Suit a . . SPECIAL for Thank lvtoiq If yon over expect to wear any more clothes you can't afford to stay away. Handsome strictly all-wool suits in cheviot and cassi mere fabrics, lined with best quality Italian cloth and serge, good values at $8.50 and $1(X; our Thanksgiving price, $72 fpfP 111 ' MT, MtMmHIIMlll Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Suspenders and Gloves of the Finest Make. For that Short Skirt i She wears on Ralntj Hays. Every lady ought to have a pair of rainy-day boots. Very sensible idea and not expen sive. Our box calf, foxed box-kid top, heavy sole, extension edge, high cut boot is the thing cut to fit the limb as well- as the foot. Every lady should value her health suffi cient! y to protect her feet with storm boots. $4 a Miir Flannel We are showing some surprising values in plain and twill Flannel Waists just received. three BIO values $1.50 1.73 2.00 They come in Five different Shades. laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 5becial f for i nanksgivioq. Tuesday and Wednesday only. Cape Cod Cranberries 10c per qt. Fancy Mixed Candy 12 Jo per to London La3er Raisins I2c M " Fancy Persian Dates. 8$c M " Fancy California Figs 8Jo " " 1 pound bricks Soft Shell Almonds Pic 41 44 English Walnuts 12Jc 44 44 Fresh Roasted IYanuts. 12c 44 44 Large Polishod Pecans .Ifiijo 4 4 44 Filberts 15c 4 4 4 4 Plum Pudding, Is 20c per can Plum Pudding, 2s 40c 44 44 Get our prices on Apples, Bananas and Oranges. Grocery Department AU Goods Marked in Plain Figures PERSE St MKYS. Eastern Oregon's Greatest Department Store rffr A k tVitsfe AAAg AAAAA A A A The Dalles Dally Gbraniete. MONDAY NOV. 25. 1901 Oysters Served I in any Style.. )- At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wimo County wuniti rdfliMMd prior to January 4, 1899, will be paid on presentation at nay ofSoe. Interest ceaie. nftor Novambar 10, 1901. JOHN F. RAKFBBlBl, County Treasurer. eVAYSiDE GLEANINGS. The finest Thanksgiving turkeys in town ore at the Colombia Commission House. n25 2t The sale of remnants is still on at Pease & Mays, There are stilt some surprising values left. 4 marriage license was issued Bator day to Frank B. Freidley and Grace B. Cook, both of this county. Christmas sale of millinery at the Campbell & Wilson millinery palore. One-third off regular price of entire stoek. 8ale will continue until first of January. 2So-tf Tjoi Robinson has pot on a stage be tween Dofor and The Dalles, and makes duily trips, except Sundays, leaving Dufur in the morning and returning in the afternoon. It will be a satisfaction to know that your cooking for Thanksgiving will be made licht by the ladles who will (Or nish you anything in that line if yon call at J. H. Croso' store Wednesday. Theo. H. Liebo, the East End jeweler, will give a gold watcb free to the person guessing the number of stones in a jar on exhibition in his display window. A gu;sa free with each 25-cent purchase. d St There will be an oratorical contest giveo uudir the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregational church at some date, not definitely fixed, but probably between Christmas and New Year. Nellie Van Pelt, a Celilo India woman and wife of William Van Pelt, a half bree', today swore oat a complaint bo fore Justice Brownbill charging William Allison, an employe at the Oelilo fishery, with criminal aaaault. Parties having copies of the new Na tionil Anthem, which appeared in yet terlay Oregoulan, whiob tbey do not desire to preserve, will confer a favor by handing them to Mia. E. M. Wlleon. or leaving tbeu for bar at Ibis office. D. P. Thompson, on of Oregon's prominent oftiaeos, is lying very low with a critical UloOM, In bis apartment t the Hobart-Cortls, in Portland. For Mtral rnoetba be bM been to poor health and, daring rosont weeks, bM not left bis room. His ailment is an anaemic condition of the blood, caused by stomach trouble. Little hope is entertained for hie recovery, although he is receiving the best medical treat ment that can be secured. A petition in bandruptcy was filed in the United States .circuit court at Port land by Wesley E. Sherrill, a merchant of Hood River. Hie liabilities are repre sented as $8706.44, and assets $10,105.05. He claims as exempt property amount ing to $2135. Mt. Hood camp No. 59, Woodmen of the world, will give one of their famous stag socials on Tuesday evening, Nov. 26th. Refreshments will be served. All neighbors and visiting neighbors are cordially invited. It goes without say ing a good time will be had. According to a dispatch in yesterday's Oregonian the Baker City Republican, Edward Everett Young editor, declared in an editorial last Saturday that it is opposed to the, nomination of Represent ative Moody for re election. In a column editorial it states that it will support Hon. J. N. Williamson, of Frineville, for Mr. Moody's place. W have bo five-dollar diploma, nor do we use technical terms that no one can understand, yet from many years experience we can fit your eyes, whether near-sighted, far-sighted or cataract. We can cite you to several instances where we have fitted eyes where so-called pro fessional opticians have failed. We can save you from 50 to 100 per cent on spec tacles, eye glasses, etc. F. A. Van Nor- den. 26atf State Superintendent Ackermau has addreesed a circular letter to county su perintendents advising them that owing io the Portland and other schools being in session on the dated he bad planned to bold the State Teachers' Association, namely, January 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th, and there being no other time which seems to be acceptable to all concerned, the executive committee baa decided to hold the meeting during the latter part of Jooe, probably the 23d, 24th and 25th. The exact date, however, will be decided upon later. - The bowling on tbe alleys of The Dalies commercial club seems to have taken a now lease of life. On Saturday evening Victor Schmidt broke the club record by bowling 81 points. The form er record was bald by Mr. Bonn, who made 80 a few years ago. We alto un derstand that tbe members would like to aee mora ladies in attendance on Tuesday evenings. Too young man are preparing for a match game with thai married members on Thanksgiving! m evening sod woold like a little .neoorVl tfa agemant from their lady blends. AndAiF by tbe way, there la a cbamoagneojfcjg per at eiaae. The yoong ladles of Tbe Dalle sill give a Ibaokfiiviaj pan at the Bald win opera house Thursday sight, for tbe benefit of The Bailee football tee. Tbe Birgfeld orchestra of twelve pieces will furnish tbe music. The young ladies will do everything in thoir power to make this the social event of the season. The patronesses of the party are: Mrs. Geo. C. Blakeley, Mrs. W. H. Moody, Mrs. E. O. McCoy, Mrs. J. M. Russell, Mr. W. H. WHson, Mrs. E. M. Williams, Mrs. J. 9. Fish and Mrs. T. J. SeeJert. Tbe ptk of tickets is placed at 76 cents for gentlemen and 25 cents for Indies. Health Officer VanAnda reports a new case of diphtheria this morning; that of a 12-year-old boy. The quarantine was raised yesterday from tbe bouses of Mrs. Davis, of Fourth street, and Mr. Waither, of Fulton street. This leaves nineteen cases, the maiority of whom are practically well and only await the time limit of the quarantine. Since the above was written two new cases have been reported in the Fred Cramer fam ily, near Teckman's addition, and the prospect of a third by tomorrow. Health Officer Van Anda this afternoon raised the quarantfne from tbe residences of Messrs. Perl man and Hall. The story of how tbe mistletoe gets on tbe trees is a most interesting one. Cov ering the mistletoe twigs are pearly white berries. These come in the win ter seasoo, when food ie comparatively scarce, and hence some of our birds eat them freely. Now when a robin eats a cherry he swallows simply the meat aod flips tbe stone away. The seed of the mistletoe the bird cannot flip. It is sticky and holds to his bill. His only icsource is to wipe it off, and he does so, leaving it sticking to tbe branches of tbe tree on which be is sitting at tbe time. This seed sprouts after a lime, and not finding earth which indeed its ances tral habit baa made it oease wanting it sinks its root into the bark of the tree and bants there for tbe pipes that carry the sap. Now tbe eap in tbe berk ie the very richest in tbe tree, for richer than that in tbe wood, and tbe mistletoe gets irom its host tbe choicest of food. With a strange foresight it does not throw its leaves away, as do most para sites, but keeps them them to use in winter, when tbe tree is leafless. Pro fessor S. C. Scb mucker, in the December Ladies' Home Journal. H. D. Parkins, of Parkins & Menefee, io order to go to Portland on the early train yesterday morning, asked tbe central telephone office tbe night before to ring blm up at bis borne in tbe old Dunham residence. Following the ring ing of the bell a creaking noise of bumas feet was beard on tbe stairway passing down to tbe kitchen, and then the farther noiee of tbe scratching of a snatch as the person reached the foot of the stairs aod passed out through tbe Open kiteben door. It waa soon ascer- load that the intruder bed gained fcsanen'BrP S)P iMfcJUatvJ OyT W sSjLaynSaf door, bad made hi way op stair and was seeking whet ho might desire to of ehs family. Nothing, however, w. a founo miesing, and It It evident tbe bell rang just ic time. Oo the principle that trouble never comes alone, somebody entered tbe Parkins , stable about 8 o'clock last night and j stole a 3 year-old colt. The animal waa i htatd of today out on Three Mile and the indications are that the larcenist : "borrowed" tbe animal to carry him (our or Ave miles into the country. Doaationa Asked for a Worthy Cauae. Superintendent Gilbert baa received a latter from W. T. Gardner, superin tendent of the Boy' aod Girls' Aid So ciety, Which he is having printed in the form of a circular and sent to the several teachers of Wasco county's public school. The letter, whjeo ie as fellow, explains itself: "Another year having rolled along, I beg to ask your kind as sistance again toward obtaining for us donations this Thanksgiving from the pupils of your schools. Wasco is the beet county in tbe state outside Multno mah to assist us in this manner, and last year tbe donation was so good that I feel it incumbent on me to have an agent there to collect the gifts fiom tbe school and other and have them prop erly packed aod forwarded at once. I intend to ask Judge Blakeley for tbe use of tbe court room for this purpose aed should he grant this request w will have everything in order and will be oleased to attend to everyone wbo is anxious to assist us.' Mr. Gilbert asks tbe eo operation of the teachers in securing donations to this worthy cuse, and instructs as to bow tbey shall be shipped. Of course Judge Blakeley has granted tbe ure of the court houae, and Mr. Allaway, oo behalf of tbe D. P. A A. N. Co., ha kindly promised to ship all donations to Portland free of charge. It Is requested that donations collected at this plate shall be sent to the court boas on or be fore November 30th. fCRSOHAL MBMTIOH. ...The New York Gash Store... 138 end 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. R. A. Kelsay. of Antelope, is io the city. A. MacAdam, of Sbeniko, is registered at tbe Umatilla House. Aaaaaanr C. L. Schmidt araa a naaaar.- ger on tbe noon train for Pendleton. Hon. John Miehell will leave tomor row for tbe national capital, where ha has a government appointment io tbe United States senate. F. M. Lawson, proprietor of The n.-lUa ami HLanikn atatcn line, baa mavMl hia fainil v from Chicken flnrlan to a hou near tbe corner of Tenth and Lbertv.thie city. Piyiiuumin afnorfv lft Aa the da. layed train this forenoon for Portland, from whence be win proeeeo in a flay or two to Wasting on. CASTOR I A ll KM Yet luff Hop tagM . soys' m mi sail suns.. KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The New York Cash Store ...Tbe Chilly Air... suggest Overcoats, while the nsme of The Hula Clot King Co. suggest economy. If someone should slip $5 io your pocket yes would consider It a friendly act. This Is what we aie positively doing to very man wbo boys bia suit or overcoat from us. Men's all wool Suits in cassitnere, cheviot, worst ed and serges, varying from $4.50 to $20.00. Overcoats from $4.85 to $10.50. Ulsters from $5.95 to $17.50. Hat! Hat! II At! 10 d.ju Mao's New Style Fedora In eltbrr black or browa; sold the regular way from $1.26 to $1.76; The HUB price .5 We still bare all s'ss left in that special Wool Fleeced Underwear, worth $160 su't ; It-member Tbe HUB price .J IU WIWDOWf. The Hub Clothing Co.. (MAY CltelWK UIi.IJMiJ i