A Tremendous Cloak and Suit Sale. Our stock of Suits, Jackets, Raglan Coats, in Ladies,' Misses' and Children's, will be offered at Sacrificing Price for three days only Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. In conjunction with the saving, you purchase the smartest and most correct garments turned out by anr house. 27-inch JacRets. Regular $6 .00 Sale $ 4 93 7 63 10 38 12 93 13 29 15 90 Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular TIIREE-QV ARTKR LENGTHS. Regular $ 9.00 Sale $ 7 00 Regular 12.00 Sale 9 87 Regular 15.00 Sale 11 97 10.00. 12.00. 16.00. 17.00. 20.00. .Sale Sale .Sale .Sale Sale RAGLANS. Regular $10. .. Sale $ 7 65 Regular 17. . .Sale 13 69 Regular 20. . . Sale 15 65 SUITS. Regular $12.50 Sal $ 9 00 Regular 14.00 Sale 11 00 Regular 15.00 Sale 12 25 Regular 16.50 Sale 12 69 Regular 17.00 Sale 12 95 Regular 20.00 Sale 15 50 Pedestrian Suits. $15.00 Suits Sale $12 25 16.50 Suite Sale 13 00 PERSE Xt 7VmV5 The Dalles Daily Ctopniele. 1 UESDAY NOV. 19. 1901 Oysters Served In any Style... At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Waaoo County Warrants reffla tared prior to January , 1899, will be paid on presentation at my Sm, Interact ceanas after November 19, ISOl. JOHN P. BAKPBBIBI, County Treasurer. VAYSIDE GLEANINGS. If you can't come during the week, yon can have a Bitting Sunday by seeing Gifford. nl9 Protestor Sandvig'e dancing class ia I eld tonight at the Baldwin instead of tomorrow night. For real bargains in table linens or any other linens for that matter go to A. M. Williams & Go's. Christmas will soon be here and yon haven't had that negative made yet. See Gifford right away quick. nl9 Don't forget the dance at Fraternity Hall the evening of Nov. 21st., given by the Knights and Ladies of Security. To walk into A. M. Williams & Co.'o ie to enter a linen store these days. Linens every were, all greatly reduced in prices. Those artiste' proofs. My 1 but they are fine! One d'-ssen will make just twelve fine Christmas presents. Gifford is the man that makes them. nl9 Yon saw those fine portrait frame at the carnival? They are going very fast; the supply is limited, and yonr picture in one of them is jost the thing for Christmas. Giffoid. nl9 All membois of Colombia lodge No. 5, I. 0. O. F., and all visiting Odd Fellows are requested to be present at the regu lar meeting of the lodge on Wednesday evening, Nov. 20tb, at 7:30 p.m., to receive a visit from the grand officers. 0. D. Doane, secretary. nl9 20 Found Lying on one of the public street of the city Monday night, at a time when everybody but editors and other guardians of public morals ought to have hern in bed, a bicycle of the male persuasion, which the o.wner can have by calling at this office and paying r this notice. 18 i 2t Miss Mamie Helen Flynn will give a musical and literary concert in tbe Vogt during tha first week io December. She will be assisted by Mrs. Bote Block Bioer, Portland's famous soprano. This proa lea, to be tha maeieel aad literary e;eut of tha season. Full particulars will be given later. u- A. Vee Aada way iMa witoieiiu worn In at a special sanitary policeman tir the city during contageous diseases. Mr. Van Anda is an old hand at this business and his instructions are to enforce the quarantine laws without respect to race, color or previous condition of servitude. Gus Erickaon, George , Weber and Frank Beed, who were sentenced to tbe state penitentiary yesterday 'by Judge Bradsbaw, will be taken to that place tomorrow. Ike Moore has concluded to withdraw bis appeal to the supreme court and take his medicine. He wisely concludes that it is better to serve bis sentence of a year In the penitentiary than have tbe sentence banging over him for years, prbap, and tbn very likely have to pot in the time in the long run. As a matter of fact Moore may thank bis stars be got r.ff with only a year. He will be takpfto Salem Thuisday. f "! A paragraph is going the rounds of the press which states that the first apples grown in this state were sold at a dollar apiece and were produced in 1853 from trees that bad been brought overland by ox team an I planted in 1847. Mr. 6. L. Brooks, of this city, takes exception to this and says it is not true. He remembers hauling eagles with bis father's team in 1651 thetrwere raised by J. M. Garrison, on the Meth od iet Mission grounds north of Salem. Tbe apples were Bold by Mr. Garrison at $4 a box. Mr. Brooks further Bays that tbe first apples produced in the territory of Oregon were from the seeds of ionr apples brought over from England and planted in 1826 at Vancouver by P. 0. Pambourn. 8ix years afterwards, in 1832, the first fruit was picked from this planting. Dr. Siddall's four handsome cottages on tbe corner of Fourth and Federal streets are complete, and they are a very decided Improvement to that part of the town. Three of them ar rented and the fourth could have been twenty times were it not that the doctor is particular about his tenants. Tbe doctor's enter prise in building these cottages confirnrs his remarks to a Chkomcle representa tive that be thinks The Dalles has a bright future before it and that it is a better town than any of twice its sies on tbe Pacific Coast. "The Dalles never was a boom town," said tbe docto-, "and I don't expect It ever will be, but it has had a steady, solid growth, and there ware more good residence buildings erected here this year than ever before In any three years, except during tbe period following the fire of 1891 when people were compelled to replace their burnt oat homes." When asked if be, intended to go back to Alaska any more tbe doctor said : "No, not at present, at least. Aleeka is rich io gold and K is a great plane to make money last if one can only strike it. Bat there's tbe rub. I all rig tbe last time I went there ad visited Nome, bed it net been for tbe thieving government officials. For a siaae at leant I shall again take up Bay professional aork, making a specialty of the prevalence of gold crowns and bridge work euch as cannot be excelled by anybody, anywhere." Special Council Meeting. At a special council meeting of the city last night resolution pasted au thoring Mayor Farley to employ a san itory policeman for such period as the council may deem necessary, whoee duty it shall be to enforce all laws and regu lations relating to the sanitary condition of the city and maintain strict quaran tine in all houses that have persons suf fering from contagious diseases. Mr. Aiken appeared on behalf of tbe local G. A. B. post and asked that a little dwelling house owned by the post and originally built by permission of tbe council, partly on one of theatrtets in tbe neighborhood of tbe city reservoir, should be exempt, at least till spring, from the late resolution of the council ordering the removal of all houses and obstructions from the public streets. By unanimous vote of tbe council the request was granted. Treasurer Crandall reported that $1101 bad been collected of the assessment for the court street sewer about half the sum levied and that tbe balance was now delinquent. As some of tbe delin quents were out of town and some were probably not aware that tbey were de linquent, it was agreed to extend tne time for the collection of-tbe balance of the assessment until the 281 rnst. Aftei that date legal proceedings will at once be instituted for the collection of any ut- Ujssments that may rtiuain unpaid. Tbe treasurer was instructed to give imme diate notice in writing to all delinquents- A resolution was passed exempting tbe Michel baeb property and that of Mm. E. M. Wilson on Union from any further assessment for sewers on Union and Liberty streets, after tbe present assessment for the Court street sewer had been paid by these parties. An ordinance was passed authorizing the mayor and recorder to sign the con tract between Dsiles City and Sexton & Walther for the construction of the Court street sewer for tbe sum of $2292, the work to be completed by December 20th next. On tbe execution by Btsston & Walther of a bond to be approved by tbe mayor for tbe faithful performance of the' work, tbe mayor and recorder were authorised to issue warrant on tbe sewer fund in favor of Sexton A Walther for $600, the balance to be paidJ to installments at sucu times as may be agreed upon by tbe council and the con tractors. Tbe mayor and recorder were author ised tn issue warrants for tbe payaarnt of all bills contracted by the city ia tee Wmg diphtheria By a peed eeofc, who thoroughly un- 19 St afcsW. Mae. Cm Cerent, Foley Tmi1 fjr iTavtMraat, twafg. aem No poWeav Waaee va. Twa Bailee. Tut Ceici regrets that It WM an He yMvtrfmy to it aa awonnt of the frlbtball game Saturday afternoon at VfWo between Waaoo and The Dalles, ratnlting in a score of 18 to 0 in favor of Tie Dal lea. The bailee, won the tost-up and took teal, giving Wasco the kick-off. Wasco wits not very effectual in Its efforts, and thfe ball stopped short, P.ttenon falling on it. The Dalles lost the ball a time or two, but quickly regained it, and Cooper scmn made a touch down, kicking a goal. The remainder of the first half of twenty ffve minutes was pretty closely contest ed. The Dalles moved np to Wasco's twenty-yard line, and Cooper tried for a place-kick for five points, but failed, which is unumal for him. Wasco took the ball and then it was "nip and tuck" for awhile, with the Dalles boys resting on their oars and ready for business when lime was called. The tccond half of twenty minutes was tolerably warm for a short season. The Dalles kicked ft aud Allard, cen ter, got the ball. Very soon Groebler, halfback, went through Wasco like a flASh and made a touch-down, Cooper kicking his goal as usual. The Dalles went back and steadily moved down the field like an advancing army, till Cooper went over the line for another touch down and a goal kick. This piled up tbe eighteen points, and then The Dalles boys played for amusement till lime was called. Wasco played hard and contested every foot. They had some big men in line, but were handicapped worse than The Dalles from lack of practice. The experience of the Dalles players counted for a great deal, and won tbem the vic tory. If the people of The Dalles would en courage athletics as they usually stand np for most deserving matters, this town could have a team second to none in the state. But without grounds, coach or very many words of encouragement, it is to be wondered that they succeed as well as they do. Captain Cooper was very well pleased with the work of his team aod all de serve credit. Wasco's team is composed of splendid material, and they made some good plays Saturday. They worked a fake tackle-back on I be Dalles for a gain of five yards to perfection. Tbe feature of Tbe Dalles' playing was easy line-bucking and Cooper's punting, which made light work for our home boys. Tbe line up was as follows : Smith, E Sta-r Brown Allard Patterson Bartell Scott Murray Groebler Frank Cooper, Capt Tbe next game will be played with Pardleton Saturday, Nov. 30tb, at this p ace if arrangements can be made. At tit Congregational Church Tonight, Johnson 1 e r Andrews, J 1 1 r Culver I g r Beach c Howell r g 1 Whit r 1 1 Thompson rel Andrews, G q b Barns 1 h r Root r h 1 Mcpherson .Capt f b Tbe following is the program to be given by the Boys' Club of tbe Congre gational church of this city tonight. All invited friends are asked to be In tbelr pews at 8 o'clock. This Is the first pub lic program the boys have given for the entertainment of their friends. Add real of welcome Pie. Joe Mtaeuke Bong Club Recitation , Balph Irwlu Vocal quartet "Aj tbe Bun went Down" Mewn. Lauder , Daveupor', Northup, holing Recitation . Joe Mdnerny Vebate "Keaolved that Lincoln was a greiiter lateaman tbau tiladittune." Affirmative, C'liarle Pulton; negative, uwen Bandera. Ballad bornaolo Mr. Gilford BeclUtloo Halite Bice Becitatiou Balph Kddon Vocal told Mr. Poling BeclUtlon Boy Hill Glee Club Multuin in Parvo" Clob CASTOR I A Por intents and Children. fli Klad Yon Have Always the fst stare ot Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere stimulant to tired nature. It affords the stomach complete and absolute rest by digesting tbe food you eat. Yog don't have le diet but can wjy all tbe good food you want. Kodol Dytpeaete Care instant I v relieves that distressed feeling efter sating, giving you new life and vigor. Clarke A Pels' P. O. Pharmacy. STREET COMMISSIONER NOTICE Alt buildings and obetmeMone i tba treats of tis paUaa m be removed frogs (he stiwase wftole thirty ears from this date or the matter will be submitted t itfce obmsA for tbem to jot oaoe It. BsdgAlkf. 9, ktf e7.dW mm Just vet ggil rMMfUltl vita afyateriosM Pain Core, a Sooteb remedy, aad the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke i Faik. ...The tftw Ydrk Cash Store... tlft Arid 142 Second Street. The Batft&aUlt: STORE of the City. e W m TOIIH'3 fflOL SUITS.. KNEE PANTS We have just received our complete fall line of Boj'8; and Youth's Clothing, and are offering them at unusually low prices. Now is the time to fit out your boy for school. Don't niako your purchases without seeing our line. We save you money. Don't wait until the nobbiost and neatest patterns are sold, but come in at once. Every SUIT Guaranteed. The New York Cash Store j Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters j For Wood and Lighter Fuel. The introduction of Cole's Original Alr-Tlohv Heater has revolution ised the heating stovn trade in all sections of the United States. Its won derful economy in tha use ot fuei, and many other excellent qualities, strongly recommend it to all In need of a beating stove. What Cola'e Heater Will Do. This stove will best a room from snro to 80 degrees In five minutes. It will heat yonr houio evenlv day and night. It holds flro 86 hours without attention. You build only one fire each winter. It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and corn cobs, and gives excellent results with this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted. The stove Is light end easily moved and set up. The combustion is net feet and ashes are removed only ones iu four weeks. None of the heat U wasted and the stove a Hi save one-half of yonr fuel bill. It la olean, economical, convenient, safe and durable. Every one of Okie's Origtnallr.Tight Heaters is guaranteed to atax air-tut, t as long as used. Where wood is used for fuel every family should haxe one or more of these stover. Sold by MAIER & BENTON, The Dalles. iEkSjSiw'SUC mm BUY A WILSON AIR-TIGHT HEATER and save fuel. THE WILSON has an OUTSIDE DRAFT that will not burn out. We also carry a line of TRILBY AIR-TIGHTS. ...MAYS i CROWE... May Seem Strange to those accustomed to the usual way of doing things, to talk about re duction t the tiegininng of the season. Nevertheless tomorrow brings to our ciutoiner a chance to buy winter wear at prlees unheard of be fore. For iuslanos, No. 1 Osfordgrey, allwool, well made, wlrh heavy check llnintr, trood velvet collar, sold in the regular way at B. 60 y4 MM Hub Price. JMfeOsl No. S Coed heavy pilot cloth, allwool, in either blue, biownnr black, whII lined, with velvet collar; sold In the regular feoV Am war at 9 50; Hub Prion fvIocfJ No. S--Kxtra heavy allwool, doublebrrated. la blue, brown and grey, xtra well made, with heavy farmer siltn lining, with large storm collar, j itt the thing for cold weather ; sold in fcaffc AfgaW the regular way for $10 00; Hub Price pVecr? No. 4 A b'stclsss heavy chinchilla, donbU'breastvd. heavy lined, with extra largo storm collar, onieostreble to either wind or snow; .old lu tba regular way for $16 00; eZA Mm Hub Price .... eWe3 PECIAIV-2odBsn Men's Wool Fleteed Underwear worth 1 60 a suit ; Hub Price Jc a suit. The Hub CloThing Co (If A Ye o CftuWft UH.aVlSHftO