)tovAtk. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1901. NO. 236 8 he Unites JH mir IflVVesawswaV ifi 9 ffuhtifaium'inHimnwtiil AVegetaMe Pr cpatalionfbr As-similaHngfieEDoaandBcguIa-Ung the Stomachs andfiowels of Promotes Di$e9iionteerPuF ness andRest.Contains neither OpiumJMorphine norMtaeraL Sot Narcotic . Smd A perfect Remedy forConstipa Tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW "YDHK. CASTQBIA Tot Inftmtt C3illdren. The Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the Signature of AAtT EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMt cyur ooioaw. near towk crrr. lev Umatilla House (ate ail Restart MEALS AT ALL HOtTRS. Service the Best. Rates Reasonable. gSST"SpeciaI rates to Steady Boarders, Families and Theatre Parties. FRANK BATTY, Manager. BOERS MUST BE "SMASHED" Too Much Sentimental Humbug About the War in Africa. New York, Nov. 19. Mail advices from Natcl to the London Times and New York Times eavs the problem in South Africa in a complicated one and cannot be grasped by reading the news papers. The correspond! nt n ys the British must be made to understand that tltey have to deal with a peculiar people, whose very elementary education has been directed by their unscrupulous and ambitious leaders to imbuing them with the belief that, as the chosen of Ciod, they are called to the dominion of South Africa. They arc taught that the arualelclte Britisher is to be driven into the sea, leaving them the blacks as their hewers of wood and drawers of water, as in the days of the great trek. In Natal, says the correspond' nt, the people are either thoroughly loyal or thorough rebels, but in Cape Colony thousands of Afrikanders are on the fence. That hie been too luoeh eentl meutal humbug, declares the eorf eeponrf ent. He insists that the inhabitants must be thoroughly "smashed," and made to feel they are "unissued," fur the cake of tha future quiet of South Africa. Then will be the tine for the British to be getiefojjf. After peaee comes the burghers can be handled easily, if the fccalee of justice are evenly held. One of BartUat Yamhill fionaers. 6hkbioan, Nov. 10 Grandma Daugb ty, whose fuueral was held at Willa wiua Wednesday, was a pioneer of 1858 She was one of the earliest residents of Yamhill county. At that time Yamhill county was little less than a wilderness, and settlers were few and far between. Oregon City was but a village, with one smell store. The settlers did most, if not all, their trading at Vancouver, Wash., and Mr. Daugherty made regular trips to that place to buy provisions. In 1867 they sold their farm and moved to an o'd mill site near old Fort Yamhill, a here Mr. Daurnerty engaged In tb milling business for twenty years. Upon retiiing from active business life the old eou;le moved to Willamin, where tbey have since re sided. She was the mother of thirteen children, eleven of whom survive ber. Her husband survives ber, aged 88. fear's Grasp on the Urieut. New Yonk, Nov. 19 A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: The special correspondent of the Laily News in Vladivostoek has discovered tbat there is no English consul there. So be eallel upon the American r presenta tive, Theodore Greener, whose position is that of con. mi re! al agent for the United States. Mr. Greener informed him tbat besides America, France, Ger mtny, Holland and Japan were com mercially represented. Americans and Germans, ha weut on to say, bad most ol the trade. "No man," writes the correspondent, "can come through Siberia to such a placj a VUd vosto.k and give thought to what Rutela ba done in generation without being emased. England may criticise Bo-aiau manner end rvl at Russian dlplomecy and wonder low people oan live under an ao'ocratte government, hut Koia has laid bald of tbe East." Mistake ceased Taeosaa Pail are. y4ooMA, Ho. i9.-fe MeHdHe Baab failed today as a result of a ran Thanksgiving' Sale of Linens. Thanksgiving is a time for feasting and good cheer at home a day when tho dining room should be resplendent with good linen. During the next ten days we are goiug to offer very unusual values in linen. Table Linens Damask Napkins Linen Sets Linen Ten Cloths Linen Towels Linen Doylies S&ftbSSeSt Men Table Cloth. All at very positive reductions. Come early as you can and select your Linen needs. You will find all Linens conveniently placed on extra tables and special-sale prices plainly marked on each piece in red pencil. All Linens from the cheapest to the finest aro included in this gale. -bleached, German linen Napkins, warranted pnre flax, 18x18 inches; special 75c dcz. 22x22 " S1.20 " Fine bleached pure linen damask table cloths i xtra val us at if I 35 each. ti$ 45x45 in. 185 each for s'i 52x52 in. 2.19 each for s'z tS8to8 in. 72 inch unbleached 7rih linen dama.k pure flis full weight and entirely free from sVng; spec al per yard 78c Your little boy or girl Sale of WHITE SHIRTS. We have the best made, best fitting and best wearing white shirt ever introduced of which fact we want every wearer of white shirts to become aware. The materials in this shirt are Wamsutta Muslin and 1800 count linen. The shoulder seams are reinforced and cannot rip. For a few days only, the price will be 85c each A J 4obrr--i,i would Jump for Joy if (bey woa a beautiful little Shet land pony, wouldn't they? Their chances to win each a pony free of any expense whatever rest with you, Mrs. Mother. Attend the safe of Wayue - Knit Pony Stockings here this week and learn all about the nrli oflVr of ten Shetland ponies In the Wayne-Knit Pony Stockings yon get wear registers that will stand all the bard knocks tbat the healthiest hoy or girl can give them. They sell at 23e the pair, but they'll out wear the ordinary 25-ceuters twloe over. Fur particulars of the priss offer of Bhet laml ponies, get a booklet at the hosiery counter. Our line of tho Famous Pickwick Suits, Pants and Overcoats now complete. WE PIT THt MARD-TO-riT Equal to custom-made at half the custom price. A. M. WILLIAMS (a CO. which started over a misunderstanding witb regard to a suit filed against a lefunct bank of similar name. Tbe deposits amount to $500,000. Dwigbt Phelne has been appointed receiver. Tbe officers of tbe Metropolitan, which is a successor to the old Metro politan Savings Bank, are: P. D. Caesar, president; T. W. Enos, vice president, and O. B. 8elvlg, cashier. Tbe bank was capitalized at $50,000. Pacific Cable to Be Laid by Enfllihmeu London, Nov. 19. The Commercial Pacific Cable Company, recently organ ized in New York to lay a cable from San Francisco to the Philippines, bas awarded tbe contract for the manu facture and laying of the first section from San Francisco to Honolulu to an English company, wbich guarantees to complete it in ten months. Tbe contract price is nearly $600,000. Restored to Civil Service. Washington, Nor, 19. President Roosevelt bas issued an order amending the civil service regulations to as to its turn to tbe civil service a number of civilian places in tbe war department excepted by executive order oo May 29, 1899. Today'e order Is at tbe request of Secretary Boot, and it effecte about 1600 people in tbe quartermaster's, medical, engineer and eugioeer-at-large depart ments. Budowuieot Steak. H. of I. ItUMAsUFQLia, lad., Nov. 18. Charles F. S. Neel, president of tbe Endowment Rank, Knights of Pythias, bas seat oat tbe statement of tbe board of control for the quarter ending October Ut. It shows g total membership of 69,509, with loeajraaee awoootiog to $106,160,000. the net lose oi members daring the AnswawSf feaSe Awattsi wswasa, w wmwfi . tmtbdierTuCaeowfOfji. Baas Strength id Oregon Honeh Qra.s. San Fhancihco, Nov. 19. Thomas H. Williams, Jr., president of the new California Jockey Club, is about to try an experiment In preparing I ones for the track. Tbe well-known horsemen is a ..believer in the tboeory that home should not be put on tbe track until tbey have reached their maturity. He believes tbat two-year-olds are neither strong nor wise enough to do themselves justice. Mr. Williams Intends buying a number of yearlings and 'olts and sending them to Oregon. It is his intention to allow tbe horses to browse oo the I uncbgraaa and gain strength roaming over tbe Country. He will not permit tbem to grow wild nor will he have them trained. He will simply have them ridden from time to time for the purpose of accustom ing tbem to the work tbey will have to do on the track, where, he II confident, hey will demonstrate the correctness of his theory. N. Jackson, Danville, Hi., writes: "My daughter had a severe attack of la grippe and a terrible eooah settled op ber lunge. We tried a great man v remedies a ItboWt giving relief. She tried Foley's Hone and Tar wbich cured ber. She baa pever been troubled with aeougb since." Clarke A FeJIk. Death 0t e Chinese Vleerey. Homo Koko, Nov. 19 An uncon firmed report ie In circulation here tbet Teo Mn, viceroy of the provides of Kweof Tune nd Kwang Su, it dead. Do yon suffer from piles? If so do not torn to surgery for relief. DeWitt'e Witeti Hsael Halve will act more quickly, urely end safely, seeing you the expsoee tod danger of an operation. Clarke A alk'e P. O. Pharmacy. Moa't atae it tm, Jeet wet tbe effected parM'Jy with Mysterious Pain &, A fcofefa . femedy. end tbe pain ie0o. hold by Clarke 4 talk. mm OVER-WORK. Hundreds of Lawyers. Preachers. Actors, and . overworked Professional and Busluees Men who thought bwW L iH'V h-t l kldnsy trouble bay e told n they had never "-n abU to find anything to equal Lincoln Bexaal .'iila I. it l ie dim ol Diet nam in tho. bank, and tha all. i!u h'nt that often precede parssls. IM. ri $ 00 per box buy o( yonr druggist or sen! by mail mi receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LIffOOLV PR0PBIETABY 00., Ft Wajae, Iai. M. 7. lmnell, Agent, Tbe Dallas, Or. B Sexton & Walther Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THE DALLES, OREGON. A fnll line of BRIDQE BKAOH SUPERIOR STEEL B A NOES, tad Cook end Heating Btovae. v. nuiun funr vuvvra In. Hitnaiav Drills. J. I. Case I llarroa sinl Plow.. riVfi-e Tfh U-rrowe, Bieehll OMlHd flflWi, Ultahell Wag on i and Hacks, Hrnney Uugit. ...Star Windmills... With Ball end Rller bearings, and tally warranted. Write us for prices end catalogues. AH orders entrusted to u will have prompt attention. Pr lees always right. ' Tbe oaly Exciaelv e Hardware Store Id tbe elty. ii i i i i i 'i Advertise in the Chronicle