The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 23, 1901, Image 1

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    t Dulles
NO. 239
The Kind You Have Always
In use for over 80 years,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good are bat
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment,
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend.
jy Bears the Signature of ,
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
THT ccnt.uh 00.MHV, tt mummy imcT, new torn orrv.
riyc uivgs ivuiiuc mm nc win ncss
It At the Coming Session.
Boston, Nov. 22. The chief guest at
a banquet given by the Commercial
Club at the New Algoquin Club tonight
was Senator William P. Frre, of Maine.
His address was upon "National Legis
lation Concerning Steamship Subsidies
and New England's Interest in the
Country's Increasing Foreign Com
merce." He Bald in part :
"Oar country is great,- prosperous and
powerful. For a few year- it has moved
forward with tlio strides oi a ymibg giant
and today ranks with the foremost
nations of the world. This result !:ae
been attained under the poliey of pro
taction. Nearly every industry has been
protected nnd ha? prospered. alone
has been hruidnMpped liy adverse legis
lation at home and protection of its competitor-;
bbroad, namely, our ships en
t?aaeil in foreign trade. The theoretial
free trader aeciihes the condition to our
policy of protection. It is not protection
which has harmed, hut the entire lack
of it, ttie compelling of our ships to com
pete with those of other maritime nations
protected by subside?, by muc'o lower
wages in shipyards and on ships and by
a les expensive manner of livii g.
"There are some Ainerictns utterly
devoid of sentiment or of patriotic im
pulse, who can travel, the world over
and without regret never see tbe Stare
and Stripes in any foreign por. They
'Why not employ fote gn ships to
carry and foreign ageuoiee to find
markets for our surplus products if ihey
will do it cheap? Do they suppose that
such agenoiea will have the slightest
interest in entending our trade?
"During the congress about to meet I
shall persist in my efforts to secure legis
lation for our merchant navy, and I be
speak for such attempt the support of
the business men of Boston."
Arms Aiuuuf Har Cargo.
Nkw Yoatc, Nov. 22. Tbe precise cir
cumstances which has induced the cus
toms authorities to detain tbe steamer
Banrigh in the Thames are now known,
says the Tribune's L nd n correspond
ent. Parte of field guns were found
Bought, And which has been
has borne the nlirtiu n of
and has been made under his per-
eonal guperrlBion since Its infancy.
I 1
a nong her cargo, and it Las been ar
Bii med that they were to be wot to the
Transvaal. The documents In tbe pos
session of tbe customs authorities show,
however, that tbe vessel waa destined
to take an active part in what is described
as the resolution between two South
American states, with which England is
at peace and the officials, recalling tbe
Alabama case, detained tbe vessel under
the foreign enlistment case.
Tun Hatsfoldt is Dead.
London, Nov. 22. Count Von Hatz-feldt-Wildenburg,
wiio alow days ago
retired from tbe post Of German ambas
sador of Great Britian, died at the
embassy this morning.
Count Von Hatz'eldt returned from a
holiday six weeks ago, and since tiiat
time has only beeu able to leuve bis
house once or twice, and then in a bath
chair. He suffered creatly from asthma,
and on Sunday his malady developed
lilt congestion of the longs. From this
attiick Count Von Ha'zfiOJt never
rallied, bur died peacefully morning
id the presence of his wife and son.
He mum cj.iscious up to last n'ght,
when he received the la?t tacrument of
the church and then laped into a state
of coma. Hie body will be buried in tbe
family vault in Gem. any.
I.ym-li I a Wlnutr.
New Yohk, Nov. 22.- Commenting
upon the election of Mr. Arthur Lynch
over Mr. Pinnkett, in the parliamentary
election nt Gal way, Ireland, the London
correspondent of ttie eats:
"Arthur Lynch, who bae been elected
to parliament from Gal way, led the eo-
j called Irish contingent agalaat the
I British flag in South Africa. It seems
Iimp03dible that he should attempt to
I nnm.H to England to uks his teat. He is
a bndmmi young, impulsive,
emotional and sentimental. The op-
' oar )iit iudispositou of the London press
I to make iight of Lis South African
venture is suggestive."
Favor Anneiatlan f Cuba.
New Yonk, Nov. 22 Francisco
Gamba, preeident ol me Cuban com
mission sent by tbe merchants, business
men and agricultural associations of Cuba
to tbe United States with petitions for
the improvement of relations between
the two countries, ha jjst been inter
viewed on Cuban affairs. When aaked
if it was bis opinion that the United
States should auuex Cuba, be said :
"As a member of this commission,
representing all classes and political
v in
They're a new
plants in America,
The makers
unique and interesting. They will award a handsome. Shetland Pony to each of
the ten boys or girls who send in the first correct answers to
ed on the ticket accompanying each pair
Ask for Pony Stockings at the liosieru Counter, also for booklet
which explains the
Pony Stockings
are worth
any size
parties of Cuba, I do not feel myself at
liberty to ex press an individual opinion.
But, were you to say that 90 per cent of
the business people and property-owners
of Cuba favored annexation, you would
bo correct." "
Important Pattut Grunted.
Bocldek, Colo., Nov. 22. Dr.William
Dunne, professor of phyties at the Ute
university, has just been ctan'.ed a
patent for an invention by which a laue
number uf telegraph meeeages can be
sent over one wire and each return at
the same rime. In the physical labora
tory at the unlveitity, it is raid, he haa
had a9 many as eighteen cncuita work
In on tbt same wire and return all at
the same time. On any of these circuits
the Moree instrument can be placid and
used exactly as with tbe single wire now
in u-e.
Mr. Ouane's invention it- based M the
principle of syncbror.iz'ng motors.
ltlot In Atlieua.
Athens, Nov. 22. The turbulent de
velopment growing out in the propota:
to translate the goepv! into modem
Grerk were continued today in tbe streets,
especially in front of the chamber of
deputies and before tbe university. There
were many u!y rushes. The militia
are finding difficulty in controlling tbe
Tbe meeting of the chamber of deputies
today was marked by a series of violent
Weolgroweia OrgauiK.
Oxtabio, Or., Nor. 2i Orgaointion
of the Malheur and Harney County
Woolgrowera' Association was effected
here yesterday. Thomas Turnbuil was
elected preeident and E. H. Teat, secre
tary and treasorei . Hereafter the aool
of these two eooctriee will be controlled
by thit aeaooUUon, and auction aalee
will prevail. Heretofore tbe wool baa-
Shetland Ponies Free!
No, we don't conduct a pony department, but we lo
sell the Wayne-Knit Pony Stockings for children, and
on every pair is a ticket which gives the children a
chance to get a handsome little Shetland Pony FREE.
These stockings are built for wear as well as for
sightliness. They are the best all-round children's
stockings ever knitted to sell for 25c the pair.
stocking, made by one of the foremost hosiery manufacturing
and dyed by a process which makes the
have hit upon a plan
prize oner.
closes November
SSjj0 v pair
been held here for months until the
buyers could be given tbelr time to kok
into the matter.
tirovrr 1'lcvtlaud 111.
Tbentos, N. J., Nov. 23 Reports
come from Princeton, N. J., that ex- j
President Grover Cleveland Is 111 at his
borne at that place. Mr. Cleveland
recently returned from a i: luniji trip, i
was taken ill with a chili, and was
threatened with pururnonia. Inquiry j
tODbt elicited tbe infurma'.ion that he,
was very mntth improved. His condition
is not believed to be dangerous.
FlghtiM? AgKluat tturrf.
New YoiiK, Nov. 22. According to the
l.'-n ion representative of the 'i'ribun -,
the rstaudaru's Hjoih African totre
eondeots arts authority fur the late
merit that General AnJit- s Croi J , a
brother of tbe fawona Ber hader now
i prisoner iu 8t. fleiei.a, is among the
t-x-Burghers who ate eolhting men
sgaintt thvir ormer oimpanions in a'ins
and in lavor of tbe British.
When your iiair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wauts something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
tlx; hair needs when it geti In that con
dition. We have A the Crown of
Hcienco Hair (Bmftfi Grower and
Cocoanut CreaiuH mf Tonic. Tbev
will rare dand ruff and all
scalp diseases. For sale at Fraxcr's bar
ber shop. Price 60c and 76e a bottle.
All bolldings and obstructions in the
street of The Dallee moat be removed
from tbe streets within thirty days from
this date or tbe matter will he submitted
to the council for them to art upon it.
By order of C. V. Ciiampmn,
Marshal Dalle City. Or.
Dated Mot. 8, ltl. n7.d2dw
If anything ails your hair, go gad see
Freeer; he's tbe baeoalare for all
bair reeoediee. Remember tbgt he
make a pedal' oi tbeee good. ti
for introducing Pony
of Pony Stockings.
25th, 1901. Be
M Umatilla House
ServicQ tha Best.
AWSpeclal rates to Steady Boarders, Families and
Thtutre Parties.
Lli I A JlWsWawaaaVgJ
FAKU1NU 1 M 1'LKMEN r.-Agenta for Hool Drill, J. I. Oaa StMl farat
Harrows ami flows. Hpring Tootb Harrows, Bissell Chilled Flo, Mitchell Wag
onsond Hacks, Heauey Boggle.
...Star Windmills...
With Ball and Roller bearing, and folly warranted.
Write a for price and catalogues.
Ail order entrusted to a will have prompt atttios.
Price al way right.
Tbe only Kaeloalve Hardware Store la the ally.
color absolutely fast.
Stockings that is
the question print
No extra charge
for the chance of
winning a pony.
(ale and Restaurant
Rates Reasonable.
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A full line of BRIDGE A BEAOH
Cook and lit atiog Utove.