The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 21, 1901, Image 1

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SlK Dalle
NO. 237
AVirgetatfe Preparationfbr As
similating tteFoodandfiefuta-lingthcStoinacteamlBowwsof
Promotes DigcslionXheerfuP
ness ana nest .contains neuner
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Haslc otic .
MX. Strut
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
fion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
to Umatilla House
Service the Best. Rates Reasonable.
A3SF"SpeciaI rates to Steady Boarders, Families and
Theatre Parties.
Denver Business Ilea Establish an
Outdoor Colony.
Denvkk, Nov. 20. The Rocky Moun
tain Industrial Sanitarium organised by
Denver professional and business men
last sprint-, is now in successful opera
tion. On a 10 sore tract five miles from
Denver fifteen or twenty patients in tbe
early stages of consumtioin are under
tbe plans of the promoters virtually
taking care of themselves. The rules of
the institution compel a continuous oat
door life to be maintained cummer and
winter. Each patient Is provided with
a roomy tent, plenty of warm clothing
and blankets a small stove to be used
only in extremely cold weather. Ex
perience has proved that with proper
food and clothing and a life in tbe open
air and sunshine artificial heat is un
necessary and becomes absolutely un
bearable to tbe patients, who without
exception arw gaining rapidly.
The hope of tbe physicians and others
back of the enterprise is to form a great
colony of all consumptives who com to
Denver, and thus take them off tbe
streets of the city, and oat of tbe hotels
and boarding-house, where tbey could
never rt cover, end where they are a con
stant menace to the public health. While
no one is allowed by the articles of incor
poration to profit by this enterprise, the
imtitutim mast be self-supporting. Tbe
co-operative idea has already been put
in force, for many of the patients are
supporting themselves wholly or in past
by doing the work on the premises.
Next spring (he ground will be plotted
For Inflate and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
(ate and Restaurant
and everything needed at the sanitarium
will be raised and sold to tbe commissary
department at regular prices. It is also
the purpose to make the place so at
tractive that tubercular patients of some
means will be glad to avail themselves
of its advantages and contribute money
instead of labor. "
Tbe sanitarium anxilliary, composed
of young women bad established branches
in many Eastern cities, where money is
being raised for the equipment of tents
and the bnilding of airy cottages. Mar
garet 8. Dunne, who received high com
mendation fur her work in army hospi
tals, during tbe Spanish war, hss been
secured as superintendent.
Admiral Sclilrjr Decline.
Knoxvimjs, Tenn.Nov. 20. Follow
ing the report that the court of inquiry
would cost Admiral &-bley $20,000, tbe
Kncxville Sentinel on November 18th
sent him a dispatch asking him if he
consent to public subscription to pay tbe
cost of tbe ssme. Today the Sentinel
received a personal letter from Admiral
Schley, the purport of which was that he
cannot accept the offer. He says the
report as to the cost i a mistake, as the
amonnt ii not as great as reported. He
suggests that tbe matter is "too delicate
to dionts," and troets that bis friends
will "appreciate his position and respect
it." .
N.w-Ftt.hlou.d Or Good Gam.
Kuw York, Nov. SO. According to the
Journal and Advertiser, the best men in
the United States Secret Service and the
cleverest inspectors la the postoffioe de
partment are at present working in tbe
attempt to discover the detail of a sew
green goods scheme, which was worked
until a week ago from Manhattan, and
which is at preseat being operated from
Jersey City and Chicago- The victims
are second, third and fourth class post
masters, who da oot dare com plain to
They're a new stocking, made by one of the foremost hosiery manufacturing
plants in America, and dyed by a process which makes the Color absolutely fast.
The makers have hit upon a plan for introducing Pony Stockings that is
unique and interesting. They will award a handsome Shetland Pony to each of
the ten boys or girls who send in the first correct answers to the question print
ed on the ticket accompanying each pair of Pony Stockings.
Ask for Pony Stockings at the Hosiery Counter, also for booklet
which explains the prize offer.
Pony Stockings
are worth
any size
) Contest closes November 25th, 1901. Be prompt. c
i in i
the authorities. It is known that since
tbe first of July moie than 1000 post
masters have been swindled out of sums
ranging from $250 to $1000.
Tbe principle of tbe game is tbe same
as thst of the old-fashioned green goods
game. But in tbe 20th century -bunco
game only postmasters arc invited and
they are urged to purchase instead of
money, postage stamps from "the on
destroyed plates of tbe government,"
plates and stamps which, of course, are
not in existence. The postmasters aic
lured to this city by samples which are
sent by mail. These goods are genuine
stamps and not counterfeit stamps. When
the victim reaches tbe city all of tbe old
fashioned games of substitution arc
Grrin.u Waking Up.
New Yoek, Nov. 20. Germany is not
going to sit down quietly under the loss
of its commerce, says the Tribune'
London correspondent. The merchants
of tbe great urban district of tbe Rhine
have determined to leave no stone un
turned to meet American competition.
Tbe first step tbey have decided upon Is
the canalistion of the Moselle and
Samar, by which means tbey hope to
ieeeen the cost of transport to the coast.
The scheme is to cost 70,000,000 marks
and will take a few years to complete.
Cojtrt Hot Vumyfrnt-
Tub Hag us, Nov. 90. Tbe adminis
trative council of tbe court of arbitration
decided today that it was incompetent
to consider tbe Boer appeal for inter
vention iu tbe war in Sooth Africa.
A. Y. Marsh will give a big turkey
shoot on tbe beach on tbe M, 27, and
Sfttb of November. nXt27dv
Foley's Honey mt Ter
Shetland Ponies Free!
No, we don't conduct a pony department, but we do
sell the Wayne-Knit Pony Stockings for children, and
on every pair is a ticket which gives the children a
chance to get a handsome little Shetland Pony FREE.
These stockings are built for wear as well as for
sightliness. They are the best all-round children's
stockings ever knitted to sell for 25c the pair.
BH cents
WML V pair
N. Jackson, Danville, III., writes: "My
daughter had a severe attack of la grippe
and a terrible cough settled on her lungs.
We tried a great many remedies without
giving relief. She tried Foley's Honey
aud Tar which cured ber. She bss
never been troubled with a cough since."
Clarke A Falk.
Do you suffer Irom piles? If so do
not turn to surgery for relief. DeWitl's
Witch Hazel Salve will act more quickly,
surely and safely, saving yon the t xpenee
and danger of an operation. Clarke A
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Dou'i Hub It la.
Just wet tbe affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
aud tbe pain is gone. Sold by Clarke A
ft the most fated of all dis-
or money refunded. Contains
mnedks recognized by emi
nent physidans at the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
Sold by Cutke A Falk, Druggists.
Ah buildings and obstructions in tbe
streets of The Dalles mast be removed
from the streets within thirty days from
this date or tbe matter will be so boil tied
to the council for them o set upon it.
By order of 0. V. Chamfm.
Moralist Dalies City. Or.
Dated Hoy. 8, Ml. n7 dldaw
Foley' Honey
sH -
UsgMBrSBfl flaV Kr 1
FARMING IMPLEVf EN.IS. Agents lor Hooatar. MHfJ h Oats .Stool Fersn
Harrow aM Plow. Spring Tooili Harrows, Blssell Chilled Plows, Mitchell Wag
on and Hacks, Henuey Buggies.
...Star Windmills...
With Boll and Roller bearings, and folly warranted.
Write oe for prince and catalogues.
All orders entrusted to OS will haw prompt attention.
Prices always right.
Too ogly Exclusive Hardware Stars la (bo city.
.Advertise in
Nb extra charge
for the chance of
winning a pony.
Hundred of Lawyers, Preachers. Actors, and other
overworked Professional and Business Men who thought
thy htl kidney trouble have told as they had never
' n able t find anything to equal Lincoln Sexual
Pills fur the cure of that pain In tha back, and too all
gone fi 1 iu tht so often precedes paresis.
Price $100 per box buy of your druggist or sent
by mill n receipt of price, In plain wrapper.
M. Z Uonnell, Agent, The Dalles, Or.
Sexton & VYalthar
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A full line of BRIDGE A BEACH
Cook end Heating Stoves.
the Chronicle