la sS I So. !kat mat IL - & Ji- il" i. '. . I $ KUMHIIU, JIMU LUNHIJ, VvVj AIIV HIV) I! or Dress Goods, Outing Flannel, Flannelettes, in fact everything in the piece goods line will be sold SATURDAY at about HALF the regular price. Saturday Only Big REMNANT Sale. PERSE St MRYS. The Dalles Daily Chmfete. THURSDAY NOV. 21, 1901 ffi - Oysters Served in any Style... At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All ffuoo Convey warrants registered prior to January 4, 1890, will bo ooM 9 presentation at my office. Interest ceases arter Mooember 10, 1001. JOHN JT. HiHPsHIRI, County Treasurer. VAYSIVE GLEANINGS. Don't forget tbe dance tonight tb Fraternity ball, given by tbe Knighta and Ladiee of Security. A good time is assured and -every body is invited. One year ego today the tfcer mouse ter in this city -stood at 2 degree below ero. That was the coldest day f the entire winter. Today at 11 a. in. tbe ther mometer etood at 48 degrees, J Ike Moore and R. E. Davis, whs we re sentenced te a year each in tbe peni tentiary for larceny and assault with a dangerowc weapon, reesiectirveky, were t ken to the state penitentiary en tbe early morning train. John Doe was arrested ieet night by Officer Pawieen for disturbing tbe meet ing ot tbe Salvation Army, He deposited -5 for his appearance this uioidbmk be fore Judge Sfoherty and foiling to ppear the city "treasury is teener by that amount. Mt. Hoed camp No. 6. Woodmen of the World, will give one of tbetrdamohs stag social on Tuesday opening, Nov. 26th. Refreshments will be served. All neighbors and visiting neigh bow are uordially invited. It goes without say ing a good time will be bad. The ladiee of tbe M. K.churoh will toave their usu: Thanksgiving sale on Wednesday, Nor. 27th, at sbeetoaeof J- H. Cross, Don't bother about making your mince pie, pampkin pies and plow puddings when you can get eueh goad onae aud at so little expense. One more case of diphtheria was re ported to Health Officer Van Aoda yesterday, after Tut Chkonici.k had gone to uress. It is that of the 7-year-old child of George Murch on Eighth street. Ail the cases previously reported were doing veil at last accounts with no ferions results anticipated. The acetylene gas generator at the Burgess bote), Bakew n, exploded night before last, through tbe gas having come in contact with a lighted candle in tbe hands of a domestic. In extinguishing the 8ra Mrs. Burgess and Miss Bertha Wakeley were barptd ebon tbe few and hands bat no serious damage was done. County Judge Thomas Byan, of Clacka wtg county, vbo ij Grand PiJrlewb of tbe Oregon Grand Encampment of Odd Fellows, and Grand Secretary E. E. Sharon, spent last night in the city visiting the local lodge and left this afternoon to visit the lodge at Dofnr. The Chbonicl is deeply sorry to hear of the death at Hood River, yesterday ,of E. E. Savage, who has been ailing for jnanjr months but whose recovery, from late reporte, bad bean anticipated. Mr. Savage was a gentleman who occupied a very high place in tbe esteem of all who knew him. Tbe particulars of bis death have not been received but It is under stood that tbe cause was cancer of tbe stomach. He leaves a wtfe and one oWld. According to tbe London representee live of the Journal and Advertiser, Use Onlooker contains an account of a most remarkable -cure of cancer, which med ical circles are eagerly discussing. It says the cure was discovered through the case of Lady Margaret Maehesa, sis ter of tbe "Earl of Rotwmey. Lady Mar garet became so iU that her throat neariy dosed, nourishment had to be dminietered artificially, and her death was expected in about a week, when a friend prescribed two use of fresh green violets. The suggestion was followed, relief was immediate. Tbe large, hard external tumor disappeared, and iu 1 week all pain had ceased and the can ceroue growth in the tonsil disappeared iu a inrvuigui. Thx Chronicut. ikas a communication from South Bend, Wash., oeking for in- formation concernissg one W. H. Humph rey, svsho left his family at that pi see about month agu to look for work. On October 15th Hosnphrey svrote to hie wife from Portland eayingthat he would leave eext morning for Tbe Dalles. Thie is tbe (act his wife has beard of him aud eheJe frantic with grief over the silence that has intervened, as the was wont never to allow a week te pass .without letting 4er hear from him. Humphrey does ant. drink or gamble, and bis dis appearance is. therefore, nil the more mysterious. Any information as to .Humphrey's whereabouts would be thankfully received at this office or by bis wile at South Bend. Tbe green goods men are etill doing business at the old stand. A circular, addressed to a well-known business man of this city, i now before ns offering, for an Investment of $500, to give tbe busi ness mau "an immediate return that years of toil is your piesent perfect that only a government expert could detect them. A sample of. the gentleman's work is offered to be sent on receipt of an order by telegram and and he kindly offers to appoint a place of meeting so that The Dal lea gentleman can personally examine hip apt ire stock. Any one who desires to invest in this most transparent "gold briek" swindle can get the name of the would-be swindler from Postmaster J. M. Pat terson. H. Cook, a gentleman whom the late, lamented Alexander OToole, of Cascade Locks, would, if be were alive, have described as a "Scandaboovian," was arrested last night by Deputy Sheriff Sexton op suspicion that be had more rubber boots at his disposal than tbe laws of thie free American republic al lows to aay single individual at one time. Cook had disposed of ten pair of these Webfoot iudispeosfblee to a second-band dealer am Second street for 25 cents a pair. When put in the eweat-bcx by Sheriff Kelly, Cook "ccatnsed" that he found the boots in a guaoy sack down somewhere on tbe beeca. Tbe story is eoneidered something of a fairy tale and Geak is held in custody pending further investigation. Tbe "King of tbe Opium Ring" drew a fairly good boose fast night, but not as good as it would have been had the absentee play-goers known beforehand woat they have missed. The produc tion is a decided novelty. The atmos phere is that of Chinatown and the moral, for it is moral, is tbe degrading eseet or the opium traffic and the im mense power of tbe unscrupulous and awtocratic highbinder. There was enongb of rollicking ifun to give spice and zest to scenes that were repulsive In their euggestfveness, while they preach ed a sermon 00 the moral turpitude of tbe Heathen Chioee sad all who tamper with the deadly drug. Tbe Interest was never permitted to lag (or a moment and eke acrobatic feats of the Schrode brothers were probably the best ever witnessed in The Dalles. to Menace. would uot do, and without injuring friends, neighbors or yonr fellow man." Tbe circular has tbe post mark of New York. It Is tbe same old game with slight variations. The corieepondent is "an expert engraver, having for twenty two years been employed in ibe Baeneu of Engraving, Ws thing ton, D. 0., and for twelve ears superintendent of one of tbe largest bank note companies in tbe country." Every moment of hie tseeuje was agent in practicing tbe duplication of tbe one, ive and fan dollar notes and be bag now got than so Thx IUllkh, Nov. 21, 1901. Editor Chronicle : As tbe woolgrowers of this section Wasco, Crook and Sherman counties- are again over tun with the scab epi demic, and as it has been running rampant over tbe greater part of this business ; district I would like to say (being- one aMrsYn taaeoVTJrook cob.ttee, without permit, over tbe road all tbe elean p hare to come. It will be In order tha online oT the wacjgrowerc to da. vffttffa on eftfflie sopbnt mTfree, pare for a suspension of raiting wool aid lambs, and pay strict attention to toe proposition of dipping. There here tsn 27,600 bead ot sheep dipped this I In one locality, on account of being exposed or inoculated by cheep coming from Crook county mountain, with plen ty others to hear from ly spring. That number of sheep cannot be dipped for lees than one cent per bead, saying nothing of the damage done to the animals and the wool. It loks to me as if it were about up to the sheepmen to go down in their pockets and pay someone to handle the scab proposition in a way that it will be kept iu check, if not totally eradicated. Respectfully submitted, J. V. O'Leary. 1 torlrs In the Companion. .1,1 the fifty-two issue of its volume for 1902 The Youth's Companion will publish between 200 and S00 good sto ries. Four series of stories, w hicb prom ise to be exceptionally entertaining, win be "Tales of a Deep Sea Diver." "Tales of a Circus Hand," "Tales of a Mississippi Pilot,'-' and "Tales of an In dian Agent." There will bo four stories In each group. Among the contributors of fiction dur ing 1902 will be Annie Fellows John ston, Eva Wilder Brodhal, Arthur E. McFarlane, Homer Green", Ellsworth E. Kelly, Ella W. Peattie, Grace M. Gallagher, Alice Morgao, Elisabeth Mc Cracken, C. A. Stephens, Alice Brown, Jack London, H. S. Canfield, Margaret Johnson, Edward W. Thomson, Carroll W. Rankin, May Roberts Clark, Sarab Ome Jewett, Margaret Hangster, Mar shall Saunders and Sarah Barnwell Elli ott. A fall Announcement of the new vol ume will be tent to any address on re quest. The new subscriber for 1902 wbo ends f 1.75 for the new volume at once will receive free tbe remaining issues for 1901, including the holiday numbers; also The Companion Calsndar for 1902, lithographed in twelve colors and gold. Thx Youth's Companion, 196, Colombia Ave., Boston, Mass. M. a. Mood j In La Craade. Congressman Malcolm A. Moody, of The Dalles, representative of this dis trict in the. congrett of the United States, arrived from the west on tbe 10 o'clock train this morning and departed for Wallowa county on the 11 :10 train. The interval be spent in visiting hie friends in this city. To the Chronicle representative Mr. Moody said the object of bis visit was to become more fully acquainted with his constituents and to inquire into tbsir needs. He spoke only in general terms concerning proposed legislation in con gress and concerning state politics. He wilt return to La Grande on Thurs day and will be here for a few bonrs. He will go from here to Baker and Sampter. From there he will return to Portland, and will leave for Washington aext Monday. Congressman Moody was accompanied to Elgin by tfoe Hon. J. M. Church. 1 Grande Chronicle. ...The llaw York Cash Store... Id8 end 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. ..logs' w Mill's semi suits . Knee pants We have just received our complete fall line of Boys' and Youth's Clothing, and arc offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out vour boy for school. Don't make your purchases without seeing our line. Wo stoill save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiost and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. Tike NewTork Cash Store Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters For Wood and Lighter Fuel. The introduction of Colo's Original Air-Tlalu Heater has revolution ised the heating stove trade in all Sections of the United States. Its won derful economy in the ute of fuel, and many other excellent qualities, etrmgly recommend it to all in nee i of a heating store. What Cole's Hooter Will Do. Thit stove will heat a room from aero to 80 degreer In five minutes. It will boat your honto evenly day and night. It holds Are 36 hours without attention. You build only one fire each winter. It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and corncobs, and lives excellent results with this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted. The stove is light and easily moved and set up. The combustion Is perfect and ashes ere removed only once in four weeks. None of the heat Is wasted and the stove will save one-half of your fuel bill. It is elean, economical, convenient, safe and durable. ir.i.i.v nna nl f!,iln's Oriainal Alr.Tlaht Heaters Is aoaranteed to stav alr-tiiht as long as used. W here wood it used lor fuel every family should haxr one or more of these stoves. Sold by MAIER fe BENTON, The Dalles. H calls! Heating! liratlng! We are agents (or tbe Boyal hot water steam and hot air furnaces. Boyal beat ere installed by ns are heating today aome of tbe finest residences in tbe city Anyone wanting to put ia a heater can have estimates on application. We can refer yon to a dozen different parties that have the Royal, with very satis factory results. Maikr A Benton Chaos of lleadiusrters. The headquarters of The Dalles and Shaniko stage line is now at tbe Colum bia Hotel. Stage leave there for Shan iko every morning, except Sunday, at 6 o'clock. Passenger rate to Shaniko $2 SOu-tf J. M. Toomxy, Agent. CASTOR I A Por infants and Children. fie Kind You Have Always BowgHI Beam tha of Interested) that it is about time tbe stock inspector's salary be renumeratlv enough to pay the party occupying the same for attending to his duties, and the appointing of one by the count court wbo will enforce what little law we have in regard to this inferaal dis ease, and not have it scattered from one tad of oar aaaatiee to the other as 4t has bena th tall, without any attempt to from the cantor gf the Cascade moaat- Woo4l Woodl Wood! And still the wood keeps comioK in. Another scow load of ala'i wood, also a cow load of fir just received. Our 'phone is No. 4, on both Leave yonr orders with ns and get prompt de livery. MaIXX A BxaTOM. C. M. Phelps, Forottdale, Vt., says hie child was completely cored of a bad smc of eesema by the use of De Witt's WUeb Head aafoe. Beware of nil Suatarfeito. It iaeteetl relieves piles arfco A Faik'e P. O. Pharmacy . A fall U ohaslmaa dims and asjp. pitas ioat received by Clarke Folk. 1 W, I'J J . V BUY A WILSON AIR-TIGHT HEATER and save fuel. THE WILSOW liaii an OUTSIDE DRAFT that will' not burn out. We also carry a line of TRILBY AIR-TIGHTS. ...KAYS t CROWE.. ...Tbe Chilly Air... suggests Overcoats, while the name of Tha Hub ClotKingf Co.. suggests economy. If someone should slip 6 In your pocket yon would consider it a friendly act. Thie is what we are positively doing t every man who buys bis suit or overcoat from us. Men's allwool Suits in cassimere, ehaviot, worst ed and nergoe, varying from $4.50 to $20.00. Overcoats from $4.85 to $16.50. Ulsters from $5.95 to $17.50. Hat! flate! Hats! 10 d sn Men' New 8ty!e Fedoras in cither black or brown j sold the regular way from tUft to $1.75; The HUB price 95c We still have all !sM left m that tpeoiet Wool Flseced Underwear, worth $1.60 m'A ', ltemewbe The HUB price Jc KB W1NDQW8. The Hub Clothing Co., (MAYS A CBOWst BUILDING.)