine, although every
joint ached and every nerve was racked
with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo
comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa.,
"I was weak and pale, without any ap
petite' and all ran down. As I was about
to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit
ter and, after taking it, I felt as well as
I ever did in my life." Weak, ei.-kly,
run down people always gain new life,
strength and vigor from their use. Try
them. Satisfaction guaranteed by G. C.
Blakeley , the druggist. Price 50 cen t. 2
Working 84 Hour, n Day.
There' no rest for those tireless little
little workers Dr. King's New Pills.
Millions are always busy, curing Torpid
Liver, Jaundice, Billiousoeas, Fever and
Ague. Tbey banish Sick Headache,
drive oat Malaria. Never gripe or
weaken. Small, taste nice, work won
ders. Try tbem. 25c aUG. C. Blakeley's
drog store. 2
If you want to retain your hair yon
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your bair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of tb yery
beat preparation for cleansing tbe
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft and glossv.
PriceK2f and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraser'r
barber chop, Tbe Dalle. tf
Fine turkeys, fattened especially for
tbe Carnaby Market, Hinaea' sweet
pickles in balk, balk olives, sweet cider,
apple butter, pickled tripe, pigs feet,
sauerkraut, and other specialties too
numerous to mention, can be bad all tbe
time at Carnaby 's American Market.
All buildings and obstructions in thai
treat of The Dalle moat be removed
from the streets within thirty day from
this date or tbe matter will be submitted
to tbe council for tbem to act upon It.
By order of C. V. Champmn,
Marshal Dalle City, Or.
Dated Noy. 3, 1901. n7-d2dw
For rueumoola.
Dr. 0. J. Bishop. Agnew, Mich., says:
"I have used Foley' Honey and Tar in
tbtee very severe cases of pneumonia
with good results in ievery case." Be
ware of substitutes. Clark A Falk.
Do you suffer Irom piles? If so do
Uot trn to snsysay&ftelM. D Witt's
VfTtMi Hassl Salve will act more quickly,
surely and aafaly, saving you the expense
and danger of an operation.' Clarke at
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Slaale-Oeeab Brown Laghore.
A law tboroaghbred, single-oomb
brown Tghs nhiils and vallate far
, if tains M once.
J as. IaaiAMD,
o23 lm Tb Dalles, Or.
42 Choice
Waist Patterns
consisting of the very newest
things in silk embroidered
French Flannels, satin striped
Lansdowns, silk embroidered
Serges, gold tinsel embroider
ed Serges, satin striped all
wool Challies, silk embroider
ed Henriettas, dotted Henri
ettas, striped Trecots, and
black and white striped Ser
ges, in 2 and 2 yard lengths,
at special 65c, 75c, 80c, 90c,
$1, $1.25, $1.50, $2.25, $2.50
and $3.15 the piece.
We call special attention to
the assortment of
in 2-yard lengths; 8 different
patterns, at
$1.00 each.
About 60 vory stylish Bilk
and Satin waiata at
Half Price.
In the lot are roprosonted all
the shades in Taffettas, I'eau
de Sois and Sntin. All beau
tifully made and elaborately
tucked or trimmed in laco in
sertion and ribbon.
Those that were
$5.00 are now $S 60
(1.00 are now 3 00
8.00 are now 4 00
10.00 are now 5 00
12.00 are now 6 00
12.76 are now 0 38
10.00 are now 8 00
Our entire line
ot new FALL
SILKS in wide
ond 4-in-Hamd
selling regularly
at 76c, special
50c each
this week only.
Special Thaaks-glving-woek
in the Clothing de
partment. All Youth
in sisse from 17 to
20 years, greatly
We are over
stocked in those
sites, and to equal
lae matters are
willing to give you
a substantial re
duction in price for
this week.
$4.60 suit ... 3 75
6.00 suit ... 4 00
0.00 suit ... 4 9&
7.60 suit ... fl 26
8.60 suit . . 7 M
10.00 suit. ... 7 80
12.00 suit ... 9 00
No extra charge
for alterations to ftt
Sayu'll. Wm Tortured.
"I suffered such pain from corns I
could hardly walk," writes H. Uobinsou,
Hillsborough, Ills., "but Bucklen's Arni
ca Salve completely cored tbem." Acts
like magic on sprains, bruiser, cuts,
ores scalds, burn?, boils, ulcers. Per
fect healer of skin dinette and piles.
Care guaranteed by G. C. Binkeley, the
drngit. 26c. 2
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
F. J. CLARKE, Mapager.
MONDAY, December 2d.
America's Leading Romantic Actor,
jaSBBBst f
lev Umatilla House (ate and Restaurant
Service the Best. Bates Beasonable.
CSTSpeclal rates to Steady Boarders, Families and
Theatre Parties.
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A fall line of BRIDIE A BEACH
Cook snd Heating Stove.
FARMING I M PLEM ENTS. Atairfi lor Hooslsr Drills. J. !. O Steel Far
. . .w . aa niiii.J KJI UUakAll tav
Harrows ami Hows. Hpriwg loom Harrows, oisseu uniueu now.,
on snd Hacks, lleoney Ba-le.
...Star Windmills...
With Bill and Killer bearings, and fully warranted.
Writ o for price and catalogue.
All orders entrusted to as will have prompt atteotion.
Prices always right.
The only Exclusive Hardware Store n the city.
bbbBi l 11
jl HI Iff aftf!'
Famous throughout the world a "The
Silver Ring,'7 will present bis grand
scenic melodrama, in four ads,
By Arthur Shirley add Beu). Lands.
A produced 1090 time is London.
A carload of special scenery and me
cbaaiaal effect.
PRICE6 First flv rows, 76c ;
the bone. Ma. CbUdrea. Ml
seat on sals Thursday morning at
Clark A Falk'.
X here re-opened thie well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply ry
body with Bread, Fie and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grrooer es.