Advartuari .attar. Pol lowing is the list of letters remain ing in the postoftiee at The Dalle;? un called far Novemher 16. 1901. Persots calling for the tame wit! give date on Which they were advertised : Currie, W A Hannah, Mire I. 11 Carer, Mr? Nora Lfnatl, .loseph Dasey, Mrc Hat richer, E J Grower), Frank Gare, Chai Giimmi, Stella Hall, Mro VV C Lviti?, (inv Maloirs, f V, Nordt'P, J !; w.d.ii:. James Stacev, Mr Shaw, Mrs Khnda Howard, Lorerzi P Teasiev, Chas W Huvstoti. Mrs A A White, W H Hulev, John P () Waller. M J Waterman. Lillie .1. M. Pattkkron, P. M. It I ow n To Atoms. The old idea the hody sometimes needs a powerful, draftlv, purgative pill has been exploded ; lor Dr. King's New Lil" Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex pel poisonous matter, cleanse tiie svsteni and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache. Only Z5c at G. C. Biakeley's drag store. 1 Found Lying on one of the public Pttrets of the city Monday night, at a ! tittle, when everybody hut editors and other inip.rdians of puhiic morals ought to l t been iu bed, bicycle of the male persuasion, which the owner can have by calling at ttii? office and payiug for this notiee. 18n 2t tur 1 tieiiiiiuiiia. Dr. C. J. Bishop, Agnew. Mich., says: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in thiee very severe cases of pneumonia with good results in every case." Be ware of substitutes. Clarke & For Sale or Trade One heavy Wagon and oue new light waon f ir sale or will trade for horseB. nO-lwd T. .1. Diups, The D.illes. A Ton of GOOD CABBAGE 1 l-2c per lb. Yellow Danvers ONIONS, $1.50 per sack. Best Eatings Potatoes 75c bushel. We pay 30c a doz. for Fresh Ranch Eggs. Prices guaranteed to Dec. 1st, 1901. J. H. CROSS Grocery and Feed Store. NOTICE FOB Ft MLIOATION. Lai.u OfXco nt Vancouver, Wash, Novea b-r 1, 1901. Hot lee i bersby siven that the Miowine natneil ---t;er bM ri itl Itotiee of her intention to rmtkc final proof in tnp-ort of her claim, and tba' Mid proof n i'l bo made before the Kej?ister nnii Kroeiver cf the V. B. Laud tifflec at Van eoflver, V.'ushiiigti.u. on Tuesduv, Jjtceiiiber 57 l'JOl, viz: Sjii:il-H ;n. Indian woman) of (Minn 11 1 l'. V.. Wki-hingtoii, mother and heir of Skamtah, .ir,. deeeued, irho made home ted application No. WM'i for the EJ of N v a D1 Lot :i of Bteii.m 10, Tp. 2 N, U 14 t, W. it. -li ' nenei the following witnesses to prove bcr continuous isaidenes upon and cultivation Of "hid land, viz: Charier Turn water, Bill His-na-fef. John Po taateand Joliny John), all of Columbus, Wash IIOV0 W 1:. lil'NUAH, lugister. aaal aaw Here It Is. $5.00 st pair. PATENT VICI KID Hundreds of women have been looking for such a boot. Extremely stylish. Always bright. Alwas presentable. Fit to go anywhere. No rubbers, no overshoes. No polishing. A. M. WILLIAMS a COMPANY Exclusive Shoe Department Told by Pain If you have pains you should look after them quickly. Pain shows something is wrong. The sharper the pain the more dan ger there is in delay. There are thousands of women to-day who are bearing awful pain almost continually, rather than tell a physician about the shooting pains in their lower abdomen, about the agony of falling of the womb and the distress of leucorrhoea. They let the months pass and their trouble becomes harder to cure and more distressing. But modest women can secure exemption from the embarrassment of a private exami nation. When pain tells them of danger they can cure themselves by the use of WINECARDUI in the privacy of their homes. You can be cured without distressing publicity. With these facts before you there is no reason for the delay which is increasing your misery and wasting the days of your life. Why not stop the pain today r Belen, Miss., March 9. 1900. I have used one bottle of Wine of Cardui and one paekag-e. of Thedford's Black-Draught. Before I began to take your medicines I had pains in my back, hips, lower bowels and my arms. Sometimes I thought I would go blind. My head ached and I was so weak I could hardly walk across the floor. Mow I can only feel a little of the pain in my side and I am going to use your medicines until I get cured, for I believe they will certainly cure me. I have been married twelve years and am the mother of seven children. I thank you for your wondcrt ul medicine and what it has done for me. MATILDA SMITH. For advice and literature, address, giyiuB symptoms. "The Ladies' Advisory uepanmeoi , J.ue uuaunaooga ueaicwe company, luauauooga, renn. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to snpply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. Notice to Creditors. 1 ho IIIHtSUlIUll Having been uppointed by the county ( ourt of Waseo County, Oregon, ad ministrator of the estate of Weceeslaui Pashek, deceased, under ni' order ma!..' uud entered on tin- 'itA day of October, 1801. all perun having OlaJmUl agHiiist said estate are hereby notified to present the tame! properly vetifUd, to the un-dert-igned at ills office in Drlles City, Wjitco county, Oregon, wituin cix mouths from the date of ttiiti police. Killed this Jyth dav of October, ISO). UALC'UUJ McINNId, Administrator of the estate of Wenceslaus Pashek. deceased nj Itw WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmei Cor. Third and Washington Sts. JUST ARRIVED ! The largest and most complete line of . . . White Collar Line. Tlie DaH-furtianii loot, Str. " TAHOMA," BETWEEN Portland, The Dalles and Way Points. TIME CARD Leavee Portland at 7 a. m. on Tues dav, Thursday and Saturday. Arrive? The D.tlles, same day, 5 p. m. Leaves The Dulles at 7 a. m. on Sun day, Wednesday nnd Friday. Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. m. Meals the Very Beet. This Route has the Grandfft Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. BAILEY-GATZEBT, Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Port hind 7 a. It. Leave Astoria 7 r m. Lmdiug nnd office Foot of Alder Street; both phones, Main 351, Port land, Oregon. E. W. Crichton, Akfent Portland, Pratber and Uarnes, AtB., Hoed River, Wolford A Wyers, Acts.. White Salmon, J. C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver, A. J. Taylor. Agent Astoria. R. B. Gilbreth, Agt., Lylc, Wash. J. M. FILLOGN, Hgent, The Dalles. REGULATOR LINE. Suites, nortianff & ostoria NAVIGATION CO. All orders attended to promptly. Loop distance phone 433. Local. 102. Grace T. Hill, Dressmaking Parlors, no h DALLES BOAT LEAVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES THE DALLES at 7:00 A. M. DAILY EXCKPT SUNDAY. HTEAMEUt) REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Auent, The Dalles, Oregon. Rooms 11 and 12, Vol I Ilioet, The Dalles, Or. SUMMONS. In the Circuit l our' of tbeSteta of Oieffon lor the Comity of Wasco. Una Uale, l'laiiitifl. XV. W. Hale! DlflWlilll To W. W. Hal', HW defendant alov; uumeil: lo the nam-of the State of Lrag3n : You h re hereby reijuirwl lo aiijii Mini answer the eom plaint tiled against you In (he above entitled bilitou or before FriJay, tin- tweaty-teeead day of November. 19)1, mi ii oi fall tOoaxWfi plaintifl' will apply fo the Court for the relief 1 1 rayed for iu her Complaint, lO-Wit: Kora de cree und order of the Court forever annulllug and cancel i iik the bonds of matrimony existini; between yourself ui.d plaintirl. and awirriiup to plaintiff the cure, cutiJy and control of tVllliam Hale, a minor child, the isaue of aaid murriaire, .in ) fo." such other and lurther relief an to the CVurt may aeetn proper. TbU iiuimonals' served noon you hy publica tion tliereof in The Dalles Chronicle for six con secutive .weeks, by ordwr of Hon. W. L. Hrmi straw, iude ol the Hevenlh indicia! district, hi. lie of Oretton, which dd order was'iiude and entred herein on the 25th day of September, ln The date of the rirat publieatiou of thla tnnt iiiooK is Wednesday, Uctotajr a, 1901. f. A. I). tiCKl!:" octi; Attorney for ,.:.e. Il you want to retain yoin hair y o : have to keep your scalp clean. iSoap j will make your hair harsh, dry ' and I crispy. Now we have two of the very I beat preparations for cleansing the jsrlri Egg and Fine Tar Shampoo. It i will leave vonr heir oft and ulossv. f'rice, 'ii, and50cente a bottle, at Frazer' j barber chop. The Dalles. ff FOR SALE. About a dozen he id of 3 nidi Short horn etock cows, nnd some early eprins; calveB. And 1 wish to purchase , one or two No. 1 milch cows. Addreec John M. Davis. cSO-tf Endernhv, Or. ever shown in the city are now on display at H. Glenn & Cos Paint and Oil Store. Just What Yoa cjuant. John Pashek, The Tailor, Hap juet receiver! 1000 "ample of the latest patterns in Geni' Clothing Goods. He puaran teee prices and a good fit or no pay- : : : : : John Pashek, The Tailor. BIQ TURKEY 8HOOT. A. Y. Marsh will ive u loj lri'kv shoot on the beach on th Mi 27, an I 28th nf November. WiriltU. Floral lotion will cure wind chappiug ami sunbur n. Manufactured by Curn & Kalk. A full line of Kant man !Hu) mid sap pliee Jtlat received by Clarke A Falfc. Foley's Honey mad TBT cures 5HilB prevents pneumonia. H. W. TURNER 1 PROFESSIONAL Dyer and Cleaner HUnketa scientifically cleaned and bleached. Portierre curtains dyed all colore. Mail ordera will receive prompt At tention. Phono Red 181, SS.,TJ5.RBS: Portland. Or. El M Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kindt Headquarters tor n eea urain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, 5? Headquarters for "Byers Best" PendiJ. tOll FlOUr i"WJ'iour is manufactured etpreosly for fi use uverv ntu-m. ib puantoieea 10 give satis Wa sell onr coode lowor than ny hoitee in the trade, nd if yon don't t call and get cur pnreB and lw oonvinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats facttsl lunirl lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly veg-et.ible, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish $ DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. ftftllTIAM Bowarenf rmriitprfolrs nn: Imitations. The m nnlno l put tip only In pnrttc-bOKMi im. tAUtlUn urn Willi for .Inillo slenatnru on ulttc of Itio bottlo. Ibuc: v , gTg- Bend lor circular to,nu hshh, viu.oi.uu, um For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley. The Dalies, Or. THE " OWL 0". 3E7. 3g A T iTE. Prop.. 3 Purest Liquors for Family Use P Delivered to any part of the City. 0k Phonee: 51 Local 858 Lone Distancr. 173 Second Street. MOTT'S They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vie i , . . .. . ui aim rj;iu:sn "naiw PENNYROYAL PILLS of menstruation." They are sLiIFE SAVERS" to rrirtaS womanhood, eidinf development of organs and body. Ho known remedy for Vonv.m eqtmla them. Cannot do harm Ufa becomes a pleasure. Jfii.OO PJElt BOX BY MAIL. Sold by lrii'g-isl. DR. MOTT'S CUEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or. C. J. STUBLIG, WHOLESALE AND BETAH WineSp Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. Contlon 1'hDiin 23. Long Jllnt. 1091. THE DALLES, OREGON. J ri mT ijag Grandall fi Barget DEALERS IK Bll kinds of tjndehtaker Burial Shroo Funecal Supplies embalmers Etc. T The Dalles. Or. Nw ideas in Wall Paper here. 8uch wide variety aa we are allowing never be fore graced a single etok. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of bouse paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St.' ! THE CELEBRATED .. .GOItOjlBlfl BKEWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Reports for Jnne 28, 1900, says: "A more eapeiior brew never entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slightest traco of adulteration, but on the other band is compoeed at the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed bv tbe physicians with tbe cersalntv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. QKO. . CAMHHK1.L, CIVIL KN4UNEKM. Irrigation, Bridie, Uailrocdaud Water Huiinlr l'.nirlaeurinK- ll yKteiUe "a Ejtpert Lnrt Surveyng Nsp Loeanui), Con.truttlon and Maintenance of Highways, Streets and Pavstaenu. DWtttoi roundutluus, Muderu Uridawi, Saw- nl Address, P. O. Box 810, THE DALLES, OH. ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker -DEALKa IH- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blsokstnitb BvpP Asent for BnassU A Oo.'s iDginss, Thrsshen and Saw Uttl- tsr. iHtf ft iHHi M, HB Telephone 157. Long Distance 1073.