The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 25, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 240
The Kind Ton Have Always
in use for over SO years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil,
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Thugs In Jail Who Slew James Morrow
Assassins Confess, Each Accus
ing the Other.
Poutj.and, Nov. 25. Haunted by the
knowledge that tbey bad been implicated
in the shedding of human blood and un
able by word and action to hide tbe fact
of their guilt, John Wade, alias Kid Mo
Fadden, and William H. Dalton were
arrested yesterday morning, charged
with being implicated in tbe murder of
James Berkley Morrow last Thursday
morning on the East 8ide. Obarlee
Smith and William H. Martin were also
arrested, as they had been going around
town with Wade and Dalton. Tbe two
latter are the principals. Wade says
that Dalton killed Morrow. Dalton seye :
"Wade fired tbe shot which killed
Morrow." The police state that Wade
is the actual murderer, although be is
placing the blame on Dalton. Tbe ar
rests were made by Detectives Day and
Weiaer and Policemen Carpenter, Bailey
and Gibson.
It is understood that Dalton will give
state's evidenee against his former friend
Wade. Both Wade and Dalton admit
being present when Morrow was
murdered. Tbey thought the unfortunate
man was a gambler, wLo they thought
carried home large some of money to bis
borne on tbe East Ride nearly every
night. Dalton' says that Wade was the
highwayman who fired tbe fatal shot,
and the police believe bis story.
All Might Under Water.
Patchoqus, L. I., Nov, 28. In order
to demonstrate the length of time that
the Holbnd submarine torpedo b-tat can
remain below water and still support
human life, tbe Fulton, with three of
fleers and a eraw of five men, was sub
merged in the harbor tonight and will
not come to the surface again until 10
o'clock tomorrow morning, a period of
fifteen boars. The teat Is the severest
ever attempted, and a large number of
spectators assembled on the company's
wharves tonight and watched the boat
ink slowly beneath tbe water with bar
daring ataw. In order that there may
be oo evasion of the conditions of the
Bought, and which has
has home the signature
has been made under his
sonal supervision sinee Its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
Signature of
test and to assist . in any emergency, a
watch was set upon tbe company 's
wharf. Lieutenant Arthur MacArthur,
U. 6. N., is in command. There are
also on board Raar-Admiral John Lowe,
U. 8. N., (retired) ; Captain Frank Cable,
of the Holland Torpedo-boat Company
and her crew of five men of tbe Navy.
Tbe Fulton is submerged in fifteen of
water, giving her tops a six foot depth
under water. Those on board the craft
will partake of 6upper at midnight, with
breakfast at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Everything necessary for their comfort
has been supplied, including light bed
4mrlo'i Prettied Girl.
New York, Nov. 23. A dispatch to
tbe Herald from London says: "Tbe
most beautiful girl in America," was tbe
description of her daughter given by Mrs.
Wackerinapn to an interviewer at
Queenatown opou her arrival there. Mrs.
Wackermann is on her way to L ndon to
visifber daughter, whose mental con
dition led to a distressing scene in tbe
Sfrand and Fleet street recently.
Miss Wackermann, her mother de
clared, was always a sensible girl, and
there is no insanity in tbe family. She
attributed her daughter's mental con
dition to external influence?, which she
is determined to probe on Iter arrival in
Guilty of Feaolug O.firii-ust Laud..
Cheyknnk, Wyo., Nov. 28 In tbe
United States court here tonight, A. A.
Spaugb, a Mannvllle cattle man, was
found guilty of tbe charge of illegally
fencing several hundred thousand acres
of government land in tbe vicinity of
Manuvllle. Tbe maximum penalty is a
fine of $1000 or imprisonment in the
county jail for one year or both. Spaugh
will probably be sentenced next Monday
by Jode Biner, unless be should appeal, wbicb is not probable. Tbe
result in Ibis case, it is said, will govern
a lare number of others of a similar
nature, tbe government at once be
ginning actions against ail violators.
MaUI-as With Auareby.
Nxw Yokk, Nov. S3 Diseussing tbe
report of an international conference
upon tbe anarchists, tbe Berlin oorre-
snondent ol the Herald says; It Is
officially cottflrcted that on the
lion of Germany and Boasia
has been an international tsoboege of
views regarding tbe surveillance af anar
chists. The idea was ait Brat, par baps
mooted at DaotsUs. There is reason to
oellevs, howaoer, that it was only
there has
recently that proposals took diplomatic
form. For the present at eay rate it is
not intended to call an international con
ference. Boat Practically Closed.
London, Nov. 23 Dispatches from
Copenbagaa stating that tbe sale of
Dmish Wast Indies has nearly been
concluded contain nothing that has not
been known in diplomatic circles for
several months.
The sale is regarded as a foregone con
clusion, as the price has been agreed
upon, but the Danish government is
deliberate in its methods and scrupulous
about providing every possible safe
guard to bneinese interests of the
colonists, especially tbe sugar planters
of Santa Cruz.
The American minister at Copenhagen,
bimself of Danish descent, bas found it
difficult on this account to hasten
Infant Burued to Death.
South Bind, Wash., Nov. 28. Yester
day afternoon the bouse of James Bel
lamy, of Lebam, burned to the ground,
and with it bis babe in the cradle. He
and bis wife bad gone to tbe barn near
by, and wben they looked back they saw
their bouse in flames. Tbe frsntic
father made a desperate effort to reach
tbe baby, wbicb bad been left in the
cradle in the bouse, and burned bis face
badly in bis unsuccessful efforts. Hardly
any of the remains of the child could be
found. Tbe Are is supposed to have
cautht from a coat which was drying
near the stove.
Kaynor Would Rot Accept a Fee.
Baltimobs, Nov. 25. It was learned
today that Isidor Rayqor, chief counsel
tor Admiral W. S. Schley in the recent
bearing before tbe court of inquiry, bad
refused to accept a fee for his services.
A mutual friend of tbe admiral and Mr.
liaynor stated that the admiral recently
sent a valuable gold watch to Mr. Ray nor
and a a magnificent brooch of diamonds
and pearls to Mrs. Raynor.
Letter Prom Ml Stone.
New Yobk, Nov. 28. A dispatch to
tbe World from Sofia says: Another
letter from Mies Stone, the American
missionary held by tbe brigands, bas
been received. Mr. Dickinson, tbe
United States diplomatic representative,
absolutely declines to disclose its con-'
tents except to say that Miss Stone and
her companion in imprisonment, Mme.
Teilka, are well.
If yon want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yery
best preparations tor cleansing the
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft ana glossv.
Price. 26 and 60 cents a bottle, at Freser's
barber chop, Tbe Dalles. tf
Fine turkeys, fattened especially for
tbe Carnaby Market, Hinsee' sweet
pickles in bulk, bulk olives, sweat cider,
apple butter, pickled trips, pigs feet,
sauerkraut, and other specialties too
numerous to mention, can be bad all tbe
time at Carnaby's American Market.
Fonr hundred acres of deeded land
situated sixteen miles south of Tbe
Dalles, in tbs beet grain district In East
ern Oregon, will oe sola at a bargain.
Tbe land is nearly all under cultivation
and well Improved, having a good bouse,
barn, granary ana other outhouses, sort
sufficient water for fifty bead of borees
during the dryest seasons. A windmill
and cistern is constructed so as to for nisi.
water for tb bouee, stock and garden
irrigation. There is sufficient pasture
for a email band of stock and splendid
hog pasture on tbe farm. For further
particulars apply to
o4-lmdw Box 364, Tbe Dallas.
All buildings and obstructions in tbe
streets of Tba Dallss must be removed
from tbs streets within thirty days from
tbls data or the matter will be submitted
to the council for them to act upon it
By order of U. V. uhamplim,
Marsha) Dallas City. Or.
Dated Noy. t, 1901. nT-dMaw
or rssswosl.
Dr. C J. Bishop, Agnew, Mich., says:
"I have need Foley's Honey and Tar la
tbiee vary savant cases of pneemonla
with goad results io every case." Be
ware of substitutes. Clarke k Faik.
Do yog soger iroaj piles? If so do
not torn 40 surgery, for relief. De Witt's
Witch Hesel Salve will not mora quickly,
sorely and safety, saving yau the ss-msmm
and danger of an operation. Clarke
Faik 'a r. O.rhorajasy,
Sale of Linens
TODAY tHe last of the Pony Stocking Sale.
Nlht Was Her Terror.
"I would cough nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs. Cbas. Applegate, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep. I bad consumption so bad that
if I wslked a block 1 would cough fright
fully and spit blood, but, wben all other
medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of
Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured
me and I gained 68 pounds." It's
absolutely guaranteeJ to cure Coughs,
Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all
Throat and Long Troubles. Price 60c
and t.00. Trial bottles free at G. C.
Blakeley's drag store. 4
A Plresaa-'s Close Call.
"I stuck to oiy engine, although every
joint achad and every nerve was racked
with nain." writes C W. Bellamy, a lo
comotlve firemen, of Burlington, Iowa.,
"T aW .nil r.U arithnnt an SO
petite and all ran down. As I was about
to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit
ters and, aftsr taking it, I felt as well as
I srsr did in my life." Weak, sickly,
run down people alaays gain new life,
strength and vigor from their use. Try
tbem. SetiesscUoo guaranteed by G. C.
Blakley, tbedruigist. Price 60 cents. 2
Working S4 Moor, a Oar.
There's no rest for tboss tireless lilt's
little workers Dr. King's New Pills.
Millions are always busy, curing Torpid
Liver, Jaundice, Billioosness, Fever and
Ague. Tbey banish Kick Headache,
drive oat Malaria. Never gripe or
weaken. Small, taste nice, work won
dors. Try tbem. 25c at G. 0. Blakelev's
drog store. .
Bays He Was Tortured.
"I suffered snob pain from corns I
could hardly walk," writes H. Robinson,
Hillsborough, Ills.,"but Bucklen's Arni
ca Salve completely cured tbem." Acts
Ilka magic on sprains, braises, cuts,
sores scalds, barns, boils, elcerr. Per
fact healer of skin dieses and piles.
Curs gaarsntsed by G. C Blakalsy, tbs
druggist. He. 9
Wben your hair appears dry sad to
have lost iu vitality it wants something
to give it Ufa and vigor. We bavs wbst
tbe hair needs whan It gets In that con
dition. We bays H the Crown of
flolafjfft Heir at. Ml Grower sad
Ooeoanot Creem W Tonic. They
will ear dead Wm rot and all
scalp diseases. For sol at Freser's bar
rnoe owe so res a ooaw.
1 aaythlai alls yoor hair, go and sot
. a imiiIIi oi - -- af
Come in and fog our now San
dais tho correct thing for party
wear. Kid and patent leather.
They're swell indeed they are.
Our list of Thanksgiving Specials
will appear in this space tomorrow.
Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
Dry Goods and Ladies Ready-made
Garments are the order of the day.
Hew Umatilla House
Service the Best. Rates Reasonable.
PPSpsc!al rates to- Steady Boarders, Families and
Theatre Parties.
FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Agents for Booster Drills, J. I. Case Steel Parse
rows and Plows. Spring TWh Harrows, Blseell Chilled Floes, Mitchell Wag-
oossnd Hacks, Hmy Bu.nle.
...Star Windmills...
With Ball and Rillrr bearings, and fully warranted.
Write us for priors and e-sialogoss.
All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention.
Priors al ways right.
The only Prelusive Hardware Sinre In iheelty.
X here re-opened this well-known Bakery,
sod ion now prspred to supply ersry
body with Bread, Pies ind Cakes. Also
til kinds of Step! and Fanoy Groosr es.
Special Value,
this week
Table Linens,
Napkins, Etc.
(ale and Restaurant
Sexton & Wahher
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A fall lino of BRIDIE A BBACH
Cook sod Heating Stoves.