of Dress Goods, citing Flannel, flannelettes in fact everything in the piece goods line will be sold SATURDAY at about HALF the regular price. Saturday Onlu Big REMNANT Sale. X WW PEASE 5t MAYS. The Dalles Daily ChMcle. SA TURDAY NOV. 23. 1901 Oysters V Served In any Style... At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wasco County warrant registered prior to January , 1898. will be paid on presentation at my office. Interest ceases after November 10, 1801. JODR F. HAM 18 HIRE, County Treasurer. eVAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Don't forget the dance tonight at the Baldwin. The ecoaring mills will etart on about a month's mn nest Monday. Here Is something new under the bud. An Ashland laundry washes clothes by the pound, charging 5 cents a pound for family washings. Sweets to the sweet, or even to the our, will be sold by the young lady friends of the M. . church nest Wednesday at Menefee & Parkins'. Ladies wanted to work ou sofa pillows. Materials furnished. Steady work guaran teed, experience unnecessary. Send stamped envelope to Miss McGee Needle work Dept., Ideal Co., Chicago. The editor ie indebted to the kindness of Mrs. J. M. Benson, of Five Mile, for the present of a big jr of preserved peacbe3 that look to deliciously tempt ing that one feels like saying they are toj good to eat. George Woodruff, of Wapinltia, yes terday delivered to the Columbia Pack ing Company the last of 97 head of fat hojs brought to town during the week. Thj price was not given out but it is unUrstood to be better than 5 cents, gross weight. It is reliably stated that a tray of dia monds etolen from tt.e Hotel Portland a few nights aso has been found. The discovery ie said to have been been made in a deck of cards. This little joke is just now being spiting by the dear girls, evidently with much relish. The executive committee of the late fair and carnival have at' last straight ened out the finances of the fair, and find there is a balance on the right side of the ledger of something between $600 and $800. They have, therefore, decid ed to declare a nine per cent dividend in favor of subscribers. A little miss of 6, living in Washing ton, conspired with bar brother, aged 4, relates Victor Smith, to save enough pantile to boy papa and mamma pres ents. A friend of the family noticed that mamma's present waa much finer and more expensive than papa's, and was impelled by enriosily to inquire why the balk of the savings had bean expended for the mother. The little miss replied : "Well, yon see, papa ie only related to we children by marriage, while mamma ie our relative by borna tion." King Edward laughs heartily over the reports about his failing health, and has proved the falsity of them by exposing himself reokleeely in the bunting field and by shooting hour after hour in the wind and rain. Those recently with him assert that he has no throat ailment whatever. John N. Eiden has entered fuit in the circuit court for a divorce fromiiis wife, Caroline Eiden. He alleges numerous instances of her infidelity and asks for the custody of his two children, aged 12 and 9 years. The couple were married in Portland, Oregon, In 1888, and have since lived in the vicinity of Cascade Locks. Yesterday afternoon Maiehal Cham plin arrested a man who gave bis name as Ellenberg and booked him on a charge of drnnk and disorderly. This morning Recorder Doherty fined him $5, which the fellow refused to pay, although he had $20 26 on his person. He preferred to work out his fine at $2 a day and pay for tis own meals. Christian M. Donovon, by his attor neys, Bennett & Sinuott, has commenced an action in the circuit court asking for a divorce from hi wife, Edith M. Don ovon, on the ground of desertion. The couple were married in this county July 6, 1898. Donovon a'legea that in Jan uary 1900 bis wife left him and still insists on living apart. Another case of diphtheria was re ported to Health Officer Van Anda yes terday. It ie .bat of the little daughter of W. A. Kirby. Against tbls the quar antine was raised this morning from the house of Mrs. Davis, near the bead of the brewery grade. More than half the remaining cases are convalescent, and only await the quarantine limit. For a great many years every time a U. S. senator is elected in Oregon Mr. H. W. Scott, of the Oregonian, ie prom inently mentioned for the position, but when the voting comes on bis name ie never presented. This is now occurring again. Mr. Scott is not a candidate ex cept in the brains of a few editors, and the chances are will not be mentioned when the legislature meets next time. The local tent of Maccabees gave a banquet last night following the initia tion of five candidates. State Command er Sherwood, of Portland, and two of his deputies, who are bare soliciting membership, were present. The local tent has taken on new Ufa recently, and is at preaent in a vary prosperous con dition. The brethren are making a strung tffort to bava 160 new members within the next few weeks. Another new case ot diphtheria was reported this morning. It Is that of a 16-year-old girl ot a family named Jacobean, whose home is some w bare near the old garrison. This still another new case is reported In the Murch familv, who are already nnder quarantine. This makes exactly twenty cases under quarantine this afternoon. The health officer reports that none of the cases appear to be serious. Frank Read, who was was taken to the state penitentiary the other day to serve a year for assault .with a danger ous weapon, claimed to. the deputy sheriff who took .him below that be was a nephew of Thomas B. Reed, ex con gressman from Maine. Read has a good education and is about 24 years of age. Whatever truth there may be in his olaim of nephewsbip, It is beyond ques tion that he ie a confirmed hobo. Rev. Irl ft. Hleks Is Wet Dead. Notwithstanding a widely current rumor that the Rev. Irl R. Hicks was dear!, he never was in better health, and never did a harder and more success! u! year's work than that just closing. He has just completed his large and splen did almanac for 1902 and, with his staff of able helpers, baa brought his journal, Word and Works, justly forward into international reputation. For a quarter of a century Mr. Hicks has grown in reputation and usefulness as the people's astronomer, and forecaster of storms and the character of coming seasons. Never were bis weather forecasts so sought after as now, his timely warning of a serious drouth this year having aved the people from loss and suffering Millions of bushels of wheat were harvested through his advice to plant crops that would mature early. The American people will certainly stand by Prof. Hicks, when it cost them so little and the benefits are so great. His fine almanac of 200 pages is only 25 cents, and bis splendid family journal is only $1 a year, including the almanac. Send to Word and Works Pub. Co., 8201 Locust street, St. Louie, Mo. Program Por Thanksgiving. Following is the program for the union Thanksgiving services to be held In the Baptist church at 11 a. m. Thursday, Nov. 28th : Voluntary Doxologjr Invocation , KV. W. B. Clifton Hymn Scripture Beading Kev. D. V. Poling Reading President's Pioclamatton,. 0. Landers Prayer Kev. W. gkipworth Hymn tkm amuTB TSUIS. General Duty of Thanksgiving. . Rev. W. Clifton Tbe Ground of Thanksgiving From the Standpoint of tbe secular . . Kev. D. V. Poling The Ground of Thanksgiving Prom a Moral and Religious elandpoint. Kev. W. Skip worth Hyma Benediction Attention! A special meeting of the Knights and Ladles of Security . will be held in Fra ternity ball on Monday evening, Mo v. 26U,at 6:16 o'clock. Important boai. noes to be trapsaaseg'. By order of the Oooncil. p..im. W. A. Cbawfoud, Cor. See'y. According to Mrs. Corinne Brown, of Chicago, a moraejeat is an Ms M call a coke Mm of aUtfeterwelned wewren Who will he willing to form a "Rebell ion Gob" and take o; arms against dian, the monster. Says she ; 'It is time th at women proclaimed to the world that they have lot! patience With the tyranny and Ivseism of the stronger eex. For such slaves and serfs an we women are iheie is only one way la which onr compile freedom and enter. oipttitn can be won. That nay in re bellion. A league ot women rebels should be formed. The men would soon subside. They cannot get along allh eal us." That in true, dear ; that is very true. At the old humorist put It, it Ie all we can do to get along with you, but we most certainly cannot get along without you. Bat, Corinne, ncuh!n mschrne, what ie agitating the womt-n? Hve they rot the best of even thing no ? Docs not the tyrant mau have to pinch ami crape to keen them in sealskin? Do they not run the house to suit thcineelvos? Do they not conduct the politics of this country, from electing Charles Prodger as city treasurer to running Admlial Dewey for the presidency? I, not the bole machinery of government stopped if woman, wants to fix bar . hat or ar range her garter? Does not all earth bow before her, and ie she not supreme in heaven ? Pause, Corinne mavonrneen, before you go too tar ; or as the late lamented John J. Iogalls need to say womar, oaee onr superior, will yet become ot r equal. Sac. Bee. OUR CHECHES St. Paul's Episcopal church Rev C H. Lake, rector. Morning service at 11a.m. Evening service at 7 ;30. Sun day school, 12:16. All are invited. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Regular bervice at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m.,.iu the new church on Union etreet. Sunday school at 10 a. ou ; B. Y. P. U. at 6:80 p. m. ' Christian church,' Ninth and Court streets, Rev. J. M. Alexander minister Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. ; Sunday school 10 a. tn. ; Christian En deavor 6 :30 p. m. Prayer meeting 7 -J30 o'clock Thursday evening. Methodist Episcopal ehurch Corner Fifth and Washington, Rev. W. Skip worth patter Morning service at 11 o'dlock; eveuiog 7:80; Sundoy school 10a.m.; class meeting 12:20; Ep worth League 6:30. All are cordially Invited to these services. CkMagrajiational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poling, pastor. Services both morning and evening. Morning subject, "Individual ityIts Place in the Divine Economy." Evening subject will be of interest to young people. The choir will sing both morning and evening. City Property. ...The New Ybrk Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Strant. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. mmmmimmmammWmammmmmmmMmmMmm - i ' m nut's ml am KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is tho time to fit out your boy for school. Don't make vour purchases without seeing our lino. We will save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiest and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The Jejff york Cash Store .anv e n Jan 'mrsna irv Are you looking for a bargain in down town fboi'ebty? If you are, read this: We can sell yon lots on north side of Fifth street, between Washington and Federal, for $500 each, or a splendid lot corner Fifth and Washington, for (1300. We also bave lot and half close to city hospital that will be sold at a sacrifice for spot cash. Also new six-room house and two lots aast of and next to academy and high school. Hot aod cold water, bath, out booses, etc. Price $1400; easy terms. Alto tix-room cottage oo Alvord ave nue; modern conveniences; one lot; a sacrifice, at $860. Hudson A BrownbUt or Dad Butts. Tlatfewr Land, A fine quarter section of heavy timber, fifteen miles sooth of Hood Riv r, ne halt mile from river, with a doun-hill pull. Will be eofd cheap for eteb. Otfner most sell. Alto two t.dendid timber l c itior s In Skamania county, Wash.; on o'aimt that . will cut 7000 feet to the quarter tsctioo. Hudton & Brownhill or Dad Buttt. Cheage of Maada.usrt.rs. ' The headquarters of The Dalles and Shaniko stage line is now at the Colum bia Hotel. Stage leave there for Shan iko every morning, except Huuday, at 6 o'clock. Passenger rate to Shaniko $3. SOn-tf i. M. Toomkv, Agent. Blngle-Casnb Brown I egfcuras. A few thoroughbred, single-cotub brown Leghorn ccckerelt and pullets for tale, if taken at once. Jst. TagLaao, D23 1m Tra Dallas, Or. ailSJaSStl Jar udChUfcw. TrifUy aJifl Cole's Original Air-light Heaters For Wood and Lighter Fuel. The Introduction of Cole's Original Alr-Tlglu Heater has revolution ised the boating etovn trade in all sections of the United States. Its wrns derful economy In the ue of fuel, and many other escslUnt qualities, strongly recommend it to all in nee I of a heating store. What Cole'a Haatar Will Do. ThU stove will best a room from aero to SO degrees In five minutes. It will heat your house evenly day and night. It holds fire M hours without attention. Yon build only one fire each winter. It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and corn ooha, and gives excellent resnltt with this fuel, which It ordinarily wasted. The stove is light and easily moved end setup. The combustion Is perfect and ashes art removed only once In lour weeks. None of the heat Is wasted and the stove will save one-half of your fuel bill. It a clean, economical, convenient, safe and durable. Every nne of OMe't Original Alr-Tlght Heaters is guaranteed to ttav elr-tltfht as long as used. W here wood Is used (or fuel every family thonld bast- one or more of these stovos. Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles. BUY A WILSON AIR-TIGHT HEATER and save fuel. THE WILSON has an OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn out. Wo also carry a line of TRILBY AIR-TIGHTS. ...MAYS tfi CBPW5 linn m i in tear the it stt aammmaVsxa AssMsBmntssI anmntmnmnVaM f tag?! flHgajJf iPwIRP, ."l&e Chilly Air... suggests Overcoat, while the name of Thai Hub CloiHingJ Co. sugeets economy. If someone should slip $6 in your pocket yen wou'.d consider It a friendly act. This it what we are positively doing t j every mao who buys bis suit or overcoat from us. Men's allwool Suits in cassimere, ehoviot, worst ed and serges, varying from $4.50 to $20.00. Overcoats from $4.85 to $10.50. Ulsters from $5.95 to $17.50. Hat! Hats! Hata! 10 d. gen Man's New S'yle Fedoras In either blsck or brown ; told the regular way from $1,26 to $1.76; The HUB price 9Jc We still have all slssa left in that special Wool Fleeced Underwear, worth $1 60 eu'.l I it-member The HUB price 5c Cat WINDOWS. The Hub Clothlfia Co.. (MAV C66WK BU 1LD1NQ.)